Health and Well-being If exercise causes pain to the back instead of helping –


Research continues to prove that the most effective method of treating back discomfort is exercising. But what can you do when exercise causes pain in the back instead of improving it?

The most common thing people do when exercising causes your back up is simply put it down. They sit and wait until the discomfort to subside then start the process in a new way. This is not the ideal method. Instead, you should find out the reasons why exercising could cause pain to your back and then do something about it?

There are 5 reasons exercising could be damaging the back of your back instead of aiding.

It’s not the right type of exercise.

The research isn’t necessarily wrong on exercise and back pain , the kind of exercise you do is vital. For instance walking is considered to be one of the most beneficial exercise options to do for back patients suffering from back pain. However, there are specific kinds of back discomfort that can make walking a trigger to bring your back. In these situations this doesn’t mean exercising can be “bad” or not suitable for your needs, and it doesn’t mean that you have a major issue. Sometimes, it just suggests that you should do another kind of exercise before it allows you to get back to normal walking. This is the same for core and strength training. Exercise is great for back discomfort, but should it cause you discomfort Don’t immediately attribute the activity to it. It could be because you’re performing things in the wrong sequence. Consulting an back expert in pain can help reduce this issue and ensure that you’re exercising at the right time and not causing you to flare up.

The Stability Training is being introduced in the near future.

Stability training is an essential aspect of back rehabilitation from pain, but I’ve seen it often introduced too early and usually before mobility has been restored. Mobility is something you must first examine. If you’re not experiencing full mobility within your spine there’s some reason. If your spine isn’t moving properly it is possible to develop compensatory movements which cause the structures surrounding your spine to become inflamed. When you’re training for stability there’s usually the possibility of resistance or loads. One of the worst things you’d like to do is to add additional stress on your spine which is already adjusting and is irritated. This is a sure method of causing inflammation in your back and also why your exercise routine could cause harm instead of aiding.

Your core isn’t being activated.

Understanding the best time and method to engage your body’s core different than having an energizing core. You may have the best abs you can find but if you aren’t able to utilize them when you need to that’s a waste of. Understanding how to engage your core is crucial during exercise and especially when you suffer from back discomfort. If you aren’t activating your core correctly when lifting weights or doing complex moves that require coordination you’re putting yourself at risk to injuries. The ability to properly activate your core is acquired through the training of motor control. It’s the process of teaching your brain to recognize and activate certain muscles when performing specific tasks in a way that eventually becomes regular. If you’re always experiencing back discomfort every whenever you work out or try to build your core strength It could be because you’re not able to activate your core when it’s needed.

You’re not breathing properly.

Inability to breathe properly can affect the efficiency of your exercise routine , and hinder your ability to complete the exercise correctly. As previously mentioned that knowing how to stimulate your core is essential during exercise. Likewise, to fully activate your core you need to breathe correctly. Your core’s deep comprises four major parts: your lower abdominals as well as the deep back muscles as well as your pelvic floor the diaphragm, and. The diaphragm regulates your breathing. If you are holding your breath during exercise. When this happens , it’s a sign that your diaphragm isn’t expanding and contracting the way it is required allow your core muscles to remain functioning. In addition the diaphragm isn’t able to perform as is it ought to, this puts excessive strain on both your back muscles and discs. If you’re not paying attention to your breathing and aren’t timing it correctly there’s another reason that exercising may be hurting you back instead of improving it.

You’re using improper form

The final and most frequent reason for exercising damaging your back is that you’re not doing it correctly. There are many people who believe that posture and posture don’t have any significance. However, they are important. If you’re lifting weights , particularly when you do it frequently and repeatedly you’ll want the spine to remain in a good alignment. It may not be painful the first time you try lifting using improper posture, but it’ll get hurt over the course of several months or weeks after you’ve completed the 100th repetition. This is the same for exercises that require body weight. While you’re not adding an external strain on your spine does not mean you won’t make it worse by doing exercises with poor form and over. This is the reason I see the majority of people getting in trouble. If you’re intending to exercise, and you would like to do it regularly, make sure you’re exercising with proper form and posture. Otherwise, it’s likely take over and cause your back to become irritated.

If your exercise routine is causing pain to your back rather than helping, the cause could be one of these five causes. Seek help from a professional to determine which is it. Since at the end, exercise is great for you back. If it is done properly, on time and in the correct sequence – it will benefit the health of your back instead of hurting it.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert is the owner of CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and also writes for the Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch, or receive a free replay of her Back Pain & Sciatica Masterclass – email her at [email protected] or call 603-605-0402.