You’ve experienced it You’re sitting at home watching TV and it’s late. You start craving a snack with no reason whatsoever. What if instead of going for a snack like chips or cookies and chips, you decided to do something like “exercise eating” instead?
Frank Velasquez Jr., Director of Sports Performance at Allegheny Health Network (AHN) Frank Velasquez Jr., Director of Sports Performance at Allegheny Health the concept of exercise snacks as “a fashionable term that describes the practice of incorporating small pieces of exercise into your daily routine at home or in the office. It is a way to substitute food snacks.”
Consider exercise snacks as a method of breaking up your workout into shorter bursts throughout the day, instead of doing everything in one go. Instead of eating snacks, try “snacking” on your workouts throughout the day. Try to incorporate short, five to 10-minute exercises. This is especially practical and helpful for those working from their homes or are at their desks for extended time.
Velazquez is the director of AHN Sports Performance and Physical Therapy at Wexford Plaza and Cool Springs and believes that snacking on exercise for five to 10 minutes throughout the day is a good idea along with conventional fitness regimens.
“Yes tiny bits of exercise, such as foam rolling and/or stretching muscles tissues, or performing exercises with low intensity that are designed to build strength and strength for joint stabilization as well as aligning the skeleton done in between 5 and 10 minutes could be equally effective, if not more,” he explains. Actually, a recent research study that was published in Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) illustrates that how cramming weekly exercise into just two days is effective and also spread it over seven days. The study examined the fitness levels of over 350,000 adults. The study found that there were no differences in death rates for people who spread out 150 minutes moderate activity each week across seven days, versus those who squeezed it into just two days. Researchers have concluded that the extent of exercising is far more crucial than when it occurs.
Snacking or weekend warrior?
Everyone knows someone who’s overdone it as”weekend warriors “weekend fighter” and suffered any kind of sport or exercise-related injury. Velasquez suggests against trying to fit weekly sums of exercise into two days could lead people to go overboard.
“Just doing some exercise on weekend could cause muscles being sore and injury,” he warns. “We suggest incorporating the time for exercise and wellness into your work schedule also, which reduces the chance of injury and maximising the benefits.” This isn’t to suggest that you shouldn’t take more time during the weekends exercising more. It’s important to avoid doing too much that you are unable to take a walk the next day, or feel completely exhausted on Monday morning.
If you are looking to start an exercise routine that includes snacks Velasquez offers some simple first steps.
“Go out and buy an inflatable foot-foam roll that measures 3 by 6 feet and an exercise ball the physio/swiss ball, a physio/yoga ball and bands that go around your knees and ankles to help with yoga exercises” the doctor suggests. “All together, you’re less than $100. If you’re seated at your desk or at your computer for all day, we recommend periodic breaks every 90-120 minutes to be able to walk and stand around the office or your home.” Use that moment to get on the foam roller or perform some exercises with low intensity using bodyweight or bands to improve posture and the glutes and core muscles.
As we begin to experience colder temperatures this autumn and winter, exercising snacks can be a great means to stay in shape. “Exercise snacks can be enjoyed in the outdoors or indoors,” says Velazquez. “Start practicing it every day, until it becomes an habit and is a regular part of your daily routine. Minimum time, maximum impact.”
He suggests that you combine every day or weekly exercise with a healthy diet, adequate sleeping, and hydration for the greatest overall benefit. “If you are able to do this,” he adds, “you will experience and observe the changes you’d like to observe quickly.”
To remain healthy, adults aged 19-64 must engage in at least one form of exercise every day. Aim for at minimum 150 minutes moderately aerobic activities every week, including biking or walking. Another option is to complete 75 minutes of intense aerobic exercise each week, like swimming, running or playing tennis. You should try to include the strength training twice a week, focusing on the important muscles such as hips, legs, back, abdomen, shoulders, chest and arms.
A good rule of thumb is to keep in mind that just one minute of vigorous exercise offers the same health benefits that two minutes of moderate exercise. A simple way to get in the appropriate amount of activity is to perform some type of exercise every day for 30 minutes for five times a week … Or, do it with “exercise eating” with three intervals of 10 minutes per day.

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