Neurologists explain why the weather is a migraine trigger


W.While most people know what it’s like to deal with the occasional headache, migraines are an entirely different experience. Although migraines are a very common neurological disorder – some 39 million Americans struggle with it – they can be downright debilitating. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say it is a leading cause of disability worldwide, and in a study of migraineurs in the United States, more than half reported severe activity disorders due to bed rest and reduced work or school productivity of migraines.

To be clear, a migraine is more than just a “divisive” headache. “Headache refers to any type of pain in the head or face,” says Thomas Berk, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor in NYU’s Langone Health Division of Headache Medicine. According to him, there are over 150 different types of headache that are medically categorized according to certain characteristics, including pain quality (stabbing vs. throbbing, etc.), location, and duration.

A migraine is a special type of headache in which one side of the head is usually worse than the other, which is of moderate to severe intensity, and symptoms often include sensitivity to light or sound and nausea, says Dr. Berk, adding that it can last anywhere from a few hours to three days. Anna Pace, MD, assistant professor of neurology at Mount Sinai Health, adds that migraines can also be linked to visual disturbances, difficulty concentrating, dizziness and neck pain, among other things.

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While research suggests that some people are genetically predisposed to migraines, there are triggers that make seizures worse, says Dr. Berk. For example, “neurochemical changes in the brain that lead to certain symptoms,” says Valentina Popova, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurology at NYU Langone Health. And exercise and exercise can make them worse, she adds. But what about the weather?

Why is weather a migraine trigger?

“Different factors cause different headaches,” says Dr. Berk, adding that the weather has an impact. “Mostly it has to do with changes in the weather pattern and not just with heat or cold,” he says. For example, humidity and changes in air pressure (air pressure in the atmosphere) can be common migraine triggers. “The migraine brain is sensitive to all kinds of change – and the response to change is often a migraine exacerbation.”

Dr. Pace estimates that changes in weather patterns are a trigger in over a third of people with migraines. “Research shows that changing the pressure systems – that is, when there are rainstorms or high humidity and temperature changes – can increase the likelihood of headaches.” Although it is not fully understood why certain weather conditions can lead to headaches, she says changes in air pressure overexcitation of areas of the brain that control pain. “Changes in air pressure can also change the pressure in the sinuses and inner ears, which can also lead to pain.”

People with migraines tend to be more sensitive to bright lights, including sunlight, says Sara Crystal, MD. She also mentions that changes in weather can affect levels of serotonin in the brain, which in turn triggers attacks.

And unfortunately, weather changes don’t happen in isolation, so they can, along with other factors, cause pain, says Dr. Pace. “The brain can be more prone to a migraine attack when another trigger occurs. Such as stress, hormone fluctuations, or inadequate sleep, and this can explain why some people have headaches and others don’t when the weather changes, ”says Dr. Pace.

How to prevent weather-related migraines

“While you can’t control the weather, you can control other potential triggers,” says Dr. Crystal. “For some people with migraines, it takes a perfect storm – pun intended – to trigger an attack.” So once you know your particular weather trigger, you should tweak other conditions. For example, if you are worried about a brewing storm, avoid your familiar food triggers, rest, and practice stress relief. “And of course you should have your medication on hand.”

In addition, tracking the weather can be helpful. “I recommend using the WeatherX app,” says Dr. Crystal. Once you’ve made a link between the weather and your migraines, you may be able to pre-treat with an anti-inflammatory drug.

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17-year-old flown to Syracuse after crashing in Black River on Thursday | Jefferson County


BLACK RIVER – A 17-year-old was flown to Upstate Medical University in Syracuse after a crash Thursday morning.

According to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, just before 10 a.m., a male driver was driving southwest on Route 971V when he started turning left into a driveway. When he was stopped, another vehicle that was being driven by a 17-year-old woman hit his vehicle.

The 17-year-old’s vehicle then began to roll backwards, so she and a passenger, also a 17-year-old woman, decided to jump out of the car. The 17-year-old driver reported neck pain and was flown to Syracuse hospital. Her passenger said he had knee pain and could have been taken to a hospital for a check-up by a family member.

The male driver of the other vehicle was not injured.

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Two mothers argue over mask debate in preschool age | news


Police officers were dispatched to a Maryville preschool on Tuesday after the principal called and said that an argument between two mothers over masks had escalated and included screaming, swearing and physical contact.

Maryville officials responded at 11:05 a.m. Tuesday at Wesley Day School, 804 Montvale Station Road. The two mothers were Catherine Gallimore, 35, and Michelle Layne, 36.

According to every mother, parents do not have to wear a mask when handing over their children in preschool. However, Layne said masks are encouraged and she, and most other parents, estimated them to be over 90% wearing.

“I work on the front lines in healthcare,” Layne said in an interview with the Daily Times. “I see this every day. These are our children who are unprotected. “

Gallimore told the newspaper that she was exercising her right to freedom by choosing not to wear a mask.

“I don’t think masking will help prevent the spread of the coronavirus …” said Gallimore. “And I know that I’m not alone with this and I like the opportunity to make this decision for myself and my family.”

She also stated that she had not received any COVID-19 vaccinations and did not support them.

There were two meetings between the mothers, one on August 30th and another the following day. Both happened when they dropped their children off at preschool in the morning, the only time parents had to come inside.

On the first day, Layne said she asked Gallimore why she wasn’t wearing a mask, never raised her voice, and that this was the crux of the conversation. Gallimore said Layne was loud and accused her of not bothering about protecting the children.

Gallimore didn’t like the way Layne approached her on August 30 and contacted the preschool director, Alisha Stanley. Gallimore said she asked the director to email the parents to remind them that masks are optional, but she said the director declined the request.

The next day, Layne saw Gallimore again in preschool without a mask. She said she didn’t recognize her from the day before and asked why the woman wasn’t wearing a mask.

“It was just a question,” said Layne. “I like to hear people’s opinions as to why they choose or not. … I asked the question. I never threatened her. I never followed her. We have never screamed in the school building. “

Gallimore said she felt attacked and harassed by the encounter.

When Layne voiced her concerns about children’s safety and preschool preferences, Gallimore responded to her civil liberties and Layne’s lack of authority to question her.

At that point, both mothers left the building. Layne carried her 9 month old baby in her arms. Gallimore followed from behind, trying to get information from Layne to report to the headmaster.

Layne said that she was trying to distance herself from Gallimore, she turned and saw something in front of her face. She said her reaction was to grab it. Then she said she realized it was a phone she was filming and threw it on the nearby grass.

Layne said Gallimore hit her on the neck and she lost her footing and almost fell her baby.

“That is totally untrue,” said Gallimore. “And I told the policeman that and it never happened.” She later added, “I deny any claims. I was the one who was physically touched and my cell phone snapped. “

The police report listed a witness who said she heard a mother beat the mother who threw the phone. Layne went to the hospital later that day with neck pain and received a letter from the doctor excusing her from work for two days.

When she was allegedly beaten, Layne said she raised her voice and said a few words that she shouldn’t have. According to the report, both mothers started yelling and verbally abusing each other. Layne added that at this point the director came out and called MPD.

Gallimore was disappointed with the preschool’s response to the incident and said they had removed their son.

The Wesley Day School official response, sent by Director Stanley, was: “No Wesley Day School staff were involved in the parenting disagreement, nor were any staff witnesses to the incident. This is entirely a question of the different opinions of private individuals that happened to take place near the school grounds. Your actions and opinions do not reflect the mission or values ​​of our program. Our first priority is the safety of our children. “

What Is The Best Neuropathy Pain Relief Cream


The 5 Best Neuropathy Creams: What Is The Best Neuropathy Pain Relief Cream


Do you have neuropathy pain in your legs or hands? You may be thinking that there is nothing you can do about it, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Neuropathy pain relief cream is a simple solution for many patients who are suffering from chronic nerve pain in their extremities. These creams are made up of ingredients like capsaicin and menthol, which provide an effective form of temporary relief and help to reduce inflammation as well. In this article, we will talk about some of the best neuropathies creams on the market today so that you can find one that is right for you!


sciatica cream

What Is Neuropathy Pain Relief Cream?

Analgesic Creams

A topical pain reliever is a nonprescription product applied to the body. These drugs contain capsaicin, an ingredient found in hot chili pepper seeds. It is thought that this substance may inhibit nerve cells from relaying pain signals back to the brain, thereby providing relief for minor pain that may be throbbing close to the surface of the skin.


Anesthetic Creams

By numbing the area where they are administered, these drugs relieve and block localized pain. Lidocaine is one of the ingredients found in these topical creams. Lidocaine patches can also relieve such pain, while EMLA cream (Eutectic Mixture of Local Anesthetics) is a common anesthetic cream that numbs your skin within an hour of application.


Neuropathy Pain Relief Cream vs Oral Supplements

You realize that your hands or feet feel tingly or slightly burning as a result of pain from neuropathy. It is most common for these areas, especially your feet, to be targeted first because the nerves connecting those extremities are the longest and are most easily damaged.


You can treat these symptoms with supplements, but you don’t know when they’ll start working or if they will cause side effects. It is possible to feel sleepy, dizzy, or simply lethargic when you take any oral medication.


Topical creams are easy to apply to the painful area and are typically more accepted by patients due to their painless nature.


There are so many products available for nerve pain relief at drug stores that it’s easy to be overwhelmed. All of them claim to have the same end goal, but different people have different preferences.


There are a number of non-prescription creams that can be used to ease peripheral neuropathy pain, such as some for muscle pain, joint pain, or back pain. The two most common ingredients in topical over-the-counter creams/ointments are capsaicin and herbs. In several pain relief creams, these ingredients are combined with others for effective nerve pain relief.


What Should I Look for in a Neuropathy Relief Cream?


Interestingly, capsaicin is a compound found in hot peppers, and it is also an effective pain reliever for people suffering from peripheral neuropathy. By reducing the nerve pain signals in your body, the slight burning sensation felt when capsaicin creams are applied temporarily eliminates nerve pain.


There are, however, some people who can’t tolerate capsaicin. Although it has proven to be an effective source of pain, some people aren’t able to handle the initial pain sensation.


Using pepper-based nerve pain relief cream on damaged, broken, irritated skin is not advised. Additionally, it is necessary to apply it several times a day for weeks before it begins to work.



Lidocaine blocks transmissions of pain signals along with the sensory nervous system and blocks them from reaching the brain. It is used for treating a range of injuries from insect bites to scrapes, and lidocaine creams and ointments instill a loss of sensation in localized areas of pain.


In studies, lidocaine in nerve pain relief cream was shown to provide pain relief. One study in 2017 showed that the use of topical lidocaine was effective for people suffering from peripheral neuropathic pain in whom oral treatments were ineffective or had adverse effects on their health.



Since ancient times, mint oils have been produced or derived from menthol, which is an organic compound. In addition to relieving mild pain, topically applied creams containing this substance are effective in combating peripheral neuropathy.


Researchers have found that menthol creams may be useful in treating chemotherapy-induced neuropathy since they are fast-acting, affordable, and easy to use and because they are non-drugs.


Several cancer centers have stated that menthol creams are effective topical treatments for peripheral neuropathy.



Using topical herbal products is another non prescription cream alternative. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic (relieve pain) properties are present in herbal products. Through a cooling sensation, they trick the brain into thinking your skin has changed temperature, thus reducing inflammation. The enlargement of blood vessels also allows for better oxygen and nutrient delivery, facilitating faster healing.


The use of herbs with such properties dates back thousands of years. Herbal medicine provides effective pain relief around the world, including in North America and South East Asia. Calendula flowers, balm of gilead, and clove oil are examples of herbs that possess such properties. Herbal effectiveness is difficult to deny when it stands the test of time.


What is The Best Neuropathy Pain Relief Cream: 5 Best Neuropathy Creams

Joint Mud

This topical cream can be used to alleviate pain associated with peripheral neuropathy. Other uses include treating severe skin irritation, bed sores, psoriasis, eczema, and poison ivy, dry scaly skin, stiff muscles, infected skin, abrasions, and ulcers.


Other natural ingredients in the topical neuropathy cream include avocado butter, aloe butter, tea tree oil, olive oil, and more. Vitamin E and rosemary extract are the most potent ingredients of topical neuropathy cream.


Nervex Neuropathy Pain Relief – Nervex Cream

Vita Sciences designed the cream methodically by combining topical vitamins and nutrients. Vitamin B12 is found in high concentrations in this cream. All these vitamins and nutrients work together to lessen symptoms and support synapse repair. Capsaicin, MSM, and cetyl myristo, vitamin E, and a extract of the Andrographis plant are just some ingredients found in this cream.


Because the cream contains moisturizers and antioxidants, it can easily absorb into the skin. Everything is natural, so there’s no smell. It has been clinically tested and is highly praised by peripheral neuropathy sufferers.


Insta-Relief DM Pain Relieving Cream

This soothing cream can provide instant nerve pain relief due to its soothing properties. Using topical neuropathy creams, hands, knees, legs, muscles, and hands will feel less tingling, burning, and numb.


The company states that its cream makes people feel more comfortable and healthy, restoring their lost comfort. Plant-derived ingredients give this cream its quick healing powers and provide instant relief. You can use it up to four times each day if you suffer from extreme nerve pain.


There is a cooling and calming effect to the cream. The Cream has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the company claims that even doctors recommend using it for patients who suffer from nerve pain. Aside from relieving pain related to peripheral neuropathy, it can also be used by people with arthritis.


Nuturna Neuropathy Nerve ( neuropathy by nuturna)

The multi-purpose concentrate will increase your circulation and alleviate your skin problems. This fast-acting cream is formulated with arnica, MSM, tea tree oil, aloe vera, vitamin B6, and menthol, to moisturize, soothe, and reduce inflammation on the skin.


The concentrated formula in this product is highly effective and powerful. Utilizing it will awaken your nerves and make you feel so much better. Nerve pain is reduced at the source with the cream since it penetrates the skin deeply.


Nature Remedies by 100% Natural Products

The Nature Remedies by 100% Natural Products cream is an antiseptic that treats a variety of ailments.


You can use the cream to relieve nerve pain, psoriasis, eczema, poison ivy, dry and cracked skin, sore muscles, sore joints, insect bites, inflamed skin, and abrasions.


Natural vitamin E and rosemary extract are the main ingredients in the topical pain-relieving cream.


Beeswax, cocoa butter, shea butter, coconut oil, peppermint, avocado butter, aloe butter, tea tree oil, olive oil, and others are also natural ingredients found in the topical neuropathy cream.


The formula was developed by a former Burt’s Bees Associate. It was created by a professional who specializes in essential oils and plant extracts.


In the company’s statement, they state that the cream they offer for nerve pain is not yet FDA-approved and should not be used in treating, curing, or preventing diseases or medical conditions.


Key Takeaways

Several topical neuropathy creams in the market are promising anti-inflammatory properties and instant pain relief. These topical neuropathy creams are made to improve blood circulation and reduce nerve pain caused by peripheral neuropathy symptoms and are perfect for those experiencing nerve pain, especially in the hands and feet.


Many of these topical neuropathy creams have natural ingredients that provide this calm and cooling effect. Aside from relieving neuropathic pain, these creams are also perfect for those experiencing pain related to nerve damage, muscle weakness, muscle spasms. Ingredients such as chili, aloe vera, vitamin e, and shea butter also help lessen severe pain, extreme pain, chronic pain, painful numbness, and tingling sensations.


These topical creams are also perfect for those who have diabetic neuropathy and may have allergic reactions to oral pain relievers and steroid injections. Even those with healthy nerve function can use these creams to reduce pain.


Although these creams may alleviate neuropathy pain and are less likely to cause an allergic reaction than oral pain relievers, it is still best to seek professional medical advice before using any of these creams.

Some Key Terms

diabetics use neuropathy pain
reduce burning tingling numbness
b1 b5 b6 capsaicin
neuropathy nerve pain relief cream

Check out our article on best muscle pain relief cream –

Crew member of the I-89 line livery injured in crash


SOUTH BURLINGTON, Vt. (WCAX) – Just after midnight Wednesday, a construction worker was injured at work after a car drove into his truck on Interstate 89.

State Police say it happened near Exit 14 in South Burlington.

Police said Laurie Detore from Burlington was moving too fast and couldn’t see the blinking lights on the interstate. The 56-year-old drove onto the back of a truck that was used as part of the line painting construction team.

The rear of the truck was equipped with a “Scorpion Attenuator” bumper. This is an impact cushion that is attached to the rear of the vehicle frame.

The driver of the truck, Joseph Rawson, 42, of Barre, was hospitalized with back and neck pain.

Speed ​​and impairment are assumed to be factors in the crash.

Detore faces a DUI denial fee.

Copyright 2021 WCAX. All rights reserved.

What causes chronic headaches, temporomandibular joint pain – WISH-TV | Indianapolis News | Indiana weather


Severe headaches or migraines can be debilitating, and when they become chronic and frequent, they can affect our quality of life. There are many causes or factors that contribute to chronic headaches, and Brian Horner, Owner / Director of Fast Track Physical Therapy, joined us today to explain some of them. Here are more of him:

  • Genetics: 1 or both parents have a chronic headache.
  • Weather changes: air pressure (barometric) pressure, temperature and seasonal changes. I also see an increase in dizziness with seasonal changes.
  • Rebound headache: From taking pain relievers too often, including over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers.
  • Food / Drink / Alcohol: Most food or drink isn’t bad for you, but it can be the trigger for your headache for your body. Keep a journal of any food / drink you had just before the headache. Caffeine withdrawal.

The headaches that our fast-track clinics are very successful in treating are:

  • Tension / stress headache: These are headaches that result from muscle tension / cramps and trigger points. When the muscles are cramped, they can cause pain in various areas of the head, the base of the head, the face, the neck, and the upper back. We use many techniques to loosen and relax the muscles, but we’ve found that dry needling is usually the fastest and most sustained benefit for tension headaches. We have had many patients come to our clinics who have been struggling with daily headaches for years and were able to resolve them almost completely.
  • Cervicogen: Headache due to abnormal mechanics of the upper cervical spine. Often times, nerves in the upper cervical spine can be irritated, reproducing headache and facial pain. This can occur with or without neck pain. Our therapists use many manual (hands-on) techniques to restore proper mechanical function of the cervical spine and reduce muscle spasms.
  • Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD): Headaches can also result from TMJ / jaw dysfunction. If the jaw mechanics are not working properly, the facial muscles are cramped, or the jaw is inflamed, this can lead to headaches. TMD can also cause pain when you eat, yawn, and even speak. Our therapists are experienced and have additional training in TMJ diseases.

So if you experience any of the many things I’ve discussed, we’d love to assess your condition and see if we can help. If you have had physical therapy, medication, or other medical care in the past and didn’t get relief, I would give it a try. We were able to help many people, even if doctors or other doctors could not.

Please visit for more information.


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Scientific Research Resources References:

Street number 8

This is one of the most powerful CBD solutions we’ve seen online. It can also be found in deliciously flavorful gums. So if you don’t like pills, this one is going to be awesome for you.

This press release was published on openPR.

Powerhouse-Sänger sagt, dass die Stimme nach der Schilddrüsenentfernung stärker ist


Stimmverbesserung nach Schilddrüsenkrebs

  • Eine europäische Sängerin hat ein Video gepostet, das fünf Monate nach ihrer Thyreoidektomie aufgenommen wurde, um zu zeigen, wie sich ihre Stimme erholt und möglicherweise sogar verbessert hat.
  • Sie dreht jetzt eine Reihe von Videos, um Menschen mit Schilddrüsenkrebs Hoffnung zu machen.
  • Anzeichen von Schilddrüsenkrebs können ein Knoten im Nacken, ein geschwollener Nacken und Nackenschmerzen sein, die in die Ohren ausstrahlen.

Eine Krebsüberlebende, die sich einer Thyreoidektomie unterzogen hatte, um einen Tumor zu entfernen, sagt, dass ihre Stimme fünf Monate nach der Operation besser ist als je zuvor.

„Als professionelle Sängerin hatte ich vor der Operation solche Angst, meine Stimme zu verlieren, also habe ich mich entschieden, dieses Video zu machen, um neu diagnostizierten Menschen Hoffnung zu geben und zu zeigen, dass es auch möglich ist, sich perfekt zu erholen“, erklärt Morgane, die eine berufstätige Sängerin ist in Europa.

In diesem 16-minütigen YouTube-Video spricht sie über ihren Eingriff, ihre Ängste und zeigt die Entwicklung ihrer Stimme von einigen Tagen nach der Operation bis heute, fünf Monate nach dem Eingriff.

Morgane wurde im März mit medullärem Schilddrüsenkrebs im Stadium III diagnostiziert und sagt, dass das Wichtigste, was sie getan hat, sofort nach Ärzten gesucht und den richtigen Chirurgen für ihre Thyreoidektomie gefunden hat.

Verwandte: Sorglose Krankenpflegestudentin geht davon aus, dass ein Beinklumpen ein Blutgerinnsel ist, nur um zu erfahren, dass sie ein Synovialsarkom im Stadium III hat; Symptome von Sarkomen

In ihrem Fall war das Dr. Frédéric Triponez von den Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève in der Schweiz.

„Also mussten wir meine volle Schilddrüse entfernen, und sie mussten auch das zentrale Lymphknotenkompartiment entfernen [points to middle of throat]“, erklärt Morgane.

„Ich hatte wirklich Glück, dass keine Krebszellen auf meinen Stimmknoten kleben. Als sie alle meine Knoten überprüften, funktionierten alle meine ordnungsgemäß. Nach der Operation hat alles super funktioniert.“

Sie schreibt dies alles der erstaunlichen Arbeit von Dr. Triponez und seiner Erfahrung bei der Durchführung dieser Operationen zu.

Noch aufregender war der Moment, als sie während ihrer Genesung von der Thyreoidektomie merkte, dass ihre Stimme jetzt noch besser war als vor der Operation.

„Ich glaube, ich habe so viele geschwollene Lymphknoten [because of the tumor], dass meine Stimme fester wurde; Als ich sang, wurde meine Kehle immer enger und ich konnte nicht immer den freien Klang haben [before the thyroidectomy],” Sie erklärt.

„Nun, ohne diese Lymphknoten klinge ich so frei. Ich bin viel präziser, wenn ich aufnehme, wie manchmal Sachen, die ich zwei, drei, vier Takes brauchte, nehme ich jetzt beim ersten Take auf. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass meine Stimme so stabil ist, und ich hätte nie erwartet, dass das passiert, und ich möchte, dass du weißt, dass du überrascht sein könntest und wie ich bist und wie wow, meine Stimme ist tatsächlich besser.“

Es gibt noch ein paar Dinge, an denen noch gearbeitet werden muss, und Morgane sagt, dass ihre Ausdauer immer noch nicht auf dem Niveau vor der Operation ist.

Sie ist auch darauf bedacht, dass die Menschen jemanden finden, der ihre Genesung nach der Thyreoidektomie überwacht, sei es ein Stimmtrainer oder ein Therapeut, damit sie ihre Stimmbänder nicht zerstören.

In ihrem Fall war es ein Lehrer, den sie von der Royal Academy of Music kannte, der ihr half, als sie wegen ihrer Narbe nervös wurde.

„Nach der Operation wissen Sie natürlich, dass sich Ihre Narbe ein bisschen komisch anfühlt. Es fühlt sich manchmal an, als würde es dich ein wenig ersticken, und es kann beängstigend sein, sodass du Angst hast, in deine höhere Reichweite zu gelangen“, bemerkt sie.

„Aber jemanden zu haben, der deine Stimme wirklich gut kennt, ist wirklich beruhigend, denn sie sagte: ‚Nein, mach dir keine Sorgen. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass Sie dorthin gehen können. Entspannen.'”

Dieser Lehrer war auch maßgeblich daran beteiligt, dass Morgane richtig positioniert war und ihren Mund richtig benutzte, und sie schreibt dieser Lehrerin den Erfolg ihrer Genesung zu.

Morgane massiert ihre Narbe auch täglich mit Creme, um sie langsam verblassen zu lassen, nicht, dass sie versucht, ihren Kampf gegen den Krebs zu verbergen.

Tatsächlich hat sie weitere Videos geplant, in der Hoffnung, dass sie die Hoffnung wecken, die sie bei der Recherche zu ihrer Diagnose zu Beginn ihrer Reise nicht hatte.

„Ich hoffe, dieses Video hat Ihnen geholfen, ein wenig weniger Angst vor Ihrer Operation zu haben, und wenn Sie Fragen haben, die ich beantworten kann, würde ich sie gerne beantworten“, sagt sie, als sie schließt das Video.

Sie sagt, dass es keinen Grund gibt, Angst zu haben, wenn die Genesung länger oder kürzer ist als ihre eigene und betont erneut, den perfekten Chirurgen und einen Therapeuten für die Genesung zu finden.

„Ich mache dieses Video nur, um Hoffnung zu machen, weil ich so viele Dinge gefunden habe, die mich vor der Operation wirklich, wirklich erschreckt haben, und ich dachte wirklich, dass meine Gesangskarriere vorbei ist und ich bin hier, um Ihnen zu zeigen, dass es nicht sein muss sein“, sagt sie.

„Aber bitte keine Angst. Das bedeutet nicht, dass es nicht zurückkommen wird. Ich sende dir all meine Lieben, meine besten Wünsche und wünsche dir viel Glück.“

Kennen Sie die Anzeichen von Schilddrüsenkrebs

Laut der American Cancer Society kann Schilddrüsenkrebs durch eines dieser Symptome auftreten:

  • Ein Knoten im Nacken, der schnell wachsen kann
  • Geschwollener Hals
  • Nackenschmerzen vorne, manchmal bis zu den Ohren
  • Eine heisere Stimme oder andere Veränderungen in der Stimme, die sich nicht auflösen
  • Schluckbeschwerden
  • Schwierigkeiten beim Atmen
  • Ein anhaltender Husten ohne Erkältung

Dr. Beth Karlan: „Wenn Sie etwas fühlen, sagen Sie etwas“

Wenn Sie eines dieser Symptome bemerken, wenden Sie sich unverzüglich an Ihren Arzt. Sie könnten auf Krebs oder eine andere Erkrankung hinweisen. Die gute Nachricht ist, dass Knoten in der Schilddrüse laut der American Cancer Society sowohl häufig als auch gutartig sind. Wenn Sie jedoch Bedenken haben, ist ein Screening der Weg, um es sicher zu wissen – und bei Bedarf schnell mit der Behandlung fortzufahren.

Erfahren Sie mehr über den strengen medizinischen Überprüfungsprozess von SurvivorNet.

Chris ist leitender Reporter bei SurvivorNet. Weiterlesen

Stimmverbesserung nach Schilddrüsenkrebs

  • Eine europäische Sängerin hat ein Video gepostet, das fünf Monate nach ihrer Thyreoidektomie aufgenommen wurde, um zu zeigen, wie sich ihre Stimme erholt und möglicherweise sogar verbessert hat.
  • Sie dreht jetzt eine Reihe von Videos, um Menschen mit Schilddrüsenkrebs Hoffnung zu machen.
  • Anzeichen von Schilddrüsenkrebs können ein Knoten im Nacken, ein geschwollener Nacken und Nackenschmerzen sein, die in die Ohren ausstrahlen.

Eine Krebsüberlebende, die sich einer Thyreoidektomie unterzogen hatte, um einen Tumor zu entfernen, sagt, dass ihre Stimme fünf Monate nach der Operation besser ist als je zuvor.

„Als professionelle Sängerin hatte ich vor der Operation solche Angst, meine Stimme zu verlieren, also habe ich mich entschieden, dieses Video zu machen, um neu diagnostizierten Menschen Hoffnung zu geben und zu zeigen, dass es auch möglich ist, sich perfekt zu erholen“, erklärt Morgane, die eine berufstätige Sängerin ist in Europa.

Lesen Sie mehr In diesem 16-minütigen YouTube-Video spricht sie über ihren Eingriff, ihre Ängste und zeigt die Entwicklung ihrer Stimme von einigen Tagen nach der Operation bis heute, fünf Monate nach dem Eingriff.

Morgane wurde im März mit medullärem Schilddrüsenkrebs im Stadium III diagnostiziert und sagt, dass das Wichtigste, was sie getan hat, sofort nach Ärzten gesucht und den richtigen Chirurgen für ihre Thyreoidektomie gefunden hat.

Verwandte: Sorglose Krankenpflegestudentin geht davon aus, dass ein Beinklumpen ein Blutgerinnsel ist, nur um zu erfahren, dass sie ein Synovialsarkom im Stadium III hat; Symptome von Sarkomen

In ihrem Fall war das Dr. Frédéric Triponez von den Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève in der Schweiz.

„Also mussten wir meine volle Schilddrüse entfernen, und sie mussten auch das zentrale Lymphknotenkompartiment entfernen [points to middle of throat]“, erklärt Morgane.

„Ich hatte wirklich Glück, dass keine Krebszellen auf meinen Stimmknoten kleben. Als sie alle meine Knoten überprüften, funktionierten alle meine ordnungsgemäß. Nach der Operation hat alles super funktioniert.“

Sie schreibt dies alles der erstaunlichen Arbeit von Dr. Triponez und seiner Erfahrung bei der Durchführung dieser Operationen zu.

Noch aufregender war der Moment, als sie während ihrer Genesung von der Thyreoidektomie merkte, dass ihre Stimme jetzt noch besser war als vor der Operation.

„Ich glaube, ich habe so viele geschwollene Lymphknoten [because of the tumor], dass meine Stimme fester wurde; Als ich sang, wurde meine Kehle immer enger und ich konnte nicht immer den freien Klang haben [before the thyroidectomy],” Sie erklärt.

„Nun, ohne diese Lymphknoten klinge ich so frei. Ich bin viel präziser, wenn ich aufnehme, wie manchmal Sachen, die ich zwei, drei, vier Takes brauchte, nehme ich jetzt beim ersten Take auf. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass meine Stimme so stabil ist, und ich hätte nie erwartet, dass das passiert, und ich möchte, dass du weißt, dass du überrascht sein könntest und wie ich bist und wie wow, meine Stimme ist tatsächlich besser.“

Es gibt noch ein paar Dinge, an denen noch gearbeitet werden muss, und Morgane sagt, dass ihre Ausdauer immer noch nicht auf dem Niveau vor der Operation ist.

Sie ist auch darauf bedacht, dass die Menschen jemanden finden, der ihre Genesung nach der Thyreoidektomie überwacht, sei es ein Stimmtrainer oder ein Therapeut, damit sie ihre Stimmbänder nicht zerstören.

In ihrem Fall war es ein Lehrer, den sie von der Royal Academy of Music kannte, der ihr half, als sie wegen ihrer Narbe nervös wurde.

„Nach der Operation wissen Sie natürlich, dass sich Ihre Narbe ein bisschen komisch anfühlt. Es fühlt sich manchmal an, als würde es dich ein wenig ersticken, und es kann beängstigend sein, sodass du Angst hast, in deine höhere Reichweite zu gelangen“, bemerkt sie.

„Aber jemanden zu haben, der deine Stimme wirklich gut kennt, ist wirklich beruhigend, denn sie sagte: ‚Nein, mach dir keine Sorgen. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass Sie dorthin gehen können. Entspannen.'”

Dieser Lehrer war auch maßgeblich daran beteiligt, dass Morgane richtig positioniert war und ihren Mund richtig benutzte, und sie schreibt dieser Lehrerin den Erfolg ihrer Genesung zu.

Morgane massiert ihre Narbe auch täglich mit Creme, um sie langsam verblassen zu lassen, nicht, dass sie versucht, ihren Kampf gegen den Krebs zu verbergen.

Tatsächlich hat sie weitere Videos geplant, in der Hoffnung, dass sie die Hoffnung wecken, die sie bei der Recherche zu ihrer Diagnose zu Beginn ihrer Reise nicht hatte.

„Ich hoffe, dieses Video hat Ihnen geholfen, ein wenig weniger Angst vor Ihrer Operation zu haben, und wenn Sie Fragen haben, die ich beantworten kann, würde ich sie gerne beantworten“, sagt sie, als sie schließt das Video.

Sie sagt, dass es keinen Grund gibt, Angst zu haben, wenn die Genesung länger oder kürzer ist als ihre eigene und betont erneut, den perfekten Chirurgen und einen Therapeuten für die Genesung zu finden.

„Ich mache dieses Video nur, um Hoffnung zu machen, weil ich so viele Dinge gefunden habe, die mich vor der Operation wirklich, wirklich erschreckt haben, und ich dachte wirklich, dass meine Gesangskarriere vorbei ist und ich bin hier, um Ihnen zu zeigen, dass es nicht sein muss sein“, sagt sie.

„Aber bitte keine Angst. Das bedeutet nicht, dass es nicht zurückkommen wird. Ich sende dir all meine Lieben, meine besten Wünsche und wünsche dir viel Glück.“

Kennen Sie die Anzeichen von Schilddrüsenkrebs

Laut der American Cancer Society kann Schilddrüsenkrebs durch eines dieser Symptome auftreten:

  • Ein Knoten im Nacken, der schnell wachsen kann
  • Geschwollener Hals
  • Nackenschmerzen vorne, manchmal bis zu den Ohren
  • Eine heisere Stimme oder andere Veränderungen in der Stimme, die sich nicht auflösen
  • Schluckbeschwerden
  • Schwierigkeiten beim Atmen
  • Ein anhaltender Husten ohne Erkältung

Dr. Beth Karlan: „Wenn Sie etwas fühlen, sagen Sie etwas“

Wenn Sie eines dieser Symptome bemerken, wenden Sie sich unverzüglich an Ihren Arzt. Sie könnten auf Krebs oder eine andere Erkrankung hinweisen. Die gute Nachricht ist, dass Knoten in der Schilddrüse laut der American Cancer Society sowohl häufig als auch gutartig sind. Wenn Sie jedoch Bedenken haben, ist ein Screening der Weg, um es sicher zu wissen – und bei Bedarf schnell mit der Behandlung fortzufahren.

Erfahren Sie mehr über den strengen medizinischen Überprüfungsprozess von SurvivorNet.

Chris ist leitender Reporter bei SurvivorNet. Weiterlesen

An immigrant detainee in Japan suffers a neck injury after being put in a headlock by a security officer


The Higashi-Nihon Immigration Center can be seen in Ushiku, Ibaraki Prefecture (Mainichi / Hironori Tsuchie).

MITO – An inmate at an immigration center in eastern Japan sustained a neck injury after a private company security guard assaulted him over a soccer ball, the Higashi Nihon immigration center said on Aug. 29.

According to the General Affairs Department of the Immigration Service, the raid occurred during a training session on the afternoon of August 27. The security guard apparently attacked the man after the two had argued over a soccer ball. The guard explained, “I playfully put him in a headlock for lying to me about the ball,” while the inmate said, “It didn’t feel like a joke to me.” The prisoner is said to have been “strangled” by the guard. There were no witnesses to the incident.

Although the man claimed to have a neck pain that evening, he was not allowed to see a doctor because the officers believed he was unharmed. A doctor at an external hospital examined him because the detainee continued to complain of neck pain the next day. He was then diagnosed with a neck sprain that took two weeks to heal.

The Immigration Center in Ushiku City, Ibaraki Prefecture arrests foreigners who have been illegally in Japan. The centre’s general affairs department did not disclose the sex and age group of the guard in question on the grounds that “it is a problem with a contracted private company”. She will decide whether to report the incident to the police “on the basis of the will of the male victim”.

Tetsuro Isobe, Director of the Immigration Center, commented: “We deeply regret this incident, which has undermined public confidence in us.

(Japanese original by Takashi Miyazaki, Mito Bureau)

Gold Coast medics called multiple crashes overnight –


The Gold Coast emergency services were busy overnight and were called in to a number of car accidents.

Crews were first called to Tallebudgera Valley shortly before 7:00 p.m. after reports of a car accident involving a single car.

A man was examined for a facial injury and multiple abrasions at the crime scene along Nancol Drive before being rushed to hospital for further treatment.


He is believed to be in stable condition at Gold Coast University Hospital.

A little later, paramedics were called to the Gold Coast Highway and Coolangatta Road after a two-car accident was reported.

A man suffered neck pain in the collision at around 8:30 p.m. and had to be stably transported to Gold Coast University Hospital.

There was a motorcycle accident on Golden Four Drive in Bilinga today at around 5.15 a.m.

The motorcyclist had to be rushed to Gold Coast University Hospital with unspecified injuries, but is in stable condition.

Related article: Man hospitalized after being kicked by a horse on the Gold Coast

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