Riverside Chiropractic

Riverside Chiropractic

Riverside Chiropractic in Eliot Maine

Riverside Chiropractic Center services include chiropractic care, acupuncture, muscle therapy, and nutrition. Dr. Amy Beck Nashwinter serves with a whole health approach. She specializes in flexion distraction, pediatric and maternity chiropractic.

Contact Riverside Chiropractic today at 207-703-2641 to schedule your appointment or browse our website for more information

Riverside Chiropractic Details

Riverside Chiropractic Main Category: Chiropractor

Additional Categories: No Additional Categories

The offices of Riverside Chiropractic is located at 21 Cedar Rd in Eliot, Maine 03903

You can call and speak to our staff by dialing 207-703-2641


The average google rating of Riverside Chiropractic is 5.0, out of 38 total reviews. The average review rating and review distribution for Riverside Chiropractic can be found in the table below:
Review Breakdown for Riverside Chiropractic
Rating Number of Reviews
5 stars 37
4 stars 1
3 stars 0
2 stars 0
1 star 0
Total reviews 38
Overall Rating: 5.0 Stars

Google Map:
Click Here

The hours of operation for Riverside Chiropractic can be seen in the following table:
Opening Hours
Day Hours
Monday 9:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 13:00 - 16:00
Thursday 9:00 - 17:30
Friday 8:00 - 12:00
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

If you are looking to contact us outside of our general business hours, you can reach us by visting out website or giving us a call. We look forward to serving you.

Riverside Chiropractic offers differenet accessability options when visiting.
wheelchair accessible parking, wheelchair accessible restroom

requires appointments, recommends appointment

Place Topics:
cupping, acupuncture, office

43.1545625, -70.8004468

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