Exercise in cancer treatment The 4 most important things to know — MD Anderson Cancer Center


Since the beginning doctors have advised exercises to lower the risk of developing cancer, as well as to ensure that cancer patients are thriving when treatment is over. But how do you exercise in the course of treatment? There was no recommendation to do this, up until now.

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) recently released the first ever exercise guidelines based on evidence for patients who are currently undergoing active treatment for cancer.

“This is huge,” says Karen Basen-Engquist, Ph.D., director of MD Anderson’s Center for Energy Balance in Cancer Prevention and Survivorship. “When patients inquired about whether they should exercise while undergoing treatment there was no guidance from the government on what we could tell them. Today, we follow it.”

Numerous clinical trials have proven the benefits of physical activity

In order to develop these guidelines ASCO created a committee of expert experts who reviewed over 100 research studies investigating the connection between exercise and treatment for cancer.

The results they came up with left no doubt that physical activity helps reduce side effects and symptoms when patients undergo chemotherapy, radiation therapy or both. It also assists patients who undergo surgery recover quicker and with less complications.

“The research shows that exercise during treatment for cancer reduces depression, anxiety, and fatigue as well as improving the quality of your living and physical functioning,” Basen-Engquist says. “Staying active can help patients keep taking part in the activities of their daily lives.”

In our minds, many people believe that cancer and exercise do not go hand-in-hand She says.

“You’d be shocked by the sheer number of people who believe that exercising during treatment for cancer is a revolutionary idea. They believe cancer patients should sit in a couch, with their blankets, and take the time to relax.”

New guidelines Basen Engquist claims, assure that exercising is safe and beneficial to cancer patients.

The development of an exercise routine during treatment for cancer

The guidelines suggest regular aerobic exercises like jogging, walking or cycling, as well as strengthening exercises, such as performing weight lifts, or using bands of resistance in patients who’s cancer hasn’t expanded beyond the initial location.

Aerobic exercise can strengthen the lungs and the heart. Resistance exercises help strengthen the muscles.

“Both kinds of exercises can be used in conjunction to help cancer patients maintain their health and well-being.” Basen-Engquist explains.

Aerobic exercises should be conducted at a moderate level according to her advice. This lets you talk and not sing. It’s in contrast to a vigorous pace that can’t be said anything more than few sentences without stopping to take an air breath.

Begin slowly, Basen-Engquist suggests and pay attention the body. If your energy levels are low, you can adjust the length or intensity you work out until you feel more comfortable.

Make it a point to complete 150 minutes of physical activity per week.

“Spread those 150 minutes over many sessions,” she says. “I recommend to patients to try to get 30 minutes per day, seven days a week, that’s 150 minutes.”

If 30 minutes are too much The doctor suggests 10 minutes of workout during the early morning hours, 10 minutes following lunch and 10 minutes in the evening.”

Walking is an option, according to Basen-Engquist. If you’re not a fan of walking She suggests that certain patients play golf, dance, or swim take a tai chi class or even garden.

“You’d be amazed by the muscle strength you build when you pull weeds,” she says.

What is the role of exercise in preventing cancer?

It isn’t known for certain However, Basen-Engquist says that exercise can reduce levels of insulin and inflammation that are associated with certain types of cancers.

Exercise also triggers angiogenesis, which is the formation of blood vessels that are not there before, which can mean that more anti-cancer drugs based on blood could be delivered to tumors with cancer.

“Exercise could help chemotherapy to be more effective,” she says.

Immune function is also beneficial. As cancer damages your immune system exercising increases the flow of immune cells that fight cancer. It could even aid in the immune system to perform better.

Exercise during treatment for cancer isn’t a one-size-fits-all exercise routine.

Training to increase the effectiveness of the treatment for cancer is beneficial as said by Basen-Engquist. This puts patients in charge, even during a time where cancer has caused the feeling of losing control.

Physical exercise that each patient can take on can vary.

“The kind of cancer you’re suffering from as well as the treatment options you’re getting as well as the side effects you’re experiencing , and your current fitness level will all be considered in your workout routine,” Basen-Engquist says.

Talk to your doctor about the best options for you. Then, get moving.

“Even even if you only do only a few minutes walking, go for it,” Basen-Engquist says. “Small steps can lead to huge outcomes.”

Make an appointment with MD Anderson online or by calling 1-877-632-6789.

Three ways to prevent Neck Pain – University of Utah Health Care


Sep 28 2022, 10:00 AM

Autor: University of Utah Health Communications

Image alt=”Infographic offers three strategies to reduce neck discomfort.” class=”a-figure__image” src=”https://healthcare.utah.edu/healthfeed/postings/2022/images/neck-pain-infographic.jpg”/>

In today’s fast-paced, digital age, it’s difficult to maintain a healthy posture as we move through our lives. But over time, the hours of slouching and slumping and scrolling could lead to painful neck pain that is debilitating. Here are three ways to help keep your neck spine in good condition as you get older.

  1. Start the Tech Diet

Mobile phones and tablets can make life much simpler however, they can cause pain in the neck. Take these steps to avoid the painful consequences from “tech neck.”

  • Utilize a screen-time monitor app
  • Keep your phone to your eye whenever you can.
  • Break down screens into shorter sessions
  • Give yourself “technology breaks” throughout the day.
  1. Optimize Your Workstation

    When working there is a tendency to sit on the desk or slump back in the seat. Here are some suggestions to avoid the positions that put a huge stress on your neck.

  • Make sure that your line of vision is in line with the floor
  • Make sure you invest in an ergonomic seat with back support
  • Adjust your chair to ensure knees are at a level with hips.
  • Every 30 minutes, get up for a short stretch or stroll

Cheap Hacks:In lieu of an expensive desk with ergonomics, put your computer on a pile of books in order to keep the monitor in a level with your eyes. It is also possible to make use of a towel that has been rolled up to create a lumbar pillow to help support back pain. back.

  1. Extend it

Of all its advantages, yoga is an effective method to ease neck tension. It is important to do exercises that help bring your head back in a neutral posture. To treat neck problems, physical therapists often suggest chin-tuck exercises and chest-opener exercises that are easily done at home.

Chest Openinger

Secure a strap behind your back while pulling your arms back as you raise them. Inhale three times, and then let your body relax to begin.

Chin Tuck

When you are sitting at a desk, gaze at the sky and then gently move your chin back. Do this for 5 seconds and then ease your shoulders to begin.

Migraines vs. Headaches: What’s the difference? – Pfizer

If you’ve never experienced migraines, it’s difficult to think of how one might cause someone to be out of work. You may have even thought of the term migraine as a headache. If you’re one of billion of people around the world suffering from migraine headaches and migraine headaches, you know how crippling migraines could be. 1 The discomfort, nausea and sensitiveness to light and sound could make it impossible to work or take care of your family. This is why migraines are the 2nd leading reason for disabled. 2

Understanding the research behind migraines and headaches can aid in determining between them. It will show how advancements in the field of science are facilitating the development of drugs which could eventually offer people suffering from the condition some relief.

Migraines as opposed to. other types of headaches

Headaches are defined by discomfort and pain within the head. The pain could vary in intensity from moderate to extreme and can be felt as painful, pounding or stabbing. Many people experience a feeling of pressure or tightness.

A lot of headaches result from an infection or injury, or a different health issue. Meningitis, influenza, sinus infections that are viral and bacterial are all causes of headaches. Also, head injuries such as concussions. Dehydration and hunger can cause headaches.

However, a migraine is a neurovascular condition that may affect the whole human body. 3 Migraine symptoms aren’t limited just to your head. The function of the eyes, digestion nose, brain neck shoulder, neck may be affected. In many cases experiencing migraine, the initial indication of migraine is an aura of vision or visual change like blurred vision or flashing lights. They can also be blind spots or wavy patterns which are only visible to those suffering from migraine. The patient may be suffering from severe head pain or sensitivity to light and sound nausea or vomiting. The movement of the head can make symptoms worse. The symptoms can last for a day or more. Even after pain is gone people affected might feel tired and “off.” 4

“Although the precise reason for migraine isn’t been identified, it is evident that the pathophysiology behind migraine differs,” says Damian Largier, MD, Pfizer’s Vice Head of Global Medical Affairs – Migraine.

Common migraine triggers — events that happen, or experiences, which can trigger migraine-related symptoms. They can be caused by hormone shifts in stress, certain food items and weather. Although the triggers and experiences of migraine may differ between individuals, and in time, there appears to be common biochemical pathways that cause migraine as the doctor. Largier says.

A Changing Understanding of Migraines

Migraines have been aspect of human life for many years. Hippocrates actually identified migraine-related symptoms as early as 400 B.C. Yet their pathophysiology remains thoroughly understood. 5

Doctors and researchers have known for a long time that migraines are more prevalent among women who were deemed female at birth, and that migraines are seen to be prevalent through families. The hormonal link and genetic causes could are involved. 6

For many years, medical professionals believed that the discomfort and pain that migraine sufferers experience was due to the blood vessels contracting which was then followed by dilation. Ergotamine an anti-inflammatory drug which causes vasoconstriction, was first utilized for migraine treatment in the year 1925. 7

The 1950s 1960s and 1970s the migraine condition was still thought of as to be a vascular issue. 8 Desperate patients sought relief and doctors discovered that certain medications for blood pressure and anti-seizure and antidepressant medicines could help reduce migraine frequency, at the very least for certain patients. Even into the 1980s, the most effective treatment for migraine was medications that were designed for different purposes.

The first medication that was specifically designed for migraines, sumatriptan, was approved for use by doctors in Europe in the year 1991. 9 The medication was developed after scientists discovered that serotonin is a neurotransmitter that may play a significant role in the formation of migraine headaches. Sumatriptan can be found in the brain, and binds Serotonin receptors and triggers them inside the nervous system’s central was described for being among “the most significant breakthroughs in the field of headache medicine.” 10

Other treatments with triptan followed. While these drugs assisted many, others did not see any improvement.

The Connection Between CGRP and migraines

In 1982, researchers discovered an endocrine neuropeptide, dubbed the calcitonin gene-related protein (CGRP) and discovered could be linked with migraine. 11

“Scientists first realized that CGRP levels were elevated when a migraine attack occurred,” Dr. Largier states. “Then they realized that when patients received treatment like triptans or ergotamine during attacks, CGRP concentrations decreased for patients that responded treatments.”

At the beginning of 2000 researchers discovered that the administration of CGRP to patients could cause migraine-related symptoms. “That resulted in the realization that the blocking of CGRP could be beneficial to the treatment of migraine.” Dr. Largier describes.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first anti-CGRP migraine medicine in the year 2018. 12

Science-based advances lead to new Migraine Treatments

The advancement of understanding the underlying causes of migraine has been “the main reason” to the discovery of new drugs for migraines in the past 30 years Dr. Largier says.

However, despite massive scientific advances yet, there is a gap in medical need. The majority of medications used to treat and prevent migraines cause undesirable side effects. More than 90% of patients quit taking them within a calendar year. 13

Doctors and scientists continue to research migraine and research the possibility of anti-CGRP medicines.

“One advantage of a brand new class of medication that is coming to on the market, is there’s going to be a significant investment in clinical and basic research into migraine, as well as targeted targets are identified, and new therapies are being developed,” Dr. Largier declares.

In the next few years doctors are expected to be able to better understand the mechanisms of anti-CGRP treatments. The science may also help us determine which patients are most likely to benefit from certain treatments.

“We aren’t there yet to perfect the treatment for migraines,” Dr. Largier states. “There’s still the need to research different mechanisms of action as well as possibilities for innovative and new treatments.”


  1. Ashina, M., Katsarava, Z., Do, T., Buse, D., Pozo-Rosich, P., & Ozge, A. et al. Migraine: Epidemiology and Systems of care. The Lancet. 2021; 397(10283), 1485-1495. doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(20)32160-7. Published on March 21 2021. The publication was accessed on June 20, 2022.
  2. Steiner, T., Stovner, L., Jensen, R., Uluduz, D., and Katsarava, Z. Migraine is ranked second in the leading causes of disability and is the most prevalent in women of a young age: results from GBD2019. The Journal Of Headache And Pain. 2020; 21(1). doi: 10.1186/s10194-020-01208-0. Published on December 2, 2020. The publication is available until June 20, 2022.
  3. Hoffmann, J., Baca, S., and Akerman, S. Neurovascular mechanisms behind migraine as well as cluster headache. Journal Of Cerebral Blood Flow &Amp; Metabolism. 2017; 39(4), 573-594. doi: 10.1177/0271678×17733655. The journal was published in April of 2017. Accessed on June 20, 2022.
  4. Hoffmann, J., Baca, S., and Akerman, S. Neurovascular mechanisms behind the migraine or cluster headache. Journal Of Cerebral Blood Flow &Amp; Metabolism. 2017; 39(4), 573-594. doi: 10.1177/0271678×17733655. Published April17, 2017. The publication was accessed on June 20, 2022.
  5. Headache from the beginning of time. Migraine & Headache Australia. https://headacheaustralia.org.au/what-is-headache/history-of-headache/. 20 June, 2022.
  6. Migraine. U.S. National Library of Medicine. https://medlineplus.gov/migraine.html. Accessed on June 20, 2022.
  7. Tfelt-Hansen P. Tfelt-Hansen, P. Koehler, P. History of the use of Ergotamine and Dihydroergotamine in Migraine Starting in 1906 onward. Cephalalgia. 2008; 28(8), 877-886. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2982.2008.01578.x. The publication was published on August 29, 2008. Accessed on June 20, 2022.
  8. Solomon, S., Diamond, S., Mathew, N., Solomon, S., Diamond, S., Mathew N. Loder, E. American Headache Throughout the Decades from 1950 to 2008. Headache : The Journal of Head and Face Pain. 2008; 48(5), 671-677. https://headachejournal.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1526-4610.2008.01120.x . The journal was published in May of 2008. Accessed on June 20, 2022.
  9. Sumatriptan. National Library of Medicine National Center for Biotechnology Information. https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Sumatriptan. The site was last visited on June 20, 2022.
  10. Humphrey, Patrick P.A. The development and discovery of triptans, a significant therapeutic breakthrough. It is the Headache Journal of Head and Face Pain. 2008; 48(5), 685-687. It was published in May of 2008. Accessed on June 20, 2022.
  11. Kee, Z., Kodji, X., and Brain, S. The Function in the role of Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide (CGRP) in Neurogenic Vasodilation as well as its Cardioprotective effects. Frontiers In Physiology. 2018, 9. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.01249. The publication was published on September 19, 2008. Accessed June 20, 2022.
  12. What do you need to know about latest Anti CGRP treatments for migraine. American Migraine Foundation. https://americanmigrainefoundation.org/resource-library/anti-cgrp-treatment-options/ Published May 25, 2018. Accessed on June 20, 2022.
  13. Hepp Z, Dodick DW, Varon SF, Gillard P, Hansen RN, Devine EB. The use of oral migraine-preventive medication in patients suffering from chronic migraine. Cephalalgia. 2015; 35(6):478-488. doi:10.1177/0333102414547138. The publication was made in May 2015. Accessed on June 20, 2022.

The Sciatica exercise: 15 stretching exercises for immediate pain relief – Women’s Health UK


Sciatica exercises are a blessing to relieving the nagging (… unintentionally announcing century) nerve pain. Yes, ideally we’d take preventative measures to prevent sciatica from developing however, there are some ways to assist if it occurs regardless of whether it’s through your NHS’ sciatica exercises, knowing what activities you should avoid when you’ve got sciatica or the most effective sciatica exercises to perform at night. If you’ve been diagnosed with sciatica during pregnancy, or because of an unintentional WFH setup the exercises listed below will work.

We spoke to Catherine Quinn, president of the British Chiropractic Association, for all the information you must know.

What exactly is sciatica?

“Sciatica” refers to the condition in which the sciatic nerve that extends through your lower back to your feet is compressed or inflamed as Quinn explains. This could be caused by an injured disc that can cause pain and discomfort.’

In simple terms the discs are located between the vertebrae in which can be described as washers. If one begins to press against the sciatic nerve in the event that it shifts from the place it is supposed to remain in which could be caused by twisting or turning to lift something and cause an entire world of pain.

Sciatica symptoms

Quinn gives us that the following signs could be a sign of sciatica:

  • Acute to severe discomfort within the lower back that can spread into feet and legs
  • Needles and pins
  • Tingling
  • Numbness
  • Weakness
  • The inability to stretch the foot
  • Reduction of the knee-jerk reflex

What is the cause of sciatica?

Sciatica isn’t a matter of preference it can be experienced by anyone. it, but there are a few factors that increase the likelihood of it happening.

“It has been suggested that women who are pregnant may be more prone to sciatica due to the changing pressures in the spine and pelvis according to Quinn.

In reality, 50 to 80 percent of women experience sciatica-like symptoms or back discomfort during pregnancy, particularly in the third trimester and the usual suspects may be at fault such as excess weight liquid retention, the expanding uterus, the shifting of the center or gravity, even the head of the baby — and, in less cases the disc is slipped.

“Individuals who have a very excessive BMI (Body Mass Index) are more likely to be affected by the condition, particularly between the ages 35 to 50 according to Quinn.

The weight of the person can make a difference since it can increase pressure on the back. It also increases pressure in back as well as the pelvis particularly when it’s slung around the stomach. It is a factor.

The poor posture we’ve become used to, when walking or sitting at a desk, especially when using laptops or WFH can strain your vertebrae in your lower back and also. You’ve guessed it that means you are at a higher risk of sciatica.

It’s all about ensuring that we are supporting the spine and in the event of it, adding sciatica exercises.

What are the most effective exercises to treat sciatica?

There are many ways to prevent illness that could be considered for example, living healthy habits, taking frequent breaks from sitting or sleeping on a mattress that is firm and maintaining a good postureeven in your workplace, and a regular exercises,’ says Quinn.

Urban Fitness Deep Massage Roller



However, if these preventative measures don’t work then there are a variety of exercises you can do to alleviate symptoms, for instance using foam rollers to massage the glutes as well as holding yoga poses that aim to open the hip flexor. Also, you can do lower back exercises and stretching the outside glute and hamstring. There isn’t one answer that is universally applicable and you have to determine the best method for the body you’re in.’

In addition to returning to work, exercise and gentle movement such as cycling, swimming and easy walking, as soon as you can, there are a few specific sciatica exercises you can try in bed or lying on your floor. Be mindful of the discomfort, take it slow and stop if notice pain or discomfort.

The most recommended NHS-recommended sciatica exercises

The NHS recommends sciatica exercises that are specific to the issue (which you’ll have to be confirmed by your GP prior to that). Once you’ve got it nailed down, here’s the next step you’ll need to take care of.

If you believe your sciatica originates from piriformis or a small muscle located in your butt, this is the sciatica exercises to do to stretch the muscle:

This content comes from YouTube. It is possible to locate similar content in a different format, or be able to locate more details on their website.

Exercise 1

  • Your legs should be crossed and you can draw your legs towards your chest.
  • Get your abdominals moving and hold it for 10 seconds.
  • Three times. Repeat the process three more times.

Exercise 2

  • Keep your knees in front of your chest, then move over to the shoulder opposite of the side that is in pain.
  • Move your knees side to the side in order to open up the piriformis while focusing on your abdominal muscles.

If you suspect that your sciatica is due to disc herniation or slippage that can cause pain in the local area or throughout the body, these is the sciatica exercises you can do to provide the area with space:

The content has been imported from YouTube. You might be able to locate similar content in a different format, or be able to locate more details on their website.

Exercise 1

  • Lay on your stomach and place two pillows beneath your lower back to relax it and relieve pressure.
  • Maintain this position for a couple of minutes.

Exercise 2

  • Lay on your back, with your problem side facing up and a cushion on your knees.
  • Lay back and place a pillow or a chair on your knees to relax your lower back.
  • As you lie on your back, gently tilt your pelvis.
  • The lumbar arch is in the lower back pressing down on the floor or the bed and hold for five seconds.
  • Do it 10 times.

Exercise 3

  • Make sure you squeeze your buttocks as tight as possible for 5 minutes.
  • Do it 10 times.

If you suspect that your sciatica is the result of spinal stenosis then these exercises are for you. sciatica exercises to open up the space between joints and to strengthen and stabilize the area around it so that it can relieve pressure on nerve pressure. nerve:

The content has been imported from YouTube. It is possible to access the same content in a different format, or be able to locate more informationon their website.

Exercise 1

  • Laying on the floor or in bed, raise your knees to your chest.
  • Ten times, draw them closer.

Exercise 2

  • Bring both knees to the chest, then move them to the side , then back to the front, making circles.
  • Repeat for 10 times in each direction.

Exercise 3

  • If you are lying on a bed or in the chair raise your knees until they are close towards your chest.
  • Be sure to bounce them gently both up and down.

Exercise 4

  • While lying down to the floor, or in a bed, relax your lumbar arches (the curvature in the lower back) downwards.
  • Ten times repeat.

Exercise 5

  • Then, pull your stomach muscles into the middle, then roll your knees one side of the other.
  • Do it 10 times.

Exercise 6

  • Pull your buttocks to squeeze them and pull the pelvic floor up.
  • Keep it for five seconds.
  • Repetition three times.

If you believe your sciatica is the result of disk degenerative disease here exercises are for you. sciatica exercises that will improve, strengthen and stabilize the area around it:

The content has been imported from YouTube. It is possible to locate the same content in a different format, or find additional details on their website.

Exercise 1

  • Place your ankles on the floor below the knees.
  • The buttocks should be squeezed and lifted. the pelvis, bringing it upwards into the bridge.

Exercise 2

  • Relax lying on the back on the bed or floor, by bringing your knees to remove slack from your lower back and engage your abdominals.
  • As you lie on your back, gently tilt your pelvis.
  • With the lumbar arch of the lower back pressing down on the floor or bed and hold for five seconds.
  • Ten times repeat.

Exercise 3

  • While lying on your back On your back, you can activate your core and then move knees sideways to side.

Exercise 4

  • Sitting, lying or standing or standing, press on the floor of your pelvis.
  • Keep it for five seconds.
  • Repetition five times.

Sciatica exercises to do in bed

Sciatica exercises you can perform in bed are beneficial because they can be performed in the morning or at night.

There are a variety of exercises that are possible to do in bed, including pulling knees toward the chest, tilting the pelvis posteriorly and knees to the opposite shoulder stretch’, advises Quinn. A majority of NHS’ sciatica exercise recommendations can be performed in bed. The instructions below will help identify when this is an alternative.

Exercises to avoid when dealing with sciatica

Although movement may help relieve nerve discomfort however, there are certain sciatica exercises to stay clear of.

Avoid exercises that could create more pain for the sciatic nerve Quinn recommends Quinn.

This could be:

  • Weighted squats
  • Cycling
  • High-impact sports
  • Burpees
  • Hurdler stretches

Be sure to follow your pace. If at any time you experience pain that is sharp or you feel that your sciatica exercises you’re performing can make your condition worse (either in or after exercise) be sure to stop and speak with your GP to get further assistance. Quinn’s advice is definitely wise however, no medical advice should be taken as gospel. You can be grateful to your ever-changing and unpredictably shaped body for this.

Health Headlines: A spinal stimulator can help to ease chronic back pain KPLC


Lake Charles, LA (KPLC) More than 16 million American adult suffer from backaches that are chronic. It’s a sharp, pulsing pain that isn’t effectively relieved with medications and physical therapy. However, there is some hope of relief.

James Moharter, who was 64, has spent 17 years suffering from pain that was excruciating “We were struck from behind, and then thrown into another vehicle five cars were rolled, and then the other five cars rolled.”

He’s been through three back operations that didn’t provide relief. He was also on medication for pain all day, which included morphine Oxcodone and Fentanyl.

“People were putting notes on me since they were at home and didn’t know how to wake me.”

James said to his doctors that they wanted to find a different method to ease the discomfort. Therefore, the doctors at Duke recommended the use of a spinal stimulator.

It looks like it is a pacemaker connected by two wires. The wires are inserted into the epidural area and send electrical impulses to the spinal cord.

The device is placed by surgeons within the lower back or buttocks, which is targeted at the nerves responsible for processing pain. The patient controls the intensity of the signal by using an electronic remote.

Moharter claims he doesn’t need any medications at all right now, “I have a wireless charger that I need to rest my hip against every two weeks to charge my batteries by a tiny amount.”

For the first time since he started Moharter has announced he’ll be going camping.

“Couldn’t have done this before. We’re trying to bring back the things that I believed I would never ever do again.”

Before doctors can permanently place the stimulation device in the patient, they have undergo an initial five-to-seven-day test using the device. The stimulators are removed in the event of an infection or mechanical issue.

NATO will hold Nuclear Exercise Despite Russian Warnings NATO to Hold Nuclear Exercise Despite Russian Warnings Voice of America – VOA News


NATO will go ahead with planned nuclear exercises for the upcoming week despite tensions rising over the conflict in Ukraine and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s assertion that he’s not lying about using all means to protect Russian territorial integrity, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg stated on Tuesday.

The event, known as “Steadfast Noon” is held every year and typically lasts for around one week. It is a battle of fighter jets equipped with nuclear warheads however it doesn’t involve live bombs. Standard jets, as well as the aircraft that monitor and refuel frequently participate.

Thirteen out of 30 NATO members are expected to participate in the exercise that was planned prior to Russia entered Ukraine during February. The major part of the exercises will be conducted more than 1,000 km (625 miles) away from Russia the official said. NATO official told.

“It will send a incorrect signal if we abruptly have to cancel the routine, long-time-planned exercise because of the conflict in Ukraine. This is the absolute incorrect message to convey,” Stoltenberg told reporters on the eve of a conference with NATO defence ministers at Brussels.

“NATO’s consistent, predictable behaviour, and our military power is the most effective way to avoid escalation,” said the official. “If we create foundation for any miscommunications and miscalculations within Moscow about our determination to defend and protect all our allies, we could increase the likelihood of increasing tensions.”

As the Russian army retreating from the assaults of Ukrainian forces equipped by Western arms, Putin raised the stakes by the annexation of four Ukrainian regions, and announcing an interim mobilization of 300,000 reservists, to help strengthen the deteriorating frontline.

Since his plans for war have gone off the rails, Putin has repeatedly signaled that he may use nuclear weapons to safeguard those Russian gains. This threat also aims to deter NATO nations from supplying advanced weaponry to Ukraine.

NATO as an organisation does have no weapons. The nuclear weapons which are linked with NATO are under strict control of three members that are three of them: the U.S., U.K. and France. The secretive NATO Nuclear Planning Group will meet on Thursday, with defense ministers.

Stoltenberg said that Putin’s spiraling words about nuclear weapons in terms of “dangerous and reckless” and said that allies “have sent a clear message to Russia that they will face grave consequences if they employ the nuclear weapon in any manner.”

“We monitor closely Russia’s nuclear capabilities,” Stoltenberg said. “We haven’t seen any shifts in Russia’s nuclear posture however we are alert.”

The best pillows for neck pain that offer the ideal level of support Forbes


If you’re in the market for amazing deals on essential bedding items like bed sheets and mattresses Don’t forget to check out Amazon’s Prime Early Access Sale, until the 12th of October. In the course of this deal, a few of the most effective pillows to relieve neck pain are getting steep discounts. Find out more details here and other Prime Day deals.

The most effective pillow for neck discomfort can help to alleviate the problems of insomniacs. These pillows are essential for your bedding and will allow you to awake feeling fresh and ready to face your day without feeling tired, cranky and exhausted. In that way, these pillows are just as crucial as a firm mattress or a perfectly-fitting down comforter. They can have an impact upon the overall quality of life. (Our preferred choice for the best Tempur-Pedic Tempur Neck Pillow that is designed to follow the natural curvature of your neck and head. However, there are many other excellent options to choose from.)

Doctors and scientists confirm the same. As per Nicole Nagle, DPT, an assistant professor in the department of kinesiology and Health in Rutgers University, getting a cushion that supports your neck is essential. A good pillow keeps your head in line to your mattress, not bent down or up the way she suggests. It is also important to stay clear of anything too flat or puffy because that can disrupt your alignment and expose you to the risk of further pain.

Are you ready to revamp your sleeping habits? Now, check out our top pillow for neck discomfort, all one of that provides the perfect degree of assistance to alleviate your neck pain and make your sleep more comfortable.

  • The best pillow for neck Pain All-Over:Tempur-Pedic Tempur Neck Pillow ($119)
  • Most Comfortable Memory Foam Pillow To Help Neck Pain: Epabo Contour Memory Foam Pillow ($37 Was $44)
  • Best Cervical Pillow for Neck PainElviros Cervical Memory Foam Pillow ($37 Was $50)
  • The best neck pain pillow for sleepers on the side:Eli & Elm Side Sleeper Pillow ($104 Was $130)
  • The Most Cooling Pillow for neck pain:The The Purple Pillow ($120 Was $134)
  • Best Value Pillow To Help Neck PainCore Products Cervical Support Pillow D-Core ($42)
  • The Best Neck Pain Pillow Stomach sleepers: Bluewave Bedding Ultra Slim Gel Memory Foam Pillow ($40)
  • Best Firm Pillow for Neck PainNest Comfortable Breather Pillow ($75 Was $149)
  • Best Pillow that isn’t conventional for Neck Pain Mediflow Pillow for Water ($70)
  • The Best Adjustable Pillow To Help neck pain: The Coop Home Goods Eden ($77 Was $96)
  • Best Orthopedic Pillow to Treat neck pain:Uttu Sandwich Pillow ($36 Was $60)

The best pillow for neck In General

A Bestseller Option with a Contoured, Gentle Style That Cradles Your Head

Most Comfortable Memory Foam Pillow To Help Neck Pain

A Perfectly Shaped Pillow to Support Your Neck

The Best Cervical Pillow To Help Neck Pain

An Ergonomic Design with Built-in Armrests

The Best Neck Pain Pillow To Use For Side Sleepers

A Pillow To Provide Extra Support, even on Your Side

The Best Cooling Pillow To Help Neck Pain

A loved option that helps prevent Night Sweats and Doesn’t Lose Its Form

Best Pillows For Budget Prices To Help Neck Pain

A cheap and inexpensive pillow that’s effective

The Best Pillow To Help Stomach Pain Neck Pillow For Stomach Sleepers

A Light, Supportive But Thin Option

The Best Firm Pillow To Help Neck Pain

A movable option for those who aren’t sure what thickness They Like Most

The Most Unconventional Pillow To Help Neck Pain

A Contoured, Well-Contoured Choice For All kinds of sleepers.

The Best Adjustable Pillow for Neck Pain

A great option for people with Allergies

Best Orthopedic Pillow for Neck Pain

A Memory Foam Pillow Adjustable that is universally helpful

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How To Choose the best neck pillows for Injuries

To select the best pillow to relieve neck problems, we took deep dives into top brands available in the market. We then we compiled their top-selling models. We then narrowed the options using factors such as reviews from customers, ratings for comfort and the overall quality. We also talked to an physiotherapist who confirmed the characteristics that we should look for in the top pillows to help neck discomfort. Additionally many of our staffers have shared their personal experiences and favourite items, helping us reduce the list of the top choices.

How to Choose the best pillow for neck Pain

“At night , when you lie on your back to rest, you need your head properly supported to ensure the neck muscles relax,” says Nicole Nagle DPT. With the wrong pillow “your neck muscles work overtime during the night, which isn’t helping your neck discomfort,” the doctor says. Nagle recommends keeping these aspects in mind when searching for a pillow to alleviate discomfort:

  • Maintain your sleeping habits keep your sleep preferences in mind. Certain pillows are designed to certain sleep patterns and this is a factor in your discomfort. “If you’re a back sleeper the pillow you choose should not be too thin in the area where you’re sinking,” Nagle says. “If you’re an individual who sleeps on the side the pillow you choose to use may require a greater thickness in order to accommodate that distance in between the mattress between your body and head.”
  • Concentrate on your alignment. The correct pillow should be able to support your neck and head. “Your shoulders should not rest placed on pillows,” Nagle says. “The objective is to maintain an even spine that is to say your head shouldn’t be either too far back or forward.”
  • The firmness and the material are personal preference. The main goal, Nagle says, is to ensure that you are in alignment, having your neck and head properly aligned to your spine. “If you can find an orthopedic pillow with greater rigidity will assist you in keeping this alignment and maintain that alignment, then take it,” she says.
  • Review the results. Shopping online can be a challenge but it’s also a necessity in the present. This is the reason Nagle suggests reading reviews and descriptions on the internet prior to making buying. If a business offers a reasonable return policy, it’s even better.

Which pillow is the best for Neck Soreness?

There’s no one pillow that’s ideal for everyone, however the best neck pillow pain is one that has two primary features: it’s strong enough to keep your neck at an even angle, ensuring your spine remains in alignment while you sleep, and nevertheless, it’s soft enough to give you a little stretch to relieve pressure points. This is the reason we like The TempurPedic Tempur Neck Pillow, which is a perfect fit for all kinds of people.

The memory foam pillows and the feather ones are fantastic alternatives because they not only provide support, and also cradle your head in order to keep your spine in a neutral position. Cervical pillows – those that have an opening in the middle and a raised edge–are among the top choices. Be aware that the most effective pillows for pain in the neck might not feel completely comfortable initially. It may take some time to get familiar with, so give some time.

How Do I Sleep To Prevent Neck pain?

To reduce discomfort in the neck area, you’re recommended to rest in your back or side. Your neck and head should rest on your pillow and your shoulders should be just a little below the mattress. Your head must also be in a straight line with the mattress, and not inclined at an angle.

What Pillow Type Is the best for side sleepers with Neck Pain?

It depends. Support, comfort and alignment are vital, Nagle says, and you need to choose an appropriate pillow that meets all these requirements. We recommend our Eli & Elm Side Sleeper Pillow due to its firmness and its unique shape which is designed to accommodate the needs of side sleepers.

Are higher pillows helpful for Neck Pain?

Not necessarily. If your pillow is too tall it could throw the spine off-balance and cause more discomfort, Nagle says. In the ideal situation, choose a pillow that has moderate height that can aid you in this. If you’re uncertain about what size is suitable for your needs choose an adaptable pillow.

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How to Handle Headaches while hiking – Backpacker Backpacker Magazine

When I was on a hike through Nepal a couple of many years back, I awoke to find our guide pushing an acquaintance’s head using both hands, as if it tried to crush an octopus. My friend awoke with an intense headache, possibly due to altitude, or maybe due to a long, sunny afternoon in the hills. The squeezes helped a bit, perhaps an effective distraction from the crushing.

When you’re away far from home, a headache can cause tension, anger or even sadness and despair. As caretaker, headaches frustrate me, as well. They can be anything from a minor inconvenience , to serious bleeding or swelling in the brain. The first step in dealing with headaches is to rule out the potentially dangerous ones and offering any possible treatment is in the vicinity (although I’m not convinced that I can verify the head squeeze).

Do you need to be concerned? If you experience a “thunderclap” migraine that is at its highest intensity in moments or seconds after the headache began can be an indication of a genuine emergency and requires urgent attention. Extreme, “worst-ever” headaches warrant an evacuation to a front-country medical facility. A headache that is accompanied by neck stiffness or fever and difficulty speaking, or weakening on one side of the body could also indicate problems. I wouldn’t risk any of them in the backcountry. If you come across any of them on the trail, be sure to get away immediately.

Luckily, less harmful causes such as headaches caused by tension headaches and migraines are the most common causes of headaches. Both can be uncomfortable and at times, unbearable. A lot of people suffering from migraines have suffered similar symptoms before and are able to tell if they’re suffering from like a “typical” migraine. Fortunately there’s no migraines nor tension headaches or migraines are usually life-threatening and they can be treated in the wild (see below for ).

A change in routine could lead to headaches such as travel and sleep deprivation or dehydration, as well as the stress levels can trigger. A withdrawal from caffeine can cause headaches also, so if you’re used having a plethora of double espressos each morning, make sure you have enough consumption of caffeine during your hike or prepare for a headache from withdrawal within up to 2 days after cutting back (luckily there’s an easy solution for this).

The hike at higher elevations comes with certain risks. The headaches that occur at high altitudes usually signal the appearance of additional symptoms of mountain sickness such as sleeplessness nausea, dizziness or dizziness. The time to adjust and anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen are helpful at high altitudes, but as always, descending is the best option for any kind of high-altitude illness. Be aware of the warning symptoms: an abnormal neurological examination, such as a lack of control (can’t walk, difficulty with balance) could be a sign of a life-threatening brain swelling which means it’s time to seek medical attention. Remember that headaches are a primary indication of carbon monoxide poisoning which is why a headache during cooking in huts, tents or any other close-quarters environment is a sign to be concerned, particularly in the event that a lot of people suffer from symptoms.

The treatment requires some individualization. In some cases, Ibuprofen Acetaminophen, or a hot coffee drink can do the trick. In other cases taking a break, drinking water, or staying away from bright lights and loud sounds could be the solution. Relaxation techniques that aren’t pharmaceutical such as biofeedback, meditation, and meditation are great methods to help yourself. Also, having a good understanding of techniques such as the acupressure technique can be a wonderful supplement to your medical backcountry kit.

While on a recent backpacking adventure one of my friends got up at about midnight with a horrible headache. He was a mess: hot, sweaty, and dizzy. Fortunately, we were able to rule out certain red-flag headache triggers: he was not feeling weak or confused and the headache started slowly, and he’d suffered similar symptoms of migraine previously. He fought through it and, with a few medications along with rehydration and an evening of rest and a good night’s sleep, we were back in the trails in the early morning.

Video: Medical analysis: Thibaut Courtois’ sciatica and “indefinite” timeline – The management of Madrid


Thibaut Courtois was not able to play against Osasuna due to an back injury and the club has played the diagnosis in the chest and not disclosing anything specific. According to sources from the club that the Belgian international is suffering from an episode of sciatica and is expected to be out for a while.

In the video that follows I’ve explained the ongoing injury, and also provided information about the uncertain timeframe.

Dr. Rajpal Brar, DPT has an advanced degree of physical therapy degree from Northern Arizona University, and has his own in-person as well as online business in sports medicine and sports performance, 3CB Performance, in West LA and Valencia, CA where he integrates his knowledge of movement as well as fitness training. He also works in the hospital where he gives the opportunity to work with patients in the immediate health care setting as well as neurological patients (post stroke and after brain injuries) -He has been practicing for the past four years. Brar is also a student at UCLA’s mindfulness consciousness research centre (MARC) He is a former youth soccer coaching, and analyzes Real Madrid from a medical and a skills standpoint for Managing Madrid and on his own YouTube Channel. Follow him on Twitter: @3cbPerformance.

How a 56-year-old Woman’s “Searing back pain’ can lead to a Multiple Myeloma diagnosis and a Remarkable… — SurvivorNet


Twelve years ago in the year 2000, when Karen Thomas was 56 and living in Atlanta Karen Thomas began experiencing intense back pain. “I changed from an chiropractor and an ortho physician seeking some relief” the woman told SurvivorNet. The doctors increased her steroids but the pain continued. In the evening, the pain was unbearable that she asked her husband to drive her to the hospital. As she walked in the family room, she fell over. Karen became paralyzed starting from her neck down.

“It came to light that I had a massive tumor that was consuming the vertebrae of my body,” she explained. She was then scheduled for surgery, and then was transferred to a rehabilitation center that was affiliated with Emory University where she was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. This is which is a blood cancer type.

With the assistance of a group of healthcare specialists and Karen’s tireless work with determination and perseverance, Karen was able to gain the possibility of walking again – however, the cancer was still raging. The treatment was started in the hope that one day she would require an operation to transplant bone marrow. “It was just as bad as I was afraid,” she remembers. “I was sick like a dog and was in total in a secluded area.”

However, after a few months she was able to relocate together with her partner and her husband to Charleston, South Carolina, where scientists at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) were developing the development of a new blood cancer treatment. She became the patient of Dr. Hamza Hashmi, a hematologist-oncologist at the Medical University of South Carolina. “The initial thing that he did was to take me off all the painful chemotherapy drugs that my previous doctors had told me I’d need for the rest my existence,” Karen recalls. “Then the doctor gave me more encouraging information. “I think that you’ve got rid of cancer, the doctor said. “We’re going to demonstrate it!”

The Dr. Hashmi told Karen about the test known as MRD (Minimal Residual Disease) which is a test that is used to detect blood cancers that includes myeloma as well as leukemia, lymphoma and various blood cancers. The MRD test is a way to identify cancer cells that have not been eliminated through chemotherapy, or any other treatments for cancer. This means that it helps determine whether a patient is complete remission or if they are at risk of relapse and require further treatments for cancer.

“To undergo this test, I had to undergo an os biopsy. Based on my previous experience I was scared and I delayed it for few days,” Karen says. “Finally I was able to get my nerve. Much to my delight the procedure for outpatients was an easy process.”

There was more good news. “A week after I received a call from Dr. Hashmi contacted me to ask”Are you still sitting?’ was thinking that he would tell me that the cancer had come back. But there was no. He told me, ‘Just as we believed, out of 3 1/2 million of cells examined in your body there’s nothing to show that there’s cancer.'”

“I define it as a functional cure” says the doctor. Hashmi. “Which means that you are able to give the patient a time limit for treatment. The cancer goes into remission, and patients stop treatment. If the cancer doesn’t develop again, it’s an indication of a cure. It can be difficult to attain for all blood cancers but especially myeloma.”

“Dr. Jeffrey Zonder, a medical oncologist and director of the Multiple Myeloma and Amyloidosis Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) and a member of the Hematology Oncology MDT at the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute He says: “Right now there’s a considerable amount of debate within myeloma researchers on what to do with MRD testing, or whether we should do the tests. However, it’s becoming more popular as something that’s happening often and often.”

What is Multiple Myeloma?

Multiple myeloma, a blood cancer, is which involves plasma cells. They are a particular kind made up of white blood cells that are found in bone marrow and assist in fighting infections. In response to infections these plasma cells usually create proteins that aid your immune system fight infections.

In the case of multiple myeloma tumorous plasma cells expand uncontrollably in bone marrow. They also take over other white blood cells. This means that the immune system fails to fight infection, resulting in fatigue. If the cancerous cells known as myelomas, get to be too large within the bone marrow fractures may occur. The cancerous cells release abnormally high levels antibodies into bloodstreams and eventually, they end up in the kidneys for processing. Because kidneys aren’t able to handle the extra proteins, they accumulate and can cause damage to kidneys.

Multiple myeloma is classified into categories to aid doctors in determining what treatments and strategies are the most effective. “We typically divide them according to how risky myeloma is. However, other cancers are diagnosed based on the extent the cancer has been able to spread,” Dr. Nina Shah is a hematologist from UCSF Medical Center, explains.

There are three myeloma stages:

  • Multiple myeloma is a high-risk disease when the patient’s cells have DNA segments that are not present and/or switched segment.
  • Intermediate risk myeloma occurs when certain DNA mutations are not evident, but the patient does have increased levels of certain proteins in blood.
  • The risk of low-risk multiple myeloma is when a patient does not have any of these symptoms.

Doctor. Nina Shah, a Hematologist who is specialized in treating multiple myeloma, which is a form of cancer that affects the blood marrow, discusses a multi myeloma-related diagnosis.

Multiple Myeloma is a blood cancer that originates It is a kind of cancer which affects blood cells. It is due to modifications (changes) of the DNA in blood cells that cause the cells to behave in a way that is abnormal. Blood cancers comprise approximately 10% of all cancers diagnosed across the U.S. each year, according to Yale Medicine.

There are three main kinds of blood cancers:

  • Leukemia is among the prevalent blood cancer in children less than fifteen years old as per the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. It’s a form of cancer that affects white blood cells, or cells that develop into”white blood cells. Leukemia hinders the white blood cells in fighting off infections within the body. It can be acute (which means it’s growing rapidly) as well as chronic (slow-growing).
  • Hodgkin Lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. The most significant distinction in Hodgkin as well as non-Hodgkin lymphoma is in the form of lymphocyte (a kind of immune cell that is produced in bone marrow and can be found in lymph tissue and blood) which is affected. Lymphoma is a cancer that affects the lymphatic system. It is the most frequent type of blood cancer among adults (more than half of all blood tumors). The lymph nodes are affected which are responsible for remove harmful substances.
  • Multiple myeloma is a form of cancer of plasma cells which are lymphocytes that produce antibodies to defend against infection. Myeloma alters the immune system, making it more susceptible to infections.

Who Are At Risk of Multiple Myeloma?

The risk factors for developing multiple myeloma vary greatly dependent on various factors like:

  • Ethnicity and race. African Americans are at an greater chance of developing myeloma as they are more likely to suffer from diseases that could lead to myeloma.
  • Gender and age put males being at slightly higher risk than females
  • Precursor diseases are present. Myeloma with a full-blown recurrence is typically preceded by two conditions: MGUS (monoclonal gammopathy with undetermined significance) and myeloma with a smoldering blaze.

MGUS is a precancerous disease where an abnormal protein appears in blood. The protein, which is made by a specific type of white blood cell found in the bone marrow known as plasma cells, generally results in no health problems and the majority of people do not know that they suffer from MGUS until they are diagnosed through a blood test routinely.

In MGUS plasma cells constitute just a fraction of bone marrow. This isn’t enough to cause cancer. People who are healthy are likely to have an equivalent amount. This is the reason why the disease isn’t symptomatic and has a one per year risk for developing an active myeloma. But, not all people are at risk of becoming afflicted with MGUS. The risk of developing MGUS varies based on:

  • African-Americans of race are three times more likely to contract MGUS more frequently than Caucasians. The condition typically develops in earlier ages.
  • First-degree relatives of people who suffer from MGUS or active myeloma have an elevated risk getting the same illness.
  • As with many cancers and their concomitant conditions, the chance of developing MGUS also increases with age.

The second primary disease that is in the process of developing is smoldering myeloma. This is a type of disease that is extremely close to developing into active myeloma however, it does not show any signs or symptoms.

The probability that smoldering myeloma will progress to myeloma maligna is contingent on the risk of the suspected smoldering diagnosis.

Patients who have smoldering myeloma generally have a 10-year likelihood of progressing to active myeloma. However, those with high-risk myeloma with smoldering symptoms have a 50% likelihood of developing into active multiple myeloma in two years after diagnosis as per the Dr. Irene Ghobrial, myeloma specialist at the Dana -Farber Cancer Institute.

Dr. Irene Ghobrial, myeloma specialist from the Dana -Farber Cancer Institute, describes a growing myeloma diagnosis.

What are the signs from Blood Cancer?

“It’s extremely common for people to say, “You know, I’m getting very tired,” or ‘You know I noticed that I experienced more infections this winter than I can remember and that’s a common occurrence,” Doctor. Shah says in a prior conversation with SurvivorNet. “But when you see the first indication of something that isn’t normal is important to move to the next stage and ask yourself, ‘OK what’s going on? Do you think there’s something else that is causing this?’ That’s typically when we get the diagnosis of multiple myeloma.”

Other signs include bone issues such as muscle weakness or pain in the back hips, legs or skull. If you are diagnosed doctor. Shah says the first step is to have your blood examined to determine the amount of protein and an assessment of your blood’s count.

There are a variety of other tests that doctors are likely to do, including DNA tests. “The DNA test is crucial because it assists in putting individuals in risk categories. When we understand this, we’re able know how serious the condition has become and the best way to cure this condition.” Dr. Shah declares.

What are the Treatments?

“Humankind has made significant progress in terms of the treatment and diagnosis of cancer,” says Dr. Hashmi. “Multiple myeloma does not have to be a cause to be a cause of death. It’s now an ongoing condition that you get older as a result of it.”

When it comes to myeloma treatment, specialists who have been at the forefront of research over the last 20 years are all convinced that the treatment options they provide to patients are vastly superior to when they first started their careers. The treatments and research are extremely beneficial for those who are newly or recently diagnosed with multiple myeloma.

Doctor. Paul Richardson, Director of Clinical Research at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute has told SurvivorNet in an earlier interview that newer treatments such as combination therapies, better-defined stem cell transplants and the recent development of immunotherapies have led to a sort of “paradigm shift” in the way we think about and treat myeloma.

“We’ve witnessed dramatic changes that keep happening and that’s why it’s been so exciting and a pleasure to work in this field since these changes have resulted in new advancements,” said Anderson.

The the average life expectancy for multiple myeloma is now more than four times the length it was two years ago. There’s been so much advancement that people who could only last just a few years following treatment now live for more than a decade and the odds will only increase from here.

Related: An Exciting Change in the Delivery of Daratumumab for Multiple Myeloma

The Dr. Shah explains what goes in making treatment choices for patients suffering from multiple myeloma.

What is MRD Testing?

MRD (Minimal Residual Disease) tests monitor the activity of blood cancer. It informs doctors of how many cancerous cells are left even after treatment. It also gives health professionals the ability to assess and debate how to best manage their treatment.

“MRD testing does not just benefit those who are patients” claims Dr. Hashmi, “but it helps the medical professional who utilizes the test to learn more about the myeloma of their patient and take decisions based upon the results of the test.”

MRD testing is part of what’s commonly referred to as “precision medication”. It’s sometimes referred to as “personalized medication.” This test gives doctors a glimpse into the proteins and genes found in cancer cells. This information helps them develop a treatment plan that is most effective for a patient’s particular cancer.

An MRD evaluation is so precise that it could detect a single cancerous tumor among 10,000 to 100,000 nucleated cells according to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. If the results are negative for MRD, it means there are no signs of cancer that can be detected. MRD-positive indicates that cancerous cells are present.

There could be some discomfort the process of having a bone marrow sample collected to test. It’s best to inquire with your doctor about what you can expect and if pain medications are available.

If You’ve been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma What should I ask the Doctor?

  • What are the most effective treatment options to treat multiple myeloma?
  • What kind and health experts will I have part of the medical staff of my doctor?
  • What are some adverse reactions I can expect from this disease or treatment?
  • Do my condition or treatment impact my daily life? Do I have the ability to carry on working?
  • Do I require an additional opinion?
  • What is the cost of treatment and do you have funds to support them?
  • Dr. Hashmi is also adamant that patients inquire if there are clinical trials being conducted and if they qualify.

Find out more about the rigors of SurvivorNet’s medical review process.

Robin Westen is a contributor at SurvivorNet. Read More

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