Elevating Health and Wellness with Class IV Laser Technologies

Elevating Health and Wellness with Class IV Laser Technologies

Hey, I’m Dr. Graybar. I’m excited to be speaking with cutting edge technologies and introducing the M6 class four laser with you today. But I’d like to start with a story about two young boys, they’re 14, 15 years old, that are walking home in the cold of winter. And on this particular day, the pond that they always walk around is completely frozen.


So, they decide to take a little shortcut. I will tell you right now, I love the shortcut. Anyway, they get about 20 or 30 yards offshore and boom, the ice breaks and one of the boys just disappears into darkness of the pond. But his friend reaches down to grab and as he does he just watches him disappear under the sheet of ice. Panic sets in. He drops to his knees.


He starts to break a bigger hole in the ice, and he realizes that if he doesn’t do something drastic, his friend’s going to drown. So, he looks at the shoreline and he sees a large tree, runs over to the tree, rips off the largest branch that he could find, dragged it back to the ice and starts to look for his friend. He can see his friend just trapped, pounding under the ice.


He just picks up this branch with all of his might, and just starts pounding on the ice. Eventually, the ice breaks through and he reaches in and saves his drowning friends. As you can imagine, this is a small little pond. There’s dozens of homes around it. You can actually hear the ambulance in the distance. As the first responders show up, a crowd gathers. And sure enough, one of the first responders says, “did anybody see what happened?”


And the old man says, “Actually, I saw the whole thing. I’m the one who called 911.”

“Well, sir, tell me what happened.”


Well, every day after school, these boys always walk around the pond. But today, the pond was frozen, so they tried to take a little shortcut. I watched them. I knew they were going to fall in. They got about 20, 30 yards offshore and then ice cracked. I watched that boy disappear into the pond. His friend tried to save him, but realized he couldn’t. So, he ran over to that tree, brought that branch back, and then dragged it across and then used it to break through the ice. The most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.


The first respond looks at the old man and says “sir, with all due respect, that tree right there would take two grown men to pick up. Let alone one little boy? Tell me again how he did it.”


The old man looked him square in the eyes. “I’ll tell you one thing: No one told them they couldn’t.”


No one told him that it couldn’t. I am chiropractor who is sharing my case studies with the world today on an amazing class four laser by Cutting Edge Technologies. I’m excited for this opportunity. I’m absolutely humbled and for the chiropractic profession out there, this is an amazing opportunity for us to go to the next step.


Great time to introduce myself: I am Dr. Graybar again. Born and raised in East Brunswick, New Jersey. I went to an all-boys Catholic high school. Went to the university of Scranton where I got my B.S. in biology. My parents still question what the B.S. really was, but I’m telling you, it’s biology. And I went to the Los Angeles College of chiropractic. I’ve been practicing since 1994.


That’s my awesome wife, Tracey, of 27 years. There’s a lot of Graybars. Seven is actually the number. I’m just going to share a little family secret: if Christian had been the first, he would have probably been the last. We have three biological kids. I’ve adopted four times. So I have a son from Honduras and a son from China. I have a daughter from Ukraine, and we also did a local adoption of my son Jack and I have three biological kids.


My son Ryan is actually in chiropractic school right now over at Sherman. So, we’re going to have the second generation of chiropractors in the Graybar family.


Let me continue. I love to coach. So, today I’m coaching but I’m also sharing. But I coached at Walsh for ten years and I’m going to tell you that guy in the top left picture: he was excited. We would go on to win not one, not two, but three state championships. And I always make sure I share this: 50 losses helped to catapult us to three state championships. If you notice the blemish we were in 2013, 2014. We lost in the regional finals in 2015, but my sons would come back on their senior year, and we would go 26 and 4 and secure our third state title.


I practice in Wilmington, North Carolina, Wallace, and Clinton. I am blessed. I own and operate three amazing clinics. I’m going to share more about them in a second. But I want to take you back to probably the most important aspect I can share with you. So, I’m going to teach you a little bit, have a little fun, but I love the concept of: I can. I will. And I must.


I want to take you back to I can. “I can” is a belief and a belief is an opinion. And if my opinion is a little bit different than yours, and then fear and doubt freaking. All of a sudden you can lose your grip on your life, on your clinic, your purpose and direction.


I love the concept of “I will.” A little stronger desire, but I also watch television probably like you do, and I love the show Survivor. Outwill, outlast, and outplay. You get one champion and then everybody else falls short.


So tonight, I really want to encourage you to wrap your head around “I must.” I must, to me, is absolutely a sense of urgency. How could a little boy pick up a tree limb two or three times his size and do something extra ordinary and change that day without making a massive commitment to change right then. That sense of urgency.


Well, here’s my hometown in Wilmington, North Carolina. If you’ve not been here, this is the Port City. We’re about an hour north of Myrtle Beach and 2 hours south of Raleigh. Magnificent town. But let me share something with you. In 2016, we made national news for something that I am not proud of. It says Wilmington, North Carolina: Number one in opioid abuse.


You might not know what that is but let me share this with you: one in twenty High school kids know what it is, and they’re misusing it every day. And if that’s not enough and humbling, then in 2018, your opiate overdose became the number one cause of accidental death in the world. So, I’m passionate about this. I speak about this all the time.


We’ve got to change what’s going on right now in our health care system. And I know that you guys see this, but there are four cities in my state of North Carolina that rank in the top 25 in your prescription pill abuse in the country. Number one being my hometown. I know you see the hurricanes as they come up on the coast, but really this is the new hurricane.


It’s Codeine. It’s Fentanyl. It’s the methadone. It’s the OxyContin. These are the major challenges that we are facing every day. So today I just want to share a little vision with you. And then I’m going through some very specific case studies to show you how this laser has changed my practice and our life.


Brutal facts. It says on the top: which nation which nation spends more money on health care than any other nation in the world? And I’m hoping you’re getting this already: is us. United States of America.


Brutal facts. We spent 2 trillion a year – 16% of the gross budget is on health care. And most of this is for chronic disease. Almost 130 million people suffer from chronic disease. How does something become chronic? It means you get a misdiagnosis. We don’t take the steps to really get proactive in our own health care. At the end of the day, it’s the education process that is killing us because we’re not teaching the right steps on how to break this awful trend.


Brutal fact. Who takes 75% of the prescription drugs in the world and then who takes 80% of the pain medication? 75% and 80%? United States. This to me is shocking. I struggle every time I share this. 75% of the drugs in the world are consumed by us. In the narcotics, almost 80%. And then you wonder why one out of 20 high school kids have such ease and access to them every day. So I think we’ve really got to slow down, understand right now, absolutely we are in a health crisis. There’s no way around it. It’s here. It’s in front of us. We got to change the concepts of how we basically coach and we work with our patients every day.


I like people to understanding what health is and what defines lifetime wellness. Really important concepts here. Health to me is a state of being. It’s a perspective, it’s a shift, and it can change literally in an instant.


I’m walking down the streets of New York City and a piano falls down and hits me in the head. My health could change in an instant. Lifetime wellness is a different concept. It’s knowing where the pianos are and how they’re going to fall and making sure you avoid them. So you never get to that concept of lifetime wellness. You’re always looking. You’re making choices, educated decisions each and every day, and you’re always pursuing the best health and the best lifetime wellness you can.


I don’t accept anymore the patients that come in and you see the scale on the bottom, and I say, “Where are you on my lifetime scale?” And they tell me, “Doc, I’m like a two or three or four.”


After almost 30 years in practice, this is unacceptable. So, you’re developing disease, you’re going towards premature death, and you’re okay with this? Why?


We have to get out of this comfort zone. It is time to really push. Give patients the best options in health care and educate them along the way. But how does the world look at the US? How does The World Health Organization rank us among the healthiest nations in the world? Are we really taking the steps right now to teach and promote the best health. I’d say no. The top of the screen says ’38.’


I coached high school soccer, and we won three times. My goal at the beginning of the season was to become number one. We’re the 38th ranked health care system.


But look at the bottom of the screen. Number one, best medical schools in the world. Best hospitals in the world. The most specialist, most advancements, number one trauma centers. So here in the U.S., we have something very unique. If you are on a helicopter, and it crashes? You want to be here. If you have a heart attack? You want to be here.


If you want to live the longest and healthiest and happiest life? Preventative care? This is not the country for you. There’s 37 other countries right now that rank better than us. And the life expectancy here in the United States is around 77, 78. We’re going to have to change the state of how we’re teaching, educating patients, because that’s our ranking right now.


At the end of the day, people have never been sicker. And this, to me, with seven kids, as I mentioned, for the first time in the history of men, children born after the year 2000 are not expected to live as long at us. That’s, to me, the most profound statement ever.


My kids are not going to live as long as me. My number one goal is that I provide for my kids and that they have a longer quality of life than me. I got to work on this every day.


Important concepts here: it says “the top three leading causes of death and disease.” I’m sharing some ideas here because I’m really hoping that tonight you can recognize we got to make a change.


Number one of the cause of death in the world right now – everybody knows –  it’s heart disease. It affects one in three people. There’s almost 800,000 deaths per year. And the challenge right now in 2015 to 2025, they’re saying we’re going to go from like 17 million to maybe almost 24 million people that die every year. And I talked quite a bit. Three years ago, someone died every 38 seconds from heart disease. Now, today, three years later, one person dies every 36 seconds. Heart disease: number one cause the global death.


Number two is cancer. Cancer affects one in four people. You get almost 600,000 people every year that die from cancer. 1.9 million people were diagnosed with it last year. And it’s almost 5,000 people that are diagnosed every day with cancer. I’m one of them.


Great friend of mine, Dr. Crane, in Wilmington, a dermatologist. I go every year for my skin check. He takes a look at my back as I’m doing my routine exam. He said, “Doc, what’s that on your shoulder?”


I say, “I don’t know. Out of sight, out of mind. What could it possibly be?”

He said, “Man, I’m going to biopsy that.”


So, three days later, I’m back in his office and we’re removing a basal cell carcinoma that’s about the size of a nickel out of my back. I could have easily been misdiagnosed, undiagnosed, or out-of-sight, out-of-mind, never even known.


What the third leading cause of death and disease is – To me, this is always shocking. It makes sense. If you go to a baseball game, how many errors do you see in a high school game? College game? The pros? Even the pros make errors. Or a football game. How many football games have fumbles or interceptions or turnovers?


Well, here’s the biggest turnover of all of them. It’s the medical error. And I’m not here to slash on medical. I’m just telling you right now, it’s a third leading cause of death and disease. And think about this: John Hopkins said, it might be as high as 500,000 people every year.


Here’s my quick little story. Soccer coach right here can definitely still ball. But one day of practice, my meniscus went out and I knew it. I knew it. It kind of hung up on me. I could feel it right there. I struggled with it. I called it a day. I finally went ahead and had the MRI and had the surgery to try to correct this. But this is still shocking to me: I had to sign with a Sharpie which knee that we’re going to operate on, because when I went under they want to make sure they’re operating on the right one.


So medical error is one of the third leading causes of death in the world because, at the end of day, with almost 75% of the world taking prescription medications and accidents that happen, it’s the third leading cause of death.


But last year and the year before, something a little bit crazier even popped up in your life: This guy right here is COVID. I’m not going to debate it. I’m going to talk to you more about my story in a minute, but it’s mean. Okay? It’s a strong virus. There’s absolutely no debate. But I like to share concept now that if we can teach our patients to get better, stronger, and healthier. To become a better host.


If we really work every day on our natural immune system, man, we’d be ready for the next time this virus comes around because we’re still in 2022 and we’re dealing with COVID 19. The 3rd leading cause of death the last two years. So, the model, to me, I don’t want to say failing, to me it’s just not working as well as it should.


I mean, take a look at the screen for a second. Heart disease, stroke, cancer, obesity, allergies, and the list goes on and on and on. Can you really think about one, two or three of those maybe “hot topics” that has really gotten better in the last maybe one year? Three years? Ten years? I struggle.


So, the world as I know it is a lot different than it was five or ten years ago. And so, my thoughts, I’m sitting back and I’m like, what do I need to do as a physician? I definitely got to get proactive. Start to educate my patients. And I’m going to push the envelope with technology. I’m going to make sure that I provide the best care for my patients every time I can. So, I’m excited that I get to share tonight.


There’s a couple of things that I’m seeing in the chiropractic world. Really important here. You see, so do I. You got 150 million Americans that have back pain every day of their life. And how about 12 million lost days of work every year? And if you look at it, one out of five workplace injuries really occur every year because of improper lifting techniques.


And then, unfortunately, God, I hope I don’t shrink too much, but most people lose 1 to 4 inches in their life over the lifetime. I’m 6 foot, 185 pounds. I work every day in my health. But genetics sort of causes the body to break down. The aging process is going to cause it to break down. So, we’re kind of facing an uphill battle. So that’s why I’m trying to equip myself with the best to battle this uphill.


Right about now, you’re like me. When you heard this the first time, your blood’s probably boiling. I know, but I want to share something with you right now. What happens to water that is boiling at 211 degrees? Absolutely nothing. Nothing! Without that last one degree, you can get hot, you can get bothered, you get burned, but it will never change state. It won’t go from liquid to gas.


You can jump up and down. You can yell at the medical, all the information, all the research we just shared. You can take a look at your chiropractic office, the profession. And unless you make a change in your mindset, you’re going to get the exact same result that you have today and the next day.


So, to me, our group went hands up. It is absolutely time to make a change and we got to go. So, we made a big decision. But it stems from this really important quote, and this is part of my “why”. So, I want to share this with you as we kind of go into the next step.


It says, “the two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out your why.” I didn’t write that. Mark Twain did.


I want to share my quick little story with you. My why.


My mom and dad always raised me on a very simple concept that your family, your friends and your faith is everything. So, I’m at the University of Scranton. I’m graduating with my B.S. in biology. And two weeks before my graduation from college, my mom and dad and I would lose part of our everything.


I had a younger brother, Peter, 19 years old, died in a tragic accident. It rocked my world. My parents were married for 52 years now, and I sit back and reflect on this every day, and it really changed my life. Two months later, I would be thrown into chiropractic school and I’m going through this process, and I don’t even know why I’m there.


And as I’m studying, and I’m learning, and I’m taking this in, and then I get into practice. I’m one year, and five years, and ten years, and now it’s so amazing that this door has opened for me in this vision because my “why” is very simple.


If I can help one patient, one family avoid an unnecessary illness or sickness or disease. If I could take back that one moment in time and erase a family member that gets lost in an unnecessary accident or injury like my family. That’s my why.


It’s strong. It define who I am as a doctor, but let’s not get this wrong. I love the profession. 1895 was the first adjustment. We are a holistic, drug free system of integrative medicine based on the diagnosis and treatment of the joints and spinal column. Holistic. Drug Free. Do you think Dr. Palmer would be happy with 75% consumption of prescription medications?


There’s no part of the definition that says right now “cover up the problem. Don’t treat the hidden disease within the body.” I love my chiropractic profession.


Our offices. We are a wellness based practice. Wellness based practice.  We practice a diversified style with an emphasis in chiropractic physics. And I love what I do. Three offices in southeastern North Carolina, and I love it.


We also do something called spinal decompression. And to me, this is definitely worth the story here. My dad in 1993 and in my last year of chiropractic school survived a head-on collision through no fault of his own, and he herniated a disc in his neck. He tries the local chiropractor in New Jersey. Tries PT. Tries the medical route. Nothing seems to work, so he is forced into a fusion in his neck at C6and C7.


Back in the day, in 1993, they’re not using the screws and the plates. They just did a little boney graft from his hip and shoved it into his neck and said “hope and pray.”


Well, I’m a chiropractor. In 1994 I started practicing. In 2005, my dad started getting numbing and tingling and sharp neck pain and he can’t play golf like he wants to and is struggling. He says, “Son, you need to fix this.”


And I said, “Dad, I’ve been a chiropractor since 95 and I’ve been adjusting to you and I’ve been trying to improve the range of motion, the state of your spine. At the end of the day, this thing is just breaking down.”


He said, “Son, you don’t understand. I said you need to fix it.”

I said, “Okay dad! I will try!” So I started doing my research.


I’m a process buyer. I don’t do anything without looking at it. Not once, not twice, ten times! I’m telling you. I flew down to Florida. I met Dr. Larry Dyer, an internal medicine doctor that came up with a patent for the Vax-D. I bought not one, not two. I got three. One in each clinic.


I’ve been using since 2006. We are now in 2022. My dad has not had a second neck surgery. I love our practice, chiropractic care, wellness-based model, spinal decompression if needed, chiropractic biophysics for re-engineering the spines. I mean, are you kidding me? The essence of health and wellness.


But what do you do with this? I mean, what do you do with this? It’s debated right now. It’s a one, two, three, four level fusion. Got a 67 year old male who got surgery done 15 years ago. And now he walks in to my practice with chronic back pain. Legs are completely burning and numb and now he’s looking at me for a direction. And I’m going, “um, I don’t know” so let’s talk about this case real quick.


Chiropractic care. I’m good but I’m not that great. If you ask my mom, she says I’m definitely great, but everybody’s mom thinks they are great.


Spinal decompression. It’s classically contraindicated. I don’t mind trying it on my dad, but in this fusion right there. Wow, that’s a tough one.


“How about acupuncture?”

“I tried that, sir, didn’t help.”


“Yeah, that does nothing except make me really loopy.”


So I’m kind of stuck here. So I’m a lot like you right now. What do you do? This guy is 67. We know the life expectancy in the U.S. is about 78. How is it going to get there? What quality of life do you have ahead of him? I mean, the next step in the surgical route, they want to use L1, L2, so they tie that in to three, four, five and six? And then when L1 and 2 break down they want to go to 12?


So I’m stuck. In this case, I’m stuck. I’m looking at the roadmap here. I’m going, “okay, help!” I need some support and advice and guidance and assistance. I need something!


So there’s five amazing doctors that work with me. We start looking into this case and we were looking for three things and they could not deviate. They had to be exactly what we wanted.


Number one, I need the assurance. Safety was the most important thing to me. Assurance that if we brought a new product or application or therapy or technique into our practice, that it was the right fit for our practice.


Number two, certainty. I want research. I want trials. I want someone who’s a whole lot smarter than me showing me that this thing is not just working, but there’s research that says that it’s the best.


And then number three, it’s got to match my purpose. If it doesn’t match my “why,” it has absolutely no place in my life, no play in my practice, and so it’s out. So it’s got to match that.


Certainty, assurance and purpose. I found it! I’m telling you, I researched it and I love it. And it is saving lives and changing lives and it fits every part of my “why.” So I’m excited now to kind of share. My story is going to make it 11, but I’ve got ten different case studies. Some from simple football player athletes, to some really tricky ones that are not chiropractic true cases. But in our profession right now, they walk in our practice every day. So you got one of two options: send them out or two, tackle it head on and change their life. And I’m telling you right now, every one of these patients have been life changing. So I’m so excited to share.


Let me get right into it.  This is half my team. I’ve got Dr. Juan. He’s sitting right in the back. We actually went to high school together, so we’ve known each other for almost 40 years. Almost 30 years in practice between each one of us. I’ve got a team of six doctors and there’s almost 20 of us. We see about 1,200 to 1,300 patients a week between three practices. And this M6 laser is just giving us such an advantage now when it comes down to treating some tricky cases.


But here’s my story: Let me go back to that meniscus injury for the soccer coach right here. So I kind of left out a little bit of the story. So I had a meniscus injury. I had an MRI. I got talked to basically getting the surgery. I went to see the doctor and he said, “listen, it’ll be really simple. We’re just going to basically cut out the meniscus. Two to four weeks, you should be 100% back to normal.


I said, “Okay, great.” So we went ahead and did the procedure and then a month before my checkup, my knee is still swollen and it still hurts. And I’m coming up on soccer season.


“Doc, I think it’s just going to take some time. We can do cortisone shot.”

I’m like, “No, no, no. I’m good. Let’s just see how it does. If you tell me more time, we’ll do more time. ”


I’m going to fast forward to month three. So I tried going to my checkup and now we’re talking about a new MRI. We’re just opening up a new exploratory surgery. But I’m 52 now and at the time I’m about, I don’t know, 43, 44. You want to open up and do another surgery? It didn’t work the first time.


So I got a really good friend of mine who’s a Doctor, another visionary, and he actually has the Mphi5 laser that was kind of the one before the M6. So we’re playing golf one day and I’m struggling with his knee and I can barely walk. And he says, “Why don’t you come to my practice?”


He said, The protocols on this it’s for scar tissue, decrease inflammation, increase the rate of healing. Six to ten sessions is what the manufacturer recommends, and I think you might get some success.”

I said, “I’ll try anything.”


I canceled the fifth visit, because after the fourth visit, I was 100%. Back to training, back to running. It was amazing to me that I wasted three months of my life and you got to wonder if I’d had this procedure done before the surgery, what kind of clinical success I would have? But I wasn’t educated yet on the technology. But I am now.


Number two, I am now. COVID. It’s mean. It got me really good. I’m six foot, 185lb. I’m telling you right now, I try to eat right, do all the right things, but on the sixth day, I got viral pneumonia. And my wife, because I was coughing so bad, said we’re going to the urgent care.


Went to the urgent care and the doctor sat me down. He said, “I’ll make this really simple. I’ve got two people that I just admitted to the hospital that have the same exact x-rays, the same films that you do. But I’m going to give you three days to beat this thing, and if you can’t, you’re going to be admitted by the weekend.”


So, first of all. Cutting Edge. Unbelievable support. Second to none. So I call up Matt Fitzgerald, who’s my rep in Wilmington, North Carolina. And I’m like, “Matt, I got COVID. I know that you have got research on COVID patients. I need it right now.”


In three days, I went back to the doctor. “Wow. I’ve not seen x rays clear up like that that fast ever.”


Now, I’m a man of great faith and I’ve grown in faith every day. But I can tell you right now I believe that God put that laser in my practice for just as very reason.


The third one I now deal with, God, 53 years older. I deal with Morton’s neuroma. I think it is from kicking omni tables. You know, a hundred patients a day and kicking omni tables and my foot hurts. And I’ve been kicking soccer balls. So anyway, I went right back to what I do: went to the neuroma protocol. Laser. Boom. 6 Sessions. I’m now ready to go.


That’s my personal story. That’s my vision of what is done for me. But I now have ten different stories that I’ll share with you of what is done in the clinic and I’ll wrap it up. These are fun to me.


I love it when I see “out.” Like when I have an athletic trainer or primary care doctor or team orthopedist that says “they’re out,” the coaches call me.


So I got a 15 year old football player who tweaked his arm in the game, went to the E.R. They took a picture of it. They’re like, “you just got a contusion and you’re going to be out for two or three weeks.”


I said, “okay. Come to my practice.”

Coach calls me lick “ can you help? Can you help?”

I said, “yup! Bring him in!”


Contusion protocol for swelling, 1800 Hz. 8 minute. 100% intensity. Three sessions. Three! Didn’t miss the game. Didn’t miss a game on Friday.


Number two, what do you do when your all-conference quarterback gets an MCL tweak? The orthopedist says he’s going to be out for probably 2 to 4 weeks. And the coach is looking for me going, “he’s my all-conference player. I need him for Friday.” Call Dr. Graybar!


“Dr. Graybar, can you help?”


“Coach’ll bring me in on Monday?”


We went 4 days. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. There’s my protocol. Knee pain. 15 minutes. 1500 Hz. 15 Minutes. 4 sessions. He’s on the page Friday and they won! He hasn’t missed the last three Fridays.


Now, I will apologize. Right now, I don’t have pain scales. So I’m just giving you kind of the clinical success of what I’ve seen.


Here’s one that we see every day. Really good friend of mine. He’s a very active senior golfer. Don’t bet him because he’ll take your money now. But he’s got advanced degenerative disc diseases at L4 and L5. And here’s his list. I mean, look at the list. He doesn’t want to be an opioid pain meds because they’ve never helped. They just make him loopy. The injections that he’s tried for your SI joint injections, disc injuries, stuff like that, nothing is helped.


I think I’m a really good chiropractor, but chiropractic and PT didn’t help. Spinal decompression did nothing. And so during the day, the surgeons are recommending that they use an L4 and L5. And he keeps hearing in the back of his head it might help but it might be worse. So what did I do? I introduced him to the laser. I said, let’s go.


Here’s his protocol. We did a low back protocol. 100% intensity, 15 minutes, 12 sessions and then I transition into wellness. Now, here’s where I laughed. He came in yesterday. I got him adjusted. Did my best work and there was another patient on the laser. And he said, “Doc, how long is the wait for the laser?


I said, “about 10 minutes.”

He said, “I’ll wait, I’ll wait.”


He knows the value and what it’s doing to his life. I see him every week and he’ll get his 15 minute laser session in every week. And I love the fact it’s cumulative. It keeps building. It gets the tissues stronger and stronger.


Look at this case here. Here’s a 68 year old female and it’s a diagnosis we see all the time. It’s failed back surgery. Watch this one. The orthopedic surgeon refers to me and says, “no chiropractic manipulation. None! Class four laser, but only with the Cutting Edge Technology. I don’t want any of that other nonsense.”


So this guy has gone to the website, he’s done his own research. He calls around. I’m the only chiropractor in town that has it. So we started on it. I’m going to zoom in real quick here, but here is the protocol, 2000 hertz, 100% intensity. And we bumped it up 30 minutes. So we did a lot more time in this case. But look at the artificial disk and the fusion. I’m not allowed to manipulate. They’re just coming in and we had amazing clinical success


Derek! Derek Brunson is a patient of mine and a friend. Number five in the world for middle-weight division for UFC. He’s a bad man! He goes by the Blond Brunson now, but here’s his story and it’s very unique. I do chiropractic care on Derek and obviously he’s training right now. But he’s getting ready for a huge fight. The fight was September 4th of 2021. He’s getting ready to fight Darren Till.  And he’s three weeks from the fight and he’s down in Florida. He’s training and some guy hits him with a front kick.


He’s sparring. They’re just practicing. They shouldn’t be throwing 100%. But someone is always looking to take down the champ. So the guy hits him with a front kick. Boom! It takes him right here. Rush him to the ER. X-rays show no broken ribs. But he can barely catch his breath.


ER doc looks at him and says, “man, with this type of contusion, you’re probably looking at 4 to 6 weeks.”

And Derek’s like, “I’m fighting in 3 weeks! And when I win this fight – and I’m going to win this fight – I’m going to have a fight for the title guy.”


So UFC starts talking to him and I talk to all the trainers and he says, ”Derek, you can’t do any medication because it’s going to show up in your testing stuff. So what about laser? Do you know anybody in laser?”


He’s in Florida and he calls me up like, “Doc! I need to use your Class IV laser!”


So doesn’t he fly in the next day. We did six sessions on him. We did a dislocation protocol. And I mean, this guy’s got to fight! The story ends here that poor Darren does not live anywhere near me because he had needed probably about 26 sessions on the laser because Derrek smashed him. So think about that: The impact it made in a professional fighters life. Six sessions, two weeks and he rocked that guy’s world.


Here’s an Air Force guy right here. 42 years old. Eight months history of excruciating low back pain. A little longer story. I’ve got to mention he never, ever, ever knew that he had a scoliotic curve. So I marked the green line, to me, the ideal position where the spine should be in. So I got a couple of full spines that I’m going to share with you now. And the red line is the position the spine is in.


So you can see the pelvis is dropped on the right side. You can see that convexity on the left side of the thoracic spine. I’m going to zoom in now for a second, but this guy’s tried everything. But here’s the thing. No trauma. Severe mid-back and rib pain. Medical intervention that actually failed. PT did not help. He keeps talking to surgeons and they keep trying to repair.


And at the end of the day, the MRIs that I’m going to show you in a second confirmed that he’s got some spinal cord trouble. But the thoracic spine is really delicate to work with. So, you can see over there on that right side, he’s got that horrible impingement. He’s got that big monster formation. I mean, this is just a really tricky case. Here’s the MRI. And you can see the thoracic spinal cord is definitely angry. And so very few surgeons will opt to go into the thoracic spine and particularly with the scoliosis. So they’re giving him the option of: live with it. 42 old, active Air Force. Live with it.


So he comes in to me and I said, “you know what? Here’s what we’re going to do?” Inflammatory protocol. 700 hertz. 15 minutes. 100% Intensity and 6 sessions. We’ve reduced eight months of mid-pack and rib pain. And then I was able to begin the chiropractic care.


He’s completing his first care program with us. He’s back to 100%. And I’m telling you, it just would not have happened if we had not had this amazing class four laser. No one could get rid of the inflammation around his spine. We did.


Really good friend of mine and we pray for this guy as we speak right now. This is liver, kidney, lung cancer in 2019. He has chronic, debilitating, lower back pain. You can see the pictures on the right when he used to be a farmer. Very active. Strong as a bull. And then you can see how his life has been changed on the left in the last couple of years from the cancer he’s dealing with.  Classically the laser is contraindicated in this type of case, but I called the physician, talked to his doctor and the doctor said, “what other options do we have? No one wants to do anything with his spine. He’s a non-surgical candidate. Their injections are failing and will not work. So Doc, do whatever you can.”


Chiropractic care was not getting it done so I started a laser protocol. Low back protocol. 200 Hz. 100% intensity. 20 minutes. Six sessions. In six sessions, we broke his pain cycle. Then, I’m able to do my best work as a chiropractor and now he comes in every week and just like my active golfer, he gets adjusted, evaluated, educated along the way, and he sits down for his laser session and we have improved his quality of life. I love it.


This is a different case and it’s a little graphic. So if you don’t like to see a diabetic ulcer, you need to turn away. And again, I cannot say it enough, the support of this team is amazing. Again, I call Matt on this one. He’s my rep. You can’t have him. He’s my rep. But this is a friend of mine that I saw walking around town in a boot and I said, “What’s going on?”


He said, “Doc, I have a fallen, collapsed arch in my entire foot. They have been trying to do surgery on me now for eight months. Eight months! But I’ve got diabetes and they cannot get this ulcer under control. They can’t help it.”


Alright. I have never done this before. And I do apologize right now because I wish I had more pictures here. And as I was taking it, and I was calling Matt to get kind of the protocols, I snapped a picture with it. All I can tell you is where the Red X is, that literally looks like the size of a baseball. He cannot put any pressure down on the inside of his foot. It’s been excruciating. He literally walks on the outside of his foot and in a boot now for almost eight months.


So I started something called the inflammatory protocol. 700 hertz, let’s go slow. 10 minutes. 2 sessions. Then we bumped it up a little bit. Got to about 15 minutes in time. This is six sessions and after six sessions it was amazing the quality of life. But he actually noticed the difference after the second visit. He’s like, “Doc, I came here. The next day, I can actually walk on my foot and the swelling is mostly gone.”


Now that looks really rough, but you can see how quickly we reduced the inflammation, got rid of the swelling, and that ulcer is drying up. Just wish I had another follow up picture, but I don’t have it for you, but that’s literally two and a half weeks of care.


Can you say it with me? 87 years young. God bless her! 87 years young. Walking out of church, trips and falls and lands on her right knee. Right knee. Immediately goes to the ER. They x-ray her knee and her foot and nothing’s broken.


So she comes into me on a walker with friends assisting her and she says, “Dr. Graybar, can you try that laser on my knee?” I said, “Absolutely.”


This is four sessions: before and after. You can see the swelling has actually reduced in the bottom half of her leg. It’s a lot more isolated. After the third session. She’s coming in, instead of on a walker or with an assistant, she was coming in on a cane. So this case just came to me this week. So I figure we saved her, what? 87 years old? This type of knee pain and swelling? 60 days? 90 days I think she struggles?


I’m excited to see where she’s going to be after just the first week because we’ve been doing just daily care over the last 8 to 10 days. So can you imagine where she’s going to be by the end of the second or third week? We’ve changed her quality of life.


So I’m getting ready to wrap up. This is my last case. I save this one for last because he actually wanted to come speak. But if he did, we would be going until about another hour. He is so excited. So listen to the protocols in this case. So this gentleman I’ve known forever. Failed back surgery. And over the last six months he has been fainting because of low blood pressure. And it is typically – I just talked to him today – It classically runs lower than a hundred over 40. And what’s killing him is his back pain. It’s crippling.


He cannot walk anywhere in public without some type of assistance or some type of walker. Additionally, the medical intervention has absolutely failed. He’s tried PT. No relief. Pain management failed. Surgical council MRIs. I’m going to show the MRI in a second. We see this every day, the challenge is that everyone’s looking at him saying “you are not a surgical candidate because the blood pressure drops and your pain and your falls. You’re too much of a risk.” So they sent this man home with no options. And then to make it worse, he picks up COVID and spends six weeks in the hospital and gets pneumonia from the COVID.


Here’s a scan. As chiropractors, we see this every day. You get that small diameter of the canal between L3 to L5. You get that severe spinal stenosis plus the bad pedicles and the bad disk at L4, L5. And then you’ve got that right disc bulge. If he’s 40 or 50 years old. Sure. The surgeon can talk him into it going ahead and trying to get this repaired. But he’s in his late seventies. There’s no quality of life. And they basically just say “there’s no options for you.”


Here’s his neck. You can see how far forward his neck is. I mean, his posture is so weak from being hunched over so long. You can see all the arthritis in his thoracic spine. All those horrific bones first. And then here’s his major issue. Look at how unbalanced his spine is. Look at the compression down there with L3 and L4 and then look at L5. It’s a pancake.


So we know he has stenosis. We know he has degenerative disc disease, but there’s no clinical treatment options for him at all. None. So he comes in to our practice and I said, I got one you haven’t tried! Low back protocol.  2000 Hz. We put some Joules and energy into my man here. 100% intensity. 20 minutes, 12 sessions. After the seventh session, he comes in and says, “Doc, I don’t know what you’ve done to me, but why didn’t I come here eight months ago? This thing has changed my life. Who invented this? Doctor Jesus?”


I started kind of chuckling. I said, “Sir, this to me is what this technology is all about. We are giving your quality life back now in our practice.”


He just came in for his first weekly session. I’m going to transition him now into weekly chiropractic care. We’re going to educate, adjust, and evaluate the spine for subluxation. We’re going to mobilize that back and get it moving. And they’re going to use that laser to decrease all the inflammation as well. Again, the benefit to me is it just keeps building and building and building on health.


Because at the end of the day, here’s the most important thing: We don’t get sick. We do sick. And I really believe this. And I teach this to every patient right now.


The middle line, that’s the flatline. ERs are full of patients that are flatline. The challenge is, in our world, you’re either getting better or you’re getting worse. That last patient I went over, he was getting worse every day and no one was giving him any choices and no one was given any opportunity to help him ger well.


So I’m a lot like you. I had to take a really strong look at this technique. I took a look at the class four laser and tried to evaluate all of the education, all the facts, look at all the research and to me it’s the best decision we made in years. And I’m so excited that I’ve got to share.


I’m going to close with a little story. And to me, I hope this puts it all together. And again, I really appreciate the time you’ve given me today to kind of share my stories with you. Hope they inspired you.


Our mission statement is that the families in our practice are healthier, happier, and safer than those that are not. That’s our mission statement that every doctor has come up with, and we teach that to every patient. But I want to share a little story here.


So there’s a big zebra right there and he is just born. Mom starts to nudge him around and says, “Son, you need to get up.”

He says, “Mom, I’m exhausted. I was just born. I’m tired. Maybe put the TV on, put some Netflix movies on, but I just want to rest.”

She nudged him again. She says, “Son, you need to get up. You need to learn how to run. Now.”

“Mom. I don’t even know how to walk. I can barely run. Get back to me tomorrow. Get back to me next week.”

And she says, “Son, you need to get up right now and learn how to run because son, the lions are coming.”

“Mom, I don’t even know what a lion is.”

And she says, “Son, you better learn how to run fast, or the lions are going to eat you up.”


Now, I’ll tell you right now, I live in Wilmington, North Carolina. We don’t have any lions. I ain’t got no lions, but they’re out there and I see them every day. They’re neck and back pain and failed back surgery. They’re gobbling up our patients and they’re creating communities that have lost all their hope and all their focus. And if those two aren’t enough, let me tell you about the medical errors. You can’t watch a football game without a fumble. Don’t you come at me and fumble my life. How about a 38 ranked health care system? Is it really a health care system or is it a sick care system? And if that doesn’t frustrate you, let’s talk about the opioid crisis or the COVID crisis, because either one of those to me is a tragic shame of what’s going on with our world right now.


I share that concern with every patient right now. We better start running at the lions. We’re going to start educating our patients so they absolutely can get better, get that mindset in their head that they can get stronger. And then once they get better and stronger, then put that must in their mindset that they can be healthy for the rest of their life. They have to apply all the right choices each and every day. And to me, this technology that I’ve just shared with you has saved not just one life. It saved dozens and hundreds of lives.


I am truly blessed that you allowed me to share today. I’m Dr. Graybar. Here’s my cell phone. Here’s my email address and that’s my Wilmington branch office. I appreciate the time today. And of course, if there’s any questions, you can email me directly. I would love to share more and more of my success, but if I leave you with one final note, you can change alife and it’s absolutely worth investing in your clinics because you’re going to give those patients the best opportunity to become their best.


Thank you.


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