Does moving your body help the mind? — The New York Times


In her latest book, Jennifer Heisz combines her personal experiences as well as the latest research about the benefits of exercise for your mental health.

Jennifer Heisz was at her final year of graduate studies, Jennifer Heisz took over the rusty, old friend’s road bike, and ended up reorienting her career. At the time she was studying cognitive neuroscience. But, unhappy with the direction her career and private life, she began to experience what she now describes as “pretty extreme anxiety,” she shared with me recently. Her friend suggested that she bike to relieve stress. Never a fan of sports she started biking with enthusiasm and said the activity “soothed my soul,” she said.

This discovery prompted her to shift the focus of her studies. As as Director of the NeuroFit Lab at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario she examines the interaction between physical and emotional health , and the ways exercise can help prevent or treat anxiety, depression and stress, among other mental health disorders.

“The effects of movement on the mind are so prevalent and amazing,” said Dr. Heisz.

The idea of this is what drives her new work, “Move the Body, Restore your Mind,” which details the most recent research on exercising and mental health as well as her personal journey from being inactive and suffering from frequent emotional depression to training for triathlons and a greater sense of peace. Recently, I sat down with Dr. Heisz to talk about her book and what it could reveal about mental well-being and the benefits of gentle exercises, the stresses of the epidemic years and how to select the most appropriate exercise routine right now to boost your mood. The edited interview is below.

Are we able to discuss anxiety and exercise? we all feel in these times?

JH: Exercise can be extremely effective in the reduction of anxiety. When you finish a exercise routine it is common to experience an instant relief from anxiety due to neuropeptide Y that increases during exercising. It’s a resiliency component. It soothes the amygdala that is anxious, which is the brain part which detects dangers and keeps the brain on high alert. Since the last few years, in the wake of the spread of the disease, our amygdala is on high alert which has triggered an almost continuous stress response. The constant stress response begins to make our minds nervous and eventually you end feeling constantly anxious. Exercise, through the up-regulation of neuropeptide Y, can help calm the amygdala that is anxious, and dials down the hyper-vigilance and fear and helps us stay calmer.

Is there a particular kind that you do?

JH: The best aspect is that light moderate to moderate exercise, such as walking, is sufficient. My lab’s research shows that the kind of exercise that reduces anxiety as soon as you finish your exercise, and over period of time, when you continue working out, reduces anxiety more and over a longer time. It’s estimated that 30 minutes of exercise three times per week is sufficient. Swimming, cycling, walking dancing — vast array of sports can be done.

Narisa Ladak writes for The New York Times

What is it about workouts that are more intense?

JH: It is important to be aware of high intensity exercise and stress. If you’re feeling anxious then you’re probably already stressed. Exercise that is intense can be one of the ways to stress. However, our bodies havein general just one type of stress reaction. When you are exercising for a long time it is possible to add physical strain to what your body is experiencing and it can turn into a lot. Before the pandemic started I was preparing for a triathlon and performing lots of intense exercises. However, once the disease began to spread, I felt overwhelmed with emotional stress that I could not complete my training sessions. Then, I decided to stop. The thing I’d like to tell people is that if you’re already exhausted exercising for long periods of time might not be the best choice.

What would you suggest to people instead?

JH: Try to do exercise that is comfortable and challenging and your heart rate rises however it is not racing. For many it’s strolls around the park or around the block.

Does exercise aid in the same way against depression?

JH: Traditionally depression is blamed on the deficiency of serotonin in the brain, which antidepressants treat. For some individuals with depression, antidepressants don’t perform effectively, likely because serotonin isn’t their issue. A lot of us who study depression are now thinking that their issue might be related toinvolve inflammation that is linked to stress. The inflammation begins to harm cells within the body, leading to an immune response, and increasing inflammation. This can enter the brain and affect mood. For these people who are suffering from depression, exercise could be the remedy they require as it aids in fighting inflammation. When people who aren’t responding to antidepressants begin exercising, they typically experience significant decreases in the symptoms they experience.

What amount of exercise are we discussing?

JH: One study focused on frequency, or the amount of exercise you should do to fight depression, was compared to the 150-minute moderate or vigorous exercise per week as the usual fitness recommendation for health and fitness, but with one quarter of that. Both groups benefitted exactly the same. This suggests that the prescribed exercise to improve mental wellbeing is lower than the one for physical health and that’s good.

As far as aiding in the fight against Depression, do you believe that the intensity of exercise is important?

JH: It may. We conducted a study couple of years ago, with healthy students who had to take stressful exam results. A few of them rode stationary bikes for at a moderate pace three times per each week over 30 minutes, while others took shorter, more intense interval cycling. Another group did not exercise for any time at all. In the course of six weeks students who had not exercised displayed signs of severe depression that came suddenly probably due to the stress of their studies. Students who were exercising moderately were less stressed than they were at the beginning of the study. Also, the levels of inflammation in their bodies were less. However, what’s intriguing to me is the fact that those who were intensely exercising had signs of stress both mentally and physically. Therefore, it appears like moderate exercise might be beneficial to mental well-being.

You openly discuss in your book about personal experiences with stress, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder even following having your child and after divorce, you went through a difficult time. Did exercise help you cope?

JH: That’s the most important thing. Mental illness can strike any person, even those who seem to manage things with ease. For me and a lot of others, life changes such as divorce or childbirth are often difficult. Following my separation, I wanted to find a way to change my life. I was aware of how exercise, as a stimulant can alter the brain. One of my friends talked about triathlons. I was biking at the time. Therefore, I also added swimming and running.

and qualified for World Championships ?

JH: Eventually, yes. It took many years. Then , the championships were delayed due to the pandemic, and now I’m in a bad way and must start training over to start all over. However, that’s something I’m looking toward, actually. The thing I’ve noticed is that in these difficult times it is possible to find comfort in exercising. In the calm moments following an exercise, the hope comes alive. It’s like everything is at peace. It’s truly special.

15 of the best sciatica exercises to help instant pain relief Women’s Health UK


Sciatica exercises are a blessing to relieving the nagging (… unintentionally announcing century) nerve pain. Yes, ideally we’d implement preventative measures to prevent sciatica from developing but there are ways to assist if it occurs, whether it’s the NHS Sciatica exercises and knowing which exercise are best to avoid when you’re suffering from sciatica, or which are the most effective exercises for sciatica that you can do at night. If you’ve developed sciatica while pregnant or because of an unintentional WFH setup These exercises are all applicable.

We spoke to Catherine Quinn, president of the British Chiropractic Association, for all the information you should know about chiropractic.

How do you define sciatica?

“Sciatica” is the term used to describe the condition in which the sciatic nerve that is located between your lower back and your feet, gets compressed or inflamed and strained,’ Quinn explains. This could be caused by discs that are slipping and could cause pain and discomfort.’

In essence the discs are located between the vertebrae in which look a lot like washers. If one begins to press against the sciatic nerve when it is moved from the place it is supposed to remain in which could be caused by twisting or turning to lift something and cause an array of painful symptoms.

Sciatica symptoms

Quinn offers the following information that may be symptoms of sciatica

  • Extreme to moderate discomfort in lower back that may extend into feet and legs
  • Needles and pins
  • Tingling
  • Numbness
  • Weakness
  • The inability to stretch the foot
  • Reduction of the knee-jerk reflex

What is the cause of sciatica?

Sciatica isn’t an issue of choice It’s a condition that anyone can experience it, however there are some factors that increase the likelihood of it happening.

“It has been suggested that women who are pregnant could be more prone to developing sciatica because of the changes in pressure on the pelvis and the spine according to Quinn.

In reality, 50-80 percent of women experience back pain and sciatica-like symptoms during pregnancy, particularly in the third trimester and all the usual suspects could be at fault such as the weight gain and liquid retention, the expanding uterus, the shifting of the center or gravity, or even the head of the baby — and, more often the disc is slipping.

“Individuals who have a very excessive BMI (Body Mass Index) are more likely to be affected by the condition, particularly between the ages 35 to 50 according to Quinn.

Weight can affect the body as it raises tension in the pelvis and lower back particularly if it’s carried through the stomach. It is a factor.

The poor posture we’re used to while walking and working at a desk, especially when we’re using laptops and WFH can strain the vertebrae of your lower back and lower. You’ve guessed it the risk is higher of suffering from sciatica.

It’s about making sure that we are supporting the spine and, if it’s up to it, adding sciatica exercises.

What are the most effective exercises to help sciatica?

There are many ways to prevent illness that are worth taking into account for example, living an active lifestyle, taking regularly scheduled breaks from sitting and sleeping on a mattress that is firm as well as maintaining a healthy posturefor example, at workplace, and a regular exercising,’ says Quinn.

Urban Fitness Deep Massage Roller


However, if the preventative measures do not work then there are a variety of exercises you can try to relieve symptoms, like using foam rollers to massage the glutes and a range of yoga poses that aim to open the hip flexor, as well as stretching the hamstrings on the outside as well as the lower back and glute. There isn’t a single solution that works for everyone and you have to figure out the right option for you body.’

In addition to getting back to work, activities and light rhythmic movement such as cycling, swimming and easy walking, as soon as you can, there are specific exercises for sciatica that you can perform in bed or lying on your floor. Be mindful of the pain, move slow and stop if notice pain or discomfort.

The most recommended sciatica exercises by NHS

The NHS suggests sciatica exercises that are specific to the issue (which you’ll have to be checked by your GP prior to that). Once you’ve got it nailed down, here’s the next step you’ll need to take care of.

When your sciatica has been caused by the piriformis muscle, which is a tiny one in your butt. These are the exercises for sciatica to attempt to stretch and stretch:

The content is sourced from YouTube. You might be able to locate similar content in a different format, or be able to locate more details on their website.

Exercise 1

  • Then, cross your legs and pull your legs towards your chest.
  • Engage your abdominal muscles and hold for 10 seconds.
  • Three times. Repeat the process three more times.

Exercise 2

  • Keep your knees in front of your chest and then shift your knees across to the shoulder on the opposite side of the side that is in pain.
  • Move your knees side to side to loosen and open the piriformis while energizing those abdominal muscles.

When your sciatica may be caused by a herniated slipped diskthat may cause pain in the local area or throughout the body, these are the sciatica exercises you should ensure that the area has the space it needs:

This content comes from YouTube. It’s possible to locate the same content in a different format, or be able to locate more details on their website.

Exercise 1

  • Relax on your stomach, and put two pillows beneath your lower back to loosen the back and ease the pressure off.
  • Maintain this place for a few minutes.

Exercise 2

  • Lay on your back, with your back facing upwards and a cushion on your knees.
  • Lay back on your back and place an armchair or a cushion under your knees to relax your lower back.
  • While lying down, slowly tilt your pelvis.
  • The lumbar arch is in the lower back, as you press it downwards to the floor or the bed Hold for five seconds.
  • Do it 10 times.

Exercise 3

  • Make sure you squeeze your buttocks as tight as possible for 5 minutes.
  • Do it 10 times.

If the sciatica you are experiencing is caused by spinal stenosis, here are the sciatica exercises you can do to open up the space between joints as well as to strengthen and stabilize the area around it so that you are able to relieve pressure from the nerve

This content comes from YouTube. It is possible to access the same content in a different format, or be able to locate additional information on their website.

Exercise 1

  • Laying on the floor or on your bed, lift your knees towards your chest.
  • Ten times, draw them closer.

Exercise 2

  • Bring both knees towards the chest, then push them towards the side before bringing them return them in circles.
  • Repeat 10 times in each direction.

Exercise 3

  • If you are lying on a bed or in a seat raise your knees until they are close to your chest.
  • Make sure you bounce them with care upwards and downwards.

Exercise 4

  • While lying down in a bed or on the ground on a mattress, gently stretch your lumbar arches (the curve of the lower part of your back) downwards.
  • Ten times repeat.

Exercise 5

  • Then, pull your stomach muscles into the middle, then roll your knees sides to sides.
  • Do it 10 times.

Exercise 6

  • Pull your buttocks to squeeze them and pull the pelvic floor into.
  • For five seconds, hold the button.
  • Repetition three times.

When your sciatica has been caused by disc degenerative diseases These are the exercises for your sciatica that will improve, strengthen and stabilise the surrounding region:

This content comes from YouTube. It’s possible to access similar content in a different format, or find more informationon their website.

Exercise 1

  • Lay on your back with your ankles under the knees.
  • The buttocks should be squeezed and lifted. the pelvis, bringing it upwards into the bridge.

Exercise 2

  • Relax on the floor or in bed while keeping your knees straight to remove slack from your lower back. Then, you can engage your abdominal muscles.
  • As you lie on your back, gently tilt your pelvis.
  • The lumbar arch is in the lower back, press it downwards to the floor or bed Hold for five seconds.
  • Ten times repeat.

Exercise 3

  • While lying with your back on the floor, you can activate the core and then move your knees sideways to sideways.

Exercise 4

  • Standing, lying, or sitting and squeezing your pelvic floor.
  • Keep it for five seconds.
  • Repetition five times.

Sciatica exercises to do in bed

Sciatica exercises you can perform in bed are beneficial since they can be completed in the morning or at night.

There are a variety of exercises that can be performed at night, like pulling knees towards the chest, posterior pelvic tilts and knees to the opposite shoulder stretch’, advises Quinn. A majority of NHS Sciatica-related exercises can be performed in bed. The instructions below will help identify when this is an alternative.

Exercises to avoid while you are suffering from sciatica

Although movement may help relieve nerve discomfort, there are certain sciatica exercises that you should stay clear of.

“Avoid activities that create more pain for the sciatic nerve. Quinn.

They could include:

  • Weighted squats
  • Cycling
  • High-impact sports
  • Burpees
  • Hurdler stretches

Be sure to follow your individual pace. If you experience any pain or discomfort or you feel that the sciatica exercises that you’re performing make the condition worse (either in or after exercise) take a break and seek out your GP for advice. Quinn’s advice is certainly sound however, no advice from a doctor should be taken as gospel. You can thank your ever-changing and unpredictable body for this.

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What Causes Sciatica to Flare Up?


Sciatica is a condition that can cause a lot of pain and discomfort in the lower back, buttocks, and legs. But what exactly causes sciatica to flare up? And more importantly, how can you prevent it from happening? Here are some of the most common causes of sciatica flare-ups, as well as some tips on how to prevent them.

Read More About What Causes Sciatica to Flare Up

More Things To Know About What Causes Sciatica to Flare Up

What Is Sciatica, and What Causes It to Flare Up?

Sciatica is a condition that can cause a lot of pain and discomfort in the lower back, buttocks, and legs. The pain is often caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back down the leg. Some of the most common causes of sciatica flare-ups include:

  • Herniated discs: A herniated disc can put pressure on the sciatic nerve, causing pain and discomfort.
  • Degenerative disc disease: This is a condition where the discs in the spine start to deteriorate. This can lead to the development of herniated discs, which can then put pressure on the sciatic nerve.
  • Spinal stenosis: This is a condition where the spinal canal starts to narrow, which can put pressure on the nerves.
  • Pregnancy: The extra weight from pregnancy can put pressure on the sciatic nerve.

How Do You Prevent Sciatica Flare-ups?

There are a few things that you can do to help prevent sciatica flare-ups from happening. Some of the best tips include:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight: Being overweight can put pressure on the sciatic nerve, leading to pain and discomfort.
  • Exercising regularly: Exercising can help keep the spine healthy and prevent the development of conditions like herniated discs and spinal stenosis.
  • Wearing supportive shoes: Wearing shoes that offer support can help take some of the pressure off of the sciatic nerve.
  • Avoiding high heels: High heels can actually increase the pressure on the sciatic nerve, so it’s best to avoid them.

How Long Can You Expect the Pain to Last?

The pain from a sciatica flare-up can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. However, in some cases, it can last for months or even years. If you are experiencing ongoing pain, it is important to see a doctor in order to get the right treatment.

How Do You Get Relief From the Pain?

There are a few things that you can do to get relief from the pain of a sciatica flare-up. Some of the best tips include:

  • Applying ice or heat: Applying ice or heat to the affected area can help reduce the pain and discomfort.
  • Taking over-the-counter pain medication: Pain medication like ibuprofen can help reduce the pain.
  • Doing gentle stretches: Stretching the muscles in the affected area can help relieve some of the pressure on the sciatic nerve.
  • Seeing a doctor: If the pain is severe, you may need to see a doctor in order to get stronger medication or receive other treatment.

Helpful Products That Can Help With Sciatica

There are a few products that can help relieve the pain of sciatica flare-ups. Some of the best ones include:

  • Sciatica foam roller: This foam roller is designed to help relieve the tension in the muscles and spine, which can help reduce the pain from sciatica.
  • Sciatica pillow: This pillow can help take the pressure off of the sciatic nerve, which can help reduce the pain.
  • Sciatica seat cushion: This cushion can help provide support and comfort to the lower back, which can help reduce the pain from sciatica.
  • Sciatica brace: This brace can help provide support to the lower back and take some of the pressure off of the sciatic nerve.

What Are the Benefits of Using Hot Pack for Sciatica?

Hot packs are often recommended for people who are suffering from sciatica. Here are some of the benefits of using a hot pack for sciatica: help reduce the pain and discomfort, relax the muscles and improve blood circulation, improve flexibility and range of motion.

How Do You Know if Your Back Has a Slipped Disc or Not?

If you are experiencing pain in your lower back, buttocks, and legs, there is a good chance that you have a slipped disc. However, it is important to see a doctor in order to get an accurate diagnosis. Some of the symptoms of a slipped disc include: pain that worsens when you move, pain that radiates down one leg, numbness or weakness in one leg.


Sciatica is a condition that can cause a lot of pain and discomfort in the lower back, buttocks, and legs. But, this condition is caused by a lot of factors and conditions.

If you’re experiencing sciatica flare-ups, it’s important to take note of what may be causing it. It could be anything from your shoes to the way you sleep. By taking preventative measures, you can help reduce the chances of sciatica flare-ups.

What is exercise-induced anaphylaxis? Essential Health Essentials taken from Cleveland Clinic


You are always looking forward to closing those rings or achieving the daily goal for steps. Exercise isn’t an obligation. However, one day when you exercise you begin wheezing, scratching and breaking out in itchy hives. It doesn’t happen just once. It’s a constant occurrence. What is the reason you are experiencing this? A rare condition known as anaphylaxis caused by exercise may be to cause the problem.

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What exactly is it and how can it be avoided? Immunologist and allergist Roula Altisheh MD assists us to discover the mystery behind this condition.

What is the meaning of anaphylaxis?

“The term “anaphylaxis” refers to an extreme allergy,” says Dr. Altisheh. “It may also be described as a severe reaction to the system.” Dr. Altisheh adds that, while anaphylaxis is an extremely serious condition that everyone can suffer from it at any time however, anaphylaxis caused by exercise isn’t that widespread.

“This problem is not common, however it could be life-threatening. If patients seek my advice about it, they generally will associate their symptoms with physical exercise. It’s not always caused by activities that are low in intensity, like walking around the block. It’s more frequent in moderate-to-high-intensity activities such as tennis or running,” says Dr. Altisheh.

The question is what happens when we have anaphylactic reaction to exercise?

In the event of an allergic reaction, your immune system is activated and releases certain mediators , such as histamine and tryptase. These chemicals originate from the so-called mast cells. They produce reactions that are allergic. The doctor Dr. Altisheh says the exact reason for anaphylaxis caused by exercise isn’t entirely well-defined.

The signs of anaphylactic reaction to exercise

The symptoms of anaphylaxis caused by exercise can begin during any phase of physical exercise. They may also affect your heart, skin and your lungs. The symptoms can include difficult breathing, coughing or wheezing, as well as other signs such as swelling, generalized itchiness, swelling of the face, hives, or feeling as if that your throat may be closing.

“You may also experience gastrointestinal symptoms such as an upset stomach and diarrhea, abdominal cramps and vomiting. Anaphylaxis could even affect your heart, which can cause an increase in blood pressure or feeling dizzy or lightheaded,” Says Dr. Altisheh.

Triggers for anaphylactic reactions triggered by exercise

An allergist can investigate the causes of an allergic reaction to determine what could be triggering anaphylaxis. It could be due to medications (for instance, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications or NSAIDs) and alcohol-related. Doctor. Altisheh says some people have anaphylaxis triggered by exercise following eating certain food items.

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The most common triggers for food-related anaphylactic reaction to exercise are:

  • Alcohol.
  • Apples.
  • Beef.
  • Eggs.
  • Fish.
  • Legumes.
  • Milk.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Nuts.
  • Peaches.
  • Pork.
  • Shellfish.
  • Soy.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Wheat/wheat protein.

“A person could be able to consume these food items and not experience an allergic reaction if they’ve not been exercising. If they’ve been exercising and ate a lot of food, it is possible to suffer anaphylaxis for up to three or four hours after having eaten an item that causes anaphylaxis,” notes Dr. Altisheh. She says that wheat, shellfish and wheat protein are the most frequent food triggers.

How do you recognize anaphylactic reactions triggered by exercise?

The process of diagnosing anaphylaxis in the outpatient setting presents certain difficulties. The doctor. Altisheh says that allergists must not just decide whether the occurrence is in line with anaphylaxis they also have to determine the possible triggers, while excluding other medical conditions.

The testing options for anaphylactic reaction to exercise include blood tests, which will determine if levels of tryptase in your blood increase during the time of anaphylaxis. Tryptase is a chemical released by mast cells in allergic reactions. Therefore, elevated levels can be a sign.

Your physician may perform scratch tests using a fine needle to scratch or prick your skin to determine potential triggers based on your past.

If you’re ready to an exercise Your healthcare professional could suggestan assessment test. A allergist could conduct an exercise in food to make sure that you’re able to tolerate the food in a relaxed state. In one of these, you’ll consume just a little bit of the food item in question while your doctor will observe your. If you develop anaphylaxis they’ll provide you with an injection of epinephrine in order to treat it.

Some health professionals might suggest an exercise routine that involves running on a treadmill or do any other type of physical exercise. The doctor. Altisheh says there’s no standard procedure for this kind of test “If you decide to exercise and being considered, it should be handled by an allergist that is competent in treating anaphylaxis” she states. Dr. Altisheh adds that she does not recommend this test as the risk is greater.

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If you experience anaphylaxis from exercise, does that cause you to be unable to exercise?

It’s not. It’s possible that you need to find methods to get your body moving.

Dr. Altisheh explains.

“I wouldn’t advise against exercise. There are a myriad of benefits to exercise. Most people know where an anaphylactic reaction occurred. It’s crucial to comprehend how important it is to stop any exercise when you notice symptoms and to never attempt to overcome the symptoms.”

Are there any treatments for anaphylactic reactions triggered by exercise?

There isn’t much information about how this happens. There are some who believe that when exercise raises your heart rate up to the desired amount, the flow of blood increases and you’ll be able to take in more allergens that is released into the bloodstream. However the doctor. Altisheh says that this and other theories aren’t 100% confirmed. Dr. Altisheh also states that there isn’t any specific heart rate threshold at which anaphylaxis begins to occur.

How do you manage allergies triggered by exercise?

If you’re diagnosed with an exercise-induced anaphylaxis Dr. Altisheh advises that you understand the importance of stopping any activity when you first notice symptoms is vital. The treatment for this condition may also require carrying an auto-injector containing epinephrine like the EpiPen(r) to stop an reaction.

“Always be sure to carry your EpiPen on hand and make certain to exercise with someone who can recognize signs of anaphylaxis and administer the EpiPen in the event that you are not able to. Most importantly, be aware of your limitations,” says Dr. Altisheh.

If you must take your EpiPen, make sure you contact 911. This way, you will receive help quickly and then go to the emergency room for further surveillance.

Cruise ship issues continue to plague the port of Fernandina – Florida Politics

The Port of FERNANDINA’s efforts to boost the cruise ship industry is still proving to be a challenge.

One problem concerns that Ocean Highway and Port Authority (OHPA) as of its most recent meeting is still working out the details with WestRock who is the owner of the dock. In a February email from one WestRock’s lawyers, the company hasn’t granted the cruise ship docking waivers, and has demanded that the port cease.

“It’s what I’ve learned that WestRock objections included the fact that we were not able to make use of their property we bought from them to use for any port that is a … the cruise terminal for ships, parking or any type of facility that could be used by the cruise ship,” OHPA Chairman Danny Fullwood said at the meeting. “Well we’re not doing this. This is located on one side, the east of railroad tracks, the property is in particular. The location where we operate our cruise vessel is located on that side, which is west of railroad tracks, at the dock. We’re therefore not breaking my opinion it’s the rules that require us to do not utilize that terminal.”

Another wrench to throw into the mix is the fact it is the fact that law firms that represents OHPA has a relationship with WestRock and WestRock, that OHPA legal counsel Patrick Krechowski reminded the board of prior to giving his explanation of his position.

“I haven’t confirmed this myself but I’m sure that cruise ship activities occur on parcels that weren’t transferred by OHPA via WestRock,” Krechowski said.

Nassau Terminals CEO Chris Ragucci Chris Ragucci, who presented the cruise deal to the board in the beginning was also adamant about prudential decision-making.

“I’ve been advised not to talk about our legal research about this in public, however, I’m informed by our lawyer that until you receive the positive green signal from WestRock It’s still a feeling that … it’s possible that you may be accused of being sued,” Ragucci said. “You have recently stated the fact that WestRock warned that they would sue us if we take this action If they suit you, they’ll also pursue us too. We’re all in it together. We don’t would like to do.”

There will be two cruise ship cruises scheduled to visit the port this spring, and there will be a series of cruise ship calls in the fall, which could be a possibility or not dependent on how the scenario develops.

“We hope to solve this issue in the summer and then they’ll have five calls to make in the fall that will start I think at the end of September.” Ragucci said.

At present it is the Ocean Voyager vessel from American Queen Voyages anchors in the Amelia River and another boat is required to transport passengers across. Amelia River Cruises is the ferry company.

“They used (Amelia River Cruises’ owner) Kevin McCarthy to take passengers off and bring passengers to the city docks, which are located at Marina,” Fullwood said. “He called me and we had a lengthy discussion about it. He can’t afford to do this. He told me he’s losing business catering to ships like that.”

But, OHPA and Nassau Terminals each agreed to carry together to ensure that the ships continue to come.

“I believe (the cruises) are beneficial for us, and also good in the world of community” Fullwood said.

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Wolff: A painful Mercedes F1 form an “exercise in humility” –


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Mercedes continued to have a difficult start to the season with George Russell finished fifth at the Jeddah Corniche Circuit, while fellow teammate Lewis Hamilton recovered from his first Q1 knockout in nearly four years, to secure one point in P10.

After crossing the 10th position, Hamilton asked Mercedes engineer Pete Bonnington if there was “even an award to that position”.

A seven-time champion claimed following the race that Mercedes was “still way off” Red Bull and Ferrari who clinched the top four spots in both qualifying and during the race.

Mercedes F1 director Wolff said after the race that , while the battle for the lead in the race between Red Bull and Ferrari was positive for F1 overall but to not be a in it after having won the constructor’s title for eight straight crowns was a challenge for the team.

“We were at the center of all those exciting games at the front, and we were talking about our role as an F1 stakeholder and enjoying the spectacle which is truly amazing to behold,” Wolff said.

“But to the contrary hand it’s very painful to not participate in these games that are fun and to be slowed down by a large substantial amount of laptime loss.

“We’re never going to take a break until we’re back in the game. You’re right, it’s not a lot of fun. It’s an exercise in humility and will help us grow stronger over time even if it’s difficult to watch right now.”

Toto Wolff Team Chief Executive Officer and Principal, Mercedes AMG

Photo taken by Steve Etherington / Motorsport Images

Mercedes is currently 40 points in the gap to Ferrari in the constructors’ title and is only one point ahead from Red Bull, who failed to score a point in the Bahrain season opener.

The basis of Mercedes’ problems lies in the extremely porpoising that it has to endure when it comes to the W13 vehicle, which came to light during preseason testing and has still not properly addressed or remediated.

Russell stated after the race that porpoising was the cause of “99 percent of our problems” and that the team was taking “baby step” to address the issue.

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Wolff was hesitant to say what Mercedes could be compared with Red Bull and Ferrari once it had resolved the issue because the team had yet to see the full extent of what W13 could be capable of.

“We’re not operating the car in the way we want to,” Wolff said. “Therefore it’s difficult to determine the gap in lap times is if we were to drive the car at a lower speed.

“I really hope that the gap will be larger than we’ve experienced in the past. However, there are always deficits.”



Endoscopic Spine Surgery Dr. Kaixuan Liu, Founder of Atlantic Spine Center Offers Practical tips to Diagnosis as well as Prevention of Sciatica – PR Web


Dr. Kaixuan Liu

It’s probably not feasible to stop the degeneration that is caused by age of the spine, but good health habits can go an extended way in the prevention of back issues such as sciatica.

Sciatica refers to a condition that is used to describe nerve pain that starts from the back of your lower lumbar region. It can be felt in the buttock, through the back of the thigh and down into the leg. Sciatic pain can be felt through the sciatic nerve which is the longest nerve that runs through the body. Two sciatic nerves are present: the left and right one, both of which supply the respective leg. Sciatic pain is generally felt on the side of the nerve that is affected. “Sciatica is not a medical condition,” says Dr. Kaixuan Liu, Founder of Atlantic Spine Center. “It refers to a set of symptoms that are caused from anunderlying health issue which causes compression of the sciatic nerve when it arises from the spinal column. Sciatic pain may be severe or mild and can be treated through self-care. However, there could be indicators that warrant medical attention.”

What is sciatica be like?

Sciatic pain radiates from the sciatic nerve. It could be felt anyplace along the path of its travel. It’s typically experienced on one side of the buttock or lower back all the way to the leg, and usually towards the side and the back of the leg. The pain could be a slight ache or a burning sensation, or a severe pain that feels similar to heralding. The pain can be connected with numbness, tingling or weakness. There could be discomfort in one area of the leg, and numbness in the other. The symptoms may be worse or better depending on the position -standing, sitting, or standing, and can be relieved by walking. Medical attention must be sought promptly if there is a rapid neurological impairment, like leg weakness , or bowel or bladder dysfunction.

What is the cause of sciatica?

Sciatica is caused when the sciatic nerve gets stretched or pinched within the lumbar spine, usually due to an injured disc. Disks are cushions that absorb shock between vertebrae of the spine. Each disc is made up of a sturdy fibrous outer ring, and an inner ring that is soft and gel-like. A herniated disc develops when a tear occurs in the hard outer layer of cartilage allows a portion of the soft inner substance to protrude from the disc. Some other reasons for sciatica are spinal stenosis, which is a narrowing of the area that nerves travel through within the spinal canal, general degenerative changes to the discs and vertebrae and spasms in the pelvic or lumbar muscles.

Who are at risk of sciatica?

A large portion of the causes of sciatica can be traced to degeneration of the spinal cord that is caused by age which makes advancing age the leading risk reason. Other factors comprise obesity which can increase the strain upon the spinal column; jobs which require constant turning, carrying large weights and sitting for extended periodsof time; as well as diabetes, which can increase the risk of nerve injury.

What is sciatica treated?

The majority of cases of sciatica get better after between four and 6 weeks of surgical treatment usually involving some mix of medication, physical therapy or therapeutic injections. Sciatica is considered to be chronic if it persists for longer than 8 weeks. The length of treatment can be determined by the root causes.

The aim that physical therapy is used for with sciatica, it’s to build up the muscles in the abdomen, spine and buttocks, as well as the hips. to stretch tight muscles such as the hamstrings, increase the strength of the core and enhance fitness levels through easy exercises such as walking or water therapy. Massage therapy in various forms can help ease tight muscles and increase circulation. The medication options include prescription medications such as oral steroids or for brief periods opioid analgesics, over-the-counter remedies like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDS) like naproxen or ibuprofen as well as injections of steroidal medicine to manage nerve inflammation. Surgery is sometimes recommended in extreme cases or when there is evidence of neurological signs that are progressive.

What can sciatica help prevent sciatica?

“It is not feasible to stop all age-related degenerations of the back,” says Dr. Liu, “but general good lifestyle habits can help in stopping back issues such as sciatica. They include regular exercise, specifically strengthening the core muscles of the abdomen and back and a proper sitting area that provides good lower back support and an appropriate lifting techniques that let your legs, not the back do the lifting. The back is built to support your entire body. Be careful with it and it will get you to great heights!”

Atlantic Spine Center is a well-known leader nationally in endoscopic spine surgery, with numerous centers located in NJ in addition to NYC.,

Kaixuan Liu, MD, PhD is a board-certified medical doctor who has been fellowship-trained in minimally-invasive spinal surgery. He is the creator of Atlantic Spine Center.

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“Dealing with a nagging neck Pain’ Danielle Collins Opens up About her injuries at Miami Open 2022 – EssentiallySports Sn8256702173NS The 2011 Australian Open finalist, Danielle Collins did not play in the Indian Wells because of illness. Then, she made it back to the Miami Open with two back-to-back victories. At present, she’s struggling with various injuries, but yet, she is able to win games, somehow. At the press conference that she attended she spoke about her injuries and games during Miami Open. Miami Open. ADVERTISEMENT The article continues beneath this advertisement Danielle Collins Danielle Collins talks about her recovery from injuries during the Miami Open. Miami Open ADVERTISEMENT The article continues to appear beneath this advertisement In the press conference held at the Miami Open, Danielle Collins spoke about her illness that is viral and neck discomfort. She also praised the WTA medical staff for their assistance in her game in the final against Vera Zvonareva. “You are right, I think it felt like the way it looked. It was difficult. One of the most challenging aspects associated with my viral illness has been dealing with persistent neck discomfort. It’s been one of the most difficult difficulties I’ve had to overcome and especially since I’ve seen my back reappear and began experiencing a relapse. It was causing me to ache often, and remains a problem that hasn’t completely disappeared,” Collins said about her injuries. Mar 24 2021 in Miami, Florida, USA; Danielle Collins of the United States reaches for a forehand against Kristina Mladenovic from France (not shown) in the opening stage of the Miami Open at Hard Rock Stadium. The obligatory credit is Geoff Burke – USA Today Sports Find More Information “I am sad for him” Paula Badosa Opens Up About the absence of Rafael Nadal at Miami Open 2022 “Yeah You know, I had a great first set, and felt fantastic at the time, but it began to go downwards in the second set however, I was that I was able to get through the issue mentally. I believe that the amazing WTA physio who came out could help me as well as support me and truly make a tiny small difference to assist me in getting through the game. It was really great. Yes, I do hope that I’ll be back on Monday to perform slightly better. I definitely feel better.” Collins further said about her game against Zvonareva. Collins will be facing an opponent who is tough in the next round. ADVERTISEMENT The article continues beneath this advertisement No.11 on the WTA rankings, Collins entered the top 10 following winning the Australian Open. In addition, she’s the top-ranked American participant in the WTA tour. In her debut encounter during Miami Open Miami Open, she had to fight extremely difficult with Anna Bondar to get the victory. In her next match, she had to fight an uphill battle against Zvonareva especially in two sets. The American took the match 6-1,6-4 after one hour, 18 mins. In the 16th round she will be facing an extremely difficult opponent, and the no.8 player, Ons Jabeur. It will be a challenge against her American tennis star. In addition, she made it to the semi-finals of Miami Open in 2018. Miami Open in 2018, which was her best performance. ADVERTISEMENT The article continues beneath this advertisement View This Story: Serena Williams and Naomi Osaka, who is the wealthier? Will Collins take home in the Miami Open? Let us know via the comments. Have you enjoyed having read this piece? Download our app for free for 24×7 coverage of the latest memes, and social media bluster. Download it here.


“Dealing With Some Of The neck pain that is bothering you’ Danielle Collins Opens up About her injuries at the Miami Open 2022

Essentially Sports

The troubles with the bus in Stillwater started when the school board voted to cut 0.3 percent on the contract St. Paul Pioneer Press

in May of 2020 one month prior to firing its superintendent and a month before firing its superintendent, the Stillwater Area school board went against a staff suggestion and appointed a new bus contractor to save approximately 100,000 over the course of four years.

Two years after the sprawling district as well as its lawyers are working to reverse that decision that they claim caused delays and inconsistant service frequently changing routes and students left stranded.

“It did not make sense,” said Kim Phan an adult who used to work for the bus operator, Metropolitan Transportation Network. “The legal costs as well as the fact that the buses aren’t running families are upset. The cost is way higher than it is now, and they need to find a different supplier.”

The shortage of bus-drivers across the country that was triggered in part by prolonged school closures due to the coronavirus epidemic that forced many drivers out of retirement or into other jobs is affecting Stillwater and its new contractor particularly hard.

As the school year got underway prior to Labor Day last year, some buses were running for up to an hour. It was blamed by the district MTN for the delay, claiming in a lawsuit filed in September it was responsible for 23 percent of the routes that were unnoticed. One month later, Stillwater stopped offering rides for students living in the vicinity of two miles from the school.

MTN proprietor Tashitaa Tufaa challenged the district, claiming breach of contract as well as racism, and alleging the district attempted to oblige the company to perform things that the contract did not stipulate.

This month, the district told MTN that it would end the contract following this school year, which was two years prior to the date it expires.

MTN has responded with a request to the court block the district from looking for an additional contractor. The company’s complaint stated that the district had improperly withheld $860,000 of penalties.

“We consider it unfair and will really affect businesses,” Tufaa said of the lawsuit. “COVID obviously is an act by God. The other school districts are aware there’s been a shortage of drivers and what’s wrong in the present. I’m sure that in Stillwater this isn’t the case.”

Through two lawsuits that are separate, the first of which is predates the school district suit, Tufaa claims that rivals have conspired to copy the Stillwater routes and the routes and drivers. Anthony New Brighton route as well as drivers.

The defendants include a former MTN employee who ran the Stillwater account; the competing Lake Country Transportation; and the Stillwater district’s transportation-management firm since late 2020, CESO Transportation, which Tufaa claims has a conflict of interest and benefits from transferring routes to other companies.

The defendants have refuted the accusations. The three lawsuits are still pending.


In the latter part of 2019 six bus companies offered written proposals to transport private, public and charter school pupils who reside in the district. Staff began discussions in January with Minnesota Central School Bus Co., “the low responsible incumbent vendor” in a report that was prepared to the school board.

However, the district quickly began talks with three vendors after discovering the plan for a 7 million-dollar bus terminal at Lake Elmo could not move forward due to the fact that the developer was not connected it to the city’s water and sewer.

The process resulted in MTN taking over the district’s business in the month of May in 2020 after submitting the lowest bidand overtaking Minnesota Central by 0.3 percent which is equivalent to $26,000 per year.

In reality, Minnesota Central actually scored top marks on the bid rubric due to its 12 years of service to the district.

Jan Vanderwall, a transportation consultant who was hired by the school district analyze the bids “strongly” suggested that the board stay in with Minnesota Central for consistency’s sake. “Those are those who have been driving those routes and they are dispatchers and operators that are familiar with the workings of the school district,” he said.

But, a majority board members including Michael Ptacek, Tina Riehle, Sarah Stivland and Liz Weisberg — put that recommendation aside and gave the contract for four years to MTN. Four of them voted to dismiss the superintendent Denise Pontrelli one month later.

The board member Jennifer Pelletier, one of three “no” votes for the bus contract and said she was worried about the MTN letters of recommendation and were written by districts with smaller contracts, as well as flagged the high turnover of staff at MTN as well as unanswered phone calls even though they praised Tufaa in person. She was shocked the board could consider the introduction of the idea of a “brand-new business” on May 14only two and a half months prior to the date when the contract was scheduled to start.

“With respect to all I’m shocked that we’re not taking into account the massive impact considering the season,” she said at the meeting. “I’m looking for a urgent reason other than 0.3 percent. We’re currently in the middle of COVID in this area and to be offering these folks new routes within a brand-new District … It’s in a bind.”

Ptacek as well as Stivland lost in the November election of 2020. Weisberg quit the board in July 2021. Of the four members on the board there is only Riehle remains on the board.

Riehle stated that she was unable to discuss the pending litigation. In a post on Facebook in September, she stated her opinion that she had been “very amazed” with the service of MTN in its initial year.

“MTN was a small company however, it was able to secure all buses required to operate route,” the writer wrote. “The board was not able to receive any messages or complaints. It was a highly demanding environment for the bus companies of all sizes. The restrictions set by the Governor and concern over COVID naturally decreased the number of drivers and staff that bus companies could employ and keep.”

Late, Missing BUSES

Then, in April of 2021 the district was notified by MTN that it had violated the student transport agreement in multiple ways, as per the lawsuit filed by the school district:

  • Buses would be late every day;
  • Routes were combined every week;
  • MTN was unable to hire enough mechanics, drivers and office personnel;
  • Other extracurricular activities and sports events did not have charter services;
  • The company was unable to turn on GPS for all routes.
  • Other safety protocol protocols, such as COVID-19 were not put into place;
  • As well as phone calls to bus services were not answered.

The school year was not without its problems. year.

It was reported that Stillwater Area High School’s cross-country team for boys was left without a home in the month of October after their bus didn’t return to take them home after the championships of their conference held in Forest Lake. MTN informed that the Pioneer Press it did send the bus, but some of the students decided to travel home with their parents.

The team’s wrestling team at the school was unable to get a bus to Faribault in the morning of December. 4. MTN confirmed that the bus was around a half hour late due to “a mistake in the scheduling.”

In the middle of December, MTN informed Stillwater it could not provide all bus routes during the three days leading up to the winter break. Families were warned of delays and cancelled routes, and were urged to create alternative plans to get their children to school.

The morning of February. 7th, the students at an all-day festival of music at St. Paul got word that they would be picked up by 5 p.m. Two hours later than they had planned due to the fact that MTN was unable to provide the earlier schedule. “We have been working this morning trying to find alternative transportation options to our children … but we have not been able to get that,” band director Dennis Lindsay sent an email sent to parents. MTN has since said that they will be able to provide one bus from 3 p.m. to collect certain students as he stated.

MTN said to The Pioneer Press it sent four buses to the festival, but two of them were there for the duration of the event since chaperones claimed they didn’t need the other two. “MTN does not know what the reason is for why they claim that they were late since two of them stayed at the festival,” the company said in an email.

district closing many of their schools.

11,000 students a day

MTN currently has the district with 83 routes and transports around 11,000 students every school day. It charges the district more than $9 million per annually for the services it provides.

Phan was a former driver the Minnesota Central bus service. Minnesota Central, joined MTN in 2020, when MTN took over the Stillwater contract. She resigned in August.

She claimed that MTN wasn’t prepared to serve a community “as vast and sprawled in size as the one of Stillwater’s.”

Minnesota Central, an affiliate of North America Central School Bus, “could bring drivers in from all over the nation in the event that we were short of drivers,” she said. “They could fly them up to the area on a Saturday, instruct them on these routes on Sundays, and then they’d take the road on Monday. They would put them in a hotel and pay them a per-diem and pay them for 40 hours per week, even though they only worked for 25 hours.”

Phan claimed she had raised a variety of issues regarding her concerns with Tufaa and her supervisor. She even said that her bus for children was cancelled.

“I could not possibly transport other kids to school and allow my children to be unruly,” she said. “It was almost an act of humour when they would be heard over an (high-school) intercom during the daytime to announce how many buses were cancelled.”

Why do we sue?

Tufaa’s lawyer, Damon Ward, questions the reason Stillwater filed a lawsuit against MTN “when all of the country is facing shortages of drivers.”

Other districts have recognized the need as well and “supporting efforts to ensure that children go back to their schools,” Ward said.

Minneapolis Public Schools has contracted with MTN for more than 10 years for routes that run between 30 and 60 every year, according to Frank Zeman, the district’s director of transportation services.

“We have a great relationship that we work with,” he said of Tufaa. “He’s ever been an honest and straight man with me. He cares. He’s honest. He’s a great partner to work with as He will always tell what’s true.”

MTN’s customer support is what sets it apart according to Jennifer Geraghty, principal at Athlos Leadership Academy, a charter school located in Brooklyn Park. MTN has been under Athlos as its Athlos agreement since the year 2012 and has been able to transport hundreds of students each day.

“I absolutely would not do business with any other company,” Geraghty said. “Their support for customers is exceptional. If I have a problem regarding transportation, and I reach out to him, he’s directly engaged in solving the issue. Think about the amount there is to do however, if he wants to speak to me, he will drive here and speaks to me. He’d like to talk with me in person.”


Tashitaa Tufaa, left President as well as CEO at Metropolitan Transportation Network Inc. She laughs along with driver Brian LaFavor at their headquarters in Fridley. (Scott Takushi/ Pioneer Press)

Tufaa 55-year-old Tufaa was raised on the farm of Ethiopia and was a teacher in high school social studies prior to escaping for in the United States in 1992 after the country’s government fell.

Despite his university education as well as teaching experiences, he was able get only part-time work. With a desire to become a diplomat and an master’s degree in international and political science relations at the University of Minnesota in 1996 However, it was when he discovered the joy of driving while working at Metro Mobility.

He began writing letters to the school district’s transportation directors, asking for the signing of driving contracts.

“So lots of people laughed at me and laughed at me,” Tufaa told me, but Osseo Area Public Schools gave the student the chance.

He founded MTN in 2003, using his taxicab as well as his wife’s minivan.

The year 2012 saw MTN was moved to its new $3.5 million facility, which covers 25,000 square feet in Fridley.

Today, the company employs more than 300 employees as well as the company has 420 buses for school. It has agreements with the Minneapolis, Mounds View, White Bear Lake, St. Anthony-New Brighton, Edina, Richfield, Osseo and Stillwater districts. They transport around 25,000 kids each day.

Tufaa along with his partner, Nediyo Sado, have five children ranging between 13 and 26. The son of the couple, Gamadii Tufaa is 18 years old. He is severely autistic and not able to speak as are others of the children who travel on the routes MTN provides.

“I live my life,” he said. “That has made me realize their needs extremely, exceptionally well. I don’t believe there’s any better person to take them to their destination or help them understand their needs better.”

Tufaa said that he departs his Orono home dressed in a suit and tie around 4 in the morning each day to take routes to check buses, and check on the schools that he works for.

“The children will often inquire, “Why do you need to wear tie on? Do you need tie your tie to take the bus?'” he asked. “I say to them “Yes, I must tie up because you’re extremely important. What I do when I drive the bus — is extremely significant.”

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