New faces welcome at Van der Merwe and Associates Physiotherapy


They attach great importance to a holistic approach to the preservation of the human body. That’s why they are so excited to welcome a new physiotherapist, Tebogo Manasoe, who has extensive knowledge of sports injuries to the team.

No stranger to academia, Manasoe began her career with a degree in Administration. After hard work, a degree in sports management followed, and it didn’t stop there. The drive for this career change arose when she gained experience in basic rehabilitation while working at the gym. The next degree on her agenda was physiotherapy.

Also Read: Lesodi Primary Closed for Second Week by Parents

Manasoe is originally from Polokwane but is happy to settle in Lydenburg. Physiotherapist Joey van der Merwe was born and raised in Lydenburg and is a proud alumnus of Laerskool Lydenburg. Manasoe will work with her to benefit from Van der Merwe’s 24 years of experience as a physiotherapist.

She and the practice are delighted to welcome Manasoe to the team. Also new to the team is Retha Oppermann, originally from Stellenbosch. She will work with Peggy Jansen (a local resident and sister of Van der Merwe) to set appointments, greet patients with a friendly smile and handle all administrative matters.

Peggy Jansen, Tebogo Manasoe and Joey van der Merwe.

The practice was established at the Swembad Center in 2007 after which it moved and the practice is delighted to welcome Manasoe to the team. Also new to the team is Retha Oppermann, originally from Stellenbosch.

She will work with Peggy Jansen (a local resident and sister of Van der Merwe) to set appointments, greet patients with a friendly smile and handle all administrative matters. The practice was established in the Swembad Center in 2007 and has since moved to its current location on the corner of Kerk Street and De Beer Street.

Physiotherapy treats a variety of conditions, from back and neck pain, sports injuries, acute injuries of all joints and post-surgical conditions to lung conditions such as bronchitis, pneumonia and post-Covid lung problems. Dry needling as a treatment is also available for those patients who prefer it.

Her advice is not to wait until the pain becomes debilitating and interfering with your daily functioning. Contact Van der Merwe and Associates Physiotherapy on 013 235 0001 or 073 450 4351 to make an appointment.

4 dead, 6 infected in South Texas by MIS-C


MIS-C is a rare but serious complication associated with COVID-19. In Texas, Hispanic children are disproportionately affected.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A rare but serious pediatric complication related to COVID-19 has sent hundreds of Texas children to the hospital.

Multisystem inflammatory syndrome, or MIS-C, is a disease in which various organs in the body become inflamed, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, and brain.

The Texas Department of State Health Services says MIS-C sent 418 children to the hospital and 279 were later admitted to the intensive care unit. Four children have died.

The average age of these children is only nine years. The good news is that of the 418 children admitted, 383 have now been released.

Nearly half of all MIS-C cases in the state have occurred in Hispanic children.

  • 49% – Hispanic (203 children)
  • 24% – Black (100 children)
  • 21% – White (87 children)
  • 3% – Asians (12 children)
  • 4% – Other or Unknown (16 children)

Texas divides the state into 11 public health regions. Nueces County and all other counties in the 3News display area are in Region 11, which includes the Rio Grande Valley to the border.

Our area has seen 62 cases of MIS-C. North Texas, which includes both Regions 2 and 3, has seen the most cases at 151.

Symptoms of MIS-C include fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, neck pain, rash, bloodshot eyes, and fatigue.

The exact cause of MIS-C has not been determined, but Texas health leaders say many of these MIS-C infected children either contracted COVID-19 or were around someone with COVID-19.

Boys were also more at risk than girls. Of the 418 Texas children who developed MIS-C, 270 were boys. That is 65% of the children.

Doctors say the best way to protect your child is to get them vaccinated against COVID-19.

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Can a Pilonidal Cyst Cause Bowel Problems?


Pilonidal cysts are often not a serious problem, but if you experience pain or other symptoms like constipation, it is best to have your doctor examine this area. A pilonidal cyst can cause problems with bowel movements.

At this point, your health care provider may also discuss with you a treatment plan that includes a colorectal surgeon who specializes in diseases of the anus and rectum. This could involve minimally invasive surgery or non surgical treatment options. The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery has patient education resources to help understand these procedures.

Read more about Can a Pilonidal Cyst Cause Bowel Problems

symptoms of pilonidal cystIf you are experiencing these types of issues, talk to your physician about what is going on, and they will be able to help advise you on the next steps.

More about Can a Pilonidal Cyst Cause Bowel Problems

bowel problems

Pilonidal Disease: Overview

Pilonidal disease, a long-lasting skin infection, is described as the coccyx (tailbone) or buttocks crease being infected. Approximately 70,000 people in the US are affected each year, and it is more prevalent among men. Many people become ill from puberty to age 40. It is more common for people with thick, stiff body hair and overweight to suffer from pilonidal disease.

Considering this, maintaining proper hygiene and regularly removing hair through methods such as laser hair removal could aid in lowering your risk. It’s worth noting that this is not a solution for everyone, and it’s always best to consult with a medical professional.

Causes of Pilonidal Disease

It is unclear exactly what causes pilonidal disease. It is common for hair to grow in the crease (buttock cleft) between the buttocks. There are several types of hairs found at the top of the buttock crease that can penetrate the skin. This is an area where hair can get caught underneath the skin. Inflammation, infection, and abscess formation can result.

These abscesses, also known as pilonidal abscesses, can cause significant discomfort and require immediate attention. Untreated abscesses can potentially evolve into a more severe condition, such as an anal fistula, a small tunnel connecting an abscess to an opening on the skin near the anus. Fistulas and abscesses can also be associated with conditions such as Crohn’s disease.

Pilonidal Disease Symptoms

This condition can have mild, moderate, or severe symptoms. Here are a few examples:

Small dimple

Inflammation and Irritation

Inflammation or abscess of a large painful mass

Fluid draining from the affected area may be clear, cloudy, or bloody

During an infection, the area becomes tender and reddish, and the drainage (pus) has a foul odor

Feels ill or has a fever if infected

Pilonidal Disease Patterns

It is common for patients who suffer from recurrent episodes of an acute abscess (the area becomes swollen, tender, and pumice may drain) to be diagnosed with this condition. Following the abscess infection, many patients develop a pilonidal sinus either by themselves or after receiving medical care. The sinus is a cavity under the skin surface that is connected to the surface by several smaller openings (pits). Most sinus tracts need to be removed with minor surgery. However, some may clear up on their own.


There are many options available depending on the severity and type of the infection. To relieve pain or inflammation, local anesthesia can be used. If an abscess persists, it may need to be treated surgically.

Complex or persistent pilonidal conditions may need surgery. It could be an unroofing (where infected material is removed at the top) or an expiation (where all inflamed tissues are removed). The wound can be left open or closed with flaps. You should keep it open and clean it regularly. It can take up to seven days for an open wound to heal. You will need to take extra care and be careful. The wound will heal from the bottom up, which decreases the risk of infection.

In cases where patients need a pilonidal cyst treated surgically, they will need assistance and a physical examination by a colon and rectal surgeon. Rectal surgeons need to study if this chronic disease is involved with other conditions (for example, inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome). The appropriate healthcare provider can rule out the exact cause.

What Is a Pilonidal Cyst?

A pilonidal cyst is a cyst that develops in tissue and is filled either with fluid or air. This cyst is usually found at the buttock crease. This is usually caused by a skin infection. Pilonidal cysts are more common in the United States than people think. It is a shame that people don’t want to discuss it with their healthcare providers.

Pilonidal cysts can be a serious condition and cause severe pain. Pilonidal cysts can be an acute problem, or they may become a recurrent disease. Chronic pilonidal disorders may lead to abscesses, sinus cavities, (empty spaces below the skin), or sinus tracts, and other complications.

A pilonidal cyst, also known as an intergluteal pilonidal disorder or pilonidal syndrome, is a skin condition that affects the creases of your buttocks. It can affect anywhere, from the tailbone to the anus. It can be very painful, especially when seated.

These cysts are usually caused by a skin infection and can often be accompanied by ingrown hairs. Because they are more common among people who sit often, Pilonidal Cys was also known as “Jeep driver’s disease” in World War II.

Is a Pilonidal Cyst Contagious?

Pilonidal cysts can be benign and not contagious. They are not contagious (just like a pimple). Research has shown that pilonidal cysts can be caused by ingrown hairs.

What Causes a Pilonidal Cyst?

Experts have yet to be able to identify every cause of pilonidal cysts. But it is known that a pilonidal cyst can be caused by ingrown hair in your buttocks. This is similar to having a piece of wood stuck to your skin.

Pilonidal cysts, which are skin infections that cannot be treated, can lead to abscesses or a sinus cavity. These are signs that your skin infection may be getting worse.

What Are the Symptoms of a Pilonidal Cyst?

Seek medical attention immediately if you feel any of these symptoms:

Sitting can make your pain worse.

A small bump or large swelling may appear between your buttocks. This is called the pilonidal cyst. This area can feel tender and red.

A pustule is a pustule that drains pus and blood. This fluid can have a foul-smelling smell.

Fatigue, fever, nausea, and extreme tiredness

Can a Pilonidal Cyst Cause Bowel Problems?

A pilonidal cyst is a sac-like structure that can form at the base of the spine. While it is not always associated with any problems, in some cases, it can cause issues with bowel movements.

In most cases, people may not experience symptoms at all, and their body will heal on its own over time if they are experiencing pain or other symptoms, you should speak to your doctor about it as there might be fluid seeping from the area: it could be cloudy, clear, or bloody. Your physician may recommend one of these treatments for your condition depending on what’s happening and how bad things have gotten.

How Can I Prevent Them From Occurring

There are a few things that you can do in order to help prevent pilonidal cysts from occurring. Some of these steps include:

– Washing your hair frequently

– Showering after exercising

– Changing your clothes and bedding often if you are prone to sweating

-Avoiding sitting for long periods of time

What Can Pilonidal Cysts Lead to?

Pilonidal cysts can be painful and must be treated. There are two types of pilonidal cysts: acute (one-time) and chronic (returning). The absence of treatment can lead to a chronic skin infection and possibly recurring pilonidal cysts, which are swollen pockets of infection, and sinus cavities, which are empty spaces under the skin.

What Happens if You Ignore a Pilonidal Cyst?

Pilonidal cysts may only occur once. You may develop recurrent pilonidal cysts or new pilonidal cysts if your acute pilonidal cyst goes untreated. You might also suffer from life-threatening infections due to your pilonidal cyst. If you ignore a pilonidal cyst, it may get worse and could require surgery to remove it. If the cyst becomes infected, it can cause fever and pus in the area. It is important to seek medical attention if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.

When Should I Seek Medical Attention for My Pilonidal Cysts?

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned, it’s best to speak to your doctor. It is also important to see your physician if the area becomes infected, causing fever or pus in the area.

Who Can Get a Pilonidal Bladder?

Anyone can develop a pilonidal bladder in the long run, but there are some individuals who have an increased risk.

Pilonidal cysts occur more frequently in men than they are in women.

People are usually between 20 and 35 years old, from puberty until age 40.

Truck drivers, office workers, and other people whose jobs require them to work all day.

Overweight people (from obesity to overweight) are more likely to be at risk.

Those with thick or coarse hair

People who wear tight clothes

Is It Possible for a Person to Inherit a Pilonidal Bladder?

Sometimes, a pilonidal cyst can be passed from one generation to the next. A history of pilonidal disorder could indicate a family history of excessive body hair.

Can Pilonidal Sinus Make You Feel Ill?

While a pilonidal sinus is not always serious, in some cases, it can cause problems like nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s possible that you have a pilonidal sinus and should speak to your doctor about it.

The symptoms vary for a pilonidal sinus, depending on the person. In some cases, people may not experience any symptoms at all. However, commonly occurring symptoms include pain, swelling, redness, drainage, and nausea. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is best to speak to your doctor.

There might be fluid seeping from the area: it could be cloudy, clear, or bloody. Any discharge from an infected area will smell bad and will turn red and tender. This may result in a fever, nausea (feeling sick), or a general feeling of unwellness.

Unraveling the Mystery: Can a Pilonidal Cyst Cause Bowel Problems?

In conclusion, the question, “Can a Pilonidal Cyst Cause Bowel Problems?” can yield individual-specific answers. While pilonidal cysts primarily affect the tailbone area, they can potentially lead to bowel issues due to discomfort and pain. However, these experiences can vary based on the cyst’s severity, size, and location.

If you have a pilonidal cyst and are experiencing bowel problems, a consultation with a healthcare provider is highly recommended. Understanding the relationship between a pilonidal cyst and bowel problems is a critical step toward managing your health effectively.

They don’t absorb all of the salt in a saltwater hot tub


Dear Doctor. roaches, I wonder if the claims made by saltwater hot tub manufacturers about the health benefits are factual.

My blood pressure was high and my doctor recommended that I watch my salt intake. After reading the labels on foods, the sodium was very significant in most items. Since then I can drop it but it’s still a bit high.

I use a salt water hot tub and am wondering if salt is absorbed through the skin and how much this would increase blood pressure.


Dear DB: Oftentimes, what appear to be health claims – whether they’re about dietary supplements, vitamins, or devices – are followed by the words, “These claims have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.” (Sometimes the writing is very small, but if you look for it you will find it.) When you see this statement, rest assured that it is there is no strong evidence that there is any value in what they are trying to sell you. However, there may still be health benefits that have not yet been proven.

In the case of hot tubs and saunas, some of the suggested subjective benefits include stress relief, muscle relaxation, and pain relief. Most people who enjoy hot tubs are likely to reap these benefits. There is weak evidence that regular hot tub use may improve diabetes control and preliminary evidence that it may benefit cardiovascular health. While large studies have shown that people who use saunas or hot tubs have longer lifespans, it is by no means clear that the heat treatments produce the observed benefits.

I can tell you that salt doesn’t get absorbed through the skin in any appreciable amount, so don’t worry about that. You will benefit much more if you eliminate some of the high-sodium foods from your diet.

DEAR DOCTOR. Roach: I suffer from dizziness. I went to an otolaryngologist and was diagnosed with Meniere’s disease. However, I occasionally have neck pain and a hump in my neck. A friend suggested I see a chiropractor for adjustments. Could what the chiropractor is treating possibly be the cause of my vertigo problems?

— MC

Dear MC: Meniere’s disease is a cause of vertigo (a feeling like spinning when a person isn’t moving), along with hearing loss and tinnitus (a perceived sound like a ringing when there really is no sound). Meniere’s disease is caused by a buildup of fluid in the inner ear.

Spinal manipulation such as B. chiropractic manipulation, provides immediate pain relief that was superior to drugs but not as effective as home exercise. I could find no convincing evidence that any type of spinal manipulation would be effective in Meniere’s disease, and no reason to believe that it would.

I’m not sure what you mean by a hump on the back of the neck. We all have a protrusion in the seventh neck bone, but it’s possible that you have kyphosis, which should be checked out by your GP.

Standard treatment for Meniere’s disease includes a low-sodium diet, caution with caffeine and alcohol, and vestibular rehabilitation (a series of exercises supervised by a specially trained physical or occupational therapist). These have been shown to reduce symptoms of imbalance. Some people benefit from medications to reduce fluid buildup in the inner ear, such as B. Diuretics.

Readers can email questions to [email protected].

The clinic that treats you all


Photo / Included.

The New Habit Health Clinic in Petone is now practicing all-round treatment.

Penny Collins could tell right away that this was more than a physical injury. The man had a below-knee amputation, but it was clear his confidence and mental health were also affected.

Collins, senior physical therapist at Habit Health Petone, asked the center’s broader team for their medical expertise to help him.

Collins is glad he came to her clinic. It’s a bit different – sort of a one-stop shop where a wider range of healthcare can be provided based on your needs. This format allows healthcare professionals like her to build relationships with patients, build trust and help them in many aspects of their lives.

“I could see we could really help this guy, but he needed someone to see the whole picture,” she says. “Recovering from an injury isn’t just physical, very often there are mental and emotional barriers to getting better. That’s what our team looks at – the customer as a whole.

“We organized a psychologist from our team to help him deal with his mental stress from his injury. We also noticed that his hip was quite weak, so a physiotherapist started working on that as well. What we’re proud of.” is the fact that he didn’t have to explain anything more than once.

“Now he has been fired from our psychologist for regaining his confidence and we are at a point in his rehabilitation where he is only working with a careers counselor to help him find work. It’s great to see how far he’s come.”

Petone is the latest addition to Habit Health’s clinics across New Zealand to practice this holistic approach – meaning people’s hurts or concerns are not treated in isolation: “We look at all barriers to well-being so we can look at them as a whole person,” says Collins.

This works because of Habit Health’s internal referral process, which allows the broader healthcare team to be much more responsive to people’s needs. It’s also much more convenient for clients who don’t have to go from one clinic to the next. For example, the Habit Health Petone team includes physical therapists, occupational therapists, a psychologist, social workers, nurses and careers counselors.

How does this “holistic” approach actually benefit customers? “It makes their lives a lot easier,” says Collins. “Life shouldn’t be that hard, especially when you have a bad injury. You shouldn’t have to run across town to see different people for different things.”

It’s not just about seeing the physical therapist, she says. The physical therapist can help with the onset of neck pain – but then the patient can consult one of Habit Health’s counselors about the stress in their life that is causing the neck pain.

With the team under one roof, the healthcare team can get much-needed information about clients and sequentially book appointments with other healthcare professionals.

Photo / Included. Photo / Included.

“Patients don’t have to go somewhere else and explain everything over and over again. The information is all here and we’re all in one place.”

Collins believes health is far more complex than just treating people from one angle, with mental and emotional aspects of life being extremely important to overall well-being: “The social stuff is huge. We have a social worker who was helping a mother with an injured back I was helping her with her back but the social worker was helping her gain confidence as this mother was also coping with some of the anxiety from the injury.

“Our social worker helped her join a local mothers group and did everything she could for this woman. I helped her with physical therapy but sometimes people just need to talk before we can even get to the injury.”

Habit Health is also focused on using cutting-edge technology to help people recover faster. “It’s great to see our Petone team keeping up with the latest techniques,” says Collins. “We use the Canadian GaitScan system as part of the treatment. It performs a full assessment of your biomechanics, capable of capturing a whole range of injuries that people may not be aware of.”

She encourages people to actively take care of their health instead of ignoring problems: “I hate hearing about people who endure things when they don’t have to – like a mother who endures carpal tunnel syndrome in her hand, if only she has to stretch her shoulders from holding her baby in the cradle for six months.”

The biggest rewards Collins wins come from helping people with severe headaches and migraines “because they can be so painful and debilitating.”

“People need to understand that any pain that has existed for a long time is really built into your system. Persistent and chronic pain is a real focus for us here because we believe we can transform people’s lives and attitudes. When it’s bad, it keeps people from living their lives to the fullest.

“When we help people, we can see them start smiling, relaxing and laughing again. It’s just wonderful to be a part of it.”

For further information, click here.

These premium gel pads are on sale!


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SUPPORTIVE AND COOLING – So you can relax while you rest and wake up pain free. (Photo: Walmart)

Even if we wash our linens regularly, our pillows still need to be replaced fairly frequently. They should actually be replaced every one to two years, otherwise they not only lose their shape, but also no longer offer the necessary support for the head, neck and shoulders. As soon as the neck pain creeps in, you know it’s time. And admit it: you probably know that it’s long gone at the moment.

No worries. We spotted these 2-pack Rest Haven gel memory foam pillows on sale at Walmart, and they’re just too good to pass up. Fresh, clean, and supportive, they allow you to get the kind of deep sleep your body needs for overall well-being. With this offer, the king set is only $30 per pillow, and the standard or queen pack is only $27.50 per pillow.

Do you want to save even more? Make sure you’re signed in to Walmart+. It’s as simple as signing up for your free 30-day trial here, and a short three-question survey extends another two weeks for a solid 30-day usage. (And by the way, those without Walmart+ still get free shipping on orders $35 or more.)

$60 $67 at Walmart

Doesn't your neck feel better just looking at these?  (Photo:

Doesn’t your neck feel better just looking at these? (Photo: Walmart)

Memory foam for support and comfort

These pillows are made entirely of cozy memory foam, which makes them not only soft to the touch, but firm enough to offer plenty of support. It cradles your neck, head and shoulders and helps relieve pressure in those areas.

“I haven’t slept this well in a long time,” explained one shopper. “An out of this world comfort. Throw away all those $5 pillows and buy this, you will see the difference from the first night, the neck pain I had has miraculously gone! Today I feel strong and full of energy!”

Cooling gel prevents welding head formation

Hate waking up in the middle of the night in a sweat? With this pillow, you don’t have to constantly flip over to the cool side – both sides are designed to stay cool. All of this is thanks to the cooling gel woven throughout the pillow that helps keep your body temperature down.

It also doesn’t trap hot air: the ventilated design allows for plenty of breathability and airflow.

Loved by picky buyers

These pillows have no shortage of fans – over 800 buyers gave them perfect five-star ratings.

One shopper who recently had neck surgery gushed about the cloud-like support of Rest Haven’s gel memory foam pillow: “The first night I put my head on it, all my fears that it wasn’t enough went away could offer support! My head and neck felt like I was being cradled on a soft fluffy cloud and I woke up with no neck pain after a full eight hours of sleep! I usually only get about five or six hours of sleep if I’m lucky. I posed also states that this gel’s enriched memory foam was just what I needed for my fibromyalgia as it didn’t put undue pressure on my head and neck. This pillow is now my absolute favorite!!”

Another self-proclaimed “Pillow Goldilocks” agreed: “The gel keeps the pillow nice and cool. The memory shape helps to conform to your head so it really becomes what you need. I’ve gotten the best, most restful sleep I’ve had since using it. I cannot recommend this pillow enough. Get one so you can enjoy a full night’s sleep!”

Doctors say that good sleep is one of the best things you can do for your mind, body and spirit. Take advantage of this sale to enhance your nighttime experience and give your body the rest it needs – and a pain-free wake-up call in the morning. It’s the kind of small changes that can make a big difference.

$60 $67 at Walmart

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Docklands, get more mobile this March


March is “Mobility Month” and as your local chiropractor, I urge all Docklands residents to test their flexibility and mobility and protect their spine health.

A staggering three-quarters (72.2 percent) of people who have had to work from home suffered from postural pain — now chiropractors across the country want to make sure the damage doesn’t last.

Spinal problems can go beyond physical pain. A third (32.6%) of Aussies living with pain admit it affects their mobility and one in five (20.7%) say it causes anxiety and depression. Experts say four simple test exercises could determine the state of your spine’s health and whether you need to seek professional help.

During this Mobility Month, as Docklanders approach the two-year anniversary of the “new normal,” Dr. Mike of Docklands Health gave Docklands locals a chance to assess their spine health and mobility with a simple four-step test.

Over the past two years, I and other chiropractors across the country have seen a worrying increase in patients reporting back and neck pain caused by changes in their lifestyle — such as working from home rather than in the being able to exercise. Therefore, we would like to encourage everyone to proactively check their mobility and protect their health and well-being.

According to research, a third of people living with pain (such as neck and back pain) admitted to having limited movement and mobility (32.6 percent), which has significantly impacted their quality of life. For example, one in ten (11.5 percent) admitted that they were no longer able to play with their children, and 11.8 percent of the candidates also said that this “restricted mobility” affected their ability to have intimate relationships (11 .8 percent). .

However, mobility issues can go much further than just highlighting spinal pain and can often point to a range of significantly more serious health problems. For example, research shows that people with a sedentary lifestyle and postural pain double their risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity, and increase their risk of colon cancer, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, dyslipidemia, depression and anxiety.

Mobility Month is the perfect time to give yourself a movement assessment, determine if your body isn’t as mobile as it could be and seek professional advice if needed.

To help porters assess their mobility and ensure they are at risk of serious health consequences, a few simple tests have been developed to try at home •

3 signs it’s time for a new pair of glasses


“Don’t let your eyes pay the price for too much screen time,” he says Katy Hanson, CMO of Eyemart Express. “A visit to the eye doctor and a new pair of glasses can improve your vision and make everyday tasks a whole new experience, no matter where you work.”

3 signs you need new glasses:

  1. Severe Eyestrain and Eye Fatigue: Neck pain, headaches, and dry eyes are all signs that the eyes are getting tired and may need correction. After getting a new prescription from an eye doctor, try lens treatments like UltraXBlu to filter harmful blue light from digital screens for added protection.
  2. Vision changes: Any changes in your vision, such as blurry vision or squinting to see clearly, are key indicators that it’s time for an eye exam. Most likely, new glasses with an updated lens power will do. See clearer faster with Eyemart Express with same-day eyewear thanks to the on-site retailer’s lens labs.
  3. Time in the sun: Prolonged sun exposure from jobs that require extended periods of time outdoors, like delivery drivers and waiters, can irritate eyes, according to The Vision Council. Get prescription sunglasses with a gray tint to reduce brightness and keep vision clear when traveling or working outdoors.

Visit an Eyemart Express to protect your eyes at work and keep them healthy for years to come.

About Eyemart Express
Eyemart Express ( is a national optician retailer known for offering quality prescription eyewear with a focus on affordability and convenience. Eyemart Express is among the top 10 optical retailers in the country with its Vision 4 Less, Visionmart Express and Eyewear Express family of brands. The company is based in Farmers Branch, Texas, and has 238 stores in 42 states. Eyemart Express offers a solid frame selection for the whole family with more than 2,000 frames from brands like Ray-Ban, Coach, Nike and Disney. On-site lens labs and experienced lab technicians can deliver quality eyewear in as little as 30 minutes.

SOURCE Eyemart Express

February is heart health month


Nell J Redfield Memorial Hospital and other Oneida County healthcare workers have joined forces to recognize and promote National Heart Health Month in February. The crew gathered on the hospital steps in their Heart Health shirts “just to remind people to live a heart-healthy life,” said Kathy Hubbard.

February is a month associated with colorful heart images. From pink cookies, cards and banners to ubiquitous advertising backdrops, the familiar shape is something of an icon of the month. But that also makes it a perfect time to remind people about cardiovascular health. According to the CDC and the National Institutes for Health, 800,000 Americans suffer a heart attack each year, and 600,000 die. In terms of all causes of death nationally, it accounts for one in four deaths, making it the leading cause of death in the United States and worldwide. Coronary artery disease (CHD) is the primary condition leading to heart attacks.

The average human heart weighs between 8 and 12 ounces. Despite its relatively small size, it has enough power to pump blood around the body 60-80 times per minute, creating the flow of blood that carries oxygen and nutrients to cells and removes toxins and waste. Heart disease is the result of a blockage in the arteries leading to the heart. Other heart diseases can be caused by a variety of diseases, drug use, and environmental toxins. Smoking, alcohol, stress, diabetes, inactivity and poor diet are usually cited as the most common contributors to heart attacks. Health officials also suggest that COVID-19 has been shown to be more deadly for individuals suffering from various forms of heart disease.

Heart attacks themselves vary in intensity. A report from the AHA suggests that “one in five heart attacks occurs without the person even knowing they’ve had one.” In many cases, the symptoms of a heart attack — which can include arm and neck pain, nausea, fatigue, shortness of breath, and vomiting — are dismissed as something less significant. This is especially true for women under the age of 50, who are twice as likely to die from heart attacks as men in the same demographic.

While there is no single method to ensure heart health, there are some general guidelines that have been shown to support heart health:

• Exercise – Most medical organizations, including the American Heart Association and the National Institutes for Health, agree that the most effective and important factor in heart health is staying active and moving. While all aerobic activity can dramatically improve heart health, walking has been shown to be just as effective as most high-intensity exercise and easy to practice. Pedometers and smart watches can be helpful for creating a consistent walking program and monitoring progress, but all walking is positive when it comes to getting your heart stronger.

• Diet – The word “diet” is considered problematic by many health authorities because it usually implies a focus on the visual results of weight loss or quick “gimmick” plans for quick weight loss. Diet, on the other hand, emphasizes a healthy balance of foods and materials ingested. Empty calories, such as those from soda pop or junk food, tend to increase the buildup of fat cells and cholesterol, which can lead to a buildup of plaque in the arteries and a greater workload on the heart. Simple substitutions such as B. a glass of water with a lemonade during the day can make a noticeable change.

• Testing – Experts emphasize the importance of regular screening to detect developing or emerging heart health problems. Cholesterol and blood pressure checks are easy to do and can often be done at home. Prediabetes can be caught early enough to prevent the development of full-blown diabetes, which can be an important factor in heart health.

As every year, the President signed a proclamation declaring February as American Heart Month. In the statement, he wrote: “Continuing the fight against cardiovascular disease is critical to improving our nation’s public health. During American Heart Month, we must renew our commitment to ensure a healthier future for all Americans.”

EP REVIEW: Violence – Let the World Burn


Bay area thrashers force Maybe they’ve only been around for eight years, but what a great decade was at hand. From their classic hyper aggressive debut Eternal nightmare (MCA records) to the controversial lyrics of ‘Torture Tactics’ and a deliciously questionable vegetable soup and vinegar “puke bag” plastic record sleeve, the band also launched the career of a certain Robb Flynn which later formed the game changers of the 1990s machine headpossibly followed by a guitarist Phil Demmel. With three studio albums under their belt, the band went their separate ways in 1993 and only became a full-time venture again in 2019.

Singer with a life-saving liver transplant Sean Killian a new life, it was time for Vio-Lence to return. Or at least three-fifths of it. With Demmel returning alongside the drummer Perry Stricklandthe original members turned to former members overkill guitarist Bobby Gustavson and exfear factory four-string Christian Olde Wolbers to restart the band let the world burn (metal blade) their first new release in almost thirty years.

Fueled by pinching squeaks and blisteringly fast riffing, “Flesh from Bone” takes off like a rocket, the opener being punctuated by Killian’s distinctive if occasionally divisive vocal delivery, which is even beginning to sound like it Hunter frontman Tom Araya in places. More razor-sharp aggression awaits with “Screaming Always,” a weighty track that takes on a slightly more relaxed approach in its groove-driven middle section. A bit reminiscent of “Nanking” from other Bay Area legends Exodus, “Upon Their Cross” is armed with oodles of low-end pitch-diving and whammy action, while the short sharp three-and-a-half-minute blast of “Gato Negro” is a fast and brutal jaunt into a sore neck. The title track closes the record with a riff so fast that even the most accomplished air guitarist is sure to get sore wrists afterwards.

So there you have it. After nearly three decades of absence, Vio-Lence has returned as if 1988 had been just last week. A stunning five track EP with the promise of another short form release in the future, let the world burn maybe just a temporary high, but it was more than worth the wait.

Buy the EP here:



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