Exercise as medicine Michigan Medicine


Believing in the benefits

As per the Exercise is Medicine group Regular physical activity is able to:

  • Reduce the chance of death and of recurrence breast cancer by about 50 percent

  • Reduce the chance from colon cancer nearly 60 percent

  • Reduce the chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease by around 40 percent

  • Reduce the risk of the heart and blood pressure issues by around 40 percent

  • Reduce the stroke risk by 27 percent

  • Reduce the chance for developing Type II Diabetes by percent

But, exercising is different for everyone according to Schuyten, who has a wide range of patients ranging starting from those who are looking to begin an exercise program that is safe for them to athletes who compete and artists (think figure skaters, dancers as well as gymnasts) who are looking to keep running at a high performance.

“The ideal thing to do is start engaging in sports early and keep it as a lifetime engagement,” said Schuyten, “but it’s never too late to begin.”

What ever type of sport you are interested in and regardless of your fitness levelbeginner, weekend warrior and competitive artist Schuyten offers crucial information.

Motion is the power

Physical activity is to be any kind of exercise that requires movement of the body , such as homework, stair climbing, or even gardening. exercise is a form of organized movement that focuses on aerobic or cardio that causes you to breathe deeply and your heart racing quick. This can include things as running cycling, walking at a rapid pace or hiking, as well as strengthening exercises.

“Both types of exercise can improve your well-being,” said Schuyten. However, just as important as the exercise or activity is knowing how to protect yourself from injuries. The most important thing is, according to her, to ensure that the exercise program is appropriate for you to be safe from injuries. It could mean speaking with an expert on exercise before beginning a workout program.

“Our aim for us at MedSport is to aid people who are undergoing any kind of exercise regimen, which is preventing injuries or aiding in the rehabilitation process following an injury or surgical process.”

Planing your actions

Low impact. for the typical person who is just beginning their journey, Schuyten recommends low impact activities like the elliptical, hiking or walking for 2 to three times per week. After that, increase the intensity of your cardio and exercise routines gradually to ensure your body is able to handle it.

*Strength training. “Light strength training can begin by lifting your body weight, which includes lunges, squats, and other fundamental exercises every other daily,” explained Schuyten. “These tend to be great starting points. Later, progress to adding weights that are light (2 or 3 pounds.) as well as exercise bands comfortable to use on joints. Make use of the time off during your day to observe how your body responds to the workout and adjust when needed.”

*Cardio. Cycling, running or stair climbing, or any other activity that tests your lungs and heart can be performed on a regular on a regular basis, according to Schuyten who cautions against “fad exercises” which require a significant amount of force or rapid, abrupt moves.

“Your body may not be ready for this kind of exercise. Begin slowly, to let your body get used to more vigorous exercises.”

The importance of stretching. Schuyten and her team insist on how important it is to stretch. This is often ignored by experienced and novice athletes.

“Warming your body with energetic stretches and light aerobics prepares your muscles for workouts, and also to prevent muscle tension and stress on your body, it is essential to vary the exercises. If we are only doing the same type of workout, then the outcome could be soreness or tightness throughout your body.”

Avoiding injury

Even the most avid athletes and artists are susceptible to injury, according to Schuyten. As the MedSport performing arts rehabilitation coordinator she has a lot of patients who remain active but aren’t necessarily utilizing the proper muscles to do high-level exercises.

“This is why adding other exercises outside of your usual routines of movement could be beneficial, however, performing correctly with your body mechanics is essential in addition,” said Schuyten. “Your posture may require adjustments, or if you suffer from an injury in the past that was not completely resolved, and you go back to full activity, or with a reduced level of activity, the previous symptoms could return.”

Professions have an important function

Schuyten recommends visiting an primary care physician, who can help you strengthen your physical or professional therapist to ensure you’re on the right track.

“We assist patients who suffer from tightness in certain areas like their neck, lower back or hamstrings. These areas must be addressed prior to starting a full-on training programme.”

In reality the U-M Health MedSport experts share their knowledge with doctors and physical therapists, physician assistants, nurses and athletic trainers along with other professionals, at an annually held MedSport ongoing education conference.