Accelerate Belly Fat Loss In Your 60s By Performing These Floor Exercises, Trainer Says Take This Not That Eat This and Not That


A very popular fitness goals is to lose belly fat. To accomplish this it is essential to concentrate on the fundamentals: eating in a deficit of calories as well as regularly exercising for strength and incorporating aerobic exercises. It’s becoming harder and harder to shed excess weight as you get older, due to metabolic and hormonal changes that take place in your body. As you age, you begin losing the mass of your muscles in your 30s and this slows your metabolism in the event that you don’t take action to increase it. We did the effort to help you out and came up with the most effective floor exercises to boost weight loss from your belly during your 60s, which we’ll go over below.

A healthy and balanced lifestyle and starting strength training as early as possible is vital since the later you begin your training, the more it will feel as though you’re playing catch up for those years that you’ve been active. If you’ve been focused on the basics regularly it’s time to add some floor exercises into your workout routine to build muscles and increase the amount of calories burned to reduce weight.

Here are a few moves you can incorporate in your workout session to accelerate the process of losing belly fat. Also, make sure to take a look at The 6 Top Exercises to build strong and toned Arms by 2022. Trainer Says.

Tim Liu, C.S.C.S.

Perform a pushup, making sure your shoulders are aligned with your wrists, and keeping the back in a straight position. Maintain your core in place and the glutes tense, then bring yourself down until your entire body is sitting on the floor. When you’ve reached the bottom you can take your hands off the floor, and then put them again to lift your body upwards. Move your chest and triceps towards the top of the hill to complete after performing a second repetition. Do 10-sets of fifteen reps.

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Tim Liu, C.S.C.S.

Make sure you are lying on your back flat, and bend your knees 90 degrees. Keep your core in place then curl your body and then reach out to the side while stretching your legs while simultaneously. Then, with a hefty crunch, lift your legs to the top, then return to the starting position, and continue to crunch on the other. Do 10 reps for each side.

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Tim Liu, C.S.C.S.

Put yourself on the wall, with your butt, heels and shoulders pressed against the wall. Make sure your shoulder is aligned with your feet and wrists placed on top of each and the other. Keep your core strong and the glutes tight while you flex and tilt your hips straight upwards and downwards and maintain the tension in your Obliques. Do 3 set of 10 repetitions for each leg.

Tim Liu, C.S.C.S.

In a plank, sit with your feet resting on the gliders, plates or socks placed on wood surfaces. Keep your core tight and your glutes tight, you can slide forward and back using your torso and then lead with your forearms. While you move between forward and reverse, you must maintain your spine in a neutral position and maintain the tension of your abdominal muscles for the duration of the exercise. Complete 10 to 15 reps.