Lynnwood Family Chiropractic and Massage

Lynnwood Family Chiropractic and Massage

Lynnwood Family Chiropractic and Massage in Lynnwood Washington

Our mission is to provide the best service possible to our patients through educational tools and practice results. As a chiropractor, we understand that although our patients may be diagnosed with the same condition, they respond very differently to treatments. For this reason, we tailor a specific plan of action to meet your needs, goals & unique medical and physical condition. Chiropractic care is more than just making the pain disappear. It is about learning, understanding and taking care of your body to improve your quality of life. We also take care of auto and work injuries. We have massage therapy also.

Contact Lynnwood Family Chiropractic and Massage today at 425-743-9460 to schedule your appointment or browse our website for more information

Lynnwood Family Chiropractic and Massage Details

Lynnwood Family Chiropractic and Massage Main Category: Chiropractor

Additional Categories: Massage therapist

The offices of Lynnwood Family Chiropractic and Massage is located at 16303 Hwy 99 in Lynnwood, Washington 98087

You can call and speak to our staff by dialing 425-743-9460


The average google rating of Lynnwood Family Chiropractic and Massage is 4.8, out of 94 total reviews. The average review rating and review distribution for Lynnwood Family Chiropractic and Massage can be found in the table below:
Review Breakdown for Lynnwood Family Chiropractic and Massage
Rating Number of Reviews
5 stars 89
4 stars 1
3 stars 0
2 stars 1
1 star 3
Total reviews 94
Overall Rating: 4.8 Stars

Google Map:
Click Here

The hours of operation for Lynnwood Family Chiropractic and Massage can be seen in the following table:
Opening Hours
Day Hours
Monday 9:00 - 18:30
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 9:00 - 18:30
Thursday Closed
Friday 9:00 - 18:30
Saturday 10:00 - 12:00
Sunday Closed

If you are looking to contact us outside of our general business hours, you can reach us by visting out website or giving us a call. We look forward to serving you.

Lynnwood Family Chiropractic and Massage offers differenet accessability options when visiting.
wheelchair accessible entrance, wheelchair accessible restroom

recommends appointment

Place Topics:
professional, insurance

47.850708399999995, -122.29266489999999


Lynnwood Family Chiropractic and Massage Search Information

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