Phil Carville: Dealing with back pain The Union


I was playing at the course with a group of people who were complaining about back discomfort. We’re in the 70s and 80s so mild discomfort and stiffness are not uncommon. In reality the neck and back is the most common reason for pain in the world.

So, the question pops out “What to do?”


The majority of back pains are caused by ligament or muscle strains that result from repeated lifting or sudden awkward movements. It is more likely to occur if you’re physically in poor health. But back pain can be a sign of bone or spine degeneration that requires medical attention.

Pain can be in the neck, arms, upper back, lower back, pelvis or even legs. The source can often be traced to the nerves in your back. An example is sciatica, where the pain is in the legs, but the cause is pressure on the sciatic nerve in the lower back.


The most common belief is that back pain is treat with non-steroid, anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or naproxen (Advil). Be cautious as ibuprofen may cause stomach ulcers and kidney problems. Analgesics (Tylenol) are able to ease discomfort, but they do not possess anti-inflammatory properties.

Remember that over-the-counter painkillers just relieve back pain and do not treat the pain. You need to treat the causes if you want to free yourself from back pain. There are effective ways to treat back pain, just make sure you don’t fall for fake remedies.


If we’re in pain when we’re in pain, we tend to be poor decision makers. We’ll buy everything that can ease the pain. Thus, there was an industry of $100 billion selling us a variety of scam solutions and ineffective treatment.

Con artists are offering “microtechnology patches” (unexplained technology) $167 for miracle lotions 250 dollars “natural” creams for inflammation various pills, and more which haven’t been proved to be effective. The more expensive an item is higher the likelihood we will believe that it is effective.


Exercise! Is that something you’re not used to?

The most common back pain is due to muscle weakness and a lack of fitness. Train regularly, pay attention to your core muscles, do Tai Chi, Yoga, swim , and make swimming an a vital part of your day-to-day life.

Many studies have demonstrated that sports and exercise can be effective in treating back pain that are more effective than drugs.

Get started on an exercise routine that will strengthen your core muscles groups, since the muscles in your core are the ones that stabilize your spine. Get in touch with an expert physical therapist or a certified personal trainer to learn specific exercises that are appropriate for your specific physical condition, medical issues, and age. This is the most secure and most effective method to manage back discomfort.

Remember the quote from comic Phyllis Diller said, “You are old when your back starts to go out faster than your back does.”

Phil Carville is a co-owner of the South Yuba Club. He is available to answer questions or reply to your comments. You can reach him as [email protected]


The treatment of Sciatica as well as Lumbar Radiculopathy with an Intervertebral Foramen Opening Protocol The Pilot Study was conducted in a Hospital Emergency as well as an in-patient setting – DocWire News


The article first published here.

Physiother Theory Pract. 2022 Mar 6:1-11. doi: 10.1080/09593985.2022.2037797. Available ahead of print.


AIMS: Conduct the pilot study of an static foramen of the nerve opening procedure for lumbar radiculopathy resulting from disc hernia in an urgent hospital setting to determine whether patients can follow the protocol. If they could, consistency could be seen across the outcomes, better outcomes would be seen within the study group and if the procedure would be secure.

Methods: Patients suffering from sciatica showed up on their own choice to the emergency department of their local hospital and were admitted to the hospital for treatment and were then randomized in two categories:) Control (n 10) that included walking, forward bending and medications; and 2) experimental (n 10) as control subjects with a static lumbar foramen opening technique using flexion as well as contralateral lateral inflexion (side-lying). Results were back and leg pain (i.e. the visual analog scale) as well as impairment (i.e. EuroQol5D5L or Oswestry) as well as straight leg lift.

Results: At the time of admission, the primary outcome variables for both groups did not differ significantly. All patients had either large or moderate disc hernias when they were assessed on MRI while 75% of them had electrophysiology-related neurological problems. After discharge, patients from the experimental group performed significantly better (p > .05) than the controls on all outcomes. The statistical analysis of the outcomes yielded greater significance, greater small effect sizes, and no difference in clinical significance between those in the group that were experimental. The patients from the experiment group consumed less medications than those in the control group (21 percent against 79 percent) and included less than half of the prescription opioids (tramadol). No adverse reactions were observed.

Conclusions: Patients were able to follow the procedure and better outcomes were observed, without adverse side effects. These results are in support of a deeper research into the effectiveness of therapy and duration of hospital stay cost, transformation to surgery, and the consumption of medications, including opioids.

PMID:35253599 | DOI:10.1080/09593985.2022.2037797

Jaw Botox Explained – How Botox Helps Jaw Clenching


If you’re one of the 10 million people in the UK currently walking around with a vice-strained jaw, then the symptoms associated with it are probably all too familiar to you: headaches, facial and neck pain, worn teeth, a strong jaw (the list goes on ).

But the list of reasons why we grind our teeth (officially known as bruxism) is a little less extensive. “I’ve noticed a significant increase in cases of teeth grinding,” confirms plastic surgeon and cosmetic practitioner Dr. Ashwin Soni. “It’s often associated with increased stress and anxiety, which we’re all experiencing at some level in the wake of the pandemic.”

Botox (or botulinum toxin) is the gold standard procedure for people striving for a smooth forehead, but its use goes beyond simply fighting wrinkles. In addition to its ability to reduce excessive sweating when injected into the palms and armpits (it blocks signals to overactive sweat glands), it can also be used to relax the masseter muscles of the jaw, which are responsible for excessive clenching.

dr Soni points out that like any overactive muscle in the body, the masseter muscle can increase in size over time, causing bloating or widening of the jaw. “When you inject Botox into that muscle to relieve the symptoms of teeth grinding, it also helps slim down the jawline,” he confirms.

Is jaw botox painful?

If you’ve ever had botox for forehead wrinkles, it won’t feel like anything out of the ordinary — a scratch when the needle breaks through the skin, if at all. dr Soni uses super-fine 32-gauge needles and treats the skin with ice packs prior to injection to ensure a completely pain-free experience. The treatment lasts just ten minutes, with a total of eight injections given, four in each side of the jaw. You should notice the symptoms subside within two to three days, and for those of you who are concerned that this will affect your ability to chew food, don’t. “We have numerous chewing muscles, so your chewing mechanism is not affected at all,” assures Dr. sonie “When you inject Botox, you weaken the muscle and stop its unconscious contraction, which is what causes the jaw pain.”

How long does it take?

The full effects of Botox should be felt within 10 to 14 days of treatment, and you can expect the clenching to last anywhere from three to nine months. “Occasionally, a patient will experience longer-lasting results if they have Botox on a regular basis,” says Dr. sonie “That’s because the muscle weakens over time and therefore takes longer to start contracting again.” He adds that if the muscle is stronger and more overactive, the results could fade sooner than expected. “The quality of the toxin used and the vendor’s technique can also affect how long the results last, since the muscle needs to be very targeted.”


Is it safe?

As with any aesthetic treatment, you should first check the qualifications and experience of your doctor. They should be a registered doctor or nurse (you can verify this by entering their name in the General Medical Council, Nursing & Midwifery Council or General Dental Council registers). People offering Botox and fillers need a license under new government plans to protect patients from botched cosmetic procedures – welcome news for practitioners like Dr. Soni, who is all too familiar with the consequences of bad work. “The risk with this particular procedure is that the wrong muscle could be attacked. So if an injector isn’t familiar with the anatomy of the face, it could hit the funny bone, which could result in temporary drooping on one side.”

How much does it cost?

It varies from doctor to doctor, but Dr. Soni charges £415 for eight injections. He is a highly qualified plastic surgeon with an in-depth knowledge of facial anatomy, so a good benchmark for comparing prices from other doctors.

What are the alternatives?

Because the most likely cause of clenching is stress, it makes sense to focus on your mental health and speak to a GP if you think you need help coping. Regular exercise, meditation, breathing exercises and getting enough sleep go a long way towards self-care.

Gently stretching the jaw muscle also helps relieve symptoms by opening your mouth as wide as possible 10 times once or twice a day.

A gentle facial massage can help release tension in the jaw area after a long day of clenching. Invest in a gua sha tool and use it in “scratching” motions along the jawline to the ear (go gently and use some facial oil to glide).

If you find that your grinding continues at night when you sleep, talk to your dentist about fitting a mouthguard. If you suffer from bruxism, you should see your dentist anyway, as it makes your teeth more susceptible to damage.

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7. Sciatica Stretches and exercises to help ease discomfort Self


It’s not fun to suffer from sciatica. However, there are a few simple actions that can make this common ailment get more comfortable: stretch and exercises for sciatica. If you regularly incorporate stretches for sciatica-related pain into your routine and routine, you could be able to ease some of the pain that comes by sciatic nerve discomfort. While sciatic nerve stretching aren’t a panacea but they could aid you in navigating your daily routine a bit more easily. That’s a huge victory.

We’ve put together essential information about sciatica, and seven fantastic stretch exercises to help sciatica. Before we begin, let’s talk about some important points: The majority of instances of sciatica mild will go disappear over time. However, if you feel your sciatica is serious or is becoming worse, it’s a wise idea to speak with a doctor or a physical therapist to find the right treatment plan for you, as the most effective exercises for sciatica may differ from person to. There are a few general sciatica exercises and stretches that could make a difference for a majority of people We’ve rounded them down below. Continue reading for all the information you’ll must know.

How do you define sciatica?

There are a few sciatica symptoms to consider: Sciatica is a pain that causes numbness, tingling, or numbness that starts in the butt. It can also extend to the back of the leg in front of the knee and eventually all the way to the toes. Physical therapist Ryan Chow, PT, DPT who is the creator of Reload in New York City, tells SELF. Sciatica is caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve that extends from your lower back to your butt, hips and down the leg. The majority of the time, sciatica is only experienced on the one leg as per the Mayo Clinic.

The good thing about sciatica is that it’s not a major issue: “It’s very common,” Chow says. “And it’s nothing to worry about.” As we’ve mentioned that in many instances, sciatic pain typically goes disappears on its own with time. In most cases, sciatica doesn’t lead to lasting damage or long-term issues. In the meantime, however certain stretching exercises could help relieve some of the pain.

How can stretching and exercises assist in making sciatica more comfortable

Certain exercises and stretches certain stretches and exercises aid in relieving sciatic nerve discomfort. However, how exactly do you know if movement can help?

In most cases, sciatica is a result of tension on our nerves which leave through the lower back. Kellen Scantlebury DPT, CSCS, founder of Fit Club NY, tells SELF. Therefore, by stretching your low back like you’d do when doing gentle stretches for your lower back in case you’re suffering from low back discomfort, you could aid in reducing some of the pressure and tension that result in sciatic discomfort.

Additionally, you can help alleviate sciatica by stretching exercises that target your hamstrings and calves, suggests Scantlebury. Since the sciatic nerve travels through the exact same way as the muscle groups mentioned above, stretching exercises targeted at the hamstrings as well as calves are likely to affect the sciatic nerve, too. Furthermore stretching the piriformis muscle can aid in relieving the pressure over the sciatic nerve says Scantlebury, as the sciatic nerve may traverse through the piriformis muscle over it, below it or below it, depending on your anatomy.

Certain movements that strengthen your muscles can aid in relieving sciatica by spreading the weight more evenly across the body, and lessening the strain on the region that could be causing sciatic nerve pain. Chow. For example planks can straighten your spine and create tension in your front core, thereby taking the burden off your lower back. A door squat (essentially the process of squatting while holding on to the handle of a door so that your body remains upright) will teach you to use your whole body while you pivot at your hips and straighten the spine, making every day movements, such as being able to bend down to tie your shoe less painful. In essence, strength exercises assist in coordination of the different muscles and skeletal system to perform more effectively.

How can you stay safe If you suffer from sciatica

The most important safety tip for treating sciatica? Be active and keep moving regularly, Chow says. Certain movements can make sciatica pain worse However, what the actions are will differ from person to person So be aware of the way your body feels and adapt accordingly.

Then, if your sciatic pain is a bit numb and feels as if it’s getting more severe If the symptoms begin to get worse and more into your leg, or you experience muscle weakness this is a sign that you need to be examined by a physician or physical Therapist, Chow says. It is also recommended to see an expert if your symptoms last for more than 48 hours in the past, or when you’re having trouble standing straight, or if your discomfort is more than a 4 from 10, or you are unable to sit for more than 20 minutes without feeling sensations of tingling and numbness or tingling, or if an easy move (say sitting while using the restroom) results in tingling and numbness that extends to the feet Scantlebury says.

Exercises and stretching exercises to treat sciatica

The following exercises and stretches could help alleviate sciatica. The three stretches are easy stretching exercises suggested by Scantlebury. they can be done as an entire series each day. When you stretch, “let pain be your guide,” Scantlebury says. “If you notice that your stretching is becoming worse, then you may be able to modify the range of motion to ensure you’re not getting as deep of an stretch.”

For strengthening, Chow recommends three particular exercises that include the plank (you can alter with the hands elevated plank) and a the side plank (you can alter by doing an incline plank that you place with your knees) and a the door handle squat. Perform the three exercises for three to 4 times per each day Chow says. As you become stronger keep increasing the intensity so that your muscles stay working, either by increasing the number of sets and reps, or moving from beginner-friendly variations to more advanced variations.

The instructors for the exercise below are Jessica Rihal (GIF 1 and 3), a larger-than-life yoga teacher (200-HR) and an avid advocate for fitness and well-being for all body types; Gail Barranda Rivas (GIF 2) is certified group fitness instructor functional strength coach, Pilates and yoga instructor; Alex Orr (GIF 4, 6 – 7) is a NASM-certified non-diet personal trainer, CNC and host of the Birdie and the Bees podcast as well as Delise Johnson (GIF 5) is the Director of Operations and Strength Coach at Wellness and Weights

7 Sciatica Stretches and exercises to help ease the Discomfort


The best sleeping positions for back, Neck and Shoulder Pain Healthy Essentials by Cleveland Clinic

Does your lower back hurt after you get out of your bed each morning? Perhaps it’s your shoulder or neck that gets you up and running?

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If this is the case, it could be the reason you’re overworking your muscles, when they ought to be resting.

Uncomfortable sleeping positions can cause pressure and stress on your body when you’re taking ZZZs which can cause discomfort when you ought to be up and shining. The mattress and pillow could contribute to the pain.

It’s possible to rest more easily however, by making some modifications. We’ll get some advice of a chiropractic doctor Andrew Bang, DC.

What is the reason why your sleeping position is crucial

Your body is subject to a lot of stress in the course of the course of the day. “You place stress on your muscles, ligaments and joints,” says Dr. Bang. “Sleeping gives you the chance for all of it to rest and recharge.”

If you are lying down in a way that causes tension to certain body parts as you sleep and recover, it does not occur as it could and ought to. What happens? Oh, pains and aches during the a.m.!

The issue only gets worse as you get older, too as cartilage which cushions joints wears away. (That’s why the moment you get up at the age of 60 sounds so different than when you wake up at the age of 20.)

“Your objective should be to achieve the right posture for you to rest,” says Dr. Bang. “The goal is to avoid the possibility of fatigue. Allow your body to truly be at ease.”

Best postures for back discomfort

A good posture isn’t only important when sitting or standing according to Professor. Bang. It’s equally important when lying down.

The alignment of your shoulders, head and hips will put your body into an upright posture that reduces the pressure. The goal is to find a posture that is stable and supports the natural curves of your neck and back.

Here’s how.

You’re sleeping by your side

The side (or the lateral) sleeping position is the most sought-after — and is loaded with opportunities to stretch the body in alignment. Doctor. Bang offers these tips to help you get it right.

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  • Do not try to tucking your chin. Instead, concentrate on keeping the natural curve of your neck. The pillow should be firm enough to be able to support your neck and head without allowing it to sag.
  • Place a cushion between your legs in order to keep that your lower leg pulling out and turning your the torso. The pillow will also help keep your spine and hips straight.
  • Stretch out. Keep your thighs in alignment to your torso. Bend your knees a bit this can ease the pressure to your back. Keep your eyes oriented forward.
  • Do not fall into the fetal position.
  • Alternating sides can decrease the possibility of imbalances developing.

You’re sleeping to your rear

If you’re sleeping in a back position, think about placing a pillow in between your knees, advises Dr. Bang. This tiny lift will work with the natural curve of your spine and can help relieve some strain off your back.

When choosing your pillow, search for a level that holds your neck in a comfortable place to ease the tension to your neck. If your pillow is too low, it can cause your jaw to point towards the ceiling. A pillow that is too high and your jaw will point towards your chest.

Avoid sleeping on your stomach

Laying on your back in mattress can place your body in a position that is uncomfortable for long durations which puts pressure on your neck as well as your lower back. “If you have a patient who complains of discomfort and know it’s connected to sleep typically, it’s stomach sleep which is the cause,” says Dr. Bang.

The most effective places to relieve shoulder soreness

Let’s get the basics down tips to prevent the pain of your shoulder while you sleep the shoulder isn’t your partner. “You need to be careful not to have your shoulder sinking towards with the mattress,” according to the doctor. Bang. “That’s when you’ll feel discomfort.”

It’s also not difficult. Simply lying back as an example, may make your shoulder sagging just only a little. It’s enough to cause tension to the shoulder joint, specifically your rotator-cuff.

The answer for those who sleep in their backs? Place your arm on a blanket that has been folded or an incline pillow to cushion your shoulder and ensure it stays in alignment with the body. “All you’re trying to accomplish is take a tiny amount of pressure off,” notes Dr. Bang.

If you lie on your back, with your shoulder up you can use a pillow (or pillows) to keep your arm straight and in a more neutral position , to reduce stress on your joint.

What kind of mattress is the best?

A bedtime story is the most effective strategy for choosing the best mattress. In essence, follow the Goldilocks’ method not too soft and not too hard yet just enough. It’s an item that is referred to as the label of medium-firm.

“Starting with the more firm side allows you to adjust according to your needs,” says Dr. Bang. “You can also add a touch of softness to your mattress by using an foam mattress.”

A word of caution but manufacturers employ their own method to measure and define firmness, since there’s no standard set for the industry. This means that a medium-firm in one firm could feel completely different from a medium-firm in another.

When you’re purchasing mattresses, take the time to try it in a showroom to determine if it’s good, according to the doctor. Bang.

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When should you change you mattress?

You can purchase mattresses that comes with a 20 or 30 year warranty. It could even stand for that long. But here’s the problem the body’s structure is likely to change in the span of a few decades as Dr. Bang.

“What you’re seeking in a mattress could alter as you get older,” says Dr. Bang. “What’s appropriate for a 30-year-old version of you may not be the right option for the 50-year-old or the 60-year-old you.”

In this case, it’s best to change your mattress about every 8-10 years, especially in the event of physical changes like an injury, or a significant weight loss or gain.

How to choose the best pillow

Take note of “memory foam” while you’re looking for a new pillow. The soft material conforms to your body, providing the comfort you want with plenty of support for your neck and head according to Dr. Bang. (Fun fact that memory foam was created through NASA.)

Memory foam pillows are available in a variety of types, with the top three being shredded, contoured and blocks (in the order of most commonly used). “At the point of deciding it’s all about your personal choice,” says Dr. Bang.

For other options:

  • Feather pillows aren’t much in the way of all-night support for neck and head. “They do not keep its shape well,” notes Dr. Bang. “By the time you wake up, they’re squashed, and there’s practically no hair under you head.”
  • Fill pillows made of synthetic materials tend to degrade quickly, as stated by the doctor. Bang: “They lose their fluffiness to the level where you’re no longer receiving the support you require. They’re just not very durable.”

Whichever option you choose however, you must ensure the pillow is kept in its shape and supports. Memory foam pillows last for up at least three years.

trial and error

The best advice you can get when choosing a sleeping posture is to do what you like best. There’s no one “right” posture that will guarantee an unwinding night and a peaceful and pain-free day. Try different the positions and pillows.

And the And the. 1 rule? “If something can cause discomfort,” says Dr. Bang, “don’t do it.”

Mom’s list of age-appropriate chores and responsibilities has failed TikTokers


This Parent on TikTok Gives Their Kids Age-Appropriate Tasks, and Viewers Lose It Because of 4 Month Old’s To-Do List!

TikToker Maddie Kins (@maddie_kins) is a busy mom of three who often shares videos of family outings, tricks, and activities. In one of Kin’s videos, she shows how her children’s chores relate to their age, and viewers found it both funny and informative!

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The clip begins with the words “My Children’s Age-Appropriate Roles and Responsibilities,” typed over a shot of Kins’ three children, including a baby, a toddler and a seven-year-old, sitting on the couch.

The footage cuts to a montage of her 7-year-old’s homework. The series of shots shows him gently feeding the family pets, removing the dishes from the table after meals, tidying his room and helping to clean up the common living areas.

Kins’ adorable 2-year-old’s chores include helping mom sort cutlery, cleaning and sorting toys, and putting dirty clothes in the laundry basket.

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Even though the youngest member of Kins’ brood is only 4 months old, that doesn’t mean she’s off the hook when it comes to housework.

In the footage below, Kins shows her 4-month-old daughter completing her chores while strapped into a baby carrier.

Whether it’s helping with the dishes, walking the dog, or watering the plants, Kins’ Baby doesn’t even know how hard she works.

Viewers not only found Kins’ video adorable, but were also hysterical about the 4-month-old’s to-do list.

“Bro why did I die seeing that sponge in your baby’s hand,” laughed one user.

“The 4-month-old will be paying your taxes by the end of this year,” joked another TikToker.

“My 4 month old starts his full-time job next week. He won’t be happy to hear he has to do the dishes now too,” one parent interjected.

The story goes on

As Kins’ video shows, it’s never too early to teach kids the little ways they can help.

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If you enjoyed this story, check out this dad who takes his heartbroken daughter to Disneyland every time she goes through a breakup.

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New Parkinson’s procedure improves gait and back pain


“People with Parkinson’s gait usually take small, shuffling steps. They may have difficulty lifting their feet and this could affect their quality of life compared to other Parkinson’s symptoms.” DR Eric Chun Pu Chuleading investigator of the New York Medical Group (NYMG) and chairman of the CDAHK.

Recent clinical studies have shown that chiropractic rehabilitation can improve motor function in patients with Parkinson’s (18) and neuromuscular disorders (19-22).

“Spinal manipulation with motor training demonstrated decreased pain scores, increased muscle strength measurements, and improved gait characteristics, which are shown on the gait cyclogram and GRF vertical graph. A focus on movement strategies can therefore lead to the development of useful therapies,” said Chu.

Gait impairment is the result of disease progression, aging, compensation and eventually reduced mobility. “The new study showed that chiropractic treatment produces neuromuscular and mobility improvements in Parkinson’s disease gait and back pain, particularly when the problem cannot be effectively addressed with pharmacological agents,” said Chu.

Patients with Parkinson’s disease now have another alternative to their traditional therapy.

1) Chu EC. Prevention of cervical progression in a young male: A case report. Radiol Case Rep. 2022 Mar;17(3):978-982.
2) Chu EC. Secondary segment pathology of the cervical spine A case report. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. 2022 February; 11(2):787-789.
3) Chu EC, et al. Craniocervical instability associated with rheumatoid arthritis: a case report and brief review. AME Case Rep. 2021;5:12.
4) Chu EC, Wong AY. Cervicogenic dizziness in an 11-year-old girl: a case report. Adolesc Health Med Ther. 2021;12:111-116.
5) Chu EC, et al. Cervicogenic vertigo associated with craniocervical instability: A case report. J Med cases. 2021 Nov;12(11):451-454.
6) Chu ECP et al. Cervicogenic dizziness. Case Reports from Oxf Med. November 2019; 2019 (11): 476-478. doi: 10.1093/omcr/omz115. eCollection 2019 Nov.
7) Chu ECP, Wong AYL. Chronic orchialgia due to herniated disc: a case report and brief review. Bin J Mens Health. 2021 May-Jun;15(3):15579883211018431.
8) Chu E. Thoracolumbar disc herniation: a hidden cause of monosymptomatic nocturnal wetting. European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine. April 2021; 8(3):2834-2840.
9) Chu ECP. Taming the testicle pain that complicates a herniated disc by manipulating the spine. Bin J Mens Health. 2020 Jul-Aug;14(4):1557988320949358.
10) Chu EC. Regression of lumbar disc herniation after nonsurgical treatment. European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine. 2020 July; 7(1):27-79. doi: 10.5334/ejmcm.275.
11) Chu ECP, Wong AYL. Change in pelvic incidence associated with sacroiliac joint dysfunction: A case report. J Med cases. 2022 Jan;13(1):31-35.
12) Leung K, Huang K, Chu EC. Chiropractic Management as a Conservative Treatment for Juvenile Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Case Report. Asia Pacific Chiropr J. 2021 September; 2(2).
13) Pu Chu EC et al. Changes in radiographic parameters after chiropractic treatment in 10 patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: A retrospective chart review. clinical practice. 2020 September 4th;10(3):1258.
14) Chu EC. Lumbosacral transitional vertebra as a potential contributor to scoliosis: a two-case report. Asia Pacific Chiropractic Journal. 2020 July; 1.
15) Chu EC, et al. Bridging the gap between observation and brace treatment in juvenile idiopathic scoliosis. J Family Med Prim care. 2017 Apr-Jun;6(2):447-449.
16) Chu EC. Improving quality of life through conservative management of thoracic scoliosis at 172°: a case report. J Med Life. 2022 Jan;15(1):144-148.
17) Chu ECP, Wong AYL. Mitigation of Gait Drop in a Woman with Parkinson’s: A Case Report. J Med cases. 2022;13(3):140-144
18) Chu ECP, Wong AYL, Lee LYK. Chiropractic care for low back pain, gait and posture in a patient with Parkinson’s disease: a case report and brief review. AME Case Rep. 2021;5:34.
19) Chu EC. Head and neck pain remission after chiropractic manipulative treatment in a patient with neurofibromatosis. Chiro J from Australia. 2022 49(1):8-11.
20) Chu ECP, Lam NPP. Post Poliomyelitis Syndrome. Int Med Case Rep. J. 2019, 12: 261-264.
21) Chu ECP, Bellin D. Remission of myasthenia gravis after cervical adjustment. AME Case Rep. 2019;3:9.
22) Chu ECP, Chan AKC, Lin AFC. Pitting edema in a polio survivor with lumbar radiculopathy complicated disc herniation. J Family Med Prim care. May 2019;8(5):1765-1768.

This press release was issued via Visit for more information.

SOURCE Chiropractic Doctors Association of Hong Kong (CDAHK)

‘It’s like prison’: The mother’s life was ‘ruined’ by an operation she shouldn’t have done


A mother has lifelong chronic pain after spinal surgery she shouldn’t have had.

Donna Johnstone, 48, said sometimes she felt like driving her car off a cliff after struggling with the severity of the pain.

She can no longer work in the family business, rarely leaves the house and even misses her eldest daughter’s university degree.

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The mum-of-two, from Ashton-in-Makerfield, was first referred to the Walton Center in Liverpool after presenting to her GP in 2013 with “nagging” arm and neck pain.

A surgeon at the NHS hospital, which specializes in treating neurological conditions, advised her to have surgery to remove a spinal disc in her neck after the scans.

Donna Johnstone with her father

However, since the operation, she has had excruciating pain on a daily basis, which has prevented her from leading a normal life and which can only be alleviated with a powerful cocktail of drugs.

After a trial in Manchester Civil Court, a judge ruled that “no sane group of neurosurgeons would have offered surgery” when the surgeon at the Walton Center did so.

Judge Claire Evens said if Ms Johnstone had been “properly advised” she would not have proceeded to surgery.

She also agreed with two neurological experts that the mother’s pain has been “worsened” by the surgery and subsequent surgeries since 2013.

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The Walton Center has since been asked to pay Donna six figures in compensation following the trial last May.

They have also officially apologized to the mother-of-two, admitting they “let her down”.

Donna believes she developed the original pain after years of making electrical cables at the family business, Roga Cables.

She had worked full-time until the day of the surgery on August 27, 2013, but since the surgery, Donna has never been able to return to work.

Donna told the Manchester Evening News the compensation payment was “irrelevant” to her and would only be used to manage the chronic pain she faces on a daily basis.

She says she was led to believe surgery was her only treatment option.

“I’ve lost my whole identity as a busy working mom,” she said.

“My family also lost the wife and mother I used to be and now they have to take care of me.

“I can’t go on vacation as it becomes even more difficult to manage the pain in different accommodations.

“It’s like being trapped in a prison with no prospect of ever being released.”

The Walton Center in Liverpool

The mum believes the pain she initially felt in her arm and neck was due to spending around eight hours a day on a machine – where her head was “crooked”.

She went to her GP, who sent her to physical therapy before being recommended by her physical therapist to see a neurosurgeon.

An MRI revealed a problem with her spinal disc in her neck, and Donna was seen by a surgeon at the Walton Center, who recommended surgery.

“I was very reluctant to have surgery because my brother was paralyzed after surgery,” Donna said.

Her sister suffered catastrophic injuries after being hit by a drunk driver in 2005 and now requires round-the-clock care from Donna’s parents.

“The thought of having throat surgery was terrifying. I was very worried,” she added.

“I worked until the day of the operation. The pain didn’t stop me from working, it just worried me.

“I finished work that Friday and haven’t come back since.”

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The surgery went smoothly, but three weeks after the surgery, Donna said she developed “ridiculous” pain in her neck.

As the pain got “worse” and “worse,” she went back to another appointment at the Walton Center, where the mother claims she was told the pain needed to calm down.

“It got to a point where I couldn’t take the pain I was in,” she said.

“They thought I might get an infection, so I was put on antibiotics for months. It wasn’t a good time. I felt very bad and lost a lot of weight.

“I wasn’t getting better and the pain was getting worse.

“I took a ridiculous amount of painkillers. I just got to a point where I thought what’s the point of all this.”

Donna with her husband Neil

Donna said she was discharged from the Walton Center and referred to a private doctor, who told her she needed to have another operation.

Since the original surgery in 2013, the mother had to undergo two more surgeries in 2016 and 2019.

“After the last surgery I was actually in a good position because I was getting IV fluids every 12 weeks for the pain,” she said.

“I hadn’t taken morphine in months and all my meds were gone.

“Then unfortunately Covid came along and I had to miss a lot of them. I had gone over 12 months without an IV because of Covid.

“If you don’t get those injections every three months, you have to start the process all over again, so it was very difficult.”

Donna has now been able to resume three months of IVs which she hopes will bring the pain back under control.

But two neurological experts agreed in court that she will most likely suffer from daily pain for the rest of her life.

Donna Johnstone with her niece

“If I’m having a bad day, I won’t do anything,” she said.

“When I wake up and think I’m having a good day, I do a few things, but the day after, you pay for it.

“You feel guilty when you’ve worked all your life. I even feel bad that I don’t bring money into the house.

“It only demeans you and robs you of your dignity.”

Jodie Miller, a specialist medical negligence attorney at law firm JMW, represented Donna throughout her court case against the Walton Center.

She said: “Donna is a very strong woman but her strength was tested to the limit by this case.

“Despite her poor physical health, she did not fight her battle for herself but for the other patients she is trying to protect.”

The Walton Center NHS Foundation Trust told the Manchester Evening News they had nothing further to add but confirmed the surgeon in question is still working at the hospital.

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Ask your spine doctor: Dr. Bharat R Dave


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Dear readers Stavya answers

What is cervical spondylosis?
Aging leads to a degeneration of the cervical vertebra called spondylosis.

What are the red flags of this condition?
Neck pain, stiffness and restricted movement are the primary symptoms. This can lead to arm pain – this is called radiculopathy. Warning signs are A) Weakness, noticeable tingling, numbness and pain B) Body imbalance and weakness in the limbs. This is called myelopathy. These need to be investigated.

What is the treatment of radiculopathy?
Collar, exercise, and medication provide good relief. Consult a qualified physical therapist or spine specialist.

What is the treatment for myelopathy?
This is a progressive condition that leads to paresis of the limbs. Should not be neglected. Further treatment – most often surgery is required.

What Are Age-Related Spine Conditions That Affect Women?
Aging of the spine is known as spondylosis. It affects the mobile segment cervical (neck) and lumbar (back). The spinal cord becomes compressed with age (arthritis of the spine). Osteoporosis is the main disease that leads to weak bones and collapse and adds compression to the spinal cord.
It affects women in two ways due to hormone deprivation (menopause) and aging. In general, females survive 7 years longer than males.

How do we prevent cervical spondylosis?
Aging affects everyone, but lifestyle changes, maintaining good posture, correct ergonomics, stretching and strengthening exercises suggested by the doctor or therapist are the keys.

Zwischenfälle im Hubbard County: 17.–27. Februar 2020 – Park Rapids Enterprise


Unfälle: 18. Februar: Ein Anrufer berichtete, seinen Truck auf den Kopf gestellt zu haben; Ein Anrufer berichtete, dass ein Auto teilweise im Graben war und teilweise die Straße blockierte, und der Anrufer war besorgt, weil er versuchte, zum Arzt zu gelangen; Ein Anrufer berichtete, sein Auto habe einen Heckschaden und er habe Nackenschmerzen; Ein von der Straße abgekommenes Fahrzeug wurde gemeldet; Ein Anrufer berichtete, dass ein Fahrzeug in den Graben gefahren sei; Ein Anrufer meldete ein von der Straße abgekommenes Fahrzeug und sagte, ein zweites Fahrzeug sei gerade in den Graben gefahren; Ein GMC Yukon wurde von der Straße abgekommen gemeldet; Ein Fahrzeug kam mit fünf Insassen von der Straße ab; Ein Beamter reagierte auf ein Fahrzeug von der Straße;

19. Februar: Ein Fahrzeug wurde direkt in Becker County festgefahren gemeldet; Ein von der Straße abgekommenes Fahrzeug wurde gemeldet;

20. Februar: Ein von der Straße abgekommenes Fahrzeug wurde gemeldet;

21. Februar: Ein Supervisor des Highway Department meldete einen Lieferwagen mit zwei Insassen im Straßengraben; Ein Anrufer berichtete, dass sein Fahrzeug von der Straße gerutscht sei und einen Ausstieg benötigte; Ein unbesetztes Halbschiff im Graben wurde gemeldet;

22. Februar: Ein Beamter findet ein Fahrzeug im Straßengraben;

23. Februar: Ein Geländewagen fuhr unverletzt in den Graben, wurde aber als ziemlich gut begraben beschrieben; Eine Abschleppfirma forderte Lichter an, während sie einen Sattelschlepper aus dem Graben zogen; Ein von der Straße abgekommenes Fahrzeug wurde gemeldet;

24. Februar: Ein von der Straße abgekommenes Fahrzeug wurde gemeldet; Ein Anrufer berichtete, dass sein Fahrzeug ohne Schäden oder Verletzungen im Graben feststeckte, und der Anrufer forderte, dass ein privates Abschleppunternehmen entsandt wird;

25. Februar: Ein Anrufer berichtete, dass ein Kabrio in den Graben gefahren sei und ein Insasse einen Anfall zu haben schien; Offiziersunterstützung wurde in Hendrickson Twp angefordert. für 11 Katzen und einen Hund, die unbeaufsichtigt in einer Wohnung gelassen wurden, während der Besitzer im Krankenhaus war;

26. Februar: Ein Anrufer aus County 3 berichtete, dass ein von der Straße abgekommenes Fahrzeug im Graben stecken geblieben war und sein einziger Insasse unverletzt war, aber aufgrund der Schneehöhe nicht aus dem Fahrzeug aussteigen konnte und das Fahrzeug nicht fuhr; Ein Akeley-Anrufer meldete einen leichten Unfall mit zwei Fahrzeugen ohne Verletzungen;

27. Februar: Ein Fahrzeug im Graben wurde gemeldet.

Tierbezogen: 17. Februar: Ein Reh, das versandt werden muss, wurde gemeldet; Die Entfernung eines Hirsches wurde gemeldet; Ein Beamter meldete einen Hirschruf in der Gegend von Laporte und einen Mann, der eine Besitzmarke wollte;

24. Februar: Eine Anruferin aus dem 190. St. hatte Fragen darüber, was sie gegen Hunde tun kann, die in der Wohnwagensiedlung herumlaufen; Ein Anrufer aus County 18 meldete, dass ein weißes Labor in seiner Wohnung vermisst wurde, und stellte fest, dass es eine Beinverletzung hat und taub ist; Ein Anrufer aus der 165. Avenue meldete einen abgemagerten Hund in einem Hof;

26. Februar: Ein Anrufer beschwert sich über einen toten Hund im Graben.

Übergriffe/Belästigung: 17. Februar: Ein Anrufer von der 185th Ave. berichtete, dass ein betrunkener Mann eine Frau belästigte;

20. Februar: Ein Anrufer aus County 9 berichtete, dass er erneut belästigt wurde;

24. Feb.: Ein Anrufer aus dem 190. St. berichtete, dass der Beklagte einer einstweiligen Verfügung wegen Belästigung Dritte kontaktierte, um den Petenten zu belästigen; Ein Anrufer von der 275th Ave. berichtete, dass die Ex-Frau seines Bruders ihn belästigte;

25. Februar: Ein US Highway. 2 Anrufer machte sich Sorgen um einen männlichen Freund, der auf dem Weg zu ihrem Haus war;

26. Februar: Ein Anrufer berichtete, dass seine Schwester weinte und den Anrufer anflehte, sie in Park Rapids abzuholen, und ein Verdächtiger schrie im Hintergrund und beschimpfte das Opfer, es solle die Klappe halten und verschwinden; Ein Anrufer der 257th Ave. wollte mit einem Abgeordneten über einen möglichen Verstoß gegen eine Schutzanordnung sprechen.

Einbrüche/Diebstahl: 17. Februar: Ein Akeley Twp. Anrufer hat einen möglichen Betrug gemeldet; Ein Anrufer aus County 9 meldete den Diebstahl eines Propangastanks vor einem Fischhaus; Eine Beschwerde außerhalb des Bezirks über nicht autorisierte Transaktionen in Höhe von 90.000 US-Dollar auf ihrem Konto wurde an Becker County weitergeleitet; Ein Anrufer aus der 406. St. berichtete, jemand habe seine Debitkarte in die Finger bekommen; Ein Anrufer aus County 9 berichtete, dass jemand einen betrügerischen Scheck über 1.000 Dollar für die Miete von jemandem ausgestellt hatte; Ein Akeley Twp. Anruferin gab an, von Leuten gehört zu haben, die Geld verlangten und sagten, sie hätten Informationen über sie;

18. Februar: Ein stiller Panikalarm wurde aktiviert und dann mit dem richtigen Ausweis gelöscht;

19. Februar: Ein Anrufer aus County 39 berichtete, er habe wertlose Scheckinformationen erhalten; Ein kommerzieller Einbruchalarm wurde durch einen Bewegungsmelder in County 93 aktiviert;

20. Februar: In Akeley wurde ein Haustüralarm aktiviert; Eine Grundstücksbesitzerin aus County 31 wollte, dass ein Beamter Fotos macht, um zu sehen, ob ihr Eigentum noch da ist; In Akeley wurde eine $ 32,33-Benzinfahrt gemeldet;

21. Februar: Ein Anrufer aus County 36 meldete drei Pferde auf der Fahrbahn; Ein Anrufer von der 119th Ave. meldete die Hunde der Nachbarn in ihrem Garten; Ein Garagentoralarm wurde in der 344th St. aktiviert; Ein Anrufer aus County 9 berichtete, seine Tochter habe am 18. Februar sein Telefon genommen;

22. Februar: Ein Anrufer aus Laporte sagte, in sein Fahrzeug sei eingebrochen und Eisfischerausrüstung gestohlen worden; In Rockwood Twp wurde ein Garagentoralarm ausgelöst. aber die richtige ID wurde eingegeben, um es zu stornieren;

23. Februar: In Straight River Twp. wurde ein Schlafbaracken-/Garagentor-Bewegungsalarm aktiviert;

24. Februar: In Lakeport Twp. wurde ein Wohnzimmer-Bewegungsalarm aktiviert; In Farden Twp. wurde ein Panikalarm-Schlüsselanhänger aktiviert; Ein Laporte-Anrufer berichtete, betrogen worden zu sein;

25. Februar: In Henrietta Twp. wurde ein Garagentor-Einbruchsalarm aktiviert; Ein Farden Twp. Die Anruferin sagte, ihr Computer sei gehackt worden, weil sie auf einen Link auf der Website von Hubbard County geklickt habe.

Brände: 18. Februar: Becker County bat um gegenseitige Hilfe für ein brennendes Geschäft mit Holzfällerausrüstung; Ein Farden Twp. Anrufer berichtete von Propangasgeruch in der Gegend;

19. Februar: Auf dem State Highway wurde ein vollständig in Brand geratenes Auto gemeldet. 34 im Bereich Park Rapids;

20. Februar: Ein Rauchmelder im Obergeschoss wurde in Lake Emma Twp. ausgelöst;

22. Februar: Mitarbeiter einer Wohngruppe berichteten, ihr Feueralarm sei zweimal ausgelöst worden, aber Mitarbeiter konnten keine Probleme finden;

23. Februar: Ein Nachbar auf der anderen Seite des Sees meldete einen möglichen Kabinenbrand in der 210. Straße und sagte, er könne Rauch und Flammen sehen;

25. Februar: Bei einem Gebäudebrand in Becker County wurde um gegenseitige Hilfe gebeten;

27. Februar: Ein Anrufer aus County 16 berichtete, dass ein Holzofen im Freien mit einem Holzstapel in der Nähe in Flammen stand, und sagte, wenn sich der Holzstapel entzündet, könnte die Residenz bedroht sein.

Medizinisch: 17. Februar: Ein Krankenwagen wurde in County 33 für einen Mann mit Engegefühl in der Brust und Atembeschwerden angefordert;

18. Feb.: Ein medizinischer Alarm wurde auf der 169th Ave. aktiviert und die Alarmfirma konnte den Teilnehmer nicht erreichen;

19. Feb.: Ein Krankenwagen wurde in County 36 für eine 81-jährige Frau angefordert, die als sehr verwirrt und desorientiert beschrieben wurde; Ein Krankenwagen wurde auf der 219. Ave. für eine ältere Frau angefordert, die möglicherweise dehydriert war;

20. Februar: In Laporte wurde für eine betrunkene Frau, die möglicherweise einen Krankenwagen benötigt, ein Hilfsoffizier angefordert;

21. Februar: In Akeley wurde ein Krankenwagen für eine Frau angefordert, die möglicherweise einen Schlaganfall hatte; Ein Krankenwagen wurde in Lakeport Twp angefordert. für eine 85-jährige Frau, die gestürzt ist und sich möglicherweise die Hüfte gebrochen hat; Ein Anrufer aus der 410. St. hatte Fragen zu Fahrzeugverkäufen und Eigentumsübertragungen;

25. Februar: In Crow Wing Lake Twp wurde ein medizinischer Alarm ausgelöst. und die Alarmfirma hat ein Besetztzeichen erhalten, als sie versuchte, den Teilnehmer zu kontaktieren; Ein medizinischer Alarm wurde auf der 169th Ave. aktiviert und die Alarmfirma konnte den Teilnehmer nicht erreichen;

27. Februar: In Nevis wurde ein Krankenwagen für eine 29-jährige Frau mit Herzschrittmacherproblemen angefordert; Ein Krankenwagen wurde in der 240. Straße für einen 45-jährigen Mann angefordert, der aussah, als würde er gleich ohnmächtig werden; In Akeley wurde ein Krankenwagen für einen Mann mit Symptomen eines Herzinfarkts angefordert.

Verschiedenes: 17. Februar: Ein Anrufer aus Park Rapids wollte mit einem Beamten über in seiner Wohnung zurückgelassenes Eigentum sprechen;

18. Feb.: Eine Laporte-Anruferin, die ihren Ex in St. Cloud mit den Kindern treffen sollte, war besorgt, dass die Schule früher rauskam und die Straßen geschlossen wurden, und sagte, sie fühle sich nicht wohl beim Fahren, weil sie dort sein müsse; Eine Barrikade flog in einen Streifenwagen und verursachte Schäden; Ein Anrufer aus County 33 meldete einen Mann, der ihr Haus betreten hatte; Ein Beamter führte in Nevis eine Geschäftskontrolle durch;

19. Februar: Ein Henrietta Twp. Anrufer berichtete, dass eine Mutter die Elternzeit mit einem Vater ablehnte; Ein Beamter meldete verdächtige Aktivitäten in Farden Twp.;

20. Februar: Eine Akeley-Anruferin wollte mit einem Deputy über den Computer ihrer Cousine sprechen; Ein Beamter überprüfte einen verdächtigen Mann, der spazieren ging; Ein Anrufer aus County 25 war misstrauisch gegenüber einem Ford Taurus in ihrer Einfahrt; Ein Lakeport Twp. Anrufer hat 911 falsch gewählt;

21. Februar: Ein Beamter kontrolliert ein verdächtiges Fahrzeug; Ein Anrufer aus County 1 hatte Fragen zu einem Hausverbot; State Patrol gab einen Bericht von zwei Trampern auf dem US Hwy weiter. 2 an die Stammespolizei; Eine Henrietta Twp. Anrufer wollte mit einem Stellvertreter über Sorgerechtsfragen bei der Mutter seines Kindes sprechen;

22. Feb.: Ein Anrufer von der 149th Ave. sagte, sein Briefkasten sei der einzige gewesen, der im fünften Winter in Folge vom Pflug getroffen wurde; Eine weiße Eiche Twp. Anrufer meldete einen verdächtigen Mann, der nach Benzin fragte und behauptete, er sei ausgegangen, während ihr 13-jähriger Sohn allein zu Hause war; Ein Anrufer aus County 33 wollte mit einem Beamten sprechen;

23. Feb.: Ein Anrufer aus der 230. St. bat um Hilfe eines Beamten bei der Abholung seines Fahrzeugs; Ein Beamter führte in Nevis eine Geschäftskontrolle durch; Ein Hubbard Twp. Anruferin hatte Fragen an einen Beamten über ihren zukünftigen Ex-Mann;

24. Februar: Ein US Highway. 71 Anrufer beschwerten sich über MnDOT-Lastwagen, die die Mailbox des Anrufers beschädigten; Ein Beamter führte in Nevis eine Geschäftskontrolle durch; Ein Beamter führte in Nevis einen Schulrundgang durch; Ein Beamter half einem älteren Mann zurück zu seiner Wohnung in Park Rapids;

25. Februar: Ein Beamter überprüft ein verdächtiges Fahrzeug; Auf dem US Highway wurden verdächtige Aktivitäten gemeldet. 71 in der Gegend von Laporte; Ein Anrufer von Long Lake sagte, ihre Kameras seien wegen des kalten Wetters für ein paar Tage ausgefallen, und als sie wieder ankamen, bemerkten sie Fußspuren, die zur Kabine und zurück führten. Ein Anrufer aus Nevis bat um ein Gespräch mit der höchsten diensthabenden Autorität für eine Veranstaltung an diesem Abend;

26. Feb.: Ein Anrufer im Grace Lake Bar and Grill berichtete, dass eine stark betrunkene Frau hereinkam, und sie nahmen ihr die Schlüssel weg und wollten einen Rat, was sie mit ihr machen sollten;

27. Februar: Ein Akeley-Anrufer war misstrauisch wegen eines Geländewagens, der hinter seiner Wohnung in der Nähe seiner Garage geparkt war; Ein State Highway. 34 Anrufer in der Nähe von Park Rapids berichtete, dass ein Ford-Lastwagen ohne Heckklappe vor seiner Wohnung anhielt und einen Koffer voller Damenbekleidung auswarf; Ein Anrufer meldete Personen, die nicht nach Hause zurückkehrten und möglicherweise vermisst wurden.

Verkehr: 17. Februar: Ein Anrufer meldete einen am Straßenrand geparkten Mann und war wegen des Wetters besorgt;

18. Februar: Mitarbeiter des County Highway Department meldeten, dass ein Fahrzeug, das seit dem 14. Februar an derselben Stelle geparkt war, den Pflug behinderte; Eine Verkehrsbehinderung an einem unvorsichtigen Ort wurde gemeldet; Es wurde berichtet, dass eine Chevrolet Corvette am Straßenrand, wo die Pipeline kreuzt, ein Verkehrsrisiko darstellte;

19. Feb.: Vier Verstöße gegen Schneemobile wurden gemeldet; Ein verlassenes Auto wurde gemeldet; Ein Fahrzeug mit einem blockierten Kennzeichen wurde angehalten;

20. Februar: Ein Beamter half einem Schneemobilfahrer in Nevis, Benzin zu tanken; Es wurde berichtet, dass ein Fahrzeug nicht anhielt und 95 Meilen pro Stunde fuhr;

22. Februar: Ein Anrufer aus der 398. St. beschwerte sich darüber, dass jemand vor seiner Einfahrt parkte, sodass der Pflug nicht hineinkommen konnte; Ein Lastwagen, der eine Kreuzung blockiert, wurde gemeldet;

23. Februar: Ein Anrufer berichtete, dass ein Fahrzeug sie abgeschnitten und fast angefahren hätte, was die Anruferin verärgerte, weil sie ein 12 Wochen altes Baby im Auto hatte; Ein Pick-up mit verstopftem Kennzeichen wurde angehalten;

24. Februar: Ein Geländewagen wurde gemeldet, der auf dem Seitenstreifen der Straße geparkt war, und der Anrufer wusste nicht, ob er besetzt war; Eine Anruferin berichtete, dass ihr Fahrzeug 30 Minuten später mit privater Unterstützung am Straßenrand liegengeblieben war und die Anruferin und ihre beiden Kinder sehr kalt waren; Am Straßenrand wurde ein unbesetztes Fahrzeug gemeldet;

25. Februar: Ein Anrufer meldet Müll in der Nähe einer Kreuzung; Ein Anrufer beschwerte sich über einen Dodge-Hemi-LKW mit verlängerter Kabine, bei dem der Scheinwerfer auf der Fahrerseite aus war; Ein Schneemobilfahrer berichtete, er sei in County 89 gegen einen Zaun gefahren und sagte, er würde das Schneemobil später in dieser Nacht oder am nächsten Morgen abholen.

26. Februar: Ein Anrufer meldete sechs Müllsäcke mitten auf der Fahrbahn; Ein Anrufer meldete einen Ford F150, der auf der Fahrbahn ausscherte; Ein Beamter half einem Autofahrer;

27. Februar: Ein Anrufer war um die Sicherheit eines Mannes besorgt, der auf einer nach Westen führenden Fahrspur nach Westen ging; Ein Beamter kontrollierte eine Frau, die auf der Straße ging.

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