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Doctors report a rise in ‘tech neck’ and other musculoskeletal conditions caused by using devices. SINGAPORE: The head weighs approximately 4kg. However, when it is bent forward by 3cm as when a person looks at a screen or computer, the weight doubles or triples. Neck pain is becoming more common due to the use of technology, sedentary living and poor ergonomics in the workplace. In an article published in January 2023, the National University Health System said that people who use their mobile devices and laptops frequently often have poor posture. This can lead to long-term injuries to the neck and spine. “With the current lifestyle trends, and our society’s preoccupation with gadgets and devices, it is likely that we will see more chronic neck pain patients in the coming year,” said Dr Alex Teo from the National University Hospital. Dr Teo, an associate consultant in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at University Spine Centre, said that treatments for chronic neck pain range from non-operative interventions, such as physiotherapy, acupuncture and injections, to more invasive ones, such as surgery and injections. Bernard Lee, a pain specialist, said that some of the patients he has treated have endured chronic pain for 10 years. Initially, they relied on over the counter medication to provide some relief. “A common misconception is that painkillers cure pain. In reality, they are just a Band-Aid that suppresses our body’s ability feel or generate pain signals. Dr Lee, from Singapore Paincare Centre, said that painkillers do not repair, eliminate, or treat the part of the human body that has been damaged, injured, and/or is causing the discomfort. Researchers in Singapore published a study in 2021, in the Spine Medical Journal, that found neck pain to be more common in Singapore. The researchers said that neck pain can cause significant disability and loss in quality of life. Researchers found that out of 626 people surveyed, 23 percent reported neck pain in the past six months. In the NUHS article by Adjunct Assistant Professor Gamaliel, he said that when using digital devices or doing office work, the neck and lower back tend to be flexed. This can lead to bad posture and pain over time. He said that muscle pain can be the cause of the pain and can be corrected with exercises. “But it can sometimes lead to pinched or irritated nerves, if the intervertebral disks (jellys) slip out and compress the nerve leading to arms and legs.” In these cases, medications or even surgery may be required to unpinch a nerve,” said Professor Tan.

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