Cork’s irritated motorists are facing an additional eight-months of road headaches — Irish Examiner

Senior officials of transport of Cork have defended the controversial new traffic flow plans and insist that they are integral to an overall strategy for managing Cork’s congestion.

The remarks are included in a comprehensive report to city councillors, who voiced concerns at the city council meeting regarding the effect these changes will have on traffic, particularly the removal of right-hand turns on St Patrick’s Bridge and Christy Ring Bridge to allow northbound traffic.

The changes caused chaos on the roads after their introduction last year in conjunction with the MacCurtain St public transportation scheme that is the most recent major initiative to be implemented as part of Council’s City Centre Movement Strategy.

The councillors were outraged about the issue prior to Christmas and the Sinn Fein leader Mick Nugent told the meeting that “things have slowed down a bit” in recent months and he was happy to hear that the issue is being reviewed on a regular basis.

Fine Gael councillor Des Cahill stated that officials had said “all of our issues will be resolved” in September.

“I prefer to imagine that we’ll be in the middle of August when schools start in September, we’ll be pushing for August, to ensure that, when schools go back and we return, our issues will be solved,” he said.

Northbound traffic

In a comprehensive review, city’s director of the infrastructure department, Gerry O’Beirne, said the new traffic rules for northbound travel will be “integral” with the general plan.

“The restrictions to right-turn turns at St Patrick’s and Christy Ring bridges has led to the creation of the required second eastbound traffic lane along Lavitt’s Quay and enhanced the capacity of the junction,” he said.

“These aspects are crucial to the ease of entry into to the city via the north side and will grow as the project progresses. They are is also essential to the ongoing flow of traffic from the southwest side of the city through Bachelor’s Quay.”

The City Centre Movement Strategy, which was adopted as a rule of thumb by councillors a few years ago as well as the Cork Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy both seek to shift more road space in the city centre to bicycles and public transport as well as to manage traffic in the road space.

All of the work completed recently along the northern quays forms an element of the MacCurtain St public transport system that includes bus lanes that are now widened as well as bus-only right turns. bus priority at traffic signals major pedestrian improvements, as well as the creation of a segregated two-way cycling route along the northern the quays.

The final result will be the introduction of two-way street circulation along MacCurtain St and a complete reconstruction of streetscape.

Mr O’Beirne has stated that in the last year, several junctions and routeways have been eliminated The removal of the bus contra flow route at Camden Quay has doubled the capacity of northbound traffic that connects one of N20 or Mulgrave Road. N20 or Mulgrave Rd, while other improvements to Penrose as well as Patrick’s Quay have also significantly increased the flow rate and capacity available on the north Quays.

A new international study estimates that motorists in the city spent the equivalent of 68 hours trapped in traffic between 2022 and 2023.

Twenty22’s Global Traffic Scorecard by Inrix The 2022 Global Traffic Scorecard by Inrix ranked Cork the 71st busiest town in the entire world, with the amount of time lost in traffic increasing 95% over prior year.

John Seivert: Does Mindfulness-Based stress Reduction (MBSR) alleviate back discomfort? The Union


A month ago, while reading and analyzing the latest research regarding treating chronic lower back tension, I discovered numerous research papers on how mindfulness can be beneficial when it comes to controlling chronic lower back pain. The long-term results of mindfulness were far greater than those of other approaches commonly used in the field of healthcare. Then I looked out the peer-reviewed American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) monograph entitled, Current concepts of orthopaedic physical therapy Lower quadrant and discovered that the use of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) practices is highly efficient in giving pain relief for patients experiencing stress as a result of a comorbidity. Who doesn’t experience stress when you’ve been struggling with back discomfort for months or even for years?

As I was reading these papers, and becoming excited about this subject of MBSR which is a fairly new one to me. I shouted at my wife who was sitting in the kitchen “Hey Rox, I think I’m going to write my next article about Mindfulness and the ways it can aid in treating those suffering from lower back tension.”

“What do you think &*#% are you have to know about the subject of mindfulness?” she blurted out she laughed.

“Well it’s included found in an APTA monograph, which was just released in 2021 and is one of the most effective methods to treat persistent LBP.” It was a statement I listened the instructions with confidence as I went in the dining room.

“Huh No, not kidding. I’ve used mindfulness in my work and for myself since the 80s. I began reading the research studies of Dr. Jon KabatZin of the University of Massachusetts Medical Center.” She speaks with her hands and palms wide as if she’s saying”This is just so old.

“Holy cow, this is the one who is mentioned within the APTA monograph,” I say with incredulous laughter. “Yeah the research of his shows that the results are just as good in comparison to other forms of therapy and could be more effective than medication.”

Roxanna is then able to articulate the same thing that many of us in the field of healthcare have experienced, “Isn’t it interesting that concepts start out as ‘witchcraft’ but become popular and then verified by random controlled studies (RCTs) prior to the time that medical professionals recognizes it as valid.”

This is a normal ritual for many therapies that have made it into the mainstream of healthcare.

Research into Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

Mindfulness-based stress reduction is the application of a variety of mindfulness and movements-based practices like yoga. In 2016 , in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) researchers evaluated their effects on MBSR for chronic low back pain. They evaluated MBSR with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to standard treatment. According to this study, the goal on CBT CBT group was to alter the thoughts and behavior associated with pain and attitudes, while the MBSR training was focused on yoga and mindfulness. They enrolled 342 patients suffering from chronic LBP from various cities to take part during the trial. The study found that CBT and MBSR CBT or MBSR group could alleviate pain in a similar way as well as both groups improved significantly more than those who received standard care. This study has helped us realize that for many patients suffering from chronic LBP who require some type of psychosocial treatment, MBSR could be used in place of CBT in the event that it’s not available. This can be beneficial to healthcare professionals who manage patients suffering from chronic LBP since CBT requires extensive instruction to ensure that it is administered correctly. The procedure of becoming certified in MBSR is much easier. You don’t need to find an therapist who is certified in MBSR to take part in guided meditation methods. A number of RCTs have assessed the effectiveness of apps for smartphones that use MBSR and found positive results. There are many more random controlled studies (RCTs) available in the literature that demonstrate how beneficial meditation can be to our overall health and wellbeing.

Bottom-up or top-down therapies

Psychosocial or trauma-related treatments are usually classified as one of two categories; top-down and bottom-up. These terms refer to the importance of therapy or the activity targeting two distinct brain regions. The traditional talk-based Psychotherapy as well as the majority of focused on trauma-focused cognitive therapy are considered as top-down. If you are suffering from shrinkage or a shrinking patient, you’re taking top-down therapy. The top-down treatments work on the brain part that is responsible for logic and reasoning. Meditation can also be a top-down therapy and its benefits include developing mindfulness and relaxing your nervous system.

Somatically or body-based therapies are often referred to as bottom-up therapy. They involve a variety that involve exercise, rhythmic movement as well as deep relaxation breathing. The bottom-up treatments directly impact the brain’s “feeling” centers (limbic brain). I am a 90percent bottom-up mindfulness therapy user. The peace I feel when I go for a mountain bike ride is what I use as my medicine. I have never experienced a drug give me the same satisfaction as riding my bicycle. Physical therapists for children work with children who have diagnosis such as Autism, sensory-related disorder or ADHD. Sensory integration therapy is utilized to treat these disorders because of their body and sensory treatment. It is considered a therapy that works from the bottom up because it treats three fundamental senses: vestibular, tactile and proprioception. The children love being moving, with a lot of pressure applied to them in a steady manner, of harnesses and swings. These treatments soothe the child and provide an individualized exposure to movements. Let’s take a look at how meditation exercises (top-down) appear like to various individuals. My wife’s time spent at the park for hours is her meditation state. I can achieve a calm body by the deep breath or doing box breathing. Box breathing (breath for four seconds, hold it for 4 seconds, breathe out four seconds, hold 4 seconds Repeat several times) is a great way of relaxing the nervous system through activating vagal nerve activity, reducing heart rate and reducing the pace of breathing. This is what I do when I’m having trouble trying to sleep. At some point, I am thinking that this is stupid, it’s not working – I get up in the morning and I’m awake.

Different kinds of meditation.

There are many different forms of meditation. Meditation isn’t always done in a lotus position, sitting in lotus spine straight with closed eyes and hands in their traditional position of meditation. Meditation exercises are as easy as sitting in a relaxed position, typically sitting and contemplating your breathing and observations, as well as awareness of your surroundings, appreciation, and listening. This last point is appreciation. It is a term that can be used to describe various ways of gratitude. People may make an appreciation list and then express their gratitude through thought and prayer.

My preferred method of meditation is sitting in a recliner and sipping the cup of coffee in hand while I say a prayer as well as read daily devotional. I’m not yet able to sit with a clear head and fully present to my body. My mind is speeding at 100 mph regardless of how much I attempt to use the brakes to slow down the speed, it is moving up the slope at a breakneck speed. Therefore, I do not fight it. I moved to bottom-up therapy, and also did breathing exercises. My body has to concentrate on breathing and I experience a sense of calm. My wife’s top-down meditation involves meditation on a sacred passage, while her bottom-up practice is a mindful activity like Pilates and yoga.

Who would have thought that a mindfulness practice could ease your back discomfort? Our wife, and also the APTA.

Selma Blair 50, who has been in the business for a long time, confesses that she was a drinker during middle school to help problems with headaches — Daily Mail

“It was self-medication,” says Selma Blair 50, who is now a widow, admits she took alcohol during middle school to ease headaches. headaches… years prior to her MS diagnosis.

Selma Blair didn’t have a great time as a young girl.

In the current magazine SELF Magazine she shared that she was plagued by such severe headaches during the middle of school, that she took large amounts of alcohol to combat the continual discomfort.

The 50-year-old actress with MS revealed that the idea of self-medication.’ The actress added that it helped. It relieved pain like none other till the following day. added.

Speaking out: Selma Blair did not have a great time when she was a kid. In the latest edition of SELF Magazine she shared that she had such severe headaches at the middle of school. She consumed large amounts of alcohol to manage the constantly aching pain.

The actress is known by her role in movies such as Legally Blonde and Cruel Intentions however, in the past few years, she has become a persona for disability advocacy in Hollywood.

In the year 2018, Selma has been diagnosed as having MS and finally found an answer for her persistent issues, which doctors for a long time believed to be malnutrition, depression or that she was simply faking it.

“I was overwhelmed by a feeling of relief. It was like how you feel when waves of the ocean break right at the shore and then takes the person beneath,’ the actress added.

She is currently in remission, which means that the disease has stopped developing, and she’s “stopped losing her abilities,” however she must manage the issues.

I’m much better now, however, it still haunts my cells. It’s there. A few people awake two years later, and they’re looking like, “I’m healed! Colors are better!” However, I haven’t was in that state. I was able to stop having regression.’

Her moment: The 50-year old has been diagnosed with MS in the year 2018 and was received with a feeling of relief after discovering what was the root of her chronic illness for a long time.

The beauty also spoke about how she’s become an active advocate for accessibility and inclusion in the entertainment industry , and how she became even more popular after her appearance in Dancing with the Stars in 2022.

She was initially approached by her long-time friend and fellow DWTS Coach Sasha Farber about being his partner on the show she laughed at it, but when he wrote her a touching note and asked her team members to get them to join her, she decided to go for it.

She told her parents: ‘I believe I require this. I believe it’s crucial for those suffering from chronic illness or disabilities to look at what they can accomplish. I’m entitled to have fun and have a go at.’

Etherial: She discussed the ways she self-medicated from an early age, and that at the age of seven she drank at first to alleviate the physical pain she was experiencing.

After having worked on the show Selma said that it had caused her to seriously consider performing in the same way for the first time since her last appearance However, the thought of it also brought the realization that her return to screen would not be as easy as it was prior to her diagnosis.

“It requires lots of effort. I’d like to say “Oh I can employ me. It’s not a issue! Here’s my checklist of items I’ll require, and they’re not just M&Ms.” The question is how do we ensure there’s a railing everywhere? If there’s a railing I’ll figure out a way of lifting the leg properly. Without it, I’m confused, balance-wise.’

She then spoke about the way she came to realize that there’s no rule book regarding who may solicit which items on sets for film.

There’s a range of abilities for people. Absolutely. You are exactly what you are, and that needs to be accommodated.

It’s so easy to realize that people think they’re a burden and that takes away from your job. It makes it difficult to focus on your rights to be there as everybody other person in the scene. We need to get used to this. Let’s create this into our bases camps.’

When she began using her cane publicly and appearing on major awards shows, the actress realized that her presence could be a reason to warrant changes to the norms of the industry.

“It’s not only so that someone in the room will climb up to. It’s also so that the viewer at home is able to accept that the kid who is in the wheelchair or braces or who has cerebral palsy or whatever it is that causes them to feel different from those who can bounce around with their heels be on the screen.’

Worker woman: She was in Dancing with the Stars in 2022. She was awarded the People’s Choice Award for Competition Contestant in 2022. She was also spotted in the People’s Choice Awards in December

Noteworthy: Selma became known in Hollywood for her performances as a character in Legally Blonde and Cruel Intentions as she appeared performing onstage at the People’s Choice Awards with her Cruel Intentions costar Sarah Michelle Gellar

She added: ‘It’s as if I could think about this. It’s built into me that I’m able to imagine this. There’s a way to allow me to climb up.’

The Sweetest Thing actress expressed her opinions on the importance of public recognition in the business both in an interview with the magazine’s cover as well as in her memoir, Mean Baby: A Memoir of Growing Up.

I always tell people that visibility is important for disabled people she added. “Well, visibility is important to everybody. It’s important to prove you’re still around.’

Love: Blair posted an image on her Instagram of her with the service dog Scout which has been with her for several years. Scout’s job is to notify Blair when he feels she’s becoming fainter or she’s required to take her medication.


The 10 Top Neck Massagers Of 2023 Reviewed by a physical … MindbodyGreen


The Theragun produced by Therabody is utilized by fitness enthusiasts and professional athletes alike, and is considered to be one of the most effective percussive therapies available in the market. The Theragun Mini stands out for its accessibility, user-friendliness and its effectiveness. Sporting sleek and slim style, this massager smaller and lighter than from its previous. The triangular, flat shape can easily fit in a purse or luggage but some customers say it can be a bit slippery while using it.

Three settings for intensity along with three different massage tips makes this gadget adaptable enough to work on different areas of the body. However users have found it to be particularly beneficial for necks and shoulders. To make it more convenient, it operates on an rechargeable battery, as well as a carry-on pouch as well as a charging cable. Additionally, it has an Bluetooth feature, which means you can access app-guided routines for your phone.

The well-known brand name comes at a cost however many believe it to be a worthy investment like our editor in charge of commerce Carleigh Ferrante. She states, “This massage gun is one of my top-rated products. I’ve seen a dramatic reduction in the soreness of my muscles in the last two years since I began regular usage with the Theragun Mini after long runs or intensive exercises. Although it’s not as strong than Theragun Prime Theragun Prime and is a slightly more difficult to hold and hold, it’s much less costly and does offer that good-for-you relief of neck and muscle knots. stiffness.”

Why Do I Feel Groin Pain With Sciatica?


It may seem odd, but sciatica and groin pain are actually related. You can have a pinched nerve in your groin that is causing a lot of intense pain. If you’re experiencing pain in the groin area, you may be suffering from sciatica. Sciatica is a condition that affects the lower back and legs, and it can be very frustrating. There are many different causes of groin pain in people with sciatica.

Read More About Why Do I Feel Groin Pain With Sciatica

content machine american chiropractors photos b - What are some treatment options for sciatica accompanied by pain in the groin?

More Things To Know About Why Do I Feel Groin Pain With Sciatica

Some of the most common include: sitting for a long time, getting pregnant, obesity, pregnancy-related leg cramps, tight hamstrings or quads, and poor posture.

If you’re experiencing groin pain that doesn’t seem to have a clear cause, it’s important to see a doctor for an evaluation. There may be other factors at play that require attention before your sciatica can be treated effectively. If you have this condition, you will want to visit your doctor to get proper treatment.

How Do You Treat Groin Pain Related To Sciatica?

Why Do I Feel Groin Pain With Sciatica(qm]

When you have sciatica, your nerves may be irritated. This can lead to groin pain, which is usually felt in the lower back and sometimes the inner thighs. Groin pain can be very frustrating and debilitating, and it’s important to know the link between sciatica and groin pain so you can get the treatment you need.

Treatment options for Sciatica-related groin pain depend on the severity of the condition and your individual situation.

However, some treatments that are often effective include: massage therapy (including trigger point therapy), physical therapy exercises (particularly those focusing on stretching), heat treatment (such as hot packs or baths), medication (such as ibuprofen or naproxen), epidural injections (for severe cases), adjustments to your spine alignment (through chiropractic care or surgery), and hot water bottle treatments.

In some cases, all of these treatments may be necessary in order to achieve relief from Sciatica-related groin pain.

Is My Groin Pain Always Caused By Sciatica?

It’s important to remember that sciatica-related groin pain is not always caused by sciatic nerve damage – in fact, only about half of all cases are actually caused by this underlying cause! If you’re experiencing persistent groin pain that doesn’t seem related to any underlying injury or condition – regardless of how common these causes might seem – it’s always worth seeking medical attention from a professional provider such as a physician or physical therapist.

There are sometimes potential complications associated with Sciatica-related Groin Pain that may require additional care such as surgery or rehabilitation therapies. So don’t hesitate to get help if your symptoms don’t improve after trying out various self-care measures!

When To Seek Professional Help For Your Leg And Groin Pain Issues?

When it comes to groin pain, there’s no mistaking it – it’s one of the most common symptoms associated with sciatica. Sciatica is a condition that arises when ‌lower back pain travels down your leg and into your buttocks. This can cause tremendous discomfort and pain, making everyday tasks difficult to complete. If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, it is important to seek professional help:

  • Groin pain that does not improve after rest or home remedies
  • Pain that spreads down your leg and into your buttocks
  • Leg tingling, numbness, or weakness

How Do I Relieve Groin Pain?

If you have sciatica, you should avoid sitting for long periods of time. You can increase your mobility by exercising, reducing stress, and getting regular rest. In most cases, the pain goes away on its own after a few weeks. However, in some cases, a doctor may recommend a physical therapy session. A physical therapist can instruct you in specific stretches to help reduce the symptoms.

Taking medications can also ease the pain. You can try anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and naproxen. These are good at relieving inflammation and have fewer side effects than some other types of medication.

If ‌groin pain continues to be a problem, you should see a physician. He or she will examine your entire body to find out the cause. Your doctor may take blood tests to rule out other causes.

How To Decrease Your Risk Of Sciatic Nerve Compression?

If you are experiencing groin pain and it doesn’t seem to have a clear cause, it is important to seek out medical attention. Groin pain with sciatica is usually a sign that there is a bulging or herniated disk in the lower back, and this can lead to sciatic nerve compression. This compression can cause severe and chronic groin pain, which may make everyday activities such as getting out of bed or climbing stairs very difficult.

There are several risk factors for developing sciatic nerve compression, including aging, obesity, and sitting for long periods of time. To reduce your risk of developing this condition, it is important to make simple lifestyle modifications such as proper stretching, core exercises, and posture correction.

If you are experiencing groin pain and suspect that there may be a problem with your sciatica nerve, it is important to get checked out by a doctor. However, even if you do not have any signs of nerve compression, it is still important to maintain good health by avoiding activities that put extra strain on the lower back such as sitting for long periods of time or lifting heavy weights.

In addition to these common-sense measures, physical therapy (including massage), medications (such as ibuprofen), and non-surgical treatments (such as chiropractic care) can also help manage the symptoms of sciatica compression.

Above everything things, never forget to look after yourself!

Can Sciatica Cause Muscle Spasms?


Muscle spasms can be a common symptom of sciatica. You may have questions about their feelings, how to stop them, and how long they last. This article will help you understand sciatica muscle spasms better.

Read More About Can Sciatica Cause Muscle Spasms

content machine american chiropractors photos b - What exercises can be done when experiencing sciatica accompanied by muscle spasms?

More Things To Know About Can Sciatica Cause Muscle Spasms

Can A Pinched Sciatic Nerve Cause Muscle Spasms?

content machine american chiropractors photos a - Can Sciatica Cause Muscle Spasms?

If you have a pinched sciatic nerve, you may be experiencing muscle spasms. The nerves in your legs send information to the brain, which then triggers the muscles to respond. A pinched nerve can cause pain and a limited range of motion in your legs. You may be experiencing muscle spasms due to this problem, but other possible causes exist. A chiropractor can help you with treatment for this condition.

Muscle spasms are caused by irritation to the sciatic nerve, which several conditions can cause. A pinched sciatic nerve can result in numbness or pain in the back of the leg, tingling, and muscle fasciculation.

These symptoms may occur infrequently or become more severe during sudden movements or positions. Regardless of the cause, these symptoms indicate an irritation to the sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body.

What Does A Sciatica Muscle Spasm Feel Like?

It is a common symptom of sciatica, which can vary in severity from person to person. Your doctor can help you determine if you need treatment and provide guidance on how to get relief. A doctor can also perform certain tests to identify the cause of the spasm.

The pain caused by sciatica typically begins in the lower back and may radiate down one leg or the other. It can be sharp or dull and can prevent you from moving. It typically affects one leg and is most likely to occur on one side. Symptoms may become worse with prolonged sitting, coughing, or sneezing. The pain can last for several days.

Sciatica is a painful condition that affects the sciatic nerve. This nerve originates in the lower back and travels down the back of the legs to the feet. These nerve inflames cause pain and stiffness, making walking or standing difficult. The pain can range from a mild ache to severe burning. It can also cause numbness or tingling in the leg and foot.

One of the best ways to ease sciatica pain is to stretch the muscles. One way to do this is by bending your knees and using an elevated surface. An ottoman, chair, or step on the stairs will work well. Just be sure to use an elevated surface that is below hip level. Hold the stretch for 5-10 seconds, and then repeat the stretch with the other leg.

How Long Do Sciatica Muscle Spasms Last?

Muscle spasms in the lower back are a common symptom of sciatica. They can radiate down the leg and buttocks, causing intense pain and stiffness. Several causes, such as a herniated disk in the spine, an overgrowth of bone in a vertebra, or a tumor on the sciatic nerve, can cause them. Other causes include age-related changes in the spine.

A typical sciatic nerve flare-up will last for two to three weeks. In some cases, the   may be severe enough to require medical attention. Proper management can reduce pain, reduce inflammation, and prevent further damage to the nerve. A chiropractor can use gentle spinal adjustments to realign the spine and help the sciatic nerve heal. By removing pressure on the nerve, the spine will function more optimally, and ‌muscle spasms will subside.

What Should You Not Do With Sciatica?

When you have sciatica, you should avoid high-impact activities such as jumping or squatting. This will only worsen your symptoms. It would be best if you also avoid sitting for long periods. The reason why this is important is that it puts pressure on the sciatic nerve.

A structured exercise routine is a good way to relieve your sciatic pain. You can walk a short distance each day and increase the number of steps you take. If you work at a desk, try getting up every 30 minutes and taking a short walk. Alternatively, you can buy a standing desk or use one with an adjustable height. You can also perform simple stretches while sitting.

Keeping your spine in good shape will reduce your risk of developing sciatica. Proper posture is also an important factor in preventing pain.

For instance, if you sleep on your back, you should place a pillow underneath your knees, and if you sleep on your side, you should place a pillow between your thighs. It’s also recommended that you rotate your mattress regularly. Pillow-top mattresses can become too plush and cause back pain over time.

What Does A Herniated Disc Feel Like?

A herniated disc occurs when a portion of the disc in your back leaves its proper place and causes bulging. While most herniated discs arise in the lower back, they may also happen in the neck. The most common symptoms of a herniated disc include numbness, tingling, and pain. Compression of the nerve can cause muscle weakness in the foot, which these tests will reveal.

Physical therapy, epidural steroid injections, and self-care measures like heat, ice, and rest may also help. Typical piriformis syndrome symptoms may include A dull ache in the buttock and pain down the back of the thigh, calf, and foot. Muscle spasms have many different causes and are characterized by severe pain and stiffness. They can make sciatica more likely to occur.

Can Spinal Stenosis Lead To Sciatic Pain?

Typically, spinal stenosis leads to pain, hot or cold sensations, and tingling. It can also lead to bladder loss control, pain, decreased activity, and disability. The piriformis muscle also can irritate the nearby sciatic nerve and cause Pain, numbness, and tingling along the back of the leg and into the foot (similar to sciatic pain).

Any of the above problems, or a combination of them, can affect the muscle, causing buttock pain, and may affect the adjacent sciatic nerve (causing pain, tingling, or numbness in the back of the thigh, calf, or foot). Sometimes, the doctor may prescribe medication that relieves nerve pain, such as gabapentin. Oral steroids are a good medication to calm down nerve pain.

Can Sciatica Cause Hamstring Pain?


It might be sciatica if you have pain in your hamstring that feels like a pulled hamstring. But how can you tell if it is hamstring pain or sciatica? There are a few things to look for to determine your condition. In addition to a doctor’s examination, treatment for hamstring pain may be self-care.

Read More About Can Sciatica Cause Hamstring Pain

content machine american chiropractors photos b - How can you perform a simple hamstring check at home?

More Things To Know About Can Sciatica Cause Hamstring Pain

Initially, use pain medicine or over-the-counter ice packs to relieve the pain. After two or three days, switch to heat therapy. Sometimes, hamstring pain can be caused by a herniated disc.

Fortunately, many treatments are available for pain, including exercise, home treatment, and other methods.

Can Sciatica Feel Like A Pulled Hamstring?

content machine american chiropractors photos a - Can Sciatica Cause Hamstring Pain?

If you are experiencing back pain in your leg, you may be suffering from sciatica. Sciatica is the compression of the sciatic nerve, which runs down the back of the leg. This pain can affect both sides of the leg. Fortunately, sciatica is treatable.

The cause of sciatica in the hamstring differs from that in the lower back. While there is an overlap between the two conditions, there are distinct symptoms. Sciatica is the hamstring condition caused by compression of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle. This causes pain and can lead to numbness in the leg.

Treatment for sciatica is similar to that of a pulled hamstring. Using over-the-counter pain medicines can help, as can applying ice or a cold pack for 10-20 minutes at a time. Depending on the severity of the pain, heat can be applied as needed.

How Do You Relieve Sciatic Pain In The Hamstring?

One of the most common ways to treat sciatica is to stretch the hamstring. Sit flat on the floor, bend at the knee and cross your ankle over the other knee. Hold this position for 30 seconds and breathe deeply. Hamstrings attach to the sit bone, so it’s important to stretch this area.

Increased hamstring flexibility reduces pressure on the sciatic nerve and the lower back.
You can also do sciatic nerve glides to help the pain. These stretches involve bending one knee back and forth through the muscle. They can be painful at first, but they help your muscles become loose and flexible. You can do these stretches three or more times per day, three sets of ten reps per leg.

How Do I Know If I Have Hamstring Pain Or Sciatica?

The pain felt in your hamstrings differs from the pain caused by sciatica. Unlike muscle pain, sciatica is caused by nerve tension. It can occur in your low back, calves, or both. You should stop stretching if you experience significant pain.

To tell if you have hamstring pain or sciatica, you should stretch your hamstrings with your toes pointing away from your body. If the pain increases as you stretch, it may be sciatica. In addition, if your pain worsens after your walk, it may be a hamstring strain.

A hamstring injury typically causes sudden, intense pain in the back of your thigh. It may also have a popping or tearing sensation. The pain may also be accompanied by swelling. If the pain is severe, you should visit a doctor right away. A doctor can prescribe you the right therapy.

Can Tight Hamstrings Cause Sciatica Nerve Pain?

Hamstring stretches might seem like a no-brainer, but they stretch the sciatic nerve, which runs from the back of the leg to the foot. This can be uncomfortable, and you may notice a tingling sensation at the top or bottom of the nerve. However, it would be best if you didn’t keep stretching the nerve for long periods.

You need to do a hamstring test to distinguish between a hamstring strain and sciatica. You can do this at home by lying on your back with your leg straight out. If you notice any discomfort, you may have a hamstring strain. If this is the case, it’s best to seek medical attention.

It’s also important to note that the hamstrings are small muscles inside the hip joint. Ideally, these muscles would fasten the femur into its socket. But when your hamstrings are tight, they won’t do their job properly.

Tragic incident as son, aged 19 years old, passes away three weeks after going to the doctor with back discomfort – Manchester Evening News


A teenager who visited the doctor for back pain passed away just three weeks after the diagnosis of an aggressive type of cancer. Carl Scott, 19, was told by medical professionals that the cancer had spread to “every inch of his body’ but not his brain.

The mother of his son’s heartbroken child, Claire Abraham, has offered a heartfelt tribute to her ‘loving and nurturing boy’ in the wake of his first Christmas away from him.

The 19-year old, who is who hails from North Shields, had asked doctors for help after finding an area of lumpy tissue on his back which was causing discomfort, Chronicle Live reported. The tests revealed that he was suffering from an uncommon form of sarcoma dubbed Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma. A soft tissue cancer which had spread to the body.

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Three weeks after receiving his diagnosis, he died in The Freeman Hospital in Newcastle surrounded by his grieving family.

Claire 37-year-old Claire: “Carl went into hospital to treat back problems , so to learn that it was cancerous was quite a surprise. He was very angry, and he didn’t have the enough time to process the news. It broke his heart.

“Everything was happening so quickly and I wasn’t able to record any of it. It’s like an unreal state, and it’s not real. The last couple of months have been very difficult.”

Carl was raised with his mother Claire and Cory, his brother Cory Claire, 16, her wife Angela Henderson, 41, and her three children Tracey and Bailey, 21. Bailey 8 and Carter three.

Claire stated: “He was quite a persona, he would make you laugh every single day. He was also a loving and compassionate. It was an active person. He was always in the outdoors with his buddies. He would always be outside playing along with the best of friends Dean.”

Claire claimed that Carl resided at Whitley Bay, when she noticed he began suffering from back discomfort last summer. He appeared thin, she said and noticed a lump growing in his middle back.

She explained that the pain caused him to visit the local doctor’s office and then Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital in August last year. The hospital, which is located in Cramlington, Northumberland, transferred him to the Freeman Hospital for more tests.

Claire says doctors initially believed that Carl was suffering from cancer of the testicle, but they later diagnosed the cancer as Sarcoma. The hospital needed to bring a specialist to treat him because of the rarity of the cancer.

Floral tributes to the The funeral of Carl Scott

Angela told her that the doctor had informed the couple that Carl was very sick and would not recover since the cancer was spreading to all parts of his body, apart from his brain.

She stated: “Everything was such a blur, and we had no enough time to absorb everything. I’ve never been aware of sarcoma before. I returned home, searched for it on the internet and was shocked at how sluggish it was. Claire was devastated.”

Carl He had planned to pursue a bricklaying course on the Tyne Metropolitan College in Wallsend but was unable to get out from hospital. The doctor told him that his cancer was terminal and that he had only a few weeks to remain. He passed away in the hospital on September 4 of last year.

Claire stated: “He has quite a number of friends who go to the hospital. The staff at the Freeman were incredible. It was my dream to stay for him , so I stayed at the hospital. My hand was held by him until the doctor passed into the night.

“It’s been really difficult without Carl. Christmas was the most difficult because Carl typically would stop by my home at the end of Christmas. Carl’s best buddy would typically show up at Christmas time and I would take a photo of them. Carter always speaks about Carl and tells me that ‘He’s up in heaven’ as well as that ‘Carl is at heaven’.”

A few hours before Carl died Carl passed away, he was visited at the the hospital with North Shields musician Shakeil Luciano who is also who is also known as Schak.

The 30-year-old told him that a student friend told him about Carl who was a huge fan and a fan of his songs, and was seriously ill. He told her he left an email to play for him , and visited him at the hospital.

Schak wearing the costume of Nanna Mikina, accompanied by Carl Scott

He wrote: “I’ll never forget the day I met this incredible young man. It was extremely difficult to witness Carl who was only 19 years old, suffering from a serious illness. The family of Carl told me that within 3 weeks, he had gone from being an ordinary person to the state he is now in.

“As Carl was a huge lover of Nanna Makina, I was dressed and put my dress on. I then sat next to Carl’s bed. Carl could barely talk but he managed to summon the energy to ask his mom Claire whether we could take an image of us together. After we took the picture, I held him for a brief time before ending my conversation with Carl.

“I was informed by his family his death occurred a couple of hours after my departure. It’s heartbreaking to watch the life of a young man ended even though it was just beginning. The memory of him will always be in my heart. Rest well , my son.”

After Carl’s passing local residents of the neighborhood raised over P5,000 for his family and funeral. The funeral was held following an event held at Preston Cemetery in North Shields on the 22nd of September, last year.

As per the NHS Soft tissue sarcomas may develop throughout the body, including arms, legs and the the tummy (abdomen). They are often not accompanied by symptoms at the beginning and can trigger symptoms as they grow or expand.

The signs and symptoms vary depending on the location the cancer begins. The NHS recommends that anyone who has an area of lump, especially ones that grow larger in time, to visit their GP.


Dalot The manager gets great headaches Dalot: We give the manager good headaches Man Utd

I think it’s extremely important ],” stated Diogo when asked the importance of be competitive within the squad.

“That is a clear indication that we’re not just 11 players. We have to form a team and, as I’ve mentioned many times, I’ve learned much from Aaron I’m sure Aaron learns a lot from me, too.

“I believe this is an enjoyable and healthy competition we all enjoy. I believe in this group we have at the very least two players per position, and a large number of players who are able to play in different roles, and I believe this helps us grow, and enhances our performance and I believe that we’ve got some good headaches for the manager, and I believe this is a good thing for him.

“We must give our all when we get the chance to play, and not let it go by the wayside as I believe that at this team, the expectations are very high, and the responsibilities are so huge that you need to be at the top of your game every single time and be prepared physically and mentally. Therefore, I believe the team, in general group are headed to the right path.”

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