Moore Chiropractic Clinic Lumberton

Moore Chiropractic Clinic Lumberton

Moore Chiropractic Clinic Lumberton in Lumberton Mississippi

Moore Chiropractic Clinic Lumberton - Offering safe and effective Chiropractic care for the entire family. Successfully treating neck pain, shoulder pain, low back pain, sciatica and numbness and tingling. Most insurances accepted.

Contact Moore Chiropractic Clinic Lumberton today at 601-749-4939 to schedule your appointment or browse our website for more information

Moore Chiropractic Clinic Lumberton Details

Moore Chiropractic Clinic Lumberton Main Category: Chiropractor

Additional Categories: Acupuncturist

The offices of Moore Chiropractic Clinic Lumberton is located at 203 W Main Ave in Lumberton, Mississippi 39455

You can call and speak to our staff by dialing 601-749-4939


Google Map:
Click Here

The hours of operation for Moore Chiropractic Clinic Lumberton can be seen in the following table:
Opening Hours
Day Hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday 14:00 - 17:00
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

If you are looking to contact us outside of our general business hours, you can reach us by visting out website or giving us a call. We look forward to serving you.

Moore Chiropractic Clinic Lumberton offers differenet accessability options when visiting.
wheelchair accessible entrance, wheelchair accessible parking, wheelchair accessible restroom

recommends appointment

31.0008786, -89.4514114

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