Rehabilitating the Horse out of back pain This is The Horse is

Horses suffering from back pain require correct rehabilitation that focuses on strengthening and stabilization regardless of the source of the discomfort. Hilary Clayton, BVMS, PhD Dipl. ACVSMR, FRCVS, professor and McPhail Dressage Chair Emerita in Michigan State University, in East Lansing, described the objectives and exercises to help in the rehabilitation of horses from back discomfort at the 2022 British Equine Veterinary Association Congress that was held from September. 7-10, in Liverpool.

Clayton said that one of the primary steps to be taken in the rehabilitation process is to activate the muscles that stabilize deep. “The exercises that I particularly like (for for this) are the exercises for dynamic mobilization, or stretches with bait,” she said. “The basis of this is that the horse is trained to obey a reward using his nose and allows the handler to place the neck and head in various postures. This is not just beneficial for spinal mobility, but also tests the horse’s ability to balance in various situations.”

She described a variety of exercises for rounding, such as chest to chin as well as the chin between the carpi (knees) as well as chins between the fetlocks as well as lateral bend exercises, like chin-to-girth as well as chin to stifle and chin to the hind fetlock. “The more or less back the horse is positioned during these stretches the greater the poll’s angle is opened and the greater angles at the neck’s base is bent or flexes,” Clayton added. The practice of stretches with baited every week, with five repetitions of each stretch every day, increases your deep stabilizer spinal muscles, and enhances their symmetry from left and right sides within six weeks, according to Clayton.

The trainer also said that while she recommends slow feeders, horse owners should steer clear of haynets as well as other methods of feeding that are high. Instead, opt for slow feeders that require horses to keep their neck and head in a lower position.

Trainers and owners can improve stability by performing exercises that move your center of mass to the base of support of the horse that triggers an increase in stability within the muscle. The exercises that can be used include:

  • The tail should be pulled gently to the side, thereby activating the hip stabilizers and to stifle.
  • Reduce the dimensions of the support’s base by taking a leg, and then gently pushing the body of the horse
  • The horse is positioned on the slippery surfaces.
  • Stabilizing the horse’s balance through shifting limbs during the swing phase using pole exercises.

“The purpose is to stimulate the horse to use his spinal and muscle groups that stabilize the limb,” said Clayton.

“Many activities used for rehabbing back discomfort can be completed in a walk or halt however, we will eventually get to an age where it’s essential to incorporate trots as well as the canter in the rehabilitation program.” Then, we must think about which is the less harmful of the two alternatives? The longe being ridden or incorporating an extra weight to the rider?”

When you introduce longeing to your rehabilitation program, it’s ideal to start with a big circle and slower speed. The horse must be permitted to lean backwards on the circle in order to create the ground reaction force that turns, Clayton said.

“The riding weight of the horse can increase flexion of the lumbosacral joint when in stance as well as in the motion of riding,” she explained. “As consequently that the horse’s back drops downwards towards the croup. Thoracolumbar sagging corresponds directly to the mass of the rider, therefore it is logical to start with a light, small rider.”

As the horse progresses through his rehabilitation, exercises must be added to increase strength and coordination, as well as engage the muscles that are mobilizing the core. Hillwork is a good exercise to introduce slowly beginning with the walk, later when trotting and canter. On an upslope the force of gravity on the hind limbs of the body and increases the strength of muscles of the back, including back musclesand gluteals and hamstrings, as well as activating the abdominal obliques that are located inside to help stabilize the trunk. In a downward slope gravity swells the forelimbs more than it does on the flat, which can increase the risk of concussive injury. Clayton recommends taking gradual, controlled movements and in a good self-carriage. This strengthens the thoracic sling muscles as well as activates the abdominal oblique and external abdominal muscles that control the trunk’s rotation.

Travel Headaches Grow since Southwest Annulls Thousands of Flights NBC Connecticut

On both sides, the weekend of Thanksgiving ran into in trouble with regards to traveling.

Then came the pre-Christmas winter storm, then delays and cancellations, specifically on Southwest Airlines, that have only exacerbated depression that follows the holidays.

“The word”helpless” is a good one,” said Paul Zito who wanted at returning to Florida following his visit to Connecticut. “It’s as if you’re no any longer the king of your own world.”

“Just very frustrating,” said Ivy Zito.

In this year’s season, Southwest Airlines is dealing with more than the normal rush.

The company stated in a press release that it would fly “roughly one-third” of its schedule over the next few days, due to severe weather across the nation.

“This morning, I awoke to hear, ‘Oh, you know, your flight was cancelled and you’ll need to rebook in the morning,'” Zito said.

On social media On social media, on social media, the U.S. Department of Transportation declared that the frequency of Southwest Airlines cancellations was “unacceptable,” and that they will investigate whether or not the incident could have been avoided.

“We did not anticipate it to last for so long and it’s been lingering for for as long as it has and we’re pretty powerless in this situation, which is the tough aspect,” said Zac Boyer who’s plane towards Kansas was also cancelled.

Bradley International Airport had 10 departures cancelled on Tuesday, all in one day. This is only a small portion of the 2,500 cancellations that have been reported nationwide according to FlightAware however this is a fact that has passengers such as Zac and Amanda looking for an alternative to get to get home.

“Can we rent an automobile and drive it to home? It’s likely to take at least 20 hours, if not longer due to the fact that we have an infant and a toddler, so it’s not possible to simply drive straight through as you did in the past when you’re 22,, and was in university,” explained Amanda Boyer.

These obstacles create a chain of issues.

Regina Jahrstrofer and her family decided to travel by car across the state of Connecticut from Baltimore to Connecticut following the fact that their connecting flight was cancelled.

“I’m here trying to get it cleaned up and pack my bags because I’m in the same clothes I was wearing yesterday’s early morning.” Yearstrofer told reporters.

The luggage of the group remains in Maryland But despite the hassle the morale of the group is looking good.

“We could be worse off, so you simply take the next step, and continue to move ahead. There’s nothing more you can truly do,”Jahrstorfer said.

A few passengers, such as Zac as well as Amanda Boyer, were told they won’t be able to catch another Southwest flight back home until January. 1.

My Health | Neck Pain WLNS


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Help Yourself Treat Your Low Back Pain iRunFar


The low back pain is one of the most prevalent and chronic pains that plague humanity. Running athletes aren’t immune to lower back pain, which is defined as any pain that occurs in the lumbar spine area, right over the pelvis and the hips. Running is a major cause of irritation for the back’s lumbar spine which makes it more prone to discomfort with even the simplest daily activities , such as standing, sitting or walking, bending and reaching.

The main cause for running-induced lower back discomfort is compression. When you run, the lumbar-sacrum and pelvis area is able to absorb and process an enormous amount of energy every landing and push-off.

If the stride isn’t efficient either in terms of propulsion or posturethe lower back region could absorb the energy by compressing. This is caused by a decrease of the area and extensibility of connective tissue, bones and muscles. This decrease in movement is the primary cause of back pain and stiffness.

It may seem obvious that stretching the low back is enough to alleviate pain, it usually will require more energy and care to the entire system that surrounds it such as the thoracic spine and sacrum, pelvis, as well as hips.

Therefore, treating just the area that is painful will not result in lasting or complete pain relief. A physical therapist or chiropractor could manipulate your back and create a dramatic pop and provide pain relief and restored motion — however, if the improvement is not sustained for days or hours later, it’s usually due to stiffness that is not treated between the lower and upper back.

The movement of these areas will allow the lumbar bones and tissues with the space to relax and move in a normal manner, usually without aggressive strategies for treatment.

I’d like to demonstrate how you can do it you can do it yourself.

Additionally, a lot of these strategies rely on the idea of Traction. Traction is a method of lengthening and gapping which increases the distance between the structures. It’s the reverse of compression. Stretches based on Traction provide the largest mobility with the least amount strain pressure, pain, and pressure.

The Decompression Progression

I’ll outline these self-treatment strategies by order of the least to the most aggressive. If you are currently experiencing severe low back pain in which any move is extremely painful:

  • Consult a physician in-person to confirm that your back is safe to move. after that
  • Take care, with gentleness and patience through the next steps.

Step 1. Thorax Foam Rolling

The thoracic spine is a hidden cause for lower back discomfort and dysfunction. Incredibly, the thoracic spine and ribs can be extremely stiff, but not asymptomatic for numerous. But the more stiff the thorax, the greater strain is transferred to the lower back.

To help mobilize the thorax I recommend these strategies. All of these should be done using a 36-inch foam roller

Side-to-Side Rolling

This is the gentlest first step. It involves rolling across the back of your rib cage. If you can, flatten your back spine using your foam roller.

Side to side for anywhere from one to five minutes.

The author shows side-to-side foam rolling. All images: iRunFar/JoeUhan

Down-and-Up Rolling

Place the foam roller in your mid-thorax, beneath the shoulder blades. Always keep your head in your hands. Place your body in a parallel position to your floor. Prior to rolling to the floor, flatten your lower back and activate your abdominal muscles. This will protect your lumbar region from excessive arching. You should roll from the top of your neck towards the lower part of your rib cage. Do not roll directly on your lower back!

Then, roll between up to 2 minutes.

Rolling up-and-down on foam.

Ar-Over Rolling

Choose a spot that is stiff in the ribs and then place the foam roller on the place. Letting your pelvis slide towards the floor and then lower your head to the hands.

Take 2 to 3 breaths Then, take a step up and roll over. Find a new spot to repeat the process, as necessary.

Arch-over foam rolling.

Diagonal Roller

It might feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable, but it is a great way to increase the thoracic rotation. The foam roller should be laid on similar to the Up-and-Down Rolling however, with the roll tilted around 30 degrees.

Without arching the top and bottom, you can roll between about one to two minutes and then switch to the next diagonal.

Check out this article on thoracic mobility to know more.

Step 2: Pelvis Boogie Board Stretch

It is the next thing to do decompressing the sacrum and pelvis away from the spine. spine. One of the best strategies involves stretching the pelvis lateral with the help of a boogie board.

To do this, sit on your feet, and place a an armchair, couch or a wall in front to secure yourself to for stability and control. Take care to move your body to one side. For instance, you can stretch your left side, with the right buttocks on the left heel as well as the buttocks of your left attempting to reach the floor. In most cases, if you’re stiff, you’ll be unable to achieve this. Use something to control the intensity of your stretch. Repeat on the opposite side.

The front of the stretch for the boogie boards.

To extend the stretch you can add the ipsilateral turn. For instance, if you’re you are sitting on the left you can turn your ribs and then turn further to the to the left.

Do intervals of 15-30 seconds, multiple times per session to get closer to sitting with your face on the floor.

Alternately, if your hips and knees aren’t able to allow for kneeling in a deep way, do a side bend standing. The stretch leg is crossed behind the other leg, and then turn away from the side pelvis that is stretched. Adjust the stretch by making small bends (forward bent) as well as extension (back bent) motions. Repeat on the opposite side.

We will discuss this idea in more detail in this article that focuses on how important pelvic flexibility for running performance.

The view from the rear of the stretch.

Step 3. Child’s Pose

It may appear basic However, a properly-executed yoga stretch for children utilizes the traction of not only the spine as well as the pelvis and sacrum.

To start, you must begin by kneeling. After that, take a seat back and bend inwards. Place your knees in a posture that feels most comfortable for hip and knee flexion.

To create the effect of traction for the traction effect, your hands should be extended to the front grasping the floor using the entire hand. Secure your hands and lean back further. This will create a powerful and decompressive traction force the lower back region.

Maintain this position in this position for 3 to 5 seconds. Try 3 to 10 repetitions. Be aware that hips and knees usually require rest more frequently more so than your back.

Yoga Stretch for kids.

Step 4 Step 4: Sit Toe Touch

A lot of lower back patients are scared of the flexion of their back because it hurts. While it could be painful for many people it’s not the main source of the discomfort. If the pain you are experiencing is no any longer severe or acuteand the child’s posture in the third step was a comfortable one The second step will be to test the toes that are seated.

In addition to a different stretch that is based on traction that is seated toe contact can also help with segmental mobility, which is the capability for each spinal bone one at each time.

To do this, sit in a chair, keeping your knees and feet open. Slowly stretch segmentally such as chin tuck and the neck flex, followed by the rib cage and finally, the lower back while your hands are slowly lifted to the floor.

Maintain this position for up to three minutes. For more stretch take a grip on the floor beneath your feet and pull the hands. This creates traction force for the spine.

For return, stretch the segments from the bottom upwards by pushing the sacrum as well as the lower lumbar bone, backwards, and then gradually moving back into a sitting place. Repeat the process three to ten times.

Seated toe Touch Part 1.

Seated Toe Touch Part 2.

Seated Toe Touch part 3.

Step 5 Step 5: Runner’s Lunge

Beyond the pelvis and sacrum, increasing hip mobility is essential in reducing stress upon the lumbar spine. One of the main causes of the compression of the lumbar spine is tight hip flexors, specifically the psoas. These originate from the back of the spine before joining the femur. Additionally tight hip flexors may push the lumbar vertebrae in the direction of the anterior, which can hinder their efficient motion, and also pulling the pelvis down to a stiff and an anterior tilt that is compressive.

Since the psoas may easily pull the low back and lower back, the most effective way of stretching it without further causing irritation and compression to the lower lumbar spine -the key is to keep the leg that is not stretched in full extension. This keeps your lumbar spine in neutral and increasing the stretch effect when running.

To do this, put the leg that is flexed forward on a sturdy, elevated object such as a chair or a stool, or two steps on the staircase. Place the rear stretch leg behind it, wide and internal rotated. The entire body should slide towards the floor, while retaining an upright knee in the back leg.

Keep this position for 15-30 seconds and repeat it four to six times on each side.

An angle view from the side of the stretch.

The rear of the athlete’s stretch.

Step 6: Trunk Rotation

A spinal rotation could cause a tense stretch to an already painful lower back. If it’s preceded by stretching exercises above the trunk, a stretch to rotate can help free the low back and the regions between (thoracic spine) and below (pelvis and hips).

In addition, many runners suffer from some form of false lower back as well as hip discomfort which originates in the lower part of the thoracic spine. The superior cluneal cluneal nerves are two sensory nerves that are derived from the thoracolumbar joint which is that is between the ribcage and the lumbar spine — and then travel downwards and towards each buttock. If this junction becomes stiff, the nerves may become sensitive and lead to pelvis, lumbar or hip pain.

The most effective way to avoid the development of cluneal nerve discomfort is by stretching out into rotation. For this stretch, Begin on the ground sitting flat across your back. The stretch knee is flexed to your waist and then fold it over your body. With the other hand to push the knee towards the floor.

Maintain this position or rotate using the on-off pressure. Keep this position for 15-30 seconds, then repeat the process up to six times on each side.

Be aware that if the stretching causes sharp, or sharp pain, don’t perform. Repeat the stretch and then take a break for a couple of days before trying it again.

7. Step Upward Dog

A downward dog yoga stretch (also known as prone press-ups — could be provocative to runners’ lower backs, even though they’re not experiencing discomfort. When performed without traction, a press-up is likely to intensify the pressure on the lumbar region. The force won’t be pleasant and usually causes or worsens lumbar discomfort.

If the traction technique is applied correctlyfollowed by efficient mobility techniques for the thoracic spine above, as well as the hips and pelvis below, the exact upward dog movement is an excellent stretch to increase mobility and reduce the pain.

For the exercise, you must lie down on the floor. For proper traction your hands should be in close proximity to your torso and also a little lower, towards the chest level rather than the shoulders.

When you press upwards to lift your body, you should also press behind. The objective is to drag your feet one up to 2 inches. The dragging of your legs generates the tension that is decompressive. Continue pushing forward and upward until the elbows become locked, or until pain or discomfort is minimal. Take a couple of breaths.

For a return, you may either go straight back to prone or change gently into a child’s the yoga pose, as is explained in step 3.

Five to 10 up-down yoga stretching exercises.

Upward dog yoga stretch.


Low back pain can be difficult to treat since there are many different structures that trigger discomfort, but also because other issues , such as stiffness below and above the lower back can also create compressive stress on the lower back. The use of decompressive techniques is crucial.

This sequence is not just address the lower back discomfort in the most disruptive method, but also aid in preventing its return by keeping all related components and the back,

Call to discuss your comments

  • Are you suffering from lower back discomfort?
  • Did you find the information above useful?
  • Are there any other ideas that is effective for you?

Make sure you are in a good posture when using mobiles or you’ll suffer back neck pain, or back pain Economic Times


Due to the increasing use of mobile phones, many are also suffering from chronic spinal changes, particularly within the cervical, thoracic, and the lumbar regions.

Our posture during the process when we receive and make mobile calls could result in musculoskeletal pain. Many studies have found that the incorrect posture when using phones to the development of pain and discomfort.

The joints of our body experience wear and tear while they are active, and can be repaired in the time of rest. When we place joints that are not in a normal position for a long period of time, or press the joints with a single position for a long period of time they will be subject to greater wear and tear. there will be a point where there is a wear and tear that will be greater in comparison to the repair and the degeneration will begin within the joints as The doctor Uma Kumar, head of the Department of Rheumatology AIIMS said to IANS.

“When we hold the mobile in our hands it is not just our fingers that are utilized, but also our elbow, hands muscles, neck and elbow are all involved, as we normally look at the phone while we bend the neck from a the netural position, which is above the head and in a straight line,” Dr Kumar said.

AIIMS doctor has stated that there is constant burden on the skull, muscles and brain over the neck that rests on the cervical spine. If we are working or watching the mobile incorrectly the weight will increase in proportion to the tension over the spine and muscles, causing pains.

“When you turn your head back or tilt it to the side and backwards, the cervical spine’s (neck) muscles and ligaments provide support to the head. When you exert pressure on your neck it is the intervertebral discs of the neck which help force be evenly distributed and absorbed,” Dr Kumar said.

In discussing the growing amount of patients suffering from this Dr Kumar explained “We frequently in OPD encounter patients who are complaining of pain in the neck, fingers, or waist because of a wrong posture.” A long-term forward head position can increase the risk of an acceleration of the degenerative spinal changes, said AIIMS doctor Kumar. Instead of lowering the head maintain it in a straight position and raise the mobile and laptop to your eyes. suggested.

“Our head weighs between 5-8 kg of weight. If the head is tilted in any manner, it will put greater pressure on the muscles in the neck because of gravity, however when we are in a fixed, long-standing place (prolong time on a computer and the use of mobile phones) it can cause muscles that fatigue, pain and degenerative conditions because of a chronically bad posture.” said Dr. Kaushal Kant Mishra Director, Bone and Joint Institute, Fortis Escort Hospital.

Dr. Mishra explained that “If our necks are in the normal position, we place 5.4 kgs of mass on the neck. If your head is tilted by 15 degrees toward the forward direction it will increase the weight to 12.2 kgs. If the head is tilted by 30 degrees and upwards, the weight will rise to 18.1 kgs. If it is tilted you tilt it 45 degrees, the it will weigh 22.2 kgs. And if the head tilted to 60 degrees and the weight on the neck will be 27.2 kilograms.”

“That is why paying attention to your posture when using the mobile or laptop is essential to avoid discomfort and disarray. When the shoulders and neck move forward and backwards, the muscles of the front become tighter, and the back side gets weaker, and a result is that muscle imbalance occurs,” Dr Mishra said.

A good posture, ergonomics and, above all the strengthening of neck muscles is the most effective prevention and treatment option for neck, shoulder and upper back pain, Dr. Mishra explained to IANS.

These are the 9 most effective Steps We learned in 2022 to help ease back pain Good

The truth is thathere’s no one cause for back discomfort: pregnancy constipation, heavy boobs muscle injuries, and poor posture are only some of the most common causes. In actual fact, back pain is such commonplace that around 80 percent of Americans will suffer from it at sometime in their lives According to American Chiropractic Association.

We’re fortunate that we’ve gotten lots of insights from medical experts this year on how to relieve the chronic back pain. If it’s dragging you down, don’t worrywe’ve got your back. Find the top exercises and stretching exercises for back discomfort that we discovered in 2022.

9 lessons to ease back discomfort that we have learned this year

1. Stretches for back pain after a road trip

When we sit for extended durations of time may result in our back to get tighter like when driving for long periods of time. To alleviate back pain caused by long drives Physical therapy Assistant Professor Abbigail Fietzer DPT advises sitting in a straight position while traveling to your destination and strengthening those core muscles.

Once you’re out of your vehicle, do some stretches to are counter to the position that your back was in while driving such as hip tilts, prone presses ups, stretching your hips while kneeling.

“Think of stretching in the opposite direction from where it has historically been,”Brad Baker DPT who is a coach for performance at Future previously stated to Well+Good. “When you are sitting for a prolonged period of time you’ll notice that you’re “low back is flexed forward and your and your pelvis is in a tilted back and your hips are posture of flexed forward as well.”

2. Exercise areas to work out for back hurts caused by huge bobs

If you’re experiencing back tension due to weighty breasts, physical therapists and personal trainers alike suggest exercises that strengthen your core and the upper back. Strengthening your core can help you to stabilize your spine and relieve some tension from your back and strengthening your upper back can help improve posture that is caused by that weight on your chest. In the end, deep breathing with your diaphragm may ease the stress placed on your neck and chest.

3. Exercises and stretching exercises to relieve lower back discomfort during pregnancy

Professional dancer and Dancing With The Starsalum Lindsay Arnold learned to manage lower back discomfort during her pregnancy’s second by remaining active. Bird dogs that activate the lute and leg lifts allowed her to establish a strong back support structure. back and stretching exercises like child’s pose as well as cat/cow stretch aid in easing tension. Other stretching exercises such as kneeling lunges or pigeon poses can help ease lower back tension, too.

Here’s how to do bird dogs. Please note:

“Low back pain in pregnancy is among the most frequent complaints for females,” Arnold previously told Well+Good. “It is crucial to focus to strengthen the muscles supporting you and stretching to increase flexibility of joints and ease muscles tension.”

4. Stretching the chest to relieve upperand middle back tension

If you’re feeling tightness in your upper or middle back If you feel tightness in your back, try stretching your chest. Based on the advice of physical therapists tight chest muscles can cause you to round shoulders, causing existing back discomfort. In the 10 minute chest stretching routine instructor of pilates Brian Spencer demonstrates moves that include the muscle groups in your chest (aka the pecs). In extending the pec muscles, you’ll increase blood circulation, flexibility and posture.

5. Glute exercises to relieve lower back in pain

In the event that you need motivation to complete your squats and strengthen your booty, a bigger one can assist in relieving persistent back pain. back pain. “Your lower back muscles are able to compensate for weak glutes” Physical therapy Natalie Sampson, DPT, previously said to Well+Good. “Glutes are inactive due to weakness, or simply because they’re restricted or tight.”

A resistance band can assist you to build a stronger foundation. Banded squats, side steps and front steps can build the side glutes, and reduce lower back strain in the course of time.

6. Camel pose to relieve all-over back shoulder pain and for rounded shoulders

Yoga’s benefits are known to know limitless possibilities! Camel pose, also known as the ultrasana, is a heart-opening back stretch that will strengthen your back and correct your rounded shoulders, open your chestarea, as well as ease back discomfort. In that regard, CorePower Yoga instructor Sabrina Washington advises warming up before attempting the camel pose, because this backbend to open your heart is more difficult than other yoga postures. If you’re currently recovering from injuries, Washington recommends avoiding this pose.

“This is a moderate and more strenuous posture that could trigger preexisting joint or muscle pains in these regions,” she previously told Well+Good. “Be certain to talk to your physician if you have concerns prior to practicing yoga.”

7. Massage with a tennis ball for insomnia brought on by back discomfort.

A lack of relief from back tension can cause an unrestful night. If back discomfort is keeping you from getting some rest you can try placing tennis balls on your mattress, directly below the location that’s making you feel uncomfortable. The gentle pressure of the tennis ball can help to stretch and lengthen the muscle affected. Be sure you don’t sleep on the top of your tennis ball and try not to place it directly beneath your spine since this could cause bruising, and possibly increase the discomfort you already have. Ouch!

8. Exercises to strengthen the core for back arthritis in senior citizens

The personal trainer Lori Michiel, 68, knows more than one thing or two about keeping an active body as you age. A large part of her job is instructing clients of all ages to identify and strengthen the core muscle. Training in the core can help increase balance and prevent back discomfort, which are two of the most frequent complaints she receives from clients. Her preferred exercise? Standing dumbbell raises because it allows abdominal muscles and builds them up in time.

9. A lower-back stretch that loosens those abdominal muscles that are nefarious

Twisting or reaching movements can stretch the upper back quickly however the lower back is more difficult to pinpoint. Specialist in injury prevention and trainer for athletes Liz Letchford, PhD, suggests that the quadratus lumborum (or QL) which is a sneaky deeply seated lower back muscle could be the source of your lower back discomfort. Like any other instances of severe back discomfort, Letchford recommends checking in with a physician. Moving a damaged muscle even if you try for stretching, may cause more harm.

“The QL is likely tight due to the pelvic musculature not working properly,” Dr. Letchford previously said to Well+Good. “Stretching could provide relief for a short time however the most effective approach is to talk to an expert in movement to pinpoint the areas where you might be compensating.”

If you’ve received the green light from an PT Try this stretch of the door frame to focus on the quadratus lumborum and let loose the lower back tension.

Use these tips the next time you feel sore or painful, then you’ll get back on course within a matter of minutes.

The most effective

Travel headaches persist through the holiday weekend WTAE Pittsburgh

ALL THURSDAY. >• WINTER WEATHER LEAVING travelers stranded throughout the WEEKEND


Travel headaches continue throughout the weekend of the holiday

The harsh winter weather has been keeping travelers in the dark throughout this holiday weekend.At Pittsburgh International Airport Monday 22 flights were cancelled, and another 24 flights are delayed until 12:30 p.m. Around 2,085 international and domestic flights were cancelled on Monday, as of around 12 noon Eastern Time, according to website that tracks flights FlightAware. The site reported that Southwest Airlines had 1,253 cancellations which is almost a third of the scheduled flights and five times the number of cancellations as the other main U.S. carrier. A message addressed an email to Southwest was not returned and the Dallas-based airline hasn’t updated its website on the situation until Saturday.Based on FlightAware data, many airports over all of the U.S. were suffering from delays and cancellations, which included Denver, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Seattle, Baltimore and Chicago.You can verify your flight’s status on Pittsburgh International here. It was the Associated Press contributed to this report.

The cold winter weather has been making travelers homeless all over the weekend of Christmas.

In the Pittsburgh International Airport Monday, 22 flights were canceled and 24 flights have been delayed since 12:30 p.m.


There were 2,085 international and domestic flights were cancelled on Monday, as of 12 noon Eastern Time, according the website that tracks flights FlightAware. The site noted that Southwest Airlines had 1,253 cancellations which is nearly one-third of its scheduled flights , and more than five times as many than every other significant U.S. carrier. A message addressed at Southwest was not returned immediately and the airline based in Dallas hadn’t changed its website to reflect the situation since Saturday.

Based on FlightAware information, all airports over the U.S. were suffering from delays and cancellations, which included Denver, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Seattle, Baltimore and Chicago.

Check the status of your flight at Pittsburgh International here.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

What Sciatica Exercises Can I Do in Bed?


Sciatica pain can be debilitating and make it difficult to get through the day. Fortunately, there are several stretches that can help relieve sciatica pain before you even get out of bed each morning. Chiropractic adjustments are an effective way to treat sciatica at its source by identifying and correcting subluxations along the spine.

Read More About What Sciatica Exercises Can I Do in Bed

content machine american chiropractors photos b - How does stretching help make it easier to get out of bed in the morning?

More Things To Know About What Sciatica Exercises Can I Do in Bed

In addition to chiropractic care, these stretches can help reduce sciatica pain and improve mobility.

Exercises You Can Do Without Even Getting Out Of Bed

content machine american chiropractors photos a - What Sciatica Exercises Can I Do in Bed?

Herniated discs occur when a bulge in the cushioning between the bones in your spinal column puts pressure on the sciatic nerve. To relieve this pressure, you must create space between the bulging discs in your spine. Bone degeneration is another cause of sciatica pain; irregularities in your vertebrae can pinch the sciatic nerve and lead to burning pain. Stretching helps to reduce this pain by increasing flexibility and range of motion around the affected area. With regular stretching routines tailored to your specific needs, you can manage your sciatica symptoms without ever leaving your bed.

Press Up

The press up is a great exercise to strengthen the chest, shoulders, and arms. It can also help improve posture and core stability. To perform the press up, start by lying on your stomach with your elbows positioned directly below your shoulders and your forearms flat on the bed, parallel to one another.

Then lift your chest and extend through the spine from your tailbone to the top of your neck. Allow your back to arch naturally as you hold for 30 seconds, breathing deeply.

Once you have completed two reps of this exercise, you can move on to the press up extension. This variation adds an extra challenge by requiring you to lift one arm off the ground while keeping the other arm in place.

This will help build strength in both arms and increase stability in the core muscles. Make sure to keep proper form throughout this exercise and focus on engaging all of the muscles involved in order to maximize its effectiveness.

Press Up Extension

The press up extension is a great way to stretch and strengthen your back muscles. It involves lying face down on the bed with your hands flat, next to your shoulders. You then press your palms into the bed to lift your upper body, keeping your hips and pelvis stuck to the bed. This helps you extend the stretch through your spine from your neck to your tailbone.

As you do this, let your back arch and hold for 10 seconds before slowly returning to the starting position. Doing 10 reps for 1 set will help you get the most out of this exercise.
This exercise is beneficial in helping improve posture and reduce lower back pain as it strengthens the muscles in that area. It also helps increase flexibility throughout the entire spine, allowing for a greater range of motion when performing other activities such as lifting weights or playing sports.

Additionally, it can help relieve stress and tension in the neck and shoulders by stretching those areas as well. The press up extension is an easy yet effective way to keep yourself healthy and fit!

Knees to Chest

Knees to chest is a great stretch for those suffering from lower back pain. It helps to reduce tension in the lower back muscles, allowing them to relax and release any built-up stress. To perform this stretch, start by lying on your back and slowly bring your knees up towards your chest.

Allow your low back to round as you do this. Hold the position for 30 seconds before releasing and repeating if necessary. Doing 3 reps of this stretch can help reduce pain in the legs if it is due to muscle tension or tightness.

This stretch can also be beneficial for those who are not experiencing any pain but want to prevent it from occurring in the future. Knees to chest help keep the spine flexible and mobile, which can help reduce the risk of injury or strain when engaging in physical activities such as running or lifting weights.

Additionally, it can help improve posture by strengthening core muscles and improving balance. So whether you’re looking for relief from existing pain or just want to stay healthy, adding knees to chest into your daily routine is a great way to do so!

Posterior Pelvic Tilt

Posterior pelvic tilt is an exercise that helps to strengthen the core muscles and improve posture. It is performed by lying face up on a bed with the knees bent and feet flat on the bed. The abdominals are then drawn in to flatten the lower back into the bed.

This position should be held for 5 seconds before returning to the start position. It is recommended to do 10 reps of this exercise for maximum benefit.

Knee to Opposite Shoulder

Knee to opposite shoulder is an effective exercise for strengthening the core muscles and improving flexibility. It helps to stretch out the hip flexors, which can become tight from sitting for long periods of time. This exercise also helps to improve balance and coordination by engaging both sides of the body.

To perform this exercise, begin by lying on your back with legs extended and feet flexed. Then, lift your right leg, clasp your hands behind your knee, and gently pull your right knee across your body toward your left shoulder.

Hold this position for 30 seconds before releasing and repeating 3 times. After completing 3 reps on one side, switch legs and repeat the same steps on the other side. This exercise should be done slowly and with control in order to get the most benefit from it.

With regular practice, you will soon notice improved strength in your core muscles as well as increased flexibility in your hips.

Figure 4 Stretch

The Figure 4 Stretch is a great way to relieve tension in the hips and lower back. It helps to open up the hip flexors, which can become tight from sitting for long periods of time. To do this stretch, start by lying on your back with bent knees and feet flat on the bed. Cross your right ankle over your left knee so that it forms a “4” shape.

Then, grasp your hands behind your left knee and gently pull your legs toward your chest as you press your right knee away from your chest. Hold this position for 30 seconds before releasing. Do 3 reps before switching legs and repeating the same steps on the other side.

This stretch is an effective way to reduce pain in the hips and lower back while also improving flexibility in those areas. It can be done anytime throughout the day or after a workout to help loosen up tight muscles and improve range of motion.

Additionally, it can be used as part of a warm-up routine prior to physical activity or exercise to prepare the body for movement. The Figure 4 Stretch is an easy but effective way to keep your hips and lower back healthy and limber!

How Many and How Often Should You Exercise?

Exercising is an important part of managing back pain. It can help to strengthen the muscles that support your spine and reduce tension in the area. However, it is important to add exercises into your routine gradually so as not to cause further injury or strain.

What Makes Sciatic Nerve Pain Worse in Bed?

Sciatic nerve pain can be a debilitating condition that can make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, for some people with sciatica, their symptoms can worsen when they are in bed. This is because lying down increases the pressure on the irritated nerve, especially if you sleep on a soft mattress that causes your spine to bend while sleeping. This extra pressure can cause the sciatic nerve to become even more inflamed and painful.

In addition to sleeping on a soft mattress, other factors that may contribute to worsening sciatic nerve pain in bed include poor posture while sleeping, staying in one position for too long, or using an uncomfortable pillow.

To help reduce the severity of sciatica symptoms while in bed, it is important to find a mattress that provides adequate support and comfort and use pillows that keep your spine aligned properly. Additionally, taking frequent breaks from lying down and changing positions throughout the night may help alleviate some of the discomfort associated with sciatica.

Now You Can Get Out Of Bed

Getting out of bed in the morning can be a difficult task for those suffering from sciatica. The pain associated with this condition can be so severe that it prevents people from wanting to move at all. Fortunately, there are some stretches that can be done before getting out of bed to help relieve some of the pain and make it easier to get up and start your day.

These stretches should be done slowly and gently, as any sudden movements may cause more pain. If any of these stretches cause more pain, stop immediately and call a specialist for an appointment.

Doing these stretches each morning will help reduce the severity of the symptoms and allow you to get out of bed with less difficulty. With regular practice, you’ll soon find yourself feeling better and ready to take on the day!

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