Times of India
Massive amounts of smelly seaweed found in the Caribbean could trigger headaches for sun-lovers. CBC.ca
Every winter millions of Canadians travel to the Caribbean seeking sun, clean beaches and crystal-clear water.
This year, , travelers may have noticed something unpleasant waiting for their guests on the beach: smelly brown Sargassum.
In the last decade the smelly seaweed has been more prevalent on beaches throughout the Caribbean and in the south Atlantic Ocean. What’s happening? To comprehend, you must understand the concept of sargassum.
What is Sargassum?
Sargassum is a kind of seaweed that is brown (and an algae type) located within the Atlantic Ocean. It’s comprised of leafy parts and oxygen-rich round berry-like fragments that allow it to float in the water. It does not have seeds or roots.
Contrary to other varieties of seaweeds, Sargassum spends all of its life in the ocean, in small areas. Sargassum is typically located in the region known as Sargasso Sea. Sargasso Sea, and is known to move within a vortex, also known as the gyre. It is located in five million square kilometers of a belt which extends starting from Chesapeake Bay in the mid-Atlantic and all the way towards the Caribbean.
However, sargassum may form a raft, forming the appearance of a raft or patch. It follows a seasonal pattern that begins in spring, gaining its apex in summer, and then dying in the autumn.
Sometimes, large amounts of debris can be found on beaches, which could be a nuisance for beach-goers. However, they’re essential to some marine life, as they provide breeding grounds and food for animals like sea turtles, fish and many more.
“[Sargassumhas created massive floating masses that are floating in the sea’s open, which are fantastic, actually … due to the fact that they absorb carbon dioxide and also take in nutrients, they support a wide range of life and many species depend upon them.” stated Brigitta in Tussenbroek who is a scientist in the National Autonomous Universities in Mexico’s Institute of Marine Sciences and Limnology.
“Even even the American eel, also known as the Northern European eel, they would not be there in the absence of the Sargasso Sea, for instance. This is why it’s such a great system.”
Is it growing?
Although most sargassum stays within this gyre, it could travel on an unidirectional conveyor belt between areas like the Atlantic as well as the Caribbean. Scientists have observed a dramatic increase in the amount of sargassum that is washing off beaches across the Caribbean since the year 2011.
“Sometimes certain Gyres … slow down and some Sargassum flew away, and then headed to Cuba and then to Hispaniola and others ended in Mexico travel to in the Gulf of Mexico. Then, it returned back towards in the Sargasso Sea.” van Tussenbroek said.
“Since the year 2010-11 the sargassum began to build up in a different areathat is located to the north of the Equator, in the tropical Atlantic.”
What is the reason for this? Scientists aren’t certain.
There are a variety of factors that could be involved, such as climate change and human activities, said van Tussenbroek.
Chuanmin Hu, a professor at the University of South Florida who examines these blooms using the Sargassum Watch System (SaWS) He said that a significant amount of the nutrients are derived from Saharan Desert dust that blows across the Atlantic Ocean.
However, there is also upwelling in the ocean according to him, in which water from the depths below the ocean surface is brought to the surface and, with it the addition of nutrients, which in turn further aids the blooms. Scientists believe that due to a change in climate, there might increase the rate of ocean upwelling. In addition, nutrients flow to the Atlantic from the Congo River in Africa and the Amazon River in South America.
“Now it is a matter of what is the dominant factor?” Hu declared. “We aren’t sure. It’s hard to measure their impact.”
What’s the state of affairs this year?
According to SaWS the month of January was the second consecutive month that sargassum increased by a third the previous time in the year 2018. Although it decreased to a low in the month of February expectation is it’ll grow and spread through the waters of Caribbean nations. This year was the year with the highest number of Sargassum recorded.
So far, the year has been a great one, Hu said, adding that during the month of December SaWS forecast that the year 2023 would be an additional record-setting year but there’s no assurance.
“All We can do is that this will be another year of major significance.”
How much do you think it will cost?
The month of January saw was more than 8 million metric tons of sargassum floating in the Atlantic Ocean, Hu said. In February, the number decreased to six-to-seven million tonnes. However, Hu claimed there might be more in March.
“Right now , they’re scattered both here and there, with a small amount. Within the belt, there’s a density below 0.1 percent,” Hu said. “But If you could place all of the sargassum in one location, what would be the area? It’s around, I believe 3000 square kilometers, without a gap.”
What are the consequences of big blooms?
The large-scale blooms scientists have observed forming since 2011 pose a challenge. Hotels and towns must bear the costs removal of these blooms so that they can protect an industry that is booming in tourism.
Also, there’s the worry about ecosystems.
A large number of sargassum harm fragile shoreline ecosystems and can also choke coral reefs, decreasing their roughness and cover that makes them more vulnerable to the waves and offer less protection against hurricanes. They can also hinder sea turtles that are hatching from getting to the ocean.
The positive side is that there are certain uses for the vast quantities of sargassum. These include making it biofuel, or even for building materials.
Do I need to be worried?
If you’re headed for the beaches and you come across the masses of sand, there’s nothing to worry about, however the smell that comes from them as they break down could be unpleasant. It could also ruin the offshore snorkelling or swimming experience you may want to take part in.
“What I’d like to say now to visitors is to not be afraid,” Hu said. “This is an unnatural plant and it’s not harmful. If you consume excessive amounts, and [it is decomposed, it might be hazardous, but it’s poisonous generally speaking,” Hu said. ”
“And often even when they do accumulate on beaches, locals usually remove them. Therefore, if you’re planning plans to travel, go to Florida and visit the Caribbean. I’d rather not stress about things.”
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Triathlete, 23 years old, given terrible diagnosis following suffering from headaches Headaches – Manchester Evening News
A healthy, active and athletic triathlete handed an extremely serious diagnosis after the athlete began suffering from painless headaches.
Kieran Shingler first noticed the headaches at Bonfire Night last year, the Liverpool Echo reports The 23-year-old native of Warrington tried Sudafed and paracetamol, but the symptoms persisted.
After a mere week and a half doctors advised him to go to A&E since the headaches have gotten more severe which made him feel exhausted and nauseated. He was tested and diagnosed with a high-grade cancerous brain tumor.
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Kieran has had four major surgery on his brain and a traumatic surgery at Christmas Day. He’s currently on the benefit of a break of four weeks. He will begin his second round of chemotherapy in the beginning of April. It will be in tablet form. He will be able to use at his own home.
The girlfriend of 9 years Abbie Henstock, who is 24, stated that Kieran was always an active young man and has played football for all the time she’s been around Kieran for. But, since the diagnosis, he’s not in a position to participate in the sports which he is passionate about.
She added: “In 2020 lockdown he was really into triathlons. He purchased his first road bike in the 2020 lockdown and the rest is history very well.
“Kieran has joined the triathlon group, TriCentral UK, at the beginning of 2022. He took part in numerous triathlons and even the 70.3 in Chester in the summer of last year. Since the diagnosis Kieran hasn’t been able swim, go for an exercise, or even ride his bicycle.
“This is clearly a source of frustration and devastating for him since it has led to the loss of a significant amount of his fitness, but changing that to an advantage, the strength gained from it has been extremely beneficial to his health as both nurses and doctors have repeatedly told us.
“Even following his brain surgery for the first time the patient would still want to go for a walk to a local cafe. While undergoing treatment, he was walking with me too. We were amazed by how much he wanted to be out even if it was walking around the block. All the while the patient was undergoing intensive treatment. He had also undergone four major brain operations.”
Abbie has described her friend as “gentle” and laidback” and also said that his family members are extremely happy for him.
She stated: “Kieran is the most kind person. He is relaxed and doesn’t worry about everything. He is always smiling at his lips and will do his best to please everyone.
“He loves being with his family, as we’re very close as a family. He is an avid supporter of Liverpool FC and enjoys the company of our family and friends whether it’s going on a camping trip, dinner out, or a trip for a workout.
“We are so incredibly satisfied with him. There aren’t enough words to express it. Our worlds turned upside down, and it’s been the most difficult couple of months in our lives, but we must accept the situation and live each day in the way it is.
“Myself and his mom dad, sister, and her boyfriend, as along with his extended family and friends are there with him all the way.”
Abbie Kieran’s friends and family members are currently looking to raise money to help various brain tumour charities. They’ve set up an account on GoFundMe and are participating in various events to raise funds.
The 24-year-old told the BBC: “Before Kieran got diagnosed we didn’t know much about brain tumors. I’d seen the latest reports about Tom Parker from The Wanted but didn’t pay much attention to the funding because I thought that it was treated in the same way as breast cancer, etc.
“However we know now the extent of underfunding it. Every every year, in UK there are 2,374 teenagers aged between 16 and 24 have cancer diagnoses. In excess of PS700m is devoted to cancer research but only three percent of it is devoted to brain cancer.
“In the month of June, 110 membersof our family and friends will be taking part in the Warrington 5K, which is pretty dirty as part of the “Kieran’s Krew” and all the money we raise is going to Brain Cancer Research UK. We’re currently only PS8.5k.
“Myself Kieran’s sister, his mom, and his friend from his mum’s side will be taking a skydive to raise funds in support of Clatterbridge Cancer Care Centre. The money raised will go to the Young Adults’ ward, and the remaining 50% will go directly to the area that will need the most.
“Kieran’s triathlon club is participating in a 100 mile bicycle ride in April to raise money for Kieran. His former football team are going up Snowdon to raise funds to fund our GoFundMe page. A friend of his will be taking part in his his first ever triathlon on May. There’s too much happening that we’re overwhelmed and want to help everyone to get involved in raising money for brain Tumour charity.
“It’s Brain Tumour Awareness Month which is March. I consider is the ideal opportunity to tell our story. There was also a debate in the House of Commons on the March 9 concerning the funding of Brain Tumours.”
To donate to GoFundMe, click here Click here.
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A neckache that is a real pain Neck pain that is a real pain Newsroom OSF HealthCare
Man looking at tablet
Technology is everywhere. From smartphones to our laptops a lot of us are hooked on our devices for hours at a time. According to various studies, indicate that the average person within the United States spends between five to 10 hours per day with their phones, computers as well as video games and televisions.
With all screen time comes the possibility of health risks. A condition called “tech neck” is the result of stressing muscles when looking at devices such as computer screens or phones for prolonged durations of time.
“Technology that is negatively affecting your neck is best way to put the issue,” says Dr. Nandini Chattopadhyay, a family doctor at OSF HealthCare. “Technology could refer to smartphones or tablets, such as iPhones and computers, as well as their general impact on necks and shoulders, as well as the upper back that is a concern in recent years, and that’s exactly what neck tech is all about.” .”
Some have called this issue the new carpal tunnel syndrome.
“In the case of tech neck, we observe necks being affected due to of tech,” says Dr. Chattopadhyay. “More frequently than often, it’s the nerves that run through the back of your head to the shoulders and neck that is weak due to the way people perform these things and also looking at their devices. The connection to nerve and pain of neck pain is now referred to as the carpal tunnel of the present .”
Tech neck is a problem for children and adults, however symptoms differ and may differ for every person as per the doctor Dr. Chattopadhyay, who has treated patients as young as. The repeated strain on bones, nerves, as well as muscles that result from looking down at phones computer, or laptop screen for instance could cause arthritis, pinched nerves arthritis and disc herniation.
If I began at the head, it could result in headaches and changes in vision, and glasses being required at a younger age than you normally require,” says Dr. Chattopadhyay. “Then it’s neck stiffness and the weakness in lower back. There is a lot of tension in the muscles of your upper back. As the pain gets worse, it is able to go down towards your lower back and you then notice tingling and numbness throughout your arms. These are just a few most common symptoms I encounter. .”
There are methods to avoid neck pain caused by technology, for example keeping your posture in good shape by using a smartphone stand or an adjustable monitor stand, and speaking with your physician for physical therapy. There are treatments that could be efficient for treating neck pain. It’s not necessary to suffer from pain if it’s managed, according to the doctor. Chattopadhyay.
“The managing of this is a matter of consciousness,” she adds. “So every day, make sure you’re active and able to stop and take a break from technological devices. It’s crucial to do this If you’re on your computer all day long Take an hour or two for you to complete regular exercises while not staring at computer screen. .”
Our smartphones and other devices are essential tools , and there’s not a reason to stop using them according to the Dr. Chattopadhyay adds. However, she suggests holding the phone up to your eye to reduce strain. If you do not be in discomfort, it could be time to consult your physician.
For more information, go toOSF HealthCare .
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