A woman aged 23 suffering from neck pain and hand numbness Healio


17 March 2022

5 minutes read

[email protected].

A woman aged 23 was brought to the clinic for an evaluation of neck discomfort, right hand, and the forearm’s ulnar region numbness and tingling. She complained of numerous months of chronic neck pain as well as left hand and upper hand “heaviness.”

Over the course of the past few months, she experienced numbness in all of her fingers , which would appear and disappear. It was particularly painful for her ring and small fingers. She was not aware of headaches or changes in color of her hands.

Steven D. Jones Jr.
Donald (DJ) Scholten

Examining revealed a decrease in the sensation of her finger on the small, with positive Tinel sign on the cubital tunnel and visible anterior dislocation of the Ulnar nerve and elbow flexion. A further examination revealed tenderness of the supraclavicular fossa. There was an elevated stress test and a negative Adson test. The imaging of the cervical spinal as well as right shoulder revealed cervical ribs that were rudimentary bilaterally, but no Pancoast tumors or other anomalies (Figure 1.).

1. Anterior-posterior (AP) (a) and Lateral (b) scans of cervical spine radiographs that show bilateral cervical ribs are illustrated.

Source: Zhongyu J. Li, MD, PhD

It was determined that the patient had neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) with an ulnar neuritis that was caused by the ulnar nerve being unstable at the elbow.

What is the most effective next action to take in the management of this patient?

Check the for the answer below.

Surgery muscle release as well as neuro and nerve root decompression

Initially, she was treated by a conservative approach, utilizing physical therapy for three months. However her right arm began to become gradually more painful and she chose to undergo surgery.

Operative details

A transverse incision was cut over the right clavicle. the platysma muscle was divided along the line of the skin incision, the lateral portion of sternocleidomastoid muscular structure was partially let go. The cervical ribs were clearly protruding in the anterior direction. The omohyoid muscular structure was exposed and pulled back. External jugular vein was tied and the fascia that covers the brachial complex was let go. The cervical ribs were notably pushing forward and laterally and encircling the subclavian artery and brachial the plexus. The brachial plexus in the upper region along with its branches which include the suprascapular nerve were retracted from the fascia, and then retracted. Phrenic nerves were located in the front of the anterior scaling muscle , and secured. The anterior scalene muscles were released close to the rib the point of insertion. The lower and middle branch nerves of the trunk were discovered, and separated of fibrous tissues. The subclavian arterial artery was identified and then liberated of the cervical rib, and retracting. The most prominent part of cervical rib was extracted using the aid of a Kerrison rongeur. The long thoracic neural, which is the longest of them, was exposed and protected. The middle scalene muscles were released following the removal of the cervical rib. The T1 and C8 nerve roots were decompressed following elimination of cervical rib.

The attention was then directed towards the elbow. An incision on the medial elbow was made in the medial antebrachial skin nerve was secured and the fascia covering the ulnar nerve was released. Ulnar nerve dislocated prior towards the epicondyle medial during elbow flexion. It was then reduced into the ulnar nerve groove during the extension of the elbow. The nerve was relieved distally through the release of Osborne’s ligament along with the fascia of flexor carpi-ulnaris. The dissection was repeated proximally, and the arcade Struthers was let go. The nerve was found as being anterior to the septum of intermuscular. Thus, the removal of septum tissue from medial epicondyle not necessary. The pronator and flexor muscle tendon were lengthened during the entry point into the epicondyle medial. They open two flaps zigzag fashion and were used to construct an sling that stabilizes the ulnar nerve and avoid dislocation. The elbow’s range of motion was measured with a passive motion. was demonstrated to show an ulnar nerve that is stable.

Radiographs of the chest postoperatively were taken and the diagnosis was ruled out as pneumothorax after cervical rib surgery (Figure 2.). The patient was advised to do exercises to help the nerve glide as well as physical therapy. She was examined 6 weeks after the operation and experienced full resolution of her symptoms.

2. The postoperative AP image of chest which shows removal from the cervical spine and no pneumothorax.


This case is unique in the sense that the patient was suffering from the concomitant neurogenic toS and an ulnar nerve disorder. Double-crush, in which the pressure on nerves at one point increases the risk of harm at a different location is likely to have caused patients’ symptoms. Studies have proven this mechanism, with connections with the compression of the cervical spine the thoracic outlet and distal locations -including the cubital and the carpal tunnels possibly due to axoplasmic flow issues.

Tos with neurogenic origins is rare condition with a prevalence estimated at between 1% and 2percent. Around 90% of cases of TOS are caused by neurogenesis, and the remaining 10 percent are arterial or venous. Patients can experience an numbness or pain radiating from the neck and upper extremities that may be caused due to position or repetitive usage. Patients suffering from “true” neurological TOS typically suffer from hypothenar and thenar atrophy (Gilliatt-Sumner hand) and sensory impairment over the medial forearm as well as the ulnar hand. But, the most commonly encountered kind of neurogenic TOS can be the “disputable” type.

Patients typically complain of shoulder and neck pain headaches, ulnar hands Numbness that radiates into the forearms of the ulnar region as well as heavy arm sensations as well as difficulties lifting the arm like brushing your teeth and hair due to the increased discomfort, fatigue, and paresthesias. Diagnostics require a high degree of suspicion since there isn’t a definitive electrodiagnostic test. Because of this, those suffering from neurogenic TOS consult multiple specialists before they can be diagnosed. This condition can be connected with cervical ribs. These symptoms can develop following an injury or surgery to the neck, head or upper extremity.

Patients are often afflicted with localized tenderness or paresthesias , with feeling to the scalene triangular or subcoracoid area. They may be positive for an upper limb tension test or an elevated stress test of the arm. The stress test for the elevated arm is also known as the Roos test is carried out by requiring the patient to raise both arms to 90deg abduction-external rotating position, with the elbows and shoulders on the chest’s frontal plane. The patient then opens and closes their hands gradually for a period of 3 minutes. The reproduction of the patient’s typical symptoms throughout the entire extremity is an affirmative test.

A possible neurogenic workup for TOS

In the case of patients who suspect neurogenic TOS The initial examination includes scans of cervical spine and chest to determine cervical ribs and Pancoast tumors. If radiographs show no abnormality or are unclear, EMG, nerve conduction studies, and angiography could be recommended to confirm the presence of cervical radiculopathy or vascular disorders. The ultrasound or auscultation of subclavian vessels can be done with a noise that provides an indication of the effectiveness of surgical decompression. The first-line treatment for this condition is physical therapy, including modifications to posture and activity in addition to medication like pregabalin and gabapentin. If treatment options are not working surgical treatment includes removal or release of an abnormal anatomy, resection or removal of the first rib, if it’s compressing the plexus and division of the middle and the anterior scalene muscles and neurolysis of the affected brachial plexus , and removal of pectoralis major tendon when needed.

Cubital tunnel syndrome can be a more frequent disease, with the reported rates of 1.9 percent to 5.9 percent. The surgical treatment for cubital tunnel syndrome is a subject of debate and includes options such as in-situ decompression and medial epicondylectomy as well as Transposition of the anterior subcutaneously, intramuscular transposition , and submuscular transposition. Previous meta-analyses have found less complications associated with in-situ decompression as compared to. transposition, however transposition of ulnar nerves that are unstable could result in better outcomes than in-situ decompression.

The most important points to take away from this case is being a high level of suspicion for neuropathies with double-crush and understanding the diagnostic criteria procedures for workup and operation that treat neurogenic tumors of the thoracic outlet as well as Cubital Tunnel syndromes.

Search and Rescue Teams to gather for RockSAR 2022 Exercise The RockSAR 2022 Exercise NC DPS (.gov)


Teams of search and rescue from throughout North Carolina will gather this weekend in Rockingham to practice for the RockSAR 2022 state-wide exercise. Ground rescue, technical rescue and water rescue as well as K-9 search teams are invited to take part.

The training will simulate rescue and search operations in a wild environment. It will comprise functional stations for man tracking/land navigation and SAR Topo mapping and K-9 scent collection drone operations, unmanned aerial systems rope rescue and high line operations remotely operated vehicles for searching underwater and sonar targets acquisition.

The exercise is organized by Richmond County Emergency Services, North Carolina Emergency Management, CrisisTEC and SKS Solutions.

Media members are invited to attend the training on the 19th of March 19, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to the email address below.


Diggs Tract Access Pee Dee River Game Park1610, Old Cheraw Highway

Rockingham, NC 28379


Keith Acree

[email protected]



S8256702173NS Search and Rescue Teams to Join for the RockSAR 2022 Exercise

NC DPS (.gov)

Headache on top of head Headache on Top of Head: Left Side and Left Side Meaning Verywell Health

Headaches are among the most frequent health issues across the globe. In the last year, between 50 % to 75% of adults have suffered from headaches. Of these people, at least 30% have suffered from migraine.

Headaches can affect multiple regions of the head, and, in some cases, may be on only one side. This article will look at the kinds of headaches that trigger this type of pain on one side and causes, treatment options and the right time to consult an expert in healthcare.

Left Side vs. Right Side Headaches

Sometimes, headaches only show in one area of your head. It could be on the left or on the left side. It’s not understood why pain may be only present on the one part of the skull however, it is believed to be related to vasculitis. It’s an inflammation of blood vessels.

This head-related pain can result from a variety of headaches, such as headaches that cause migraines, cluster headaches and cervicogenic headaches.


The term migraine refers to a type of headache that is usually accompanied by the pain to throb in one head side. It can occur on the right or left side.

There are various types of migraine. This includes:

  • Migraine and aura is when a patient experiences certain warning signs before the beginning of a migraine, such as having flashing lights.
  • Migraine without aura It is the most commonly experienced migraine. It typically occurs without warning signal.
  • Migraine aura that doesn’t cause headaches It is also known as a quiet migraine. It occurs when aura or other signs of migraine are present however the patient doesn’t suffer from headache.

The pain of a migraine could vary from mild to severe. Over 12% the adults living in the United States are affected by migraine. They are 3 times more prevalent among women than males and are often a part of families.

Alongside a throbbing sensation on the other face migraines may be accompanied by additional symptoms.

They could be:

  • Sensitivity to light
  • Sensitivity to sounds
  • Sensitivity to smell
  • Sensitivity to contact
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Vision changes, like an aura
  • A tingling sensation or feeling of numbness on the hands, face or feet

Migraine-related headaches can get worse with increased activities, making migraines especially difficult.

The symptoms of migraine may be seen on the face. This can cause migraines that are mistaken for sinus headaches. Signs and symptoms that are present within the neck could be confused with arthritis or muscle spasms.

It is also possible for a migraine to be caused by sinus-like symptoms for example:

  • Nasal congestion
  • The pressure in the face
  • Eyes watery

Many people who believe they suffer from a sinus headache may actually be suffering from migraine.

Cluster Headache

Cluster headaches are uncommon, but severe pain headaches are known by how they develop. People who suffer from cluster headaches might experience an occasional headache for 4 up to twelve weeks. The headaches can occur in the form of a “cluster” and usually occur simultaneously throughout the day.

The pain of headaches that cluster can be intense and often occurs on the opposite face, or behind the eye.

The headaches that cause clusters of pain are most frequent among men, and typically begin when someone is in their 30s or 40s.

Once the pattern of headaches ceases then the headaches should go completely. Then the period of remission starts. It’s a time that is free of any symptoms of headache, and could last for months or even years prior to headaches recur.

Clusters of headaches can occur at any time of year, and are more common during the fall or spring seasons.

Cluster headaches may manifest with a myriad of symptoms. They typically appear rapidly.

It could be a sign of:

  • A burning, sharp or piercing sensation on one of the sides of the head.
  • Pain severe
  • Eye pain or temple, or on either side of your face.
  • Eyes red
  • Eyes watery
  • One eye has a smaller pupil.
  • Eyelids that are swelling or drooping
  • Runny or blocked nostril
  • Face sweat
  • Agitation
  • Reluctance

A painful attack with a cluster headache may last anywhere from 15 minutes up and up to 3 hours. The headaches can happen up to eight times per day, and may last for months or weeks.

For certain people who suffer from chronic pain, it is so intense that it may cause them to jog or even rock in order to take the discomfort.

Cervicogenic Headache

Cervicogenic headaches are a kind of secondary headache. That means it’s caused by a other issue within the body. The majority of headaches caused by cervicogenics originate from by neck pain.

If not treated, the pain caused by a cervicogenic headache could be extremely crippling. Patients suffering from Cervicogenic headache might suffer from:

  • Headache that is worsening due to neck movements
  • The headache can worsen after pressure has been applied to specific places on the neck
  • The neck is able to move more slowly.

Other signs could be:

  • The pain is in one area of the skull
  • Eye pain
  • Neck pain
  • Arm pain
  • The shoulder is aching
  • Stiff neck
  • Nausea
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Sensitivity to sounds
  • Vision blurred

Causes of Left or Right Sided Headaches

Headaches can result from many reasons, which could include genetics, environmental factors stress, and other causes.


The precise cause of migraine has yet to be identified. It is believed to be due to an abnormality in the brain , which affects brain blood vessel signals, nerve nerves and brain chemicals.

Genetics, the person’s genes and hereditary markers cause certain people to be more susceptible to migraines than others.

Migraines can be triggered through a myriad of causes. This includes hormonal changes, stress , tension, anxiety, shock depression, fatigue poor sleep low blood sugar levels shift work, as well as jet time.

Cluster Headaches

Similar to migraine, the reason of headaches that cluster together is unclear. It is believed that it is related to hypothalamus activity, an area in the brain that makes hormones that control various bodily functions.

It is possible that genetics play an important role in the creation the cluster headache.

Smokers are at a higher chance of developing cluster headaches. Other possible triggers are:

  • Alcohol
  • A strong smell can be detected in gasoline, paint or even perfume

Cervicogenic Headache

Cervicogenic headaches can arise from a variety of factors, including:

  • Whiplash (sudden force that causes the neck and head to move backwards and then forward)
  • Fracture in the neck
  • The neck is a common area of arthritis.
  • Nerve pinched
  • Slipped disk
  • The neck muscle is injured
  • The neck muscle is injured
  • Injury
  • A fall
  • Poor posture

Did You Not Know?

There are over 300 types of headaches. Only about 10 percent of them are caused by a recognized cause.


The treatment for headaches differs according to the type of headache. It may involve physical therapy, medication or at-home solutions.


The migraines can’t be treated however treatments can alleviate symptoms. Treatment options for migraines include:

  • Painkillers
  • Triptans (medications to stop certain changes in the brain that cause migraines)
  • Anti-nausea medication
  • Treatments at home, such as sleeping in a dark place

Cluster Headache

The over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers don’t help with cluster headaches since they don’t have enough speed of action.

Three treatments will relieve pain if they are used in the early stages of the cluster headache. They are:

If done at the appropriate timing, these treatments could relieve pain in 15 to 30 minutes.

Cervicogenic Headache

Treatment for headaches caused by cervicogenics focuses on the source of the pain, usually located in neck.

Treatment options include:

  • Medication
  • Physical therapy
  • Exercise
  • Blocks the nerves

When should you see an Healthcare Professional

If you suffer from headaches that come back or your headache doesn’t get better with painkillers, visit a physician.

You should also consult your doctor if you have:

  • The pain is intense either on the sides or front of your head.
  • You vomit.
  • You are nauseated.
  • Noise or light can be to be painful.
  • There is discomfort in your jaw when you take a bite.
  • Your vision is blurred.
  • Double vision is what you have.
  • Your scalp is swollen.
  • There is numbness in your legs or your arms.
  • You are weak in your legs or arms.

You should dial 911 or visit the emergency room ifyou:

  • Your headache suddenly started and the pain is intense.
  • You’ve suffered an injury to your head.
  • You are blind.
  • You are lost.
  • There are sudden problems in speaking.
  • There are sudden problems in memory.
  • You’re experiencing an extremely high temperature.
  • Eyes’ eyes’ eyes have red eyes.


It is normal for headaches to be confined on either the right or left-hand side. The reason why headaches only affect on one of these sides is not well comprehended. The headaches can be classified under migraine, cluster headaches or cervicogenic headaches.

One Word Of Verywell

Headaches are not uncommon, but it is possible to be permanently debilitating. If you’re experiencing headaches, be aware that assistance is readily available. For starters, think about scheduling appointments with your medical professional. A professional in the field can help determine the type of headache you’re experiencing and provide treatment options and provide advice on the best way to handle your triggers.


9 Effective Remedies for Neck and Back Pain Yahoo Life


The article first was published on Better_Nutrition

Back pain, which can include sciatica and neck pain is very common and affects thousands of Americans at the time of their lives especially low-back pain. According to research published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases that back pain is among the leading reasons for working absences.

“Inflammation and the response to inflammation within the body can be the cause of back and neck pain,” says Chris Crawford the VP of education at LifeSeasons the supplement company that is based in Texas. The underlying causes of inflammation can be caused by nerves discs, muscles, or osteoarthritis.

An inflammatory diet can only exacerbate discomfort. Foods related to inflammation include nightshade plants (e.g. tomatoes eggplant, tomatoes) Gluten and refined carbs (including sugar) as well as unhealthy fats like trans fats as well in certain vegetable oils. Foods that reduce inflammation include walnuts, salmon, spinach, pineapple and turmeric (the spice) and ginger, garlic and blueberries.

9 highly effective ingredients for back and neck pain.

“If you suffer from chronic pain it’s crucial to help your system by taking a daily anti-inflammatory supplement” advises Crawford. “This will ease acute and chronic pain.” The the following herbal remedies are in use for thousands of years to treat inflammation and pain, according to Crawford believer in wisdom found in the natural world. “Many of these plants and nutrients have now been validated on the scientific perspective–progress in science!”

1. Turmeric

Turmeric has been utilized by people for medicinal purposes for over 4000 years, however it wasn’t until the year 1971 that researchers from India began to record the clinical evidence for the anti-inflammatory qualities of turmeric. Since then, researchers from all over the globe have studied the herb in various research studies in the lab and on animals and also in human studies. In all, research has shown that turmeric may help to prevent or treat almost every condition where inflammation is a factor.

Curcuminoids are the most active ingredient in turmeric, help to regulate the inflammation response and aid in the modulation of the inflammatory chemicals. They also aid in reducing the activation of the transcription factor NF-kB (NF-kB is active for a long time in chronic inflammation and autoimmune conditions). When purchasing turmeric, be sure to choose a high-absorbing standardized extract like Meriva curcumin which utilizes phytosomes, which are healthy fats that improve absorption.

2. Boswellia

Boswellia commonly referred to in the form of Indian Frankincense, standardized to boswellic acid, blocks the production of inflammation chemicals. In contrast to some herbs, which could take weeks to become effective, boswellia can be used quickly. In an experiment, the boswellia plant decreased the knee joint pain and enhanced its function within 7 days. Boswellia’s anti-inflammatory effects have been proven in numerous studies to reduce inflammation, ease pain and increase mobility for patients who suffer from osteoarthritis or arthritis.

3. Extract of tart cherries

Tart cherries extract can help ease muscles and soreness in muscles as as uric acids buildup within our bodies (good for people suffering from gout). Tart cherry extract, as well as dark cherries — are high in anti-inflammatory chemicals known as anthocyanins. Studies conducted by Michigan State University show that tart cherry extract blocks the production of certain inflammation agents 10 times as efficiently as the aspirin.

4. Bromelain

Bromelain is a fruit that comes from the pineapple is a proteolytic enzymatic which means it reduces proteins. It is a protein-based antigen that cause inflammation within the body. It eases the pain and swelling of muscles. Research has also shown that bromelain helps alleviate sinusitis, asthma coughs, sinusitis, and other respiratory related symptoms.

5. Protease enzymes

Protease enzymes, as well as proteolytic enzymes when eliminated from food, assist in breaking down antigens derived from protein that are recognized to cause inflammation within the body. Proteolytic enzymes promote overall health, however they are most well-known for their anti-inflammatory properties. They also aid in reducing mucus and assist in the breakdown of toxins allergies, and the excessive levels of fibrin in the blood (related to blood clotting).

6. Quercetin

Quercetin is among nature’s most effective anti-inflammatory agents is a synergistic agent with bromelain to block inflammation-causing chemicals in the body. It’s naturally found in apples (particularly the red skin) and red onions. It’s also found in capers, and buckwheat.

7. Hops

Hops are a known nervine that calms the nervous system. Studies have pitted hops head to head against ibuprofen, and discovered that it’s equally efficient. For instance in a study, that was published in Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition participants were given either an extract from hops or ibuprofen and blood samples were tested after nine hours. Both substances slowed down detrimental COX 2 inflammation in the same way. Researchers concluded that “Hops extracts could be an effective alternative to ibuprofen for non-prescription anti-inflammatory medications.”

8. Skullcap

Like hops, the skullcap is known as a nervine. In actuality, it’s utilized in herbal formulas to treat anxiety and insomnia. It’s also utilized by herbalists to promote good respiratory health and healthy lung function, and also to help with constipation.

9. White willow

White willow, which chemically is related to aspirin, has been traditionally employed to treat pain. It has also been proven to be effective in treating tension and cluster headaches. The white willow plant has a lengthy history of use in medicine, dating to more than 5,000 years ago. Its roots date far back Europe in Europe and Central Asia, where it was utilized as a potent cure for pain. The ancient Egyptians were believed to appreciate white willow due to its properties as an analgesic and to reduce inflammation.

Continue reading for more information on how to control the pain:

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Why Do I Keep Getting Headaches and Migraines?

A headache or migraine can be debilitating – but fortunately, they’re not life-threatening. In this article, we explore some of the most common causes of headaches and migraines, as well as ways to prevent them from occurring in the first place.

Read More About Why Do I Keep Getting Headaches and Migraines

what are some examples of over-the-counter painkillers

More Things To Know About Why Do I Keep Getting Headaches and Migraines

What Are the Root Causes of Headaches and Migraines?

why do i keep getting headaches and migraines

The root causes of headaches and migraines are not always clear, but there are a few things that are known to contribute to these conditions. Some of the most common causes of headaches and migraines include stress, dehydration, poor posture, and food allergies.

How to Prevent Them From Occurring in the First Place

There are a few things that you can do to help prevent headaches and migraines from occurring in the first place. Some of the most effective strategies include:

Reducing Stress Levels

One of the best ways to reduce your risk of headaches and migraines is to reduce your stress levels. Methods for reducing stress can vary from person to person, but some good strategies include yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises.

Drinking Plenty of Water

Another good way to help prevent headaches and migraines is to drink plenty of water. Dehydration can often contribute to these conditions, so it’s important to make sure you’re drinking enough fluids throughout the day. A good rule of thumb is to drink at least eight glasses of water per day.

Maintaining Good Posture

Maintaining good posture is another important way to help prevent headaches and migraines from occurring. Poor posture can often lead to tension in the neck and shoulders, which can trigger a headache or migraine. Slouching or hunching over can also cause tension in the neck and upper back muscles. To maintain good posture, be sure to sit up straight with your shoulders back, and avoid crossing your arms or legs.

Avoiding Food Allergies

If you know that you have food allergies, it’s important to avoid the foods that trigger those allergies. Some of the most common food allergens include dairy products, gluten, and nuts. If you’re not sure whether you have food allergies or not, it may be a good idea to get tested by your doctor.

Ways to Manage Headaches and Migraines When They Do Occur

There are a few ways that you can manage headaches and migraines when they do occur. Some of the most effective strategies include:

Taking Over-the-Counter Painkillers

One of the best ways to manage headaches and migraines when they do occur is to take over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. These medications can help to relieve the pain and inflammation associated with a headache or migraine. However, it’s important to be careful not to take too much of these medications, as they can be harmful if taken in large doses.

Resting in a Dark, Quiet Room

Another good way to manage a headache or migraine is to rest in a dark, quiet room. This can help to relieve the tension and stress that often accompanies these conditions. It’s also important to avoid bright lights and loud noises, which can aggravate the symptoms.

Applying a Cold Compress to the Forehead

Another effective way to manage a headache or migraine is to apply a cold compress to the forehead. This can help to reduce the inflammation and swelling that often accompany these conditions. You can either use a cold pack or a bag of ice wrapped in a towel.


Acupuncture is a type of traditional Chinese medicine that involves the use of needles to treat various health conditions. Some people find that acupuncture can be helpful for managing headaches and migraines.

Consulting a Doctor

If your headaches or migraines are severe or occur frequently, it’s important to consult a doctor. There may be medications or treatments that can help to reduce the frequency and severity of these conditions. Your doctor may also be able to suggest strategies for reducing your stress levels and avoiding potential triggers.

The Importance of Sleep & Stress Management

Getting enough sleep is essential for good health and can be especially important for people who suffer from headaches or migraines. When you’re sleep-deprived, your body is more likely to experience stress and tension, which can trigger a headache or migraine. It’s therefore important to make sure you’re getting enough sleep each night.

What Are the Symptoms of a Headache?

Headaches can cause a variety of symptoms, depending on the type of headache. Tension headaches, for example, can cause tightness or pressure in the head and neck, while migraines can cause throbbing pain, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound.

Is There a Way to Get Rid of Them Once They Start Happening?

There are a few ways that you can get rid of a headache or migraine once it starts happening. One of the most effective strategies is to take over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. These medications can help to relieve the pain and inflammation associated with a headache or migraine.


It is possible that you are experiencing chronic headaches and migraines. If this seems to be the case, it’s important to consult a doctor as soon as possible in order to find out what may be causing these conditions and how they can best be managed. You should also make sure that you’re getting enough sleep each night; when your body experiences stress and tension, this can often lead to headaches or migraines.

Sciatica – – The most commonly experienced nerve pain. Northlines


Dr. Ayush Sharma

Sciatic nerve pain that is often abbreviated to a medical issue known as Sciatica is characterized by leg pain with numbness or tingling which begins from the back of the lower part region and eventually moves down to the buttock area and then toward the rear to the back of your leg. In general, sciatica is believed to only affect just one part of the body with pain that extends to the upper back to the rear of the thigh, and into the leg’s back. The pain could continue to extend to the foot or toes, depending on the area the area where the sciatic nerve is believed to have been affected, resulting in a different experience between one person and the next.

It is characterized by multiple symptoms Some patients complain of intense and uncomfortable pain, others share the experience as irritating and infrequent. However, these pains are believed to get worse in the near future, and therefore suggest taking precautions and exercising accordingly.

In the same way as the impact of this discomfort on different people the symptoms of sciatica can differ in their type as well as their location and intensity, dependent on the condition causing the sciatica. Patients can also experience pins and needles that feel in the same region. Although the permanent damage to sciatic nerves (tissue injury) is a uncommon event, when it occurs, it’s usually irreparable.

If one is experiencing weakness in the lower area and numbness or pain within the upper legs or loss of bladder or stool control, then it’s recommended to seek medical attention immediately prior to the condition getting worse or gets worse.

The symptoms of sciatica

The most frequently reported symptoms of Sciatica –

  • It is possible to experience constant discomfort on one lower leg or buttocks (rarely may occur on the legs in both).
  • The pain tends to get worse when standing or while coughing or sneezing.
  • A numbness, weakness or even difficulty in walking with the foot or leg.
  • Feeling tingling or burning on the leg.
  • There is also an intense pain that can make it difficult to stand or walk.

What causes Sciatica

Sciatica is usually caused by inflammation of root(s) that lie in the lower part of the lumbar spine and the lumbosacral spinal. The most common cause for this is a herniated or prolapsed disk in the spinal column (often known as the sipped disc). Other causes of sciatica comprise

  • Lumbar spinal Stenosis
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • If you are expecting overweight or wear heels, and sleep on a very soft mattress, you’re more likely to experience sciatica-related pain.

The treatment for Sciatica

If you suffer from an injured disk, it is not a guarantee that you need surgery. There are many instances where symptoms have improved over time. Instead 90% of people suffering from sciatica don’t require surgery.

It’s usually an amalgamation of preventative measures along with medicines and controlled exercises which help treat the discomfort.

Beware of sudden or extreme moves in the lower back in order to avoid aggravation of the discomfort. Things like squatting, sitting down, bending the waist, or lifting heavy weights (or even lighter weights incorrectly) must be avoided.

Physical therapy and exercise Doctors usually plan a precise, controlled, and progressive exercise routine. This is because, regardless of how absurd it may sound, exercises work fairly well for sciatica when compared against bed rest. You may also take a break for a day or two if your pain is getting worse however, after a period of inactivity, it will begin to go in the opposite direction. These exercises serve two functions:

  1. They ease discomfort of sciatica in the short longer
  2. They aid in conditioning and will prevent the recurrence of the discomfort.

In the absence of a regular exercise routine the back muscles and the spinal structures have a tendency to weaken and become less in a position to support the back. This may result in back injuries and strain, which could cause further discomfort. A healthy body’s movement aid in the transfer of nutrients and fluids within the discs , and help maintain their health and prevent any tension upon the nerve that runs through sciatica.

A large number of patients have experienced relief via an endoscopic or endoportal procedure which is a 30-minute procedure that requires less than 24 hours of hospitalization. The procedure involves a smaller than a few centimetres of a cut, through which doctors remove the part that is putting stress on the nerve, in the case of slipped discs and spinal stenosis.

So, surgery could be the last option for people suffering from sciatica pain, however, your doctor will confirm that he has researched and evaluated every method before he decides to take a step towards surgery. Given the irreparable nature of nerve injuries caused by reckless handling of the problem or self-medication. It is recommended that you consult an orthopedic surgeon, a neurosurgeon or a spine surgeon when you are in the earliest stage of pain.

S8256702173NS Sciatica It is one of the commonly experienced nerve pain

The Northlines

Find the best pillow to use for side Sleepers — Architectural Digest – Architectural Digest

Since sleeping on your side is the most preferred position for adults so it’s only natural that we’ve been looking into what the ideal mattress for those who sleep on their sides is like in appearance and feel. While there are many advantages to sleeping on your back, including reduced sleep apnea and other sleep disorders, when done incorrectly it can result in shoulder and neck strains and can lead to pain in the nerves and soft tissue issues within the spine.

The Pittsburgh-based Premier Chiropractic Clinic owner and chiropractor Dr. Brian Meenan regularly advises his more than 1.6 million users on TikTok and helps patients with insomnia-related discomfort every day. According Dr. Meenan’s advice, your ideal pillow should place most of the pressure on your neck and spine. “You would like your neck to be in neutral and not to bend to the left or left when you lie on your back,” he says. To help you get the best sleep possible We’ve put together the best 16 side sleeping pillows we could locate, including the recommendations of the Dr. Meenan, top-reviewed online pillows, and the cushions my coworkers at AD and I have tested for ourselves.

Tempur-Neck(tm) Pillow

Dr. Meenan’s preferred choice for those who sleep on their sides is TempurPedic’s TempurNeck pillow with its curvaceous shape, it makes it perfect for those who sleep on their backs. “I always suggest a combination of side and back sleeping,” he says. “What it means is that you will sleep more towards the shoulder’s back instead of directly towards the front that it.” The Tempur-Pedic pillow comes with two curvatures and the more curving surface offering the best choice for side sleepers according to Dr. Meenan’s advice.

Sleep Number PlushComfort Pillow

“I prefer pillows with some kind of shape in them” Dr. Meenan acknowledges. Sleep Number’s PlushComfort curvaceous mattress is another recommendation by the chiropractor, made of hypoallergenic microfiber, and shaped for better confort and support. “Because we’re all formed differently individuals must make use of trial and error to determine which pillows feel the most comfortable for them.”

Honeydew Scrumptious Side Sleeper Pillow

More than 500 Amazon reviewers have rated Honeydew’s moderate-firm shape, crescent-shaped side sleeper pillow five stars, and described it as a cushion that keeps you snug all day long. In addition to breathable, CertiPUR-US-certified, copper-infused memory foam filling that make this one of the best cooling pillow options to try out, its adjustable loft level also promotes proper alignment to help you sleep comfortably through the whole night.

Pillow Cube Pro

The Dr. Meenan also suggests it’s better to get a higher cushion, more solid, like the memory foam Pillow Cube Pro, to provide support to the neck and head. The company itself makes extravagant claims, including that their sleepers will “fall asleep quicker and sleep longer and awake happier”–and anyone wouldn’t interested by this? After having slept on the pillow that resembles a mattress myself, I am able to say that this “tiny bed” helped me with my neck and shoulder discomfort. While I’m still not certain about the quicker, more long, and more pleasant sleep promise I am sure that I’ll have plenty of time to thoroughly test these claims as the cube of pillow feels like it’s going to last for many years to come.

Parachute Down Side Sleeper Pillow

If a thick pillow isn’t your thing or you’re not quite in a rush to ditch feather pillows yet I’d recommend Parachute’s side Sleeper pillow, available in down and alternative pillow choices. With an 3.5-inch gap to take the burden off your shoulders and neck This is a fantastic styled hotel pillow that feels very light, yet still packed with. Although I typically put it on top of another cushion to achieve my ideal height, the feel is excellent and I use it frequently for a more bouncy cushion to sleep on at night.

Brooklyn Bedding Talalay Latex Pillow

Latex pillows that retain their shape are an additional option for people who sleep on their side or people who suffer from back discomfort. Brooklyn Bedding’s buoyant Talalay latex pillow provides a firm option for support for the shoulder and neck, I personally believe it’s the best choice for additional back support. “If you would rather sleep on your back it is helpful to put an extra pillow behind your upper back, to support you so that you don’t fall on the back of your body,” Dr. Meenan states. “This helps relieve pressure shoulders.”

Purple Harmony Pillow

For those who prefer pillows that are firm Our director of audience development Kelsey Borovinsky (a side and stomach sleeper) was impressed with the way Purple’s Harmony pillow keeps its shape. Although she did find this cool gel as well as the Talalay latex pillow did not fit her stomach sleep requirements, she said it’s an excellent choice for those who want strong support. “If you’re looking for a TempurPedic pillow that is extremely solid and supportive, or if you are looking for one that can support other areas in your body, this might be a fantastic choice.”

Layla Kapok Pillow

Layla’s Kapok Pillow was a step above the expectations of the former editor and sleeper Nora Taylor whom described the firm but semi-soft copper-infused pillow as a “supportive cake” and “not as soft as an airy cloud, but deliciously thick.” It is made of fibers of the hardy tropical kapok tree, which Layla claims are more supple and more airy than wool or cotton, the pillow brought some relief from Nora’s back that was knotty and, in the end, she discovered it helped her rest comfortably throughout the night. We asked her whether it was worth the cost we asked her, “I would buy myself one in a heartbeat if I knew what I’ve learned.”

Brooklinen Down Pillow

Brooklinen’s pillow for down is a excellent option that is not too firm and has received rave reviews of “15 out of 10 – would suggest” by Jacqueline Wladis, our associate director of partnerships with commerce. “They’re not firm enough to make you feel like you’re lying on a brick, however they are able to hug your head with a nice cushioning for your back,” we asked her. They are available in plush, mid-plush and firm choices This down pillow is perfect for those who are trying to work towards something more firm, like latexor Brooklinen’s Marlow memory foam pillow.

Original Casper Pillow

Another option for a medium-firm pillow that can provide neck support that is vital is Casper’s original pillow which is suitable for any type of sleeper such as the design editor Madeleine Luckel, who snoozes on both sides, back, and on her stomach. Although she prefers soft pillows with a bit of fluff, Madeleine liked Casper’s firm-ish alternative down pillow to the point that she took it away off her partner. The pillow was described by her as being able to reach “some impossible the sweet spot with regard to its hardness” as well as “thick enough to be able to function as a standalone sleeping piece.”

Nest Bedding Easy Breather Pillow

Editor in Chief Mel Studach called Nest’s (machine washable!) adjustable memory foam pillow, “the Goldilocks of pillows,” because its removable filling can be adjusted to meet the needs of any person’s preferred level of firmness. It’s perfect for sleepers who prefer a certain size and feel. “In contrast with other pillows I’ve owned previously it is different,” Mel says. “Not just because of its personalization however, but also due to the fact that I’ve yet to experience an uncomfortable night’s rest or awake to stiffness in my neck due to the firmness and support.”

Saatva Latex Pillow

Saatva’s latex pillows get an endorsement from the side sleeper and digital designer editor Sydney Gore who declared the organic, 100% natural and shred latex pillow “even better IRL.” The pillow is prone to a aching back, Sydney was impressed to discover that the pillow’s claims for crucial neck and back support was actually the case after waking up refreshed and well-rested due to the soft fabric. One thing she did not like “I would like to have an extra pair!”

Coop Home Goods Original Loft Pillow

Coop also makes an adjustable pillow that can be customized to your personal preference–especially if you’re a side sleeper who needs a super supportive pillow. It’s filled with foam and microfiber , and housed inside a washable cover more than 36,000 Amazon reviewers have rated Coop’s pillow five-star ratings. One of the top reviewers even declared it to be the “best mattress ever,” adding that the pillow made her sleep “like the shape of a brick”–something she had never imagined was possible.

Eli & Elm Ultimate Side Sleeper Pillow

It’s not difficult to understand why one reviewer deemed Eli &Elm’s side sleeper pillow “the most valuable money I’ve paid for.” It is designed with the ability to adjust to your neck and head The company claims that its unique U-shape design to assist in relieving neck pain as well as help you maintain your spine alignment while you enjoy eight hours of restful sleep. For those who don’t prefer a lofty position it’s easily adjusted by simply removing the cover to take out a portion of the polyester and latex fill to fit your preference.

Elviros Cervical Memory Foam Pillow

Sleepers who are looking for new pillows might consider Elviros Cervical Memory Foam Pillow. With over 12,000 five-star reviews from Amazon buyers, this firm and ergonomic pillow supports and aligns your head , while helping support the upper part of your body to alleviate shoulder and neck discomfort. Additional features include two heights built-in for those who prefer a spacious cushion, and the memory foam’s high density retains the shape of the pillow and firmness over the long term.

MedCline Reflux Relief System

People who suffer from acid reflux at night or sleep enthusiasts who are fervent may consider trying MedCline’s pillow relief product that includes the Reflux relief wedge, an insert the pillow, a body pillow for therapeutic use and a set pillowcases. It comes with a 60-day refund policy as well as a one-year guarantee, MedCline uses your height to create a custom three-component system for sleep that is specifically designed to relieve sleepers of pain-inducing acid reflux so that you can rest comfortably at night , and then have a better daytime.

The Best Mattress for Sleepers on the Side | Architectural Digest

Architectural Digest

Do you need to improve your sleep? Try a Resistance Workout WebMD


16 March 2022Are you having difficulties sleeping? Recent research suggests that you may be interested in trying a different kind of exercise.

In a head-to head comparison the results of a recent study have shown that resistance exercise improves sleep in people who are not active, particularly those who sleep poorly.

“We believed that resistance training could be within the same vicinity with aerobic exercises, and it might be slightly better. However It was consistently resistance exercise, all on it’s own, that appeared to provide the greatest positive effects across the board,” says Angelique Brellenthin PhD.

Before the pandemic and the bedtime “doom scrolling” was in full swing studies have shown that nearly a third of Americans typically sleep less than 7 nights of rest. It is the American Heart Association recommends aerobic exercise to enhance sleep quality and improve the health of your heart However, there isn’t much information about the impact it has on other types of exercise within our general populace, according to Brellenthin.

Brellenthin and her co-investigator, Duck-chul Lee PhD, both of Iowa State University, recruited 406 people who were not active. They were between the ages of 35 and 70 and 53% were female. All of them were overweight or obese and also had elevated or high blood pressure. They were randomly divided into four groups that included one) no exercise, an) cardiovascular exercise the third group,) resistance exercise or d) the combination of resistance and aerobic exercises. The exercise groups were monitored and completed their workouts for an hour three times each week over the course of a calendar year.

The aerobic group was able to select between treadmills, recumbent or upright bike, or ellipticals and their heart rate recorded to ensure they were getting a moderate or vigorous exercise.

The resistance group completed three sets of 8 to 16 repetitions of 12 resistance machines Leg press, lung pulldown, chest press leg curl, leg extension the triceps stretch, biceps curl shoulder press, abdominal crunch lower back extension torsion of the torso and hip stretchers.

Participants in the combined group performed 30 minutes of vigorous to moderate aerobic exercise. Then they did two sets of 8 up to 16 times of the resistance exercise, using nine machines instead of twelve which took them 30 minutes.

Participants also took an assessment of their sleep at the start and at the end in the research. Of the 386 participants who had information which could have been used to analyze, 35% of them had poor quality sleep, and 42% fell asleep less than 7 hours each night.

At the conclusion in the research, the duration of sleep increased by 13 min for the group that did resistance exercises. Sleep duration decreasing by thirty seconds for the aerobic group, and increased two minutes for the group that combined exercise and increased by four minutes in the no-exercise or no-exercise group.

In the study that had just under seven hours of rest at the start, the duration of sleep increased by 40 mins as compared to an increase of 23 minutes for the aerobic group and 17 minutes in the group that was combined while 15 minutes were observed in the control.

The quality of sleep as well as the frequency of sleep disturbances were improved in all the groups. It could be due to being part of the study which included the month-long lifestyle education classes, according to Brellenthin.

“For the majority of people who feel their sleeping patterns could be better, this may be a good place to start without resorting to medication should they decide to focus on lifestyle changes,” she says.

The type of headache is a good indicator of stroke irrationality. EurekAlert

image: Researchers classified the different types of headaches encountered by both groups during the year prior to arriving at an institution. learn more

Credit: UrFU / Polina Pogrebitskaya.

Researchers from Ural State Medical University, the Ural State Medical School and Ural State Medical University, Ural Federal University as well as University of Copenhagen. University of Copenhagen have developed new methods for diagnosing headaches that result from strokes caused by ischemic. It can help predict the onset, avoid, and promptly recognize and treat this deadly pathology promptly. The study’s description has been released by the journal Journal of Headache and Pain.

A stroke known as an Ischemic (or the brain’s infarction) occurs as a result of the heart, vascular or blood diseases, which are caused by an impaired circulation of the brain, which causes damage to the brain because of infarction development. It is among the most frequent causes of death and disability in human beings. The presence of a headache (in the initial instance in which the pain occurs 3-4 days prior to the stroke, this is known as a watchdog headache) could signal the impending or a stroke that is likely to occur. Thus, a precise assessment of the connection between stroke and headache is essential for its prevention and treatment.

The problem is that headache due to stroke is usually diagnosed through expert judgement using small samples of patients, rather than medical evidence gathered from extensive observational studies. The criteria for diagnosing sentinel headaches have not yet been established.

To identify specific, clinically validated symptoms of specific headaches that are that are a result of ischemic stroke researchers studied two categories of patients: those who had an initial stroke and those who do not suffer from any serious neurological disorder or diseases (stroke or brain tumors, epilepsy, trauma and other severe neurological and somatic disorders). The first group comprised 555 people. The second group, which was the control group comprised 192 patients.

The researchers classified the diverse headaches suffered by both groups prior to their the hospitalization, and also a week prior to the stroke and the day following the stroke. Three kinds of headaches were distinct: headaches that were common to those who suffer from them; headaches which have never before been experienced (new-type headaches) and headaches that had different characteristics (severe intensity high frequency, long duration, and then becoming pulsating. and accompanied by vomiting, nausea and a fear of light and sound and not responding well with analgesics).

New-type headaches and headaches that have distinct characteristics were prevalent in patients suffering from strokes: around 15% of these patients had headaches during the final week prior to the stroke, and another 15% reported headaches prior to the time of stroke’s onset.

“Patients who were in control groups were mainly admitted into the hospital emergency department due to pain-related disorders and, in the majority of cases, suffering from acute pain caused by pancreatitis or lumbago. It is widely known that these conditions may cause an increase in number of headaches, for example, as a result of frequent use of pain medication. However, research has not seen this phenomenon which suggests that the frequency of headaches in people suffering from stroke may be related with the stroke in itself. We derived this conclusion from the fact that the greater the number of headaches among patients in the general population differ from what is normal and the less time between the onset of pain and the beginning of the stroke the more likely it is that they have a causal link,” said head of the research group of professors in University of the Ural State Medical University Elena Lebedeva.

The findings of the research found that 55% of those who were examined in the first group had headaches that were new, while an additional 35% of them experienced familiar headaches, but with visible changes. However none of the participants in the group of control experienced unfamiliar headaches. Only two suffered from headaches with different symptoms upon being admitted to the hospital.

The results made it possible firstly to confirm the validity of the current guidelines for diagnosing headaches caused by stroke that are included within the International Classification of Headaches.

“It was discovered there was a 60% chance that headaches that occurred after stroke had the criteria for diagnosing stroke. This means that the criteria could require revision,” said associate professor at the Ural Federal University Denis Gilev.

2. Elena Lebedeva and another co-author Professor in Copenhagen University Jes Olesen, who was the creator of the International Classification of Headaches, updated the criteria for stroke-related headaches and created new criteria. First ever in the world they came up with criteria for the sentinel headache that, as research has revealed, predated the development of stroke in the case of one-third of patients.

“We created new and clear criteria that allow us to determine the nature of a headache in relation to the possibility of a stroke occurring or coming up. Our opinion is that each set of guidelines should be considered in the coming versions of the International Headache Classification,” concludes Elena Lebedeva.

Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! is not responsible for the reliability of the news releases published to EurekAlert! by contributor institutions or for the utilization of any information that is made available by our EurekAlert system.

The type of headache is a good indicator of strokes that are ischemic.


If you need help, do it now. Neck and Back Pain Cincinnati Magazine


The act ofitting throughout the day long, performing chores, and taking on a new sport this spring can cause back pain and even agitate your neck. If your neck chronic pain persists and isn’t improving after several weeks of rest consulting a doctor should be the first step to be taken to make sure that you’re not experiencing something more serious. There are a few signs and causes to look for which could indicate that you require more evaluation and treatment that BEST can provide.

What is the cause of back or neck discomfort?

Each movement you make is linked to your spine. As you get older the movements we make take their toll on your body, and over time, repeated strains could cause stiffness, degeneration or nerve irritation. Habits that put a strain the back’s mechanics could increase the stress including poor posture, repetitive use of muscles, insufficient muscle conditioning and strength, poor lifting form, overweight, or a life of sedentary. Major incidents like trauma caused by a car crash or sports injury could exacerbate and directly trigger pain.

The symptoms of back and neck you should look up

The best general rule is to rest and then evaluate improvements after a few weeks. Neck and back soreness could be normal, however mild discomfort is not the same as discomfort that alters your physical and daily capabilities. Get medical attention when you experience any of these symptoms:

  • The back pain has lasted more than several days
  • back pain that is the result of an accident in the car, a falls, or sports-related injury
  • A backache that can cause you to walk
  • The pain in your back can disturb your sleeping
  • It is incapacity to maneuver the rear throughout its entire range of motion
  • Inability to walk on stairs or carry out daily tasks due to the pain
  • Take care of yourself If you notice bleeding, apparent deformity, swelling, discomfort, or a lack of ability to move or carry weight on your injured back.

Neck and back injuries that require BEST Treatment and Surgery can treat

Surgery isn’t always the right option because everyone’s anatomy and injury is unique. BEST customizes treatment options to each individual injury. From pain management via physical therapy to medication, BEST doesn’t have a single-size solution to treating. The conditions that BEST treats are:

  • The spine is a common site for arthritis.
  • Herniated discs that are bulging or herniated
  • Bone spurs
  • Foraminal and spinal Stenosis
  • Nerves pinched
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Annular tears
  • A failed back surgery syndrome
  • Adult scoliosis

Set up an appointment and get medical advice

Are any of the symptoms match with your own experience? Consult a doctor promptly. Specialist in neck and back pain Dr. Keith Girton is an orthopaedic doctor and medical director of BEST Surgery and Therapies and Dr. Girton can provide you with the most appropriate treatment solutions for your injury.

Get to know Dr. Keith Girton

Dr. Girton is an accomplished orthopaedic surgeon who is board-certified and a the best medical director, specializing in minimally invasive spinal surgery that has greater than thirty years expertise. This type of surgery is done by cutting an incision of less than an inch , resulting in shorter recovery times and less time in the operating room. Dr. Girton has completed thousands of these procedures. He received his medical degree at the Ohio State University College of Medicine and is a member of the North American Spine Society, Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery committee.

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