‘We are like beggars competing on Givealittle’: Woman’s agonizing pain not enough to qualify for spinal surgery


Her agonizing chronic pain means she cannot work, is unable to sleep properly, and is depressed. But Elizabeth Smyth​ still doesn’t meet the threshold for spinal surgery.

An overwhelmed public health system means the criteria to access spinal surgery is narrow, leaving thousands of chronic pain sufferers hooked on opioids, a neurosurgery expert says.

Smyth, who cannot afford to pay for the surgery privately, is so desperate to reduce her pain that she has set up a Givelittle page – a move she describes as humiliating.

“Givelittle​ pages are full of ordinary Kiwis desperately needing health care. We are like beggars competing with each other. It is like the Victorian ages.”

Elizabeth Smyth needs surgery for the debilitating pain she suffers, but cannot get it through the public health system.


Elizabeth Smyth needs surgery for the debilitating pain she suffers, but cannot get it through the public health system.

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The 61-year-old Cantabrian damaged her spine in a car crash when she was 20. Since then, she has had three lumbar spinal surgeries and had to learn to live with the chronic pain.

Are you waiting in pain for surgery? Email your story to [email protected]

But in 2015 Smyth injured her neck, intensifying the pain in her arm and neck. ACC initially covered the costs of her treatment, and she improved after a steroid injection.

In early 2020, her arm and neck pain deteriorated again, but ACC declined cover because there was arthritis, Smyth said. She described the pain as “a toothache all over my body with electric shocks”.

Smyth cannot afford the cost of having private surgery for her chronic pain.


Smyth cannot afford the cost of having private surgery for her chronic pain.

Her doctor referred her to Christchurch Hospital for an assessment in February 2020, but this was declined. Dismayed, Smyth borrowed money to see a private surgeon. In October the same year, a neurosurgeon said cervical spinal surgery would solve her problem.

But Smyth, who has not been able to work consistently through her life due to her disability, cannot afford the $26,000 price tag for the surgery.

She wrote to the Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB) to ask why her treatment could not be covered publicly.

In November 2020, the board wrote back telling Smyth she did not qualify to see a neurosurgeon because she did not face paralysis – which was the criteria to access the service.

“The neurosurgery service is not funded at a level or staffed at a level or provided with resources at a level that this kind of service can be provided in any region in New Zealand,” the letter said.

CDHB clinical director of neurosurgery Suzanne Jackson​ said the criteria for elective spinal and peripheral nerve surgeries was tightened in 2010, to focus on patients with degenerative spinal conditions or spondylosis.

“Pain is a symptom and not in itself an indication for surgery,” she said.

The majority of neurosurgeries are acute and non-deferrable, Jackson said. This leaves only 25 per cent theater capacity for elective neurosurgery, which is mainly made up of spinal, peripheral nerve and functional surgery, she said.

University of Otago professor of neurosurgery Dirk De Ridder​ said New Zealand was miles behind the likes of Australia, the US and Europe when it came to treating chronic pain.

A lack of resourcing and an inefficient public system led to difficulty accessing surgery to treat chronic pain, leaving sufferers to resort to opioids, he said.

Smyth has had spinal issues since a car crash when she was 20.


Smyth has had spinal issues since a car crash when she was 20.

“The waiting times are unacceptably long – and sometimes you are not even given the option of waiting.”

De Ridder said about 20 per cent of the population have chronic pain, which is the biggest cause of suffering worldwide and can cause disability, anxiety, depression and sleep problems – creating huge costs to society.

Hooked on high doses of painkillers and desperate for help, Smyth wrote to Government ministers and local MPs last year—to no avail.

“Because of my lifetime of disability I am seen as a loser. I have no money, no hope. What a loser. Best just to die really,” Smyth wrote.

Officer couldn’t stop in time


An East Hampton Village police officer was involved in a fender-bender on Saturday while driving on North Main Street near Cedar Street.

Officer Christian Denton, 29, of Hampton Bays was driving a village police car when he rear-ended a 2006 Hyundai driven by Brian McDonald of Manorville, 45. Mr. McDonald told police he was stopped in traffic at the time.

According to the accident report, Officer Denton had to “lock up the brakes” because of the stopped traffic, which left him unable to stop in time to avoid hitting the Hyundai. Mr. McDonald’s car had previous damage, so it was not immediately clear if the incident caused more. No injuries were reported and neither car required towing.

On Jan. 12, Barbara Feldman of East Hampton, 72, was parked in her 2017 Jeep in a lot off Springs-Fireplace Road when Rita Abrams, 92, also of East Hampton, backed a 2003 Toyota into her car. Ms. Abrams told police her foot had slipped onto the gas, causing her car to accelerate into the Jeep. Ms. Feldman complained of neck pain. Neither car required towing.

How to take better photos with proper lighting and the best angles.


When’s the last time you looked at a photo of yourself and thought, “Dang, I am so incredibly good-looking!” You’re not alone. Let me help.

Get rid of your “turkey neck”

It’s not just you. Cameras can exaggerate certain features and give you a different appearance than what you see in the mirror. That’s why you need to be strategic when you pose.

Think about what is closest and farthest away from the camera. Say you put your foot out and lean back: Your foot is going to look larger since it’s closer to the camera.

You can use this know-how to your advantage. To minimize neck fat and extra skin, jut your head forward slightly, so it’s closer to the camera. At the same time, lengthen your neck and tip your chin down a little bit.

In person, it looks strange, but to the camera, it looks great. If you feel silly, practice with your front-facing camera. You can permanently delete the pictures.

PHOTO EDITING: Who has the time to learn Photoshop? Here are five photo apps that make your pics better without any Photoshop skills.

Determine your best selfie angle

First, let me be the one to say it: Taking a photo of your face with the camera below you is very rarely flattering.

So, how do you determine the best angle for you? Instagram influencer Vi Luong says you should take a series of nine selfies from different angles.

Hold your smartphone and look at it head-on. Then, take three pictures: one with the camera right in front of your face, one above and one below.

Now it’s time to angle your face. Turn to the right for the following three pictures and keep your head still. Now, take one photo of yourself with the camera at face level, one where the camera is high, and one is lower.

Then tilt your face to the left. Keep your head still and snap three pictures (face level, above and below) at this new angle.

Once you get these nine photos, compare them to one another to see which angle suits you best. Ask a friend or family member you trust if you can’t decide.

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Make your eyes twinkle

Bad lighting can make even the best-looking person look like a villain in a horror movie. Here are a few simple rules of thumb to remember:

• Avoid standing directly under a light. Direct light can create harsh shadows that make your skin look bad.

• Find soft, natural light instead whenever possible. It hides blemishes and smooths out imperfections.

• Face a light source so it illuminates your features and draws attention to your eyes. If there’s a light fixture nearby, point your eyes toward it and widen them just a bit.

• If you’re outside, face the sun to take advantage of the natural light.

• If the bright sun is casting dark shadows or causing you to squint, turn away or find a patch of shade.

Pro lighting tip: Make sure you have the proper lighting for video calls. I tried a bunch and love the Lume Cube Broadcast Lighting Kit. It comes with a suction cup for your monitor, a tripod, the light, and a soft diffuser so your face looks amazing.

Look better in full-body photos too

After decades of posing for professional photos and broadcasting on TV, I can tell you this: Standing straight toward the camera isn’t flattering.

Instead of facing the camera with your feet planted under your hips, slightly tilt your body to one side. Angle your torso away from the camera to look slimmer too.

Here’s a trick especially for ladies from model, actress and photographer Parmita Katkar: Put your weight on your back hip. This makes your front leg, closest to the camera, look leaner.

Wondering what to do with your arms? There’s a reason putting a hand on your hip is a classic: It makes your arm look slimmer than keeping it pressed against your body.

PHOTOS 101: Best ways to save your phone’s photos before it’s too late

Smile, even if you don’t want to

We all feel pressure to look as happy as possible in pictures, which can look unnatural.

One way to combat this is to make sure your smile is genuine. Tell a joke or think about something that always makes you laugh. There’s a reason “Say cheese!” is a classic. It relaxes us and encourages us to have a little fun.

Other times, a mysterious Mona Lisa smile is the way to go. Think about turning up the corners of your mouth – or even one side – without doing a full smile. Part your lips just a bit to avoid grimacing.

An odd trick that works: Push your tongue against the back of your teeth. This relaxes your face and can slim your chin.

bonus tip:Tech’s impact on our bodies

Neck pain, muscle strain and even “smartphone pinky syndrome” are just some of the ways tech can hurt your health. I talked with technology writer Nicolas Carr on the unforeseen impacts of technology on our bodies – and ways to protect ourselves.

Check out my podcast “Kim Komando Explains” on Apple, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast player.

Listen to the podcast here or wherever you get your podcasts. Just search for my last name, “command.”

Learn about all the latest technology on the Kim Komando Show, the nation’s largest weekend radio talk show. Kim takes calls and dispenses advice on today’s digital lifestyle, from smartphones and tablets to online privacy and data hacks. For her daily tips, free newsletters and more, visit her website at Komando.com.

The views and opinions expressed in this column are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect those of USA TODAY.

What Should You Not Do With Sciatica?


Sciatica pain commonly comes on when a bone spur or herniated disc compresses a spinal nerve root in your lower back, causing intense anguish in your back, leg, and butt. If you are living with sciatica, you may be trying everything to stop your pain: physical therapy, epidural injections, and other drugs. But did you realize there are several normal, everyday activities that might actually irritate your condition?

Read More About What Should You Not Do With Sciatica

what are some exercises, stretches, and activities to avoid if you have sciatica

More Things To Know About What Should You Not Do With Sciatica

what should you not do with sciatica

Exercise, Stretches, and Activities to Avoid if You Have Sciatica

Listen to your body and keep away from any activities that create pain. Certain exercises might increase sciatica symptoms, especially if they strain or put pressure on your back, core, and legs. While it’s crucial to build strength and flexibility in these areas, you need to do so carefully and safely.

Avoid high-impact activities which might increase symptoms and cause damage. If you’re suffering significant pain, take a break from activities. However, inactivity or sitting for long periods may increase your symptoms, so attempt to undertake modest exercise or stretching when possible.

Here are exercises, stretches, and activities to avoid if you have sciatica. If you have general back discomfort without sciatica, it’s a good idea to stay away from these workouts as well.

1. Avoid Exercises That Stretch Your Hamstrings

Stretching your hamstrings might cause sciatica. Some exercises to skip? Straight-leg sit-ups, leaning forward and touching your toes, squats with weights, and the yoga pose known as the downward dog. Also, avoid practicing leg circles when you lie on your back and make circles with your legs while one leg is down and the other one is raised.

2. Seated and Standing Forward Bend

This exercise can bring tension and stress to your lower back, pelvis, and hamstrings, which aggravates sciatica.

3. Hurdler Stretch

This stretch strains your back, hips, and hamstrings. Twisting your pelvis puts greater tension on your back as you bend forward.

4. Supine Leg Circles

This Pilates exercise stretches your hamstring as you rotate your leg in a circular motion. This can cause pain, aggravate the sciatic nerve, and create a hamstring injury.

5. Double Leg Lift

This supine workout involves rising and lowering both legs simultaneously, which activates your abdominals and leg muscles. It can increase sciatic discomfort, especially if you utilize poor form.

6. Revolved Triangle Posture

This pose may cause you to overstretch your spine, hips, and hamstrings, which can aggravate sciatica.

7. Burpees

This workout involves high-impact movements that might worsen back and hip problems. Repeatedly bending forward and jumping can increase sciatica symptoms.

8. Bent-Over Row

This weightlifting exercise can strain your low back and aggravate your sciatic nerve, especially if you do it with a rounded spine. This can cause inflammation, a herniated disc, or an injury.

9. Weighted Squats

Weighted squats enhance compression on your lower back, nerves, and intervertebral discs. They can also exert strain on your legs, leading to pain and injury. Try them instead without weights, keeping your core engaged and your back in a neutral position. Stop if you feel any pain or tightness in your back.

10. Cycling

Cycling may put a strain on your spine and sciatic nerve, especially on a hard bike seat. Riding in a slumped or forward-leaning position might trigger sciatica, especially if your seat and handlebars are positioned wrong.

11. High-Impact Sports

Avoid any form of high-impact activity or contact sport that encourages you to make rapid movements or put stress on your body. This includes basketball, soccer, tennis, volleyball, running, and HIIT workouts.

Things to Avoid if You Have Sciatica

Avoid Sitting For Longer Than 20 Minutes

After 20 minutes or so, stand up and move about for a bit before sitting back down. When you do sit, avoid bending forward. And don’t sit on a soft sofa, which is not supportive.

Avoid Bed Rest

If you are genuinely in a lot of pain, you can stay in bed but not for longer than 48 hours. When you are suffering from acute sciatica, and you can’t find a comfortable posture, there may be not much else you can do but rest, he says. But after no more than 48 hours, you should plan to get out of bed. It is crucial to stay moving.

Avoid Bending Over

Bending forward to pick up an object increases shearing pressures on the spine caused by the gravity that our muscles and ligaments have to resist when in the forward flexed position. When this is paired with the weight of the object you are lifting, your ligaments, bones, and discs may become overloaded and you may get injured.

Avoid Lifting Heavy Objects

Follow your doctor’s guidelines but generally, in the acute phase of sciatica, avoid lifting anything that weighs more than 15 pounds. And when you lift, do not attempt to lift an object that is far away from your body.

What Exercises Should You Do With Sciatica?

Several exercises and stretches assist relieve sciatica. Exercise increases soft tissue recovery, boosts your nervous system, and may make you less susceptible to pain.

It’s crucial to undertake some physical activity daily, even if it’s merely light stretching. Walking, swimming, and water treatment exercises are also fantastic possibilities. When walking, travel at a comfortable speed and avoid walking uphill.

Work on developing flexibility and strengthening strength in your back, core, and leg muscles. You must also enhance your posture, alignment, and movement patterns. Only stretch as far as you’re comfortable, and remember that flexibility can vary every day. Stop if you encounter pain.


Stay away from exercises that cause discomfort or exacerbate sciatica symptoms. Be gentle with yourself and focus on activities that safely reduce discomfort and develop strength, mobility, and alignment.

To enhance healing, eat a balanced diet, minimize your stress levels, and get lots of quality sleep. You can also check into acupuncture, massage, or chiropractic therapies. Topical pain medicines, lumbar bracing, and heat and cold therapy are additional alternatives.

See a doctor or physical therapist if you have sciatic pain that’s severe or lasts more than a few weeks. They can construct a specific exercise regimen to ease discomfort, build strength, and enhance your body mechanics.

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What Can Make Sciatica Worse?


Sciatica is a condition in which discomfort begins in the lower back and radiates down the leg. This problem of the lower back is often caused by an irritated or herniated disc pushing against the sciatic nerve’s root. While taking it easy for a few days may help alleviate the pain, some activities may cause it to return in seconds. The following are five items that can aggravate your sciatica:

Read More About What Can Make Sciatica Worse

More Things To Know About What Can Make Sciatica Worse

1. Bending Your Body Forward

If you have sciatica, you should avoid bending forward from the waist. Because the sciatic nerve passes through the buttock to the leg, engaging this muscle can worsen sciatica pain. This is because leaning forward might irritate the sciatic nerve by rubbing the buttock muscles against it.

2. Sitting for an Extended Period of Time

Sitting for an extended period of time has also been known to aggravate sciatica, as sitting can compress the sciatic nerve as it passes over the buttock. Indeed, many experts urge that you stand as much as possible while suffering from sciatica. If you do require rest, resting flat on your back is the best position for this condition. This is because the pressure is distributed evenly throughout the back of your body rather than concentrated on the buttock.

3. Lifting Heavy Objects

Lifting a big object not only requires bending forward but also puts additional strain on the spine. The increased tension can further compress the disc that is pinching the sciatic nerve, and as a result, lifting heavy objects can aggravate sciatica.

4. Coughing

Coughing may not appear to have an effect on sciatica, but it can significantly worsen the pain. Consider what your body does when you cough for a moment. The majority of people slouch forward, which adds stress to the lower back. As with lifting, this increased tension might aggravate sciatic nerve pinching, causing your symptoms to worsen.

5. Sleeping On One Side

Finally, if you have sciatica, you should avoid sleeping on your side. When you sleep on your side, there is a greater likelihood that your spine will be crooked, putting additional tension on your lower back. Many side sleepers also raise their knees slightly up, which aggravates sciatica. This is because the fetal posture activates the buttock muscles, which might irritate the sciatic nerve even more.

Get Treatments That Do Not Aggravate Sciatica

At American Chiropractors, our team takes pride in assisting patients with painful back ailments such as sciatica. Take the next step toward pain relief from sciatica. Contact our team today for additional information or to arrange for an initial consultation.

How to Cure Sciatica Permanently?


Sciatica is a common type of back pain that can be caused by many things, such as spinal stenosis, herniated discs, or muscle spasms. It is a debilitating condition that affects the sciatic nerve.

The cause of sciatica can be due to many factors, including aging, injury, or degeneration of the spine. Many people experience significant pain in their back and buttocks when they have Sciatica. Sciatica may also lead to numbness in your foot or leg, which can limit your mobility and range of motion.

Read more about How Do I Cure Sciatica Permanently



It usually occurs on one side of the body and can radiate down to the leg, creating numbness and tingling sensations. Sciatica has been linked with other conditions like arthritis and diabetic neuropathy, so it’s best to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis if you’re experiencing sciatic-like symptoms.

More about How Do I Cure Sciatica Permanently


It has been estimated by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke that more than 50% of people will experience Sciatica sometime in their lives. The pain can range from mild discomfort to excruciatingly debilitating chronic pain.

If you are experiencing these problems, it’s important to see a physician right away so you can get treatment for your symptoms as soon as possible. Fortunately, there are many ways you can get relief for your sciatica symptoms without going to a physician. Learn how you too can get on top of your Sciatica and start living again.

In this post, we’ll explore how to cure sciatica permanently through exercises, stretches, and lifestyle changes.

Sciatica Treatment Overview

An individual with Sciatica can experience pain that radiates down the back of the thigh and into the lower leg. One or more of the lower spinal nerves may be irritated. It may be mild or severe pain and often develops as a result of wear and tear on the lower spine. In most cases, Sciatica can be treated with conservative treatment methods within a few weeks without requiring surgery. Increasing your flexibility throughout your hips and lower body while strengthening your back and core will reduce your chances of suffering from low back pain and other symptoms of Sciatica.

Symptoms and Signs

There can be a wide range of symptoms associated with Sciatica, which extend from the lower back down the hips and down the leg to cause excruciating pain. Some sufferers also report hip pain, upper back pain, neck pain, knee pain and shoulder pain as a symptom that arises as the pain travels the lumbar spine into the hip and shoulder.  There may be numbness, tingling sensations, or muscle weakness that travels down the back of your thigh into your calf or foot. Coughing or sneezing can make it worse. Most people suffering from Sciatica will experience symptoms on only one side of their bodies. It is often possible to relieve sciatica pain through physical therapy, chiropractic, and massage treatments, strengthening and flexibility exercises, and the application of hot and cold packs.

Will the pain go away on its own?

Sciatic nerve pain demands active management since sciatica does not go away on its own. Sciatica is typically a sign of an underlying cause such as tight and weaker hip flexors and piriformis muscles. It might also be caused by a bulging or ruptured disc, spinal trauma, or pelvic misalignment.


If left untreated, this illness may progress and cause terrible pain. If you do not treat the underlying source of the problem, the intensity of your sciatic pain may worsen with time. Pain can reduce your quality of life by interfering with your ability to sleep, sit, or even move.

Potential Sciatica Risk Factors

Sciatica can be caused by a number of factors, which can affect both athletes and less active people. Sedentary lifestyles are more likely to cause Sciatica than active lifestyles. Endurance athletes, however, are also prone to Sciatica due to overworked and stiff muscles.

Age also plays a significant role, with those between 30 and 60 often suffering from age-related degeneration in their spine, such as spinal column disc herniation, degenerative disc disease, bone spurs, and hip joint dysfunction. The Mayo Clinic reports that obesity and diabetes are also common contributors.

The type of sciatica pain you encounter is determined by the source. Some people report it as intense pain jolts down the leg. It has been described as electric, searing, or stabbing by others. The pain in the legs is frequently more acute than in the lower back.

Sciatica is not a medical ailment, but rather a symptom of a spinal issue. The following are some of the most common causes of sciatica:

  • Herniated or bulging disc
  • Trauma
  • Tight piriformis muscles
  • Tight iliopsoas muscles
  • Bones spurs

Because there are several causes of sciatica, the treatment approach to ease sciatica is determined by the underlying reason.

What causes sciatica and which treatments can stop the pain .

Multiple treatment options for getting rid of sciatica permanently

Are you worried that the sciatica pain keeps returning? If so, don’t worry, as it can be permanently cured with the correct sciatica treatment options.  It is possible for this sciatica symptoms to return and cause you trouble during your day-to-day job however there are many options to try to cure sciatica nerve pain permanently.

Curing without surgery

With at-home therapies, most patients with sciatica recover in a few weeks. If your pain is minimal and not interfering with your regular activities, non-surgical options are your best options.


It is possible to keep the muscles relaxed with medicine. Therefore, Sciatica can be cured permanently without an operation by taking proper medication. Over-the-counter pain medicines should be your first line of defense. Acetaminophen and NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen are extremely beneficial, but they should not be used for lengthy periods of time without consulting your doctor.

If over-the-counter medications do not relieve your symptoms, your doctor may prescribe stronger muscle relaxants or anti-inflammatories. Tricyclic antidepressants like amitriptyline (Elavil) and seizure medicines can also help. Direct steroid injections into the inflamed nerve might also give temporary immediate relief.

 Therapy and exercise

Physiotherapy can help heal Sciatica permanently. Exercises for sciatica pain are included in these therapies to eliminate the pain completely.

Sciatica Exercises such as walking, stretching, and swimming are part of these therapies. Do aerobatics daily, even for 20 minutes, if you want to reverse Sciatica.  Some stretches to check are the pigeon pose, hamstring stretches.  Additional sciatica exercises for sciatic can be read here.

Massages and Acupuncture and Yoga

Acupuncture is now widely used to treat all types of health conditions. The sciatic nerve is compressed to relieve pain at some pressure points. The usage of massages and or acupuncture can be an option for many. Yoga strengthens the core, so it is beneficial for any kind of body issue. Proper posture will be beneficial if you suffer from sciatica.

Sitting with sciatica pain

Prolonged sitting causes sciatica and lower back pain by compressing your spinal column, increasing the probability of a nerve damage. Sitting, on the other hand, increases hip flexor stress, leading in a tug-of-war between the front and rear of your hip, resulting in sciatic nerve compression.

You should avoid sitting for longer than half an hour to prevent increasing your sciatica pain (if possible). Every 30 minutes, stand up, stretch, and walk about to relax your hip flexors and promote blood circulation to your other muscles.

Three easy tricks for sitting with sciatica
  1. Choose a chair that is appropriate for your body type and height. The ideal chair maintains your knees below your hips and your back in its natural curvature.
  2. Never sit on a coffee table or an ottoman with your legs lifted. Stretching your legs out in front of you while watching TV may appear soothing, but it may cause nerve pain. In this posture, you are stretching all of the nerves in your posterior chain. Nerves, unlike muscles, do not tolerate being stretched for this long.
  3. While sitting, keep both of your feet flat on the floor and avoid crossing them. Sit up straight in your chair and avoid leaning to one side.

Chiropractic Care

It’s an alternative therapy that focuses on the structure of the body. Chiropractic care can correct the position of your spine without surgery or medication.

Surgery as an option for curing

Surgery is the last choice for roughly 5% to 10% of persons with sciatica when all else fails. If you have milder sciatica and are still in pain after three months of resting, stretching, and taking medication, you and your doctor will most likely need to discuss surgery.

In rare situations, sciatica can result in cauda equine syndrome, which causes you to lose control of your bowels and bladder. That’s a no-brainer for surgery.

Surgery is the only option if the pain is getting worse and stretching and medicine are not helping. Otherwise, your bladder and bowels will become uncontrollable.

Within one year of continuing symptoms, the procedure will be performed. By removing the pressure from the pinched nerve, this surgery prevents stress from the spine.

Diskectomy and laminectomy are the two primary surgical procedures for sciatica.


This would be a minimally invasive surgery to treat Sciatica by removing slip disk fragments. As a result, the recovery time would be shorter. Your surgeon will remove whatever is pushing on your sciatic nerve, whether it’s a herniated disk, a bone spur, or anything else, during this treatment. The idea is to remove only the section causing the sciatica, but sometimes surgeons may remove the entire disk to correct the problem. For a diskectomy, you will be sedated and may be able to go home the same day


The lamina exerts pressure on the sciatic nerve. This is why the lamina, or spinal canal root, is removed during this procedure. The lamina is a bone ring that surrounds the spinal cord. Your surgeon will remove the lamina as well as any tissue pushing on the nerve that is giving you pain during a laminectomy. You will be given general anesthesia, which means you will not be aware for the procedure, which might last up to two hours. You’ll be discharged from the hospital that day or the next, with instructions to begin walking around the house the next day.

Is It Possible to Cure Sciatica Permanently?

You might wonder, “Can sciatica be permanently cured?” Well, inflammation can gradually disappear over time, making sciatica pain feel significantly less. Normal conditions will cause the improvement sign to appear within 4 to 6 weeks. In order to get rid of Sciatica for good, you need the right medication and exercise.

Back Pain Caused by Sciatica: How to Get Rid of It

Below we discuss some options on relieving sciatica permanently at home naturally. These treatments for sciatica can be started as soon pain begins.

Exercise Flexibility of the Hips and Hamstrings

Hamstrings, glutes, and hips that are stiff can affect your posture and increase the pressure on your lower back, which may contribute to Sciatica A stretching routine that targets the hips and hamstrings and relieves an overworked or inflamed piriformis muscle will significantly reduce sciatica symptom. The piriformis is a small muscle located just above the sciatic nerve at the base of the spine. Inactivity or prolonged sitting can compress the piriformis over the sciatic nerve, resulting in aggravation and pain called piriformis syndrome. You can reverse the effects of tight hips and hamstrings by adapting a simple stretching routine or incorporating yoga into your overall fitness routine.

Continuously Apply Low-level Heat

Commercial adhesive heat wraps can provide tolerable, low-level heat for up to eight hours. By using heat therapy, you can relieve the pain in your lower back and leg pain caused by Sciatica.

Don’t damage your skin or tissues by not following the package directions. Heat wraps can be worn under clothing and adhere directly to the skin. During a flare-up of Sciatica, this treatment can be used conveniently at home or at the office.

Build Muscles to Relieve Physical Stress

Your lower back can be relieved of stress through stretching and strengthening exercises. Additionally, exercise promotes the healing of soft tissues, improves the functioning of the nervous system, and may lead to decreased pain sensitivity1. These exercises are helpful in relieving pressure from the sciatic nerve roots and strengthening the legs, abdomen, and lower back.

Infrared or heat therapy before exercising can help warm up the muscles and loosen stiff joints. After exercise, you can apply an ice pack to treat any pain or soreness. When you have recurring or flaring sciatica symptoms, you can perform simple stretches at home or at work. Exercise within tolerable limits and begin with 2 to 3 repetitions before increasing to 5.

Apply a Topical Pain Reliever

Pain-relieving and/or numbing creams, gels, patches, or other topically applied medications may provide effective fast pain relief. These medications penetrate your tissues and work locally. Side effects are less likely to occur, preventing long-term problems.  You can check out the best cream for sciatica pain here.

Over-the-counter topical medications include preparations of:

  • Methyl salicylate
  • Menthol
  • Trolamine salicylate
  • Capsaicin
  • Camphor

Combinations of two or more drugs may be included in some preparations. Avoid using a heat patch3 or ice pack over the area at the same time as a topical medication. Combining both therapies could reduce or alter the effects of topical pain medications.

Wear a Lumbar Brace or Hip Brace With Groin Support

Intermittently and for short periods, braces worn over your lower back can assist in stabilizing and supporting lumbar tissues and help lumbar spinal stenosis. Lumbar braces can reduce excessive spinal movement and relieve nerve root pain. Some braces also provide support for the groin area, alleviating radiating pain in the groin area.

Under your clothes, you can wear lumbar braces or belts purchased online or at a drug store. In order to provide adequate support, a belt should be adjustable, fit correctly, be made of breathable material, and have an anti-slip design.

If you suffer from sciatica, make use of one or more of these overlooked tips. Combining treatments, such as stretching after the use of infrared radiation or topical medication, can help reduce pain and promote tissue healing. By improving your posture, staying active, and preventing a sedentary lifestyle, you can also provide long-term relief.

Frequently Asked Questions

What really causes sciatica pain?

Sciatica pain is a painful ailment caused by the sciatic nerve, the body’s longest nerve, being inflamed, compressed, or irritated. The problem occurs when the main hip muscle becomes too tense, altering its function.

Stretching, massage, and exercise.

Tight muscles can be relieved with stretches, massages, and exercises. They aid in the improvement of blood circulation, the lengthening of short muscles, and the expansion of their range of motion. These popular muscle relaxation strategies, however, offer nothing to reduce muscular tension. After a while, their effects wear off and the muscle returns to its previous tight condition.

What is the most effective approach to permanently eliminate pain?

The greatest technique to permanently relieve sciatica pain is through pressure release. Direct, persistent pressure on the muscular knots in your hip muscles for 30 to 90 seconds delivers long-term effects.


Your daily routine can be greatly affected by sciatica pain. It would be difficult for you to do simple movements like bending down and walking.

Make sure to speak to a doctor first for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment options. You may also ask physical therapists or chiropractors for health information regarding Sciatica at home remedies, or less risky treatment options may help lower the pain and eventually Sciatica altogether. Don’t make the situation worse by choosing the wrong treatment.

Connect to Productivity | ITWeb


With the increasing number of hours people work from home, maintaining a healthy work environment has become a priority. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there has been an increased trend towards setting up work from home, and for those who are not tech-savvy, it can be overwhelming to decide which products best meet your needs for a productive work environment.

One product that is enjoying great popularity is the desktop monitor. According to a Forrester report, 80% of users believe a larger monitor would improve their work performance.

It is interesting to note that after five consecutive quarters of annual sales growth, the global PC monitor market reached an inflection point in Q3 2021 and recorded the first year-on-year decline in shipments since global lockdowns began in Q1 2020. according to IDC Worldwide Quarterly PC Monitor Tracker. However, the report revealed that Dell Technologies bucked the trend by outgrowing the market, posting 20.6% YoY growth from Q3 2020 to Q3 2021. In South Africa, Dell increased its share of monitors to 51.35% over the same period.

Let’s look at three ways monitors make a positive impact on work quality time and time again.

1. Productivity powerhouse

When employees started working from home, they quickly found that using a laptop alone limited the usable screen real estate. Pairing laptops with desktop monitors and using both displays can improve the user experience and time to complete tasks by reducing the time it takes to switch back and forth between multiple windows and improving viewing ability.

A Forrester Consulting Thought Leadership Spotlight, commissioned by Dell Technologies, found that when working from home, users are missing out on the benefits of a second or external monitor. As many spend more time on video calls, an external monitor can help them multitask and collaborate easily, with employees reporting being able to view more information at once (50%), using multiple programs simultaneously without having to switch windows (46 %) and complete tasks faster (35%) and more accurately.[2]

The latest range of monitors feature extensive connectivity options such as USB-C and a variety of other ports that allow the monitor to serve as a productivity hub, delivering stable Ethernet 1 and power. With a single cable for audio, video and charging, users have the convenience of a clutter-free home workspace.

2. Not all screens are created equal

We typically spend a third of our day in front of screens and this has a huge impact on our health and productivity. Laptops are not ergonomically designed for prolonged use. On the other hand, desktop monitors allow for better ergonomics with eye-level viewing and a reduction in back and neck pain due to posture. According to an IDC InfoBrief on the future of work[3] 80% of employees worldwide agree that advanced monitors (higher resolution, better ergonomics and color) will improve the overall work experience. Ultimately, using a desktop monitor can reduce stress and fatigue thanks to its improved product design and workspace layout.

3. The need to see more

It’s no surprise that sharper resolutions and larger screens can benefit the way people work and play. The latter would be especially relevant for those who use monitors for gaming, shopping, or watching movies. Larger screens can be beneficial for tasks that require attention to detail, such as B. Programming, data analysis and visualization as well as design. The combination of larger and higher-resolution displays, better support for multitasking, and improved visualization of data has actually made monitors indispensable for such professions.

Some desktop monitors also allow you to organize multiple applications on your screen for better multitasking. For example, all Dell 17-inch and larger monitors allow applications to be organized using Dell Display Manager software.

Curved monitors offer reduced eye movement across the screen for a more immersive experience. Additionally, the adoption of immersive technologies such as augmented reality, virtual reality, and 3D visualization will necessitate the need for advanced monitors designed to support emerging workloads.

An all-in-one solution

The UltraSharp 24 USB-C Monitor, Dell Technology’s first monitor with a 16:10 aspect ratio, meets all of the above needs and more, giving users everything they need.

The monitor offers wide color coverage, 11% more screen and ComfortView Plus, an always-on, integrated low blue light screen that reduces harmful blue light emissions while delivering excellent color performance. With ComfortView Plus, users can see vivid colors that are easy on the eyes.

Additional features include quick access ports, the ability to charge mobile devices and connect to Ethernet – all discreetly hidden away, so the days of cluttered desktops are over.

A USB-C port is available, as well as an RJ45 port, allowing users to self-charge their devices while working on the monitor, eliminating the need for a power bank. Instead of having a monitor, notebook and docking station on the desk, users now have an all-in-one solution.

The monitor is easy to set up, ergonomically designed, height-adjustable, and can be tilted and swiveled, making it easy to plug in the single power cord. Users can then plug in the USB-C port, connect and they’re good to go.

In addition, there is a power button and joystick on the back of the monitor, allowing users to easily change their connection settings on the monitor itself. The connection runs over the network instead of WiFi, which increases availability and eliminates the need for a docking station. Even better, users can daisy chain up to three monitors – definitely a plus for productivity.

The wireless keyboard and mouse offer a hassle-free user interface and offer up to three years of battery life. Users who need to connect via VGA or HDMI in certain environments can easily do so with a multiport adapter.

With hot desking becoming more popular, any user can connect simply by plugging their USB-C port into their device. When they’re done for the day, the next user comes in and uses the same environment doing the same thing. It’s seamless and effortless.

Employers have the power to turn the challenges of the past few months into growth opportunities. Adopting a robust work environment from anywhere requires employers to invest not just in the right devices, but in the entire ecosystem, starting with the right monitor and peripherals. This will increase productivity and create a seamless remote work experience that keeps employees happy.

  1. https://channelwise.co.za/pc-monitor-volume-sees-first-contraction-since-lockdowns-began/
  2. https://www.delltechnologies.com/asset/en-ie/products/electronics-and-accessories/industry-market/dell-monitors-wfh-forrester-spotlight.pdf
  3. https://www.delltechnologies.com/content/dam/uwaem/production-design-assets/english-singapore/IDC-Infobrief_Dell-FOW-Embracing-New-Dynamics-Creating-New-Experiences_EN.pdf

What is the best anti inflammatory cream for sciatica


What Is the Best Anti Inflammatory Cream for Sciatica?


Back pain caused by health issues with your sciatic nerve can make even the simplest actions exceedingly unpleasant and difficult. There are numerous treatments that claim to be beneficial in reducing severe, radiating pain, but for the vast majority of patients, they provide no relief. In order to help you, we looked for, tested, and rated the finest lotions for Sciatica pain.


Sciatica is a throbbing, radiating pain that develops and spreads down your lower spine in the same direction as the sciatic nerve. Radiating extreme discomfort in the spine, buttocks, hips, and legs is a possible side effect.


If a disk or bone spur comes into contact with the afflicted sciatic nerve, it becomes sensitive, and even little movement can be painful.


Other factors may have contributed to your sciatica. Piriformis syndrome, which occurs when the piriformis muscle spasms, irritates the sciatic nerve, might be one of them. Another cause might be that the uterus is growing during pregnancy.


A variety of treatments are available for sciatica. Physical therapy, acupuncture, the use of a lumbar cushion, massage, yoga stretches, and even surgery may be recommended by your doctor. Using tens of machines, as well as creams, are some alternative therapy methods.


We looked at several extremely good creams, but before you start using them, you should talk to your doctor.


What Can I Do to Relieve the Symptoms of Sciatica?

Sciatica symptoms can be difficult to manage, but there are a few options for back pain alleviation. Many individuals use a combination of heat and cold compresses, switching off every 20 minutes or so. Others will choose for over-the-counter pain medicines like aspirin or acetaminophen, but if your sciatic nerve is inflamed severely, your doctor may prescribe stronger medications. A topical pain treatment cream, on the other hand, is one of the most effective types of pain relief. To free yourself from the symptoms of sciatic nerve pain, you can apply these creams to your skin.



How Do I Use Creams for Sciatica Pain?

There are several medications available for treating sciatica, including oral and topical medications. Our discussion will focus on topical therapy, such as creams and gels. The best cream to use is one that’s easy to apply and should be massaged downward and in a circular motion. To prevent sciatica nerve irritation from spreading from your lower back to your disk and subsequently to your legs, proper treatment is required. To achieve the most effective results, apply and rub the cream or gel on the lower back, ideally the lumbar area, and also on the pelvic area behind your thighs. The nerve roots of sciatica nerves are located in the back pelvis, thus it’s essential to surround it. Remember, the pain begins there.


If you concentrate on the back’s upper or lower parts, you’ll only be able to solve the problem for a short time. The discomfort is only localized in particular regions of your body for a short time before spreading to your legs and feet. Instead, you may simply stop the pain from spreading by massaging the area where your nerve roots are situated. Begin there and work your way up, releasing muscular tension and decompressing the nerve.


Note: Once you’ve finished using a cream or gel for sciatica pain and it’s started to relieve the pain in the afflicted area, consider doing some light physical activities to observe how your body reacts to the nerve decompression.


If your discomfort begins to fade or vanishes as you engage in modest physical activity, this indicates that the topical medicine is effective.



Topical Medicines for Sciatica: What They Are and How They Work


There are various forms of topical treatments for sciatica, including gels, oils, and lotions. They behave differently, so although some may dilate blood vessels and alter blood flow to support and relieve pain, others take a different approach.


The following is a list of common ingredients found in sciatica creams.


Menthol: Menthol, often known as peppermint, has long been utilized as an antibacterial therapy.The anti-inflammatory qualities of menthol can be helpful for relieving sciatica pain by reducing inflammation.

Trolamine salicylate: This chemical is included in a variety of lotions and ointments that can help relieve muscular strains and stiffness, as well as the aching and burning feeling that occurs after exercise. Athletes utilize it, particularly lotions containing 70 percent Trolamine salicylate since it activates quickly.

Methyl salicylate: By chilling and then warming the skin, it can help with mild sciatica symptoms. It also includes additional chemicals including menthol, which has anti-inflammatory effects that aid with pain relief.

Cannabidiol (CBD): While research into CBD therapy is currently limited, some medical professionals believe that the substance contained in cannabis plants can give anti-inflammatory relief, relax nerves and muscles, and therefore can alleviate symptoms of sciatica.


Possible Risks and Consequences

Because of their topical use, creams, regardless of kind, can give rapid inflammatory relief once administered. Pain should gradually subside after applying the cream to the affected area, preferably around the sciatic nerve roots.


Note that certain sciatica creams might cause skin irritation, redness, and rash.


This is generally the outcome of an allergic response that occurred when you were unaware that you were allergic to certain substances.


An upset stomach and other stomach-related problems have also been reported by some persons as a side effect of topical sciatica treatment.


Finally, while topical medication isn’t as powerful as oral medications or other therapies like tens of machines, which we have looked at, they can only help with minor problems.


When it comes to choosing a cream for sciatica pain, there are a few things to keep in mind.


What to Look for When Buying an Anti-inflammatory Cream for Sciatica?

There are many anti-inflammatory creams in the market targeted for Sciatica, however, there are only a notable few that pleases many patients. To make an informed decision on the kind of cream you’ll get, try to do some research on the common brands for their laboratory results. When you’ve got information stocked and you’re in the store ready to buy the cream, the second thing to look out for is the price and its ingredients.


Laboratory Results: All pharmaceutical goods are subjected to stringent regulatory processes to verify that they are safe to use. All required research information, including lab findings and statistics, may be found on the product label and in the product description.

Price: Because sciatica is caused by a neurological issue in the back, the cost of various treatment methods may vary. If you’re on a tight budget, look into more cost-effective choices, but make sure they’ve been well researched and tested to ensure they’ll function (based on product reviews). In conclusion, a cream or gel that delivers results and holds up to a number of trusted reviews is probably worth the money.

Ingredients: All goods, especially CBD products, should be properly inspected for components. If a product’s label contains a substance to which you may be allergic, you should avoid purchasing it and seek for alternatives.


What Do Topical Medicines or Anti Inflammatory Creams Do?

Sciatica manifests itself in a variety of ways, according to people. With that in mind, consider what problem the cream you’re considering purchasing addresses. Sciatica can produce tingling, burning, tickling, itching, and other unpleasant sensations. Make certain that the topical medicine you choose does this.


Top Anti-Inflammatory Creams and Muscle Relaxants


Penetrex Sciatica Nerve Pain Relieving Cream


Most patients who need Sciatica pain relief usually choose Penetrex as their top choice for treating chronic pain, itching, throbbing, and tingling in the lower back, hips, and legs because one of the greatest muscle and nerve massages works wonderfully on Sciatica-related discomfort.


A great thing about Penetrex is that it comes with an amazing money-back guarantee if it does not work for you. Plus, it’s backed by 8 years of intensive research.


It can also be combined with other therapies, such as heating pads, ice packs, arthritis gloves, and others, as recommended by your doctor or another professional. You can also use a back pain massager to rub it. Another plus is that it is cruelty-free and has never been tested on animals.


Penetrex also stands out in our opinion because it does not work in a way that simply masks pain to allow you to perform certain tasks. Instead of temporarily relieving pain and discomfort, it acts as a full-fledged anti-inflammatory substance, addressing the underlying cause.


Apply the cream three to four times per day and rub it around the affected area’s root for two to three minutes for immediate results. Repeat the treatment every day for 7 to 10 days, as this is how long acute and even chronic symptoms usually take to go away.


Arnica, MSM (DMSO2), Choline, Glucosamine, Vitamin B6, Boswellia Serrata, and other ingredients are included.


The following are the key features:


  • There is a 100% refund guarantee for customers that don’t feel any improvement.
  • The tingling, burning, and painful sensations in the lumbar area, hips, and legs are relieved.
  • Can be combined with multiple treatments
  • It doesn’t take away the pain.
  • 8 years of research behind it
  • Cruelty-free


Pure Sciences Neuropathy Cream for Sciatica Pain and Nerve Pain Relief Cream

Several neurological conditions, including sciatica, can be treated using Pure Sciences Neuropathy Nerve Relief Cream.


Years of research were required to develop the ultimate winning sciatica pain relief formula, which is made up of clinically tested ingredients that can provide long-term relief. The good news is that the formula is strong enough to last a long time and does not require a lot of application.


It penetrates the skin deeply and has healing and soothing effects on the sciatic nerve. Many doctors recommend it, and it works by improving and stimulating blood circulation.


Key Features:

Penetrates deep, provides immediate pain relief

Can be used as a treatment for arthritis

Years of research have been conducted to examine this unique formula.

It has the support of a large number of health professionals and pharmacists.


Can improve blood circulation

It also helps patients with knee and elbow pain, as well as arthritis symptoms. It has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, and it relieves joint pain quickly.



According to reports, the effect is just transitory, and while the pain alleviation is virtually immediate, it evaporates with time, and the pain returns in a matter of hours. It is not advised for persons who have severe sciatica symptoms.


Bengay Sciatica Pain Relief Cream


Muscle and bone pain can be relieved with Bengay arthritis cream. Salicylates, camphor, and menthol are all present. A special property of Bengay is its anti-inflammatory, cooling, and warming properties.


This item is available in a variety of formats, including:




It also comes in a vanishing-scent version for those who don’t like the menthol smell.


Non-greasy 4-ounce tube Backaches, slight arthritis, muscle, and joint discomfort can all be relieved with Bengay Ultra Strength Topical Pain Relief Cream.


For ultra-strong relief in a non-greasy cream, this topical analgesic contains three ingredients that can relieve sciatica pain: camphor, menthol, and methyl salicylate.


Back and arthritic pain relief, as well as minor aches, sprains, and bruises, acute sciatica pain are relieved with this pain relief cream. And what’s even better is that this pain relief therapy cream penetrates deeply into the skin, making sure that your sciatica nerve pain goes away.


Bengay is an over-the-counter topical analgesic that is suggested by doctors. There are more pain-relieving chemicals in this product than in any other Bengay product.


Portable & on-the-go treatment from pains, minor arthritis, joint, and back pain with this topical pain relief painkiller in a compact tube.



If you have severe pain or an over-the-counter nerve pain relief cream won’t work on your sciatica pain at all, consult a physician for more effective and immediate pain relief treatment options. This could involve developing sciatica pain management plan including things like mobility exercises and harsher drugs.


It’s difficult to know which arthritis pain relief lotion is suitable for you when there are so many on the market. Continue to experiment with different products until you find one that you enjoy.


Your doctor will double-check that you have the correct diagnosis. You can select the greatest arthritis pain treatment remedy for your condition once you know what sort of arthritis you have.

What is the best liodocaine cream for sciatica pain


What Is the Best Lidocaine Cream for Sciatica Pain?


Lower back discomfort, knee and elbow pain, nerve pain, and acute sciatica nerve pain caused by sciatic nerve issues can make even the most basic tasks extremely uncomfortable and challenging. Many methods promise to be effective in relieving agonizing, radiating pain, yet the great majority of people get minimal alleviation from sciatica.

How to Cure Sciatica Permanently?

Sciatica, back pain, and nerve pain may have been caused by a variety of circumstances. One of these could be piriformis syndrome, which happens when the piriformis muscle spasms and irritates the sciatic nerve. Another reason could be that the uterus is expanding during delivery.


Sciatica is a condition that can be addressed in a number of ways. Your doctor may recommend physical activity, acupuncture, the use of a lumbar cushion, relaxation, topical meditation, stretches, and sometimes even surgery. Several alternative treatment options include the use of machines as well as creams.


You’d think to use creams that have different types of ingredients like menthol, arnica, or even cannabidiol, but some would think of using lidocaine creams for sciatica pain. But, what exactly is lidocaine used for? Should you use lidocaine creams for your sciatica pain?


To help inform you about lidocaine products and to look for the best pain relief options, we set up a list of researched, tested, and reviewed the top products for sciatica pain treatment and muscle pain management.


How Does Sciatica Nerve Pain Feel?

A throbbing, radiating pain spreads and progresses down your lower spine in the direction of the sciatic nerve is referred to as sciatica. It’s possible to experience radiating discomfort in the back, buttocks, hips, and legs. The sciatic nerve roots become sensitive when a disk or bone spur comes into contact with it, and even light activity might be unpleasant.


Muscle creams, often known as muscular rubs, are OTC medications used to provide immediate pain relief and ease joint discomfort caused by arthritis or other injuries. They are made up of a wide range of active substances. Some contain active drugs that penetrate the skin and enter the body, while others contain counterirritants that provide a cool or hot sensation to divert from painful areas.  Bengay, Icy Hot, Biofreeze, and Tiger Balm are examples of over-the-counter pain relief therapy creams.



What Is the Best Way to Apply Creams for Sciatica Pain?

Sciatica can be treated with both oral and topical medicines. It’s vital to pick a cream that’s easy to apply and massage in a downward and circular manner. Because the nerve roots of sciatica nerves are placed in the back pelvis, it’s critical to protect them. Remember, the pain starts there. You’ll only be able to solve the problem for a brief period if you concentrate on the top or lower regions of the back. Your extreme discomfort is only concentrated for a brief time in particular parts of your body before spreading to your legs and feet. Instead, stroking the area where the nerve roots are located can swiftly stop the pain from spreading. Begin at the bottom and work your way up, reducing muscular tension and decompressing the nerve as you go.


Tip: After you’ve finished applying a cream or patch for sciatica pain and it’s started to ease pain in the affected area, do some light aerobic exercises to evaluate how your body reacts to the nerve decompression. When you participate in light physical activity, the sciatic pain begins to fade or disappears, indicating that the topical treatment is successful in treating sciatica pain.



What Is the Purpose of Lidocaine Cream?

Lidocaine is a topical anesthetic used to soothe and numb the pain associated with mild burns, skin irritation and abrasions, insect bites, and other painful mucous membrane disorders. Before medical or dental operations, several lidocaine preparations are used to numb the lining of the mouth or throat. It’s also used to relieve pain while your dentures are being fitted and your gums are getting used to them. It should not be used to relieve pain from ill-fitting dentures on a long-term basis. Lidocaine is a type of anesthetic known as a local anesthetic. Because of the increased risk of serious adverse effects, this product should not be used to relieve teething discomfort in infants and young children. Consult your doctor for further information and other options for treating severe pain.



Types of Topical Painkillers for Muscle and Sciatica



Arnica is a flowering plant that is often used in medicine. It includes active compounds that can help with swelling and pain relief as well as acting as an antibiotic.


Arnica is often used for a variety of pains, including osteoarthritis, sore throat, and surgery. So far, scientific data solely supports its use in the treatment of osteoarthritis pain. In one research, arnica gel offered pain alleviation comparable to topical ibuprofen (an NSAID) for osteoarthritis.


Even so, when compared to topical NSAIDs, topical arnica medicines have a similar, if not worse, side effect profile.


Arnica is found in a variety of products, including:

  • Arnicare Cream Arnica-Menthol Organic Magic Balm
  • Arnica + K Cream
  • Boiron Arnicare Gel Topical Sciatica Gel


Methyl Salicylate

It can aid with moderate sciatica symptoms by chilling and then warming the scalp. It also contains menthol, which has anti-inflammatory properties and can help with pain relief.



Chili peppers contain capsaicin, which is a chemical substance formed from them. It’s widely used to treat arthritis, backaches, muscle strains, bruises, cramps, and sprains in the muscles and joints. This drug operates by influencing pain-related nerve cells in the skin, resulting in reduced activity of these nerve cells and a diminished perception of pain.


Capsaicin is a powerful ingredient found in muscle massages in modest doses. Capsaicin is found in creams, gels, oils, and other products in concentrations ranging from 0.025 percent to 0.075 percent. Capsaicin can also be given at a higher dose by a doctor after a topical anesthetic has been applied.


Among the over-the-counter possibilities are:


Capzasin-P is a Topical Analgesic Cream

Zostrix Topical Analgesic Cream

Zostrix Maximum Strength Topical Analgesic Cream


Trolamine Salicylate

This ingredient can be found in a range of lotions and ointments that can help relieve muscle strains and soreness, as well as the aching and burning sensation that occurs after exercise. Athletes use it because it works quickly, especially creams containing 70% Trolamine salicylate.



Topical pain relievers frequently contain menthol as an active component. When applied, it gives out a cooling sensation. It desensitizes nerve cells in the skin in the same way that capsaicin does.


Although the substance is pleasant to the touch, it is incapable of reducing inflammation. Instead, it uses a cooling feeling to override the pain sensation.


To increase the cooling effect of menthol, combine it with additional substances. It can be found in the following over-the-counter (OTC) products:


BenGay Cold Therapy

Naturals Icy Hot

Aspercreme Heat Pain Relieving Gel

Max Icy Hot Advanced Relief Patch

BenGay Zero Degrees

Cold Mentholatum Sports Pain Relief Cream

Tiger Balm Ultra


Cannabidiol (CBD)

While research into CBD therapy is limited, some medical professionals believe that the compound found in cannabis plants can provide anti-inflammatory relief, calm nerves, and muscles, and so reduce some of the symptoms of sciatica.



Lidocaine is an anesthetic (numbing drug) that acts by preventing nerve pain signals from being transmitted. It is used to treat eczema, small burns, scrapes, bug bites, hemorrhoids, and other disorders that cause itching and discomfort. It’s also used to numb body parts before going to surgery.


Topical lidocaine comes in a variety of brands, including:



Renuu Patch





Turmeric is a spice that many people are familiar with. It contains a molecule called curcumin, which can aid in the reduction of swelling, particularly in cases of arthritis. Topical application of a curcumin 5% ointment dramatically reduced knee discomfort in older persons with knee osteoarthritis, according to one study.


Turmeric is found in the following muscle creams:

Everyday Medical Turmeric Pain Relieving Cream

Jointflex with Turmeric Pain Relief Cream

Biofreeze Jointflex with Turmeric Pain Relief Cream



Top 3 Menthol Pain Relief Creams for Sciatica


Penetrex Nerve Pain Relief Cream & Muscle Relaxants


Penetrex is the best option for treating chronic pain, swelling, throbbing, and tingling in the lower back, hips, and legs because it contains one of the most effective anti-inflammatory drugs on the market.


One of the great things about Penetrex is that it’s supported by an incredible 8 years of testing and comes with a money-back guarantee if it doesn’t fit your situation.


It can also be combined with additional therapies suggested by a doctor or another specialist, such as heating pads, ice packs, arthritis socks, and so on. You should also treat it with a back pain massager. Another advantage is that it is non-cruelty and has never been used on animals.


For instant pain relief, apply the cream three or four times a day and massage it around the infected area’s root for two to three minutes. Repeat the treatment every day for 7 to 10 days, as this is the time it takes for acute and even permanent indications to disappear.


Dulàc Pain Relief Arnica Gel


Arnica Gel Cream will help relieve the symptoms if you know where the irritation is originating from.


The most notable characteristic of this gel cream is that it is backed by years of research and testing to employ the most calming ingredients to boost circulation and relieve inflammation symptoms.


The gel also contains peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils, which have antimicrobial properties to reduce inflammation and provide soothing relief, including the burning and tingling sensations associated with sciatica pain. It also has a lovely scent that is relaxing due to the absence of any unwanted odors. It’s quite simple to use. It is recommended that you apply the cream to the uncomfortable area 1 to 2 times each day. It can also help athletes who are suffering from neurological muscular tension.


Puriya Diabetic Sciatica Nerve Pain Relief Cream


Puriya Ultra Relief Cream can be used to treat a number of spine-related neurological problems and sports injuries.


It is very beneficial in the treatment of sciatica-related pain and nausea. Tingling, swelling, hurting, and scratching can all be relieved with it. It allows the cream to penetrate deeply into the inflamed areas, providing pain relief right away.


It has a pleasant scent that has a long-lasting impact that not only soothes and covers pain but also contains a recovery solution that will help you get rid of your agony permanently with regular application. It’s also free of any animal cruelty or artificial substances that can compromise its consistency. It’s also quick to absorb and feels cool on the skin.


Most importantly, it aids in the treatment and recovery of all diabetic-related neurological issues, such as diabetic sciatica pain and peripheral neuropathy. It also doesn’t smoke, making it great for diabetics who can’t detect when something is excessively hot due to nerve damage.


How Do You Numb Sciatica Pain?

You can treat sciatica pain in many ways. If you have acute sciatica pain or even chronic sciatica, you should consider seeking topical medication creams that offer immediate pain relief or somewhere close to immediate. Sciatic nerve pain can often feel extremely uncomfortable and you’ll want to have a sciatica treatment in mind to follow in case of sciatica attacks. For proper pain management, you should seek professional medical advice from your doctor or even a physical therapist. Before giving you a plan for your pain management, they can rule out underlying medical conditions that might have caused your sciatica in the first place. Nerve rubs works wonders but only for temporary relief. So, if you want to effectively relieve sciatica pain, reach out to a professional.


What Can You Do for Unbearable Sciatic Nerve Pain?

The drugs we commonly use for chronic pain treatments and severe conditions are anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, antidepressants, and antiseizure medication. As a first step, non-prescription over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen can often help. You may also want to consider physiotherapy to resolve the problem, as it can help you correct your posture and strengthen the muscles in your lower back to alleviate the nerve pain. It has been shown that spinal manipulation by physiotherapists, chiropractors, and massage therapists can alleviate pain just as effectively as oral medication.


Topical medications like lidocaine and other treatment options can help soothe nerves and even muscle tension. For leg pain, back pain, or any kind of sciatica pain relief, sciatica creams are your best friends. If you need an expert opinion for your sciatica pain relief, contact us here.

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