News: NATO’s annual nuclear drill begins, 14-Oct.-2022 – NATO HQ


Air forces from all over NATO will be testing nuclear deterrence capabilities, involving hundreds of aircraft flying over northwestern Europe beginning at the beginning of Monday (17 October , 2022). This exercise is scheduled to last through October 30, is regular, ongoing exercise in training and does not have any connection to recent world events.

“Steadfast Noon” is an exercise that “Steadfast Noon” includes 14 nations as well as up to 60 types of aircraft which include the fourth generation and fifth generation of fighter aircraft along with tanker and surveillance aircraft. Like previous years US B-52 long-range bombers are scheduled to participate. This year, they’ll be flying out of Minot Air Base in North Dakota. Training flights will be conducted over Belgium where they will host the event in addition to across both the North Sea and the United Kingdom. There are no live weapons being used.

Steadfast Noon takes place with the same NATO Ally each year. “This exercise is a way to ensure that the nuclear arsenal of the Alliance remains secure, secure and efficient,” said NATO Spokesperson Oana Lungescu.

NATO’s brand new Strategic Concept, adopted by Allied leaders at the Madrid Summit in June makes clear that “the primary goal of NATO’s nuclear capabilities is to ensure peace, avoid coercion and discourage aggression.” The document states that “as there are nuclear weapons, NATO will remain a nuclear alliance. NATO’s mission is to ensure a safe world for everyone; we strive to create a secure environment that will allow a world free of nukes.”

Health in Focus Common Neck Pain Causes, and the Best Ways to Prevent it 9 & 10 News – 9 & 10 News – 9&10 News


The pain in the neck is one of common reason for emergency rooms and primary care visits however, it’s typically treated with surgery.

Neurosurgeons who are board certified Dr. Jay Jagannathan, with Jagannathan Neurosurgery says that neck pain is often caused by muscles strains and worn joints nerve compression injuries, and other conditions. The doctor also advises that you not be concerned about neck pain when you are experiencing any of the following:

  • Persistent pain (over 6 weeks)
  • The pain is getting worse
  • Balance, weakness or coordination issues
  • Neck pain due to losing weight, headaches with chills or fevers

Luckily, there are few ways to prevent neck pain

  • Make sure you have a your posture with care
  • Make sure you take frequent breaks
  • Take the appropriate precautions when lifting weights that are heavy
  • Relax and rest with a good posture
  • Stop smoking

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11 Best Mattresses For Shoulder Pain of 2022Medically reviewed mindbodygreen –


– mindbodygreen

A couple of tiny1 study2 from 2010 indicate that shoulder pain may be due to resting for long periods of time on a hard surface, particularly if sleeping on your side.

However, before you blame the shoulder pain entirely due to your mattresses, you should consider taking a look at a few possible culprits. Chiropractor Cameron Yuen, DPT, CSCS, director of rehabilitation and education at Bespoke Treatments Physical Therapy in New York City, suggests review your day-to-day routine. “Shoulder pain when sleeping is usually caused by an issue that affects the joint. It could also be due to the soft tissues in the shoulders (or more frequently, the neck, specifically when the pain is in the shoulders).”

Yuen emphasizes the importance of having a good pillow. “A important starting point is to make sure that the pillow is able to help the natural curves of your neck while helping your head stay in place,” he adds.

However, he does agree that if you’re getting up every day with shoulder pain, there’s a great possibility that your mattress is the cause of the cause. “You are likely to want to lessen the pressure on your shoulder. That may mean changing to a more comfortable mattress. The aim is to spread the strains throughout your body in a more even way and so the stress that was primarily at your shoulder is now distributed to the other side of your body.”

The report says Microsoft’s HoloLens can cause soldiers headaches The report is available here: SiliconANGLE News

One year and a one-half following the time that Microsoft Corp. won a possible contract worth $22 billion to provide its HoloLens virtual reality headsets for the U.S. Army, the contract hasn’t been as successful when it was discovered that the majority of soldiers experienced headaches due to the new generation headset.

Bloomberg published today that a study conducted by the Pentagon’s testing office discovered that the majority of soldiers who use HoloLens experienced “mission-affecting physical disabilities,” including headaches, nausea and eyestrain. These numbers are substantial with over 80percent of Army users feeling uncomfortable within less than three hours of wearing an adapted variant of HoloLens (pictured).

Headaches aren’t the only thing but they get more severe. It was also discovered that the HoloLens wasn’t reliable. In a document for Defense Department officials, Nickolas Guertin director of test and evaluation, claimed that the HoloLens system is not performing crucial tasks. The findings were presented in a document which was not intended to be published.

Guertin did not suggest to the U.S. Army give up on the HoloLens However, he did not suggest that the HoloLens be discontinued. However, Guertin is said to have suggested to the Army “prioritize enhancements” prior to widespread deployment in order to lessen the “physical discomfort experienced by the users.” Guertin’s suggestions comprise enhancements to the low-light sensors of the goggles display clarity, display clarity and field of vision, as well as the reliability of a few vital functions.

Despite the fact that it seems to have hurt the majority of users Guertin was able to provide positive feedback about the devices, though it was an insignificant one According to him, the new version is easier to fix than the previous models. Soldiers and officials have said that the most recent version has “enhanced control and coordinated movements within units” amid headaches.

For over 10 years, augmented and virtual reality have been touted as the next big trend however, as companies such as Meta Platforms Inc. have discovered, the vision isn’t yet a reality.

Microsoft’s HoloLens has been widely regarded as the most reliable use of the technology within the pack, having launched in the year 2010 and gaining unique commercial uses in. Many competitors and copycats have emerged since Microsoft introduced HoloLens particularly Google Glass, which sort of went out of business, but then was back with an enterprise version in 2020.

The idea that next-generation technology isn’t infallible is not new, as is the case with Tesla Inc.’s autos’ tendency to hitting ambulances. But hybrid reality technology, at the very least in theory, isn’t as difficult to implement as self-driving vehicles.

Image: U.S. Army

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The foot and hip joint and the foot-hip-hip connection Chiropractic Economics


The foot and hip pain as well as the connection between hyperpronation and sciatic pain.

The term “SCIATICA” is a description of a set of symptoms not a diagnosis according to Janet Travell, MD, the pioneer of trigger point therapy, outlined in the classic Trigger Point Manual. One of the biggest problems is that searching the internet for the word “sciatica diagnosis” will show an array of contradicting views among medical professionals as well as the link between foot and hip pain. The majority of them believe that sciatica is a sign of a deterioration or a deterioration of sciatic nerve as a result of a radiculopathy or an entrapment which is, that is, an indication of illness or injury.


My name for this prevalent perspective refers to “injury-centric” mentality. This belief holds that pain is caused by injuries or diseases within the physical structures like joints and nerves, tendons, or nerves. bursa, which is usually close to the location of the perceived pain.

Radiating pain , as observed in sciatica is usually attributed to entrapment or impingement of the sciatic nerve or injuries to other parts of the IT band. The theory is that pain originates from the injury and pain signals are transmitted through the injury as inward signal for the brainor, in other words it can be described as an “outside-in” experience.

Modern neuroscience has thoroughly disproved this theory, but it is still prevalent in our medical system as well as popular culture. V.S. Ramachandran’s research on the phantom of limb pain is extremely instructive to understand the root of pain. Phantom limb pain is experienced as if it’s an limb that has been removed. He discovered that by using the mirror box that reflect the limb that is present to the other part of your body the evidence that is visible that the missing part being present can stop the pain in many instances. According to Ramachandran it is an outcome it is not an input.

Lorimer Mosely, PhD, collaborated with Ramachandran on his phantom-limb research and has emerged as a leading voice in the field of modern neuroscience. Mosely states the fact that “soft tissue damage isn’t essential nor sufficient for the sensation of pain.”[3The brain does not detect pain signals, it is able to detect the nociceptive (danger) signals coming from the peripheral region and decides “is this really dangerous?”

Pain is often thought of as a signal from the brain that focus must be given to the perceived injury. In some instances there’s a genuine damage or physiological problem that is setting up nociception . But these instances are very rare and a more common source of nociceptive is trigger points within muscles.

Trigger points and nocicept

Travell’s research provided numerous examples of muscles that typically create trigger points, and whose referral patterns mirror the majority of the symptoms associated with Sciatic nerve. Our research has revealed that sciatic pain usually has its roots in muscles that have trigger points. [4]

Jay Shah, MD, of the National Institutes of Health has demonstrated convincingly that trigger points can be effective sources of nociceptive signals. In addition, he introduced microtubules in the trigger point and removed the ambient fluid discovering that it contained numerous similar nociceptive compounds that can be observed in the area of tissue damage. However, trigger points aren’t injury-related and can be treated quite quickly. They are most likely to develop in situations of chronic or acute use, which may strain the local metabolism and vascular exchange, which can result in the formation of trigger points.

The concept of pain referral can be an ambiguous phenomenon that can be observed whenever trigger point are active to go over the threshold and cause an unpleasant sensation that is usually far away from the point where the trigger points are. In their study, Travell and Simons documented the direct referential patterns of a broad range of muscles. For instance trigger points within the gluteus minimus may cause the entire or a portion of a pattern of pain which includes sacral and gluteal pain, which can be felt throughout the lateral or posterior leg, as far as the ankle and foot. Because of its resemblance with the dermatomal axis of the sciatic nerve and the recurrent pattern of foot and hip pain is commonly thought to be radiculopathy or an entrapment from the nerve.

However, gluteus minimus sciatic referral is such a common phenomenon that Travell and Simons nicknamed this muscle “Pseudo-sciatica.”[6] Gluteus medius is commonly co-involved, potentially adding low back referral to the mix.

Foot and hip pain The pain of the muscles is a chain

A direct and simple transfer from one muscle is extremely rareMore frequently, a report of pain includes a variety of muscles. Certain muscles operate in a silent manner and contribute to the patterns of satellite referral where the pattern of referral for one muscle is mirrored by the trigger point from another muscles, which causes it to create the trigger point of its own. The chains may be several muscles long. Patients may only experience the insertion of the final muscle within the chain.

Although satellite referral may sound a bit cryptic and confusing, it’s an actual thing which we have discovered to be extremely significant over the course of the 20 years of clinical experience. Satellite chains were not described in the trigger point literature. However, the authors did note and discuss the phenomenon in isolated instances. We’ve also observed many frequent patterns that cause several of the most frequent symptoms of pain seen in medical practice.

Sciatic pain is the most prominent illustration. The gluteus minimus muscle pattern connects numerous muscles while it moves through the leg, including the quadriceps, hamstrings adductor magnus as well as many other muscles in the leg’s lower. While it may be tempting for practitioners to concentrate on areas of tenderness within one of the muscles that are terminal, such as vastus lateralis, it can be a major unnecessary use of time when the vastus lateralis muscle is being established by satellite re-connection through the gluteus minimus.

Alongside the existence of satellite chains, functional interactions between muscles should also be taken into consideration when determining the root of the pain. The CNS continuously monitors the connections between muscles and their antagonists, so that it can create seamless, coordinated movement at every joint. Because of this close coordination trigger point dysfunction muscles can cause dysfunction in the antagonists.

A physiotherapist and author Leon Chaitow pointed out that taut fibers that are seen in muscles that have trigger points might play an important function in that taut fibres are full contractures of the individual fiber bundles. They can also mimic the stability that is normally offered by connective tissue and ligaments. 7. It is my assumption that the CNS could introduce taut fibers to provide stability to joints that are believed as unstable because of factors like excessive muscle movement or imbalance.

One of our approaches to treating patients involves “hack to the CNS,” downregulating it by a variety of methods of neurological distraction, and allowing the experience of motion pain-free region that has been stretched by taut fibers in opposing muscles.

The length of the leg and Hyperpronation

The ankle hyperpronation is basically a failure ensure adequate stability of the foot and ankle due to ligaments that are stretched. We have seen this problem to be prevalent in twenty years of clinical practice and has been observed in particular in patients with sciatic pain.

A subtalar joint that is too mobile tends to permit the knee and femur to move valgus in a downward direction due to the an arch that is collapsed. The leg abductors including gluteals and TFL are the main way to stop the valgus’s movement by bracing the legs with abduction. The constant over-engagement of the muscles in gait is the ideal setting for creating trigger points. This can result in a recurring referral pattern that could be accompanied by the various symptoms of sciatica such as lower back sacral and gluteal discomfort and radiating to the lower leg.

Leg length discrepancies that are effective usually are associated with hyperpronation. This is especially true in cases where the pronation level differs on both sides. The quadratus lumborum as well as the iliocostalis muscle are particularly sensitive to LLD. A sacrum tilted to the side results in various lengths of resting between the two QLs and the CNS dislikes this type of discord.

The result could cause point development in either QL as a means of stabilizing an incredibly dangerous situation. The QL is a large referral pattern that includes gluteal, sacral, abdominal and radiating parts and is a potent recipe for a series of satellite referrals through the QL to the glutes and finally up to your leg. Unilateral sciatica is a typical symptom. [8]

A method for treating sciatic pain.

Our method for treating sciatic pain is based on movement-oriented bodywork to restore the muscles that are located along the satellite connection and to strengthen the functional foot and hip pain chains. This is followed by the assessment and correction hyperpronation by midfoot and forefoot support.

In the event that an efficient LLD is found the appropriate lift should be added on the shorter side, after correction of hyperpronation. These steps to correct gait are essential to ensure lasting relief. This method has proven to be extremely effective and has a high percentage of success when dealing with what could be a severe and debilitating pain syndrome.

CHUCK DUFFfounded the Coaching The Body(r) (CTB) Institute in 2001. Since then, he trained thousands of pupils in efficient techniques to ease discomfort. CTB incorporates trigger-point therapy, techniques that are based on movement which are based on traditional Thai bodywork, as well as other techniques in conjunction with the latest research from neuroscience. The workbook, Ending Pain: Coaching the Body using Neuroscience Movement, CTB, and Trigger Point Therapyis scheduled to be published in the late part of September 2022. For more details, go to


1. Travell and Simons, Myofascial Dysfunction and Pain, 171.

[22 Doidge, The Brain That Changes Itself, 142.

3 “50 Shades of Pain” with Professor. Lorimer Moseley Trust Me, I’m a Physical Therapist.”

[4] Duff, Charles, Ending Pain, 223.

5 Shah and co., “Biochemicals Associated With Inflammation and Pain Are Increased in the areas that are near to and afar from active Myofascial Triggers.”

6. Travell and Simons, Myofascial Dysfunction and Pain, 1886.

[77 Chaitow, “Might Trigger Points Sometimes be useful? – Leon Chaitow.”

[8] Duff, Charles, Ending Pain, 127.

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Long covid could erase 10 years of gains in fitness or exercise capacity The Washington Post


Long covid is a way to strip people of their health, energy work and happiness. It can also rob the equivalent of a decade worth of aerobic strength as per a massive scientific review of covid sufferers and exercising.

The study, released in JAMA Network Open, aggregated the results of dozens of previous studies to demonstrate that those with covid that is long typically suffer from lower endurance and work out harder than people at the same age who have developed covid but have recovered.

The findings are a part of the mounting evidence, derived from both studies and personal experiences that “something is happening” in a lot of patients who have long covid , which makes exercising difficult, if it’s not impossible, claimed Matthew Durstenfeld, a cardiologist at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and professor at the University of California at San Francisco Department of Medicine, who conducted the study.

This could have implications for the length of time that covid is defined as well as for overall health, well-being and wellbeing for long covid patients. It could be months or even years from now.

Long covid, the term used for the persistent, increasing manifestations of the illness which persist for months following the covid-19 virus, is a problem that affects millions of Americans as well as other individuals around the world. A study released earlier this week shows that one in 20 people who are sickened by coronavirus will suffer from long covid.

How long is covid the catalyst for a revolutionary change within medical science research

Typically long covid is identified by a set of symptoms which includes headaches fatigue, headaches, joint pain, brain fog and other. A lot of people suffering from long covid have reported that they can’t exercise or go for walks without feeling tired and winded.

However, this inability to be active, referred to as exercise intolerance isn’t considered to be an official symptom of covid, Durstenfeld explained in part due to the fact that clinicians and researchers believed that it be due to being deconditioned. This is because they believed the stamina of people dipped when they were in bed with covid, and that they were able to recover it after they were up and moving again.

However, it is true that many people who have long covid had trouble regaining their fitness levels, and over the last few years or more, studies suggested that the bodies of these people responded differentlyand in a poor way to exercise. In tests of exercise their heart, respiration muscles, and other biological systems had a harder time than those of healthy people.

However, the majority research studies are smaller with a few patient, and focusing on patients who were admitted to hospital for several weeks or more and making it hard to discern those effects of being inactive and bedridden from the effects of covid for long periods.

For the current investigation, Durstenfeld and his colleagues chose to compile and reanalyse the results from all relevant recent studiesto give greater weight to any results by incorporating the most patients possible.

In order to achieve this, they identified nine studies that compared the fitness tolerance of people who had long covid versus the tolerance of those who had contracted the disease but had recovered. By combining the data from these studies to produce findings for 464 patients with long covid and 359 people without. They were all similar in terms of age, with a range of 39 to 56 and they all completed an assessment of their endurance and heart rates on the treadmill or stationary bicycle along with other tests for medical conditions.

The results however, were quite different. The general consensus was that people who had overcome covid showed normal strength in their age. However, those with long covid showed the endurance that a person 10 years old would have. Forty-year-olds could jog or bike like “someone who was in their fifties” Durstenfeld said.

A peculiar response to exercise

They also had a variety of peculiar, internal reactions during exercise, earlier research showed. A lot of people’s muscles took less oxygen from their bloodstream than they normally do, limiting the muscle’s capacity to contract. Heart rates of people also frequently did not increase to the extent that is expected when exercising, reducing blood circulation throughout the body and some individuals hyperventilated.

They aren’t typical physical reactions when an individual is in shape due to illnesses or bed rest, Durstenfeld said. “This goes beyond just deconditioning.”

Others also agree. “I believe the most important and accurate point in this study is that deconditioning on its own” isn’t what causes exercise to be so difficult for people who have long covid, according to David Systrom, a pulmonary doctor in Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. Systrom was not part of the latest study, but has worked with and studied patients suffering from long covid.

People with long covid are likely to have molecular changes in their muscles as well as blood vessels and nerves, he explained, that could alter how their bodies are able to handle their physical requirements of exercising. These challenges and changes occur regardless of the fact that most people who have long covid display no signs of abnormalities evident in their lungs or heart.

A brand new symptom of long covid

In addition, a small number of people with long covid displayed exactly the same patterns of physical changes they were less affected by physical exertion than other people.

One of the key takeaways from the study is that intolerance to exercise “should be considered to be a sign” of covid for a long time, Durstenfeld said.

Another reason is that people who have long covid might want to think about exercising according to Stephen J. Carter, an expert in cardiovascular physiology at the Indiana University Bloomington School of Public Health who has conducted studies on people suffering from long covid, but was not in the review.

“If people are experiencing difficulty exercising, a consultation with their doctor regarding an exercise test for cardiopulmonary would be a good place to start,” he said. “These tests are an easy method of determining where the limitations to exercise may be originating from.”

Visit a clinic that specialises in long covid and has experience with exercise intolerance might be beneficial as well, Durstenfeld said.

“We do not yet know the path” that long covid or exercise intolerance, he said and how long the condition can last, and whether it is treatable or if it could eventually disappear by itself. The long-term aim of his research is, he added, to assist those suffering from long covid find ways to return to exercise.

Join the Well+Being newsletter, your resource of expert advice and easy guidelines for living your best life every day.

Are you struggling with a fitness concern? Email [email protected] and we may answer your question in a future column.

Could Magnesium be the secret cure for Headaches? – BlackDoctor.Org

Headaches and migraines can be quite painful. headaches can be extremely painful. Supplementing magnesium with magnesium can reduce some of the pain that comes with headaches?

Did you be aware that magnesium, an essential vitamin that is involved in over 300 bodily functions can also be utilized to treat headaches? Magnesium can be used to treat anxiety headaches and migraines because it assists muscles to relax. These conditions may also become worse if your body does not have sufficient magnesium.

Magnesium is an essential component in the body’s stress-response system. Having lower levels of magnesium within our bone (where the magnesium is stored after entering our body) can render us less able to manage stress, leading in headaches.

Find out the benefits of magnesium as well as how it could aid in reducing headaches.

RELATED The 14 Different Kinds of Headaches: Which Are You Experiencing?

What Causes Headaches Happen?

It is essential to visit your doctor whenever you suffer from frequent headaches or have chronic headaches because headaches could be an indication of various medical conditions.

There are a variety of headache types, each with an individual cause.

  • Tension headaches

  • Repeating headaches

  • Migraines

  • Hormone headaches like those that are associated with birth hormone control pills or HRT

  • Headaches caused by painkillers are result from withdrawal following the use of excessive amounts

  • Hangovers from alcohol

  • Head injuries that cause headaches

  • Viral diseases, like colds and the flu

  • Sinusitis

  • Sleep Apnea

According to a study released in International Scholarly Research Notices, headaches are the 14th most common complaint of Americans who visit their primary care doctor. Many people don’t consult a doctor about headaches. In fact, around 1.5 percent of visits to the general practitioner are due to headaches. According to a different article published in The Headache Journal, 4% of people suffer from everyday headaches.

What does Magnesium have to do with Headaches?

Headaches are among the signs of magnesium deficiency according to Roxana Ehsani who is a registered dietitian nutritionist and national media representative of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

She says that the majority of people don’t consume enough magnesium throughout the day, and some might be more

The View guest reveals film project Whoopi Goldberg had to end the project after significant problems… The US Sun


A guest The View The View has revealed a film project which Whoopi Goldberg had to end due to serious health problems.

The news comes following the fact that the actress who is famous was absent from the talk show just one day in the year 2021 because of back discomfort.


The View host Whoopi Goldberg was made to resign from the film role last year. Source: ABC


Director Kevin Smith revealed that she was to be component in Clerks III Credit: ABC

In a new episode of The View, director Kevin Smith who is 52, appeared on the panelists for a discussion about his new film, Clerks III.

Whoopi, 66, inspired her cohost Joy Behar to ask Kevin: “Who was the woman who played the witch?”

“That was the legendary Amy Sedaris,” he declared.

“She was in the role of an emergency hitter since we already had a doctor however she had to go through some health issues on her own and was unable to be there,” continued Kevin.

Then he pointed to Whoopi He then emphasized: “Whoopi right there.”

“Yes,” confirmed the moderator.

Kevin stated: “Whoopi was supposed to be here with us.

“I was very excited, and I believe that it was because the back incident occurred.”

The majority of people read Entertainment

“Oh it was the back thing, and that leg thing and the front thing, everything was happening!” said Whoopi, taking a joke about her health problems.


Kevin and Whoopi worked together with Kevin on Clerks III when she was knocked down by sciatica in June 2021.

This condition that has left Whoopi walking with a walker results from a herniated disc or bone spur on the spine or shrinking or narrowing the spine can cause compression on a part of the nerve.

After taking a break on The View, Whoopi explained to her followers: “I was out because I was struggling with something known as sciatica which is basically a bulging disc that is located in your back and can affect the sciatic nerve that causes the leg into pain.

“I’m telling you that it’s like having a terrible partner… an unreliable boyfriend who returned back to play with me.”

“There I was trying to move my leg — impossible,” she continued.

“It was really awful.”

Her ordeal happened following her absence on The View for a few weeks in the year 2019 after she was admitted to the hospital with sepsis and pneumonia.

However, the veteran TV host is feeling much better and was recently featured in an animated Apple film, Luck.


Whoopi was not on The View in June 2021 because of sciatica Source: ABC


In the meantime, Amy Sedaris took over her role as Clerks III Clerks III Credit: ABC


Whoopi along with co-hosts and newcomers Alyssa Farah Griffin as well as Ana Navarro Credit: ABC

3 pillows for support to ease back pain when you sit at your desk. Komando


If you don’t have a suitable office chair to aid in maintaining the health of your back as well as spine well-being, you may be suffering from back discomfort. It’s difficult to continuously think about posture , and to actively alter it. However, these lumbar pillows can help you align your back to lessen discomfort and increase the comfort of your computer or workplace desk. Here are our top choices.

Dreamer Car Lumbar Support for office chairs

Memory foam is alumbar living-saver. The memory foam pillow is comfortable and large enough to cover the majority of your chair’s back as well as extending about halfway to your back. When it is able to support the lower lumbar area, your shoulders and your upper back will be in alignment.

Dreamer Car includes a one-year warranty. It is also a regular pillow for sale. With an unscented material and soft It’s the only protection you’ll need to secure your back at your desk.

Qutool lower Lumbar Support Pillow for Office chair

Are you in need of a little extra support? Qutool offers a lumbar vertical support pillow that can get the job done with complete back support. The pillow comes with two straps that connect to the back of your chair so that they keep it in position. It won’t move when you’re trying to concentrate.

Two zones of impact in the lower half of the pillow form to your own shape, while the higher support is designed to alleviate neck discomfort. With a warranty of five years with a form that won’t fall flat with time, this kind of back support is the one that’s not present in your desk set-up.

Cushion for a comfortable, orthopedic chair with memory foam

Sometimes back discomfort is caused by pressure on the tailbone. Based on the way you are sitting in your chair, you may put stress on your spine due to a weak seat cushion. The pillow comes with an under cushion that is used in conjunction with the back cushion for total support.

Attach the cushion to your chair using two straps. Its soft and memory foam cover is both easy to wash and will mold to your form in time, giving you an excellent support every time you are at work.

We may earn a small amount of money when you purchase through our links, however our recommendations and reports are always impartial and non-biased.

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