The overpass could face an extended shutdown while crews try to repair the damage and the area of I-75 was not completely restored at the time of Friday’s closing.
ROSSFORD, Ohio — As of the early morning of Friday, a portion of I-75 northbound has been shut down due to a semi-truck carrying an enormous load was thrown into the Lime City Road overpass.
The bridge could be subject to an extended shut down while crews attempt to fix the damage and the portion of I-75 was not completely repaired at the time of the Friday.
Nick Pinski, co-owner of Interstate Lanes on Lime City Road said that the closure is causing a lot of stress for those who commute between the venue and bowling. They’ve managed to come up with solutions to the problem however, it’s not without some difficulty.
Ohio State Highway Patrol troopers acknowledged that the crash caused an impact of disruption for motorists as well as a huge amount of work to fix the damaged.
OSHP Sgt. Ryan Purpura said this was the most serious overpass accident that he’s witnessed during his 18 years as an officer of the state trooper.
Driver, Lavoris Ruth who is 43, from Miami Gardens, who according to the authorities, did not immediately stop after the crash was arrested and was cited for not having a valid license, driving over the dimensional and leaving the accident site.
Noah Heaton, a sophomore at the nearby Penta Career Center said the closing of the school in the morning was a pain also.
“A majority of students were late to school , and they had to delay school day because many buses were delayed in arriving,” Heaton, who is also employed for Interstate Lanes, said.
Pinski stated that this isn’t the only major accident at this point on the Lime City Road overpass, but.
The business’s second-generation owner can recall an incident that occurred about 10 years back. The bowling alley was established in the year 1981 Pinski does not recall any major issues that occurred during the first Lime City Road incident.
“As as of this moment, we’re not experiencing any negative effects,” Pinski said. “There are many ways to reach us. You can turn on your Waze, or put it on your Google maps and figure out the most secure route to reach the location.”
The entire repair of the overpass isn’t going to be an easy repair, ODOT District 2 public information officer Kelsie Hoagland stated.
“We need to go through our standard bid process to identify an expert contractor to complete the repairs and that’s likely going to take several months or even years in the future,” she said. “But at the moment we have an emergency contractor who is in fact working on the deconstruction process so that we can have the interstate back accessible.”
In the early hours of Saturday morning the lanes had been reopened.
DEKALB COUNTY, Ga. -There’s a chaos that DeKalb County says doesn’t get cleaned up in the night.
“I hope that someone would put an end to this chaos,” Conley Creek homeowner Juaney Lynn-Rigsby told the AP.
Lynn-Rigsby spoke to channel 2 Action News about the growing concern of industrial firms opening within their peaceful residential neighborhood.
“We’re talking about 50 or more 18-wheelers which will be coming down that avenue,” Lynn-Rigsby said.
Rigsby said to Channel 2 investigative reporter Ashli Lincoln that they’re dealing with three companies situated along the 400 block East Conley Road.
Two of them are industrial enterprises and the third one is an unlicensed junkyard. A spokesperson for the county said that an owner of the business was in jail twice for violations of code compliance and is currently under probation.
The lot is located just behind a house that is located on East Conley Road.
“They actually shake their homes,” Lynn-Rigsby said.
Lincoln discovered that in the year 2020, the owners asked for the property to be changed from industrial to residential. The request was rejected.
The company admitted to numerous violations dating back to the year 2019 and was fined a number of thousands of dollars.
County officials also issued a cease and desist order for a property down the street. The county found numerous violations, and the owners were operating without having a license. They also admitted to guilt and were fined thousands.
A new company has hired several tractor-trailers.
The county spokesperson has said that code compliance and the planning commission as well as the court system are reviewing the properties.
The county stated that closing down a business isn’t a simple process, they are actively pursuing these properties.
The county has sent Channel 2 Action News a time-line of enforcement to each home:
4321 East Conley Road/4341 East Conley Road:
Aug. 12 2019, 2019 12.08.2019: Aug. 12, 2019: DeKalb Department of Planning and Sustainability conducted an inspection of properties on August. 12 and issued seven citations for various violations, such as Zoning properties, property maintenance, open storage of debris and trash and having a business license that was not in place.
Dec. 9 2019, 2019: The property owner was given an additional ticket for operating without a licence.
Jan. 16 20th, 2020 The owner of the property was issued a 3rd violation for operating without a authorization.
Feb. 18, 2020 At an appearance in court, owners of the property and their lawyer were able to agree to rezoning the property, however the application for rezoning was never filed.
March 24 2020 Date of court suspended because of the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
June 5 2020A cease-and-desist sign-up notice has been posted on the property.
Juni 2020 It was the time when operations stopped on this property.
Sept. 20 the 20th of September, 2022: The building was inspected and found to be in violation. still evident.
Nov. 11 November 11, 2020: The property’s owner accepted a plea deal and agreed to plead guilty to all citations , and was punished with a fine of $4,000.
Feb. 2023 Feb. 2023: A Code Compliance officer was not allowed to visit the property to conduct an unplanned inspection. Code Compliance is working to arrange an on-site meeting with the owner of the property.
4388 East Conley Road
Sept. 9th 2019, 2019 9th of September, 2019: 9th September, 2019: DeKalb Department of Planning and Sustainability conducted an inspection the facility and issued 13 warnings in connection with various violations, such as the zoning process the maintenance of property and open storage as well as operating with no license for business.
Dec. 9 2019, 2019: The property owner was given an additional ticket for operating without a authorization.
Jan. 16 the 16th of January, 2020 The owner of the property was issued a 3rd ticket for operating without a authorization.
Feb. 18, 2020 In an appeals court hearing, homeowners and their lawyer decided to apply for rezoning of the property, however, the process for rezoning not completed.
March 24 2020 The court date was canceled because of the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
5 June 2020A DeKalb County Planning Department representative handed out a cease-and-desist letter to the owner of the property.
Nov. 9 2019, 2020: The owner of the property accepted a plea deal that was negotiated and agreed to plead at the plea of guilty for all violations and was fined $4,050.
Feb. 2023 Code Compliance has contacted the owner of the property to set up an inspection for this property.
4481 East Conley Road
Feb. 20 20, 2020 20th, 2020: The Code Compliance officer inspected the property and issued warning notices regarding various violations, including building accessory and open storage of debris and trash without a business license, Zoning and illegal dumps.
Feb. 19 2021: The property’s owner was issued 10 warnings for code of ordinance violations. These included an accessory structure, storage open of debris and trash without a licensing for businesses, zoning and illegal disposal.
May 18 2022 In the event of pleading guilt in the court, the owner of the property was placed on a 12-month probation and required to settle a penalty of $5,500. The owner of the property also agreed to a complete compliance plan which set out a timeframe for the corrective tasks to be completed.
Sept. 7, 2022: Following an compliance strategy wasn’t adhered to the hearing to revoke probation was held. The owner of the property was imprisoned for 20 days following his probation was terminated.
Dec. 12 2022: A second hearing on probation revocation was held. The owner of the property was imprisoned for 40 days following the time his probation was terminated.
The property recently changed ownership and DeKalb County Code Compliance has collected evidence of the current violations that have occurred on the property and is attempting to serve the new owner.
Man is arrested over series of robberies on dating apps located in South Fulton
Headache and neck pain often occur in conjunction with other illnesses. While the root causes can be difficult to identify treatment options can help manage the symptoms.
Learn more about headaches and neck pain and neck pain, including possible causes, treatment options and when to see the doctor.
PER Images/Stocksy United
Neck pain and headache are frequent symptoms, and it is sometimes difficult to determine the source and then treat the discomfort.
The neck nerves are connected to the cranial nerves. Particularly the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve transmits signals of sensation across the head to thalamus. In turn, neck pain can be a result of tension headaches and pain in the area behind the eyes.
The pain is referred across the body from one area to another. The neck pain and the headache are linked since pain signals that start in the neck can be felt in the head and signals that start in the head could be felt in the neck.
A variety of conditions can trigger headaches and neck pain.
Obstructive sleep apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is an airway problem that can cause breathing problems when you sleep. It could be connected to cervical spine the upper segment of the spine that forms the neck. In addition, OSA may cause morning headaches.
Find out more about the symptoms of OSA.
Secondary or primary headaches
Tension headaches and migraines are the primary headaches. Tension headaches frequently cause neck pain as a result of muscles that are tight in the neck, jaw or the face. A study conducted in 2021 revealed that 62 out of 76 patients suffering from migraine also suffered neck pain.
Cervicogenic headache, which is a typical type of secondary headache is characterized by pain that typically begins on the other side of the neck.
Learn more about the various types of headaches.
Temporomandibular disorders
Temporomandibular (TMD) conditions are issues with joints which open as well as close your jaw. They are often associated in conjunction with headaches and can cause discomfort on one or both sides of your neck.
Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges, which are the connective tissue layers that cover and enclosing the brain as well as the spinal cord. It is a life-threatening condition. The symptoms include headache, stiff neck and fever, mental state shifts, changes in light sensitivities vomiting, nausea.
Learn more about the signs of meningitis.
Occipital neuralgia
Occipital neuralgia can cause irritation to the occipital nerves that run through to the back to the neck to the neck. The discomfort associated with the condition can be felt at areas such as the back of the neck and the upper neck region.
Find out more about the symptoms of occipital neuropathy.
Stroke is the result of a disruption in cerebral blood circulation that is caused by the blockage of a clot in the blood vessel or ruptured blood vessel accompanied by hemorrhage. A sudden and severe headache with neck pain can be a typical sign.
Find out more about the signs of stroke.
Other signs that may occur
Based on the reason for your neck or head pain, additional symptoms that may be experienced include:
nausea or vomiting
Sensitivity to light or noise
stiffness or reduced mobility in the neck
The root cause to the cause of your headaches as well as neck pain may be a challenge.
A pain diary can aid in the identification of patterns when the symptoms are often present together. The journal could comprise:
frequency, time and duration of duration, frequency, and time of
methods you’ve tried and whether they performed
foods you ate at the moment of the onset
the activities you were involved during the period that you first began
with accompanying symptoms
Weather information
sleep quality
emotions and stress
After reviewing your medical history Your doctor can perform other tests, like:
examining urine and blood for signs of infection or toxins
A spinal tap to look for any bleeding or infection
imaging tests, like the CT image or MRI
EEG to measure the electrical activity in the brain
Treatments for neck pain are dependent on the cause of the pain and the degree. Treatment options include:
managing stress
taking part in physical therapy sessions to strengthen neck muscles
Applying cold or warm packs to areas that are painful
triptans, as well as other medications, to treat migraine
nausea medications
narcotic analgesics for short-term relief
calcium channel blockers
antibiotics to treat infections
steroid injections
using medical devices for sleep apnea
Use a pillow with a firm support beneath the neck to help sleep
The outcome for patients suffering from headaches and neck pains depends on the root of the problem.
Certain causes of head and neck pain can be alleviated through non-medicated methods, such as the use of a pillow that is more supportive or reducing stress. Other causes can be more severe and require medical treatment.
The most effective method to improve chances of success is to consult your doctor. Based on the diagnosis, they will suggest treatments.
Certain causes of neck and head discomfort can be avoided. Some causes are not. Recognizing the cause of neck and head discomfort can aid. For instance, if you get up with headaches and neck pain changing your sleeping environment could be helpful.
Vaccines help prevent meningitis. Think about speaking with a health specialist about them, and then making sure you are up-to-date with your vaccinations.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers the following stroke-prevention measures
eating meals that include fruits or vegetables and eating foods that are low in saturated fats and trans fats.
keeping a healthy weight
Engaging in regular exercise if you can.
Quitting smoking quitting smoking
Limiting your alcohol consumption when you drink.
taking care of health issues that are underlying
When should you see a doctor?
Certain headaches that cause neck pain disappear by themselves, however other reasons could indicate stroke or meningitis. See a doctor if have any of these:
neck stiffness, headaches that are severe
nausea, vomiting, or fever
weakness, particularly on the opposite side of the body.
loss of consciousness
vision changes like double vision
A headache following an injury
Seizure activity that is accompanied by headache
inability to understand or speak speech
headaches which occur two times a week or more
Avi Varma M.D., M.P.H., AAHIVS, FAAFP examined some of the responses to commonly asked concerns about headache and neck pain.
What should I do if I am worried about my neck and head discomfort?
Consult a physician if you are experiencing persistent or extreme discomfort in your head or neck. Also, pain that is that is accompanied by other symptoms like weakness or confusion might require medical attention immediately.
How do you alleviate neck discomfort and headaches?
Solutions for neck and headaches is dependent on the root reason. For instance, if suffer from tension headaches or migraine attacks A doctor might recommend specific painkillers or medication. Consult a physician for the diagnosis.
Neck pain and headaches typically occur together. See a doctor if neck pain continues to persist, becomes worse or is accompanied by other signs.
‘You stand like an overcooked prawn!’ Why bad posture is the key to back pain – and 10 ways to improve yours
At work and at home, we spend hour after hour sitting, staring at screens or fiddling with our phones – and our hunched, twisted bodies bear the marks. Let’s get things straight again
‘If I was to draw a straight line across the left shoulder and the right shoulder, there’s about an inch difference. Your spine is twisted – you’re twisting it both directions. Look how that right foot is coming out slightly … You’ll notice that your knees are also coming in, there’s a slight knock knee going on on both sides – that’s because you’re also tilting forwards. So your pelvis is not only twisting, it’s also tilted.”
After five minutes walking on the treadmill in consultant biomechanist Tim King’s clinic, Cione Wellness, the news doesn’t sound brilliant. King works with world-class athletes and, thankfully, helps ordinary people with musculoskeletal and pelvic pain too. I’m here to self-consciously show him how my desk-potato body stands and moves.
I want my posture and gait assessed to see what problems I might be storing up, because back and neck pain is a huge, enormously worrying public health issue. Recent data from the Office for National Statistics suggests 62,000 people have left the workforce since 2019 because of it, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. “We’ve certainly heard from our members that people are being seen more about back and neck problems,” says Ashley James, director of practice and development at the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. “We know that back pain is the number one reason for years lived with disability in the world.” We all know someone with acute or chronic back pain; our homes are full of muscle pain gels, massage balls, foam rollers and heat packs.
Why? Because of how we live. “The key thing – and Covid has exacerbated it – is lack of movement,” says James. Katy Bowman, movement guru and the author of the forthcoming book Rethink your Position, agrees. “We have a movement problem and a side-effect of the movement problem is the posture problem. We are the ninjas of sitting.”
I’m a black-belt sitter, by turns slumped, crouched like a cathedral gargoyle or contorted into a human pretzel. I sit whenever I can, including brushing my teeth or cooking; I just really like sitting, OK? I don’t have serious back problems – yet – but my shoulders are tight, my left buttock regularly aches and I get a niggling sciatic pain down the outside of the same leg. I’m desperate to stop things getting worse. Do I need to address the way I stand, sit and move?
Back in King’s consulting room, he scribbles on a diagram to show me what’s going on. My pelvis twists when I move, meaning one leg ends up “falsely shorter” and the other “falsely longer”. The “longer” leg hitches up to keep me moving, overworking all the muscles under my glute: that’s where the sciatic pain is coming from. He theorises it’s due to a minor childhood fall (probably the time I came a cropper on the ice at Doncaster Dome). The result? I have deep “lordosis” (an arch in the lower back) and mild “kyphosis” (rounding in the upper back). I feel fine because my moderately hypermobile – lax – joints have compensated. I wasn’t aware of any of this. That’s because, King says, the brain adjusts to tell you your posture is normal and keep you moving. “We’re dynamic animals; we have to move to eat. It keeps recalibrating, normalising the new position.”
It’s worth challenging your brain with empirical evidence. “Our mind is not really helpful in terms of alignment, so walls are great. See how your body sits relative to a vertical line or wall,” Bowman suggests. If you’re in alignment, “your backside is against the wall, the middle of your back (where a bra strap or heart-rate monitor would go) is against the wall, and the back of your head would go against the wall. With common sense you can see, oh, my head is in front of my body.” Obviously, I try it: my bum and shoulders are touching the wall, but my head is a good inch and a half off it.
I’m left feeling self-conscious about my knock knees, forward slump and tortoise neck – “like an overcooked prawn”, as my best friend says. I’m almost jealous of the debutantes, with their finishing schools and deportment lessons. The good news is that King doesn’t think I need expert help at the moment: some simple self-help measures should do the trick. So I try to walk more, implementing his recommended stride adjustment to get myself more upright – “an inch further and heel to toe”. It feels weird, but I persist, hoping my brain will adjust. I set an hourly phone alarm and do a quick quad or hamstring stretch or at least stand up. I not only brush my teeth upright now, I balance on one leg, or do a few heel raises. I’ll never have the perfect, elegant carriage of a prima ballerina, but hopefully with a few lifestyle tweaks, I can keep this imperfect, idiosyncratic bag of bones, muscles and ligaments working for as long as I need it.
10 tips to improve your posture
1 Tackle your phone habit Staring at our phones is so constant and pervasive, there’s an abbreviation for the effect it has on us: FHP or forward head posture. Bowman talks about “counterposes for modern life”: ways to challenge the automatic positions life puts us in. One of her FHP counterposes is “head ramping”. “Without raising your chest, slide your head back towards the wall behind you, while at the same time lifting the top of your head towards the ceiling.” (My pilates teacher explains this movement as “trying to give yourself a slight double chin”.) Do it whenever you remember: reading, walking and, yes, looking at your phone.
2 Move, move, move As Bowman says: “Movement, like food, is not optional.” King is a fan of yoga, pilates and tai chi; James says: “It’s all about doing something that is sustainable that fits into your life.”
Encourage yourself to move more at home. Bowman suggests putting sticky notes on the top of doorways to create “reaching stations” that remind you to stretch up. “If you aren’t tall enough to reach the top of the door jamb with both arms, do one side at a time.”
3 And keep moving through pain If you have back pain (and no other symptoms), “movement is absolutely a safe thing to do,” says James. He says that people get terrified about moving after an episode of back pain. “Eventually it gets worse because they’re doing less than they did last month.”
4 Ditch weight worries We think carrying stuff – handbags stuffed with laptops and water bottles, single shoulder bags or unevenly loaded bags of shopping – causes back and shoulder problems. “That’s pretty much debunked,” says James. “In reality, carrying a bit of weight on your back is good: you’re going to get stronger. Load is good for the spine. We worry about overloading the spine, but strengthening the muscle, the discs, the ligaments around the spine – load is good for it.”
5 Look after your feet “The feet are the foundation for the entire body,” says Rebeca Gomez, clinical director of The Foot Clinic. When the heel in particular is out of alignment, “everything else tends to collapse and the leg internally rotates”. To prevent problems, Gomez recommends shoes with laces, Velcro or zips – “something that holds you around the ankle” – and avoiding slip-on and very flat shoes for long periods. They make us grip with our toes, “which means the toes get deformed and misaligned and you can get overload on the ball of the foot”. Any sports shoe – including for walking – needs a thumb’s width at the toe box, which often means a size above your usual.
Our ankles have also become weaker now we wear formal footwear less often, Gomez says, so strengthen them with heel raises. Put a tennis ball between your ankles, keeping your toes close together, then, using a shelf, table or counter for balance, go up quickly on the balls of your feet and come down slowly and gently, without dropping the ball.
Ideally, get your feet checked annually, like your eyesight or your teeth – and not just the aesthetics. “Calluses and corns are a warning sign that, mechanically, something is not correct,” Gomez says.
6 Stretch Simple stretches are a good corrective to sedentary living. I like Bowman’s upper back stretch when I’m working. I put my hands on the back of a chair or the desk, walk backwards to lower my chest until it’s parallel with the floor, then move my hips backwards over my legs.
Gomez also recommends a deep calf stretch. “If your calves are tight, you are ‘heel striking’ (hitting the ground with your heel) at an angle when you walk, which can cause problems.” Put a fairly fat book on the floor in front of something – a table, desk, shelf – that you can hold on to for balance. Place the front of both feet on the edge of the book with your heels on the floor. Tuck in your bottom, then try and lift your big toes off the book and towards the little toes. Hold for 60 seconds.
When you’re stretching, always do it on an outbreath, King adds. “When you breathe out, all the intrinsic muscles relax.” And don’t stretch until you’re pushing into the point of pain. “Stretch for the pain, to the point of the bite. And don’t yank.”
7 Optimise your home office Without an employer’s health and safety department to keep me on the ergonomic straight and narrow, I do a workstation assessment with Workhappy, submitting pictures of me at my desk, leaning forward to peer at my screen, legs crossed, balanced on one buttock.
Ronaldo, my assessor, tells me, unsurprisingly, that he has “quite a few worries with your overall setup”. He likes my chair (pro tip: Corporate Spec sells secondhand office chairs at huge discounts), but gets me to slide the seat cushion part backwards, to make it shorter, bringing my bum back, then to raise the back rest to maximise lumbar support. “You want the natural curvature of your spine to be supported.” He gets the armrests out of the way so I can’t lean on them – which would hunch my shoulders – straightens my screen and keyboard, and tells me I need a foot rest.
To health-check your home-working space, look out for these basics: your head should be upright with your ears above shoulders, back slightly reclined and supported, elbows bent at 90 degrees with forearms level with the desk, and feet supported so the backs of the thighs are parallel to the floor. You’ll need to get someone else to take a picture or check for you.
8 Strengthen your pelvic floor We know we need a strong core, but might not realise that includes our pelvic floor. “The pelvic floor is like a mini-trampoline holding up your bladder, bowels and all your visceral organs; keeping it toned and healthy is of paramount importance,” says King. Kegel exercises are good, he adds, but don’t overdo them or you can cramp up. “People get caught up and do it for too long: do 10 kegels, then leave it for an hour or two.” If you’ve never done kegels before, one suggestion is to pretend you’re trying to stop the flow of urine while you’re peeing, then relax. Don’t do it while you’re actually peeing, and don’t hold your breath, pull in your stomach, squeeze your legs together or clench your buttocks when you’re contracting. Kegels can be easier lying down at first. King also recommends a reverse (or “eccentric”) situp: start seated and then slowly lean slightly backwards from the waist on an outbreath to just beyond your seated posture, and hold for five to 10 seconds.
9 Breathe “Poor posture is about breathing” says King. The linea alba – a band of connective tissue that runs down the front of your abdomen – is linked to your parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system. “So stress, anxiety is going to put you into this curled position [as the linea alba tightens]. The best way of releasing the linea alba without physical intervention from someone like me is to breathe.” Obviously, we’re all doing that anyway, but you need to do it properly. “You have to breathe so the tummy comes out; if your chest moves, you’re doing it wrong.” Incorporate a few minutes into your daily routine. “Go and sit on a park bench for five minutes and breathe deeply into the diaphragm.”
10 Switch things up The biggest problem for most of us isn’t bad posture, but failing to change postures. At work, “every hour, go to the toilet even if you don’t need to, wash your face, get your body moving,” suggests King.
“Don’t take your entertainment sitting down,” Bowman urges. “We tend to unwind with our mind to the detriment of our physical body. They both need unwinding and we can do it at the same time.” You don’t have to watch TV less, she says, just differently. “Take your favourite pillow or a folded blanket down on to the floor, start sitting cross-legged, then open your legs wide and push-pull to the right then the left. You’re going to be toggling tight joints.” As James puts it, “your best posture is your next posture”.
A New research has found that 52 percent of us suffer any form of”headache” disorder. Every year, a researchers from a group of researchers led by epidemiologists of The Norwegian University of Science and Technology investigate general headaches migraine, general headaches and tension-type headaches. When analyzing studies from 1961 until by the year 2020, results showed that the global incidence of migraines is 14 percent and 26% for tension type headaches. The authors claim that every day 15.8 percent of the world’s population was suffering from headaches of ***. Researchers also found they found that headaches were more prevalent in females than males. Migraines represented the biggest variation between genders, occurring among females, which was 17% and just 8.6 percent in males. Women also were able to report headaches as a regular health problem. 6percent of females said they suffered from a headaches on more than 15 days in a month. 2.9 percent of males reported the same. According to the researchers, the increase in migraine frequency over time may be genuine and could be due to physical, environmental and psychological shifts, however most likely it is due to the advancements in the field of methodology in the past few years, leading to more effective methods for engagement and access as well as improved diagnostic instruments
The most popular eye mask for massaging is on sale for 60 percent off on Amazon today
Updated: 11:39 AM Eastern Standard Time Feb 9 2023
Headaches, migraines, eye strain. These are all commonplace for the majority of people. They’re worsened because we stare at screens such as phones, computers or television all the time during the course of our day. This is why there’s been an increase in the number of gadgets designed to ease strain and pain like head-scarfs like the Headache Hat for example, and eye massagers. Eye massagers are masks for the eyes that also function as an ice-pack by generating heat to relieve eye strain , and can even soothe dry eyes. Due to the many benefits that can be derived from an eye massager we decided to present this offer we discovered on Amazon which is available for a brief period. RENPHO is the creator of numerous health and wellness products, is offering its eye massager on sale for nearly 60% off the cost at the time of its initial purchase. The mask’s massage has more than 6000 reviews from customers on Amazon with an average of 4.5-star rating of five stars. A review from the last few days was from a user who stated she suffers from migraines and RENPHO’s massager for the eyes can be very helpful. “The warmth and compression are wonderful,” the customer said. “I sometimes leave the product on my forehead rather than covering my eyes. I love the feeling of compression on my temples.”Other customers have praised the product, and have said that it’s fantastic to use prior to having a nap, or before you go to the bed in the evening. The special discount will only be available up to 3 a.m. on Friday, so be sure to get it in your hands. This isn’t the only product for massage from RENPHO that’s getting discounts. Massagers for the neck, foot and even the massage gun is currently on sale now.Click below to view all the discounts.
Headaches, migraines, eye strain. These are typical issues for many people , and are made worse due to the fact that our screens are used for our smartphones, computers or television all the time all day long.
In the wake of this, there’s been an increase in the number of gadgets designed to ease tension and pain for example, head-ache hats, for instance. Headache Hat for example, and eye massagers.
Eye massagers are masks that act as a hot cloth by creating heat to ease eye strain and dry eyes.
Given the numerous benefits you will reap by using an eye-massage device We decided to make sure to share this deal we discovered on Amazon that’s only for a brief period.
RENPHO which is the creator of various health and wellness-related products, is offering its eye massager for sale at around 60% off the original price. The mask’s massage features more than 6000 reviews from customers on Amazon with an average of 4.5-star rating of five stars.
The most current review was from a client who claimed that they have migraines and RENPHO’s massager for the eyes helps greatly. “The warmth and compression are wonderful,” the customer said. “I often just put mine on the forehead rather than under my eyes. I like the way it cinches the temples of my eyes.”
Other customers have highly recommended the product, and have said that it’s fantastic to use prior to sleeping or before going to the bed in the evening.
The discount is only accessible through 3 a.m. ET on Friday, so be sure to act quickly.
It’s not the only massage item from RENPHO that’s getting discount. Neck massagers, foot massagers and even the massage gun is available for sale at the moment.
Click the button below to browse through all the offers.
Carpal tunnel. Trigger finger. The frozen shoulder. It’s one of every guitarist’s most dreadful conditions. With the help of body awareness and some simple exercises, you’ll be able to stay clear of these and other ailments and recover faster even if you’re already injured.
You can ask for Dr. Lou Jacobs (opens in a new tab), a chiropractor and acupuncturist from Portland, Maine. He has over 20 years of expertise in treating injuries to musicians to clients such as Steve Vai, Blackberry Smoke, Eagles of Death Metal and the Pixies.
Jacob’s website is Dr. Jacob’s website
(opens in a new tab)