The senior lifestyle: How senior citizens can do to ensure their backs in good shape – Long Beach Press Telegram


by Dr. Jason Koh,

Authors contributing to the project

As people the age of people, back pain is more likely to impact more people and can affect their ability to live a full life.

The proportion of people suffering from back pain rises with age, impacting about 45 percent of people aged 65 or older, as per the National Center of Health Statistics.

Studies have indicated that the frequency of musculoskeletal discomfort in older adults is ranging from 65% to 85 percent, with 36 percent or 70% seniors suffer from back pain. Back pain caused by low back is the most prevalent health issue among older people which causes disabilities and pain as per research conducted by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

Jason Koh, doctor of Osteopathic medicine. (Photo by MemorialCare)

What is the cause of back discomfort?

A majority of people develop degenerative discs in their spine around the four-decade mark. While discs generally do not cause discomfort but a disc that bulges and presses on nerves can cause pain and discomfort to radiate across your leg. This is usually known as sciatica.

As the triage doctor at the MemorialCare Spine Health Center at Orange Coast Medical Center, I examine patients to identify what the source of their pain is and develop a treatment plan specifically for the condition.

Another common source of pain within the spinal column are facet joints. These are the synovial joints located on the back of your spine. As you age, the joints and the cartilage within begin to degrade. In the event of losing cartilage is a sign of aging, the body creates bone spurs near joints’ surfaces. This is often the cause of joints stiffness as well as pain as a result of the grinding of the bone on bone. Pain that is originating from the lumbar facet facets could be located in the buttocks, back and the back of the thigh , and the leg. This is referred to as facet-related pain.

Lumbar radiculopathy, also known as sciatica or sciatica, as it is generally referred to, is the pain of nerves that extends from the back towards the lower and buttocks. It usually occurs due to the compression of one or several of the spinal nerve roots that exit from the lumbar spinal spine.

The compression of the nerve root may be result of bulging discs or enlargement of facet joints, ligaments within the spine or any other lesions that occupy space that cause blood accumulations or tumors.

Although it may cause leg pain that is similar to facet refers pain source of pain for lumbar radiculopathy and facial referred pain are quite distinct.

What can I do to recover my back health?

There are some ways to ensure your back stays healthy and strong as you get older. Check out these tips:

  • Keep active: During the outbreak, a lot of us were sat at our computers or in front of the TV. Being sedentary can cause more injuries to back pain due to the weakening of muscles as well as the general deconditioning that takes place. It’s the reason why exercise is advised for people suffering from back pain. resting in bed isn’t.
  • Find the appropriate type of physical therapy: It is among the most effective ways that we can slow the progress of degenerative changes occur in the spine that is aging. We offer this in our Spine Health Center.
  • Utilizing proper body mechanics: Many people mistakenly utilize your back muscles in order to lean their backs forward and backward while reaching for objects or taking things from the floor. This puts unnecessary strain on the lumbar spine structure. It is better to put that strain to the gluteal or thigh muscles through bent at the hips, and squatting down using those legs in lifting items off the floor.

There are reasons to be concerned.

Be on the lookout for these problems:

  • If you’re experiencing extreme pain that radiates down the leg, this is reason to be concerned and may be a reason to visit your physician for a more thorough assessment.
  • If you are suffering from any of systemic symptoms , like chills or fever it is an indication about a spinal infections.
  • Issues with the control of bladder or bowels, urinary constipation that is severe or urinary retention could be reason to be concerned.
  • If you feel numbness in the area between the knees and the groin region, it could be a sign for back pain.

Attention to the back pain you experience is crucial. If you are experiencing any of these signs, it’s an ideal idea to be assessed by your doctor in particular if you’re suffering from neurologic signs such as weakness, numbness or sensations of tingling.

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The chaos caused by the pilot shortage is only a small part Alaska Airlines’ headaches – Anchorage Daily News

While en route for the flight from the airport near their Bainbridge Island, Washington, home in the early morning of April 1 to make a long-planned journey to the wedding venue at Tampa, Florida, the Abarbanel family received a notice of Alaska Airlines: Their flight was cancelled.

In the following days the pilot shortage in Alaska resulted in hundreds of late-night flight cancellations, which fueled anger among thousands of passengers that were delayed or stuck.

It was the final step for the Abarbanels who claimed they have had three prior Alaska flights this year cancelled or changed with a the last minute.

After having given up on being able to contact Alaska Customer Service — which had an average wait time of 10 hoursthey finally made it the flight to Tampa on Monday with alternative flights that they booked via Delta as well as JetBlue. They incurred substantial expense for rental car and hotel and lost two nights they had booked in a condo with a beachfront view.

“Our journey , planned for the future, was turned into a trip to hell.” Mary Beth Abarbanel, retired and traveling together with husband, and son who is now an adult in an email “Longtime Alaska customer, with an extensive bank account and miles. Alaska has now lost business.”

The airline might have to make an uphill climb to get above the clouds , which are currently obscuring its image of friendly and reliable service.

Constance von Muehlen, Alaska’s chief executive officer and executive vice president operating officer, blamed the debacle in scheduling to a string of unrelated setbacks that lasted for a number of months.

The outbreak of the coronavirus omicron and the winter storm in December caused delays in the transfer of pilots into the airline’s training pipeline she explained, and led to “a singular confluence of events.”

“We ought to have recognized this earlier and made the necessary schedule changes,” she conceded in an email sent to employees on Tuesday.

The pilot union The Air Line Pilots Association, has long ago warned management that about a crisis in staffing.

“We began late in the falland continued into the December storms due to the snow storm, we told”You’re not adequately equipped in the right way,’ ” Will McQuillen, ALPA’s Alaska council chairperson, stated during an interview. “This airline needs to have the flexibility to to respond to these situations. It’s running at a low level.”

The executives at Alaska discredit this as a form of negotiating with the labor union in the ongoing and difficult pilot contract talks.

A video from the inside Alaska pilot meeting highlights Alaska executives, just two weeks prior to the meltdown on April 1st were well aware of the imminent threat of a serious shortage of pilots and the danger of chaos.

At the meeting in mid-March One employee inquired: “Reserve coverage for next month is not enough to adequately staff the airline. What’s the strategy?”

John Ladner, vice president of flight operations, stated that the resignation of pilots to work for other airlines had cut down in the amount of pilots who were on call to fill the gaps in the schedule.

“We see the loss of pilots. It’s evident that the effect is being felt due to the small amount of reserves we’re able to replenish periodically,” Ladner told his pilots. “April looks like it’s expected to be quite a tough month.”

However, no immediate decision was taken to stop the flood of cancellations that struck the 1st of April.

Following the catastrophe, Alaska said it will begin to reduce its air program by 2 percent until June “to meet the current capacity of our pilots” of around 3,100 pilots. This is about 24 daily flights, freeing the flight crews of 24 for redeployment.

In this way, the company hopes that it will avoid any more day-of-flight cancellations.

“We will inform you prior to departure if your trip will be affected due to these schedule changes,” the airline promised passengers via its website on Thursday.

Concerning the stress caused to the passengers who were left stranded over the weekend, von Muehlen told, “we’re deeply sorry for the difficulties they may have faced.”

Pilot disaffection

Alaska is not short of pilots, but also flight attendants as well as customer service representatives.

In a video from a March 28 meeting with staff members, an employee complained about the frustration of the reservation agents overworked who due to long lines had been “taking verbal abuse that was not enough to eject guests but enough to send agents in tears at the point of leaving in a high-risk manner.”

In a bizarre twist, staff shortages hit the airline just a few days after management announced its ambitious growth plans during the Annual Investor Day in New York.

Management’s growth story, which says Alaska is able to recover from the pandemic more than ever before and be able to capture larger markets will help raise the price of its stock.

Then, in New York, the leadership forecast that Alaska will expand its capacity for seats between 4and 8 percent each year until 2025, and by the end of next year, it will operate 24 more mainline jets than they was at the beginning of the year. Because Alaska has to hire 12 pilots for each additional plane added to its fleet, that’s around 300 more pilots required to handle the expansion on its own without taking into account retirees and other loss of pilots.

In an interview that took place in the month of March Nat Pieper, Alaska’s chief executive officer responsible for the fleet of jets and finances and finances, stated that the current pilot shortage was a major concern considering the airline’s future growth plans.

“We’ve had the balance sheet in order to do it. We’ve got airplanes coming,” said Pieper. “But you’ll need to have a crew in order in order to be able to accomplish this.”

The majority of U.S. airlines are facing severe labor shortages while the air travel industry recovers. The airlines all cut their personnel during the severe decline in the pandemic and some were not able to come back.

A few pilots who were close to reaching the age of retirement, 65, decided to retire early in the epidemic. In Alaska there were 137 of the most veteran veterans chose to retire early out of 3100 total pilots.

This has made the situation even worse in Alaska the lack of pilots have a variety of options. Alaska has seen a significant decline this year, as pilots resigned to join other airlines.

In the initial three months of the year 27 pilots on line quit for different airlines. Additionally, 22 were hired as pilots, but hadn’t completed their training , jumped ship to a different carrier.

There’s also a major non-attendance factor in pilot classes, since students accept an offer when Alaska offers, but then choose to change to another airline when they receive an offer.

“A few weeks prior to classes the pilots have withdrawn of the offers,” Scott Day, chief pilot of the system in Alaska informed the pilots during that mid-March pilot meeting held with Ladner. Day said that Alaska is currently overfilling classes by around 10% in order to offset the drop in enrollment.

ALPA’s McQuillen confirmed that five additional pilots quit in the last week, deciding to leave the company. which brings the total to 54 pilots who have relocated to better pastures this year.

In 2013 there were 43 Alaska pilots resigned during the whole year and even in pre-pandemic times, when pilots changed airlines due to reasons of their families or for geographical reasons and a number of 20 resignations was more common, McQuillen said.

The union believes that the amount of attrition shows that Alaska is behind major airlines, not only with respect to pilot compensation, but also the crew scheduling rules which determine if a pilot’s schedule can be flexed or not.

They are also unhappy that management isn’t willing to commit to limiting the amount of flights operated by smaller regional jets operated by pilots with lower salaries They see this as a potential danger to security for career advancement.

In the present deadlock negotiations for a contract both sides want the pay for pilots to be increased to the level currently set for other airlines. The issue is it’s the “quality of living” crew schedule and security of career issues which are preventing a settlement.

Pilots “will choose the carrier which offers the highest satisfaction and protection,” said McQuillen.

The talks on contracts are in a bind.

Many pilots turned out to vote for an extension of their contract at Alaska’s Seattle base in Seattle near the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on April 1st. more than 1,000 people participated throughout its hubs.

Many passengers believed that the cancellations of flights were a consequence of this display of discontent, this isn’t the scenario. They were pilots on leave. It’s not a strike.

The company stated it was on the website “This informational picket wasn’t the reason behind the cancellations.”

However, von Muehlen and Jeff Severns director of operations for flights training pointed out the huge gap in the number of pilots hired as new hires in Alaska’s flight training program on April 1 as compared to the number expected.

“We began hiring new staff in October. They which was a huge success. The schoolhouse was full in through November, December and then each month thereafter,” Severns said. “When Omicron hit in December … we experienced delays in students at the schoolhouse who were sick due to Omicron, and instructors not readily available.”

He also said that the operational component of the instruction for new hire pilots, in which they fly alongside the pilot who is experienced, was affected by the weather-related delays and cancellations in December.

The result was that Alaska was able to have 63 fewer pilots available to fly on April 1 than originally planned at the time that schedules were established in January.

The union believes that the problems go deeper. McQuillen claimed that the rate of no-shows for training as well as the deportation in pilots from airlines “has absolutely nothing to do with omicrons and weather.”

The pilot contract negotiations was ongoing this week, before a mediator from the federal government, the talks were a failure and the talks broke off an hour before the start of Thursday. The impasse is more dire than it has ever been.

Ladner in a letter to the pilots in the evening addressed the pilots that night and complained about “ALPA’s inability to reach a consensus.”

“To be truthful We aren’t sure of the next steps we should take and are awaiting a response the advice of our mediator.” Ladner said in his.

The union issued an even more powerful message. While federal law on labor makes it difficult for pilots of airlines striking — but the government could apply a cooling-off time or even make an agreement McQuillen said that there could be a solution ahead.

“It’s our firm suggestion that Alaska pilots be financially prepared for a bigger battle to reach our common goals,” he wrote to his fellow pilots.

McQuillen on Saturday made clear that “a strike is possible in the event of legal sanction.”

In an email, he said that should the federal mediator determine “that both parties are at a deadlock the mediator can allow us to enjoy a 30-day cooling-off period. Then… it is only after that… will we be legally permitted to strike.”

To fill in the gaps

The decrease of 2% in the frequency of flights over the coming months will “see us returning to our normal routine,” said Alaska spokesperson Alexa Rudin.

“We’re making adjustments to our capabilities to meet how many pilots are on board we have,” she explained. “The next time you decide for a flight, count on us to be trustworthy and that your flight will be in time.”

While acknowledging that the issue of the crew shortage could have been identified prior to the incident, von Muehlen said the pilot crew crew planning team should now directly report to her.

Responding to the widespread discontent over the delay in customer service and the cancellation of flights, she advised that those affected by cancellations shouldn’t call regular customer support number. She explained that a number listed in the notification of cancellation is a separate phone number that “the wait times are in minutes.”

Von Muehlen said Alaska has recruited 388 pilots since the beginning of October. They are mostly regional airlines operating smaller turboprop planes or jets and can take several months to get trained.

Alaska has been training pilot instructors to teach the new hire classes as well as more check pilots to assist with the operational training. Von Muehlen said she expects 30 new employees to be able to graduate and become line pilots in the next month.

One of the issues is that, since Alaska is in the process of phasing out the Airbus A320 jets, it is home to around 350 A320 pilots who will need to be trained in groups for flying Boeing 737s.

This is a waste of training resources. Alaska currently has only one 737 MAX full flight simulator. The company expects to be equipped with three.

In the employees’ meeting von Muehlen said 360 newly hired and educated flight attendants would be joining the ranks on April 1.

“I definitely expect our air attendants will be in better position by in June” the flight attendant said. “Likewise for the pilots on our team, I am hoping that by summer we’ll be at a higher level.”

Rudin stated that Alaska will collaborate with any travelers whose plans for travel have been ruined in order to negotiate reimbursement for any additional costs as well as the damage caused by the incident.

“I’ve talked to our care staff and they’re sure that they’re working with every guest who are affected,” she said. “I believe that we’re doing a good job.”

But Alaska’s customer support is extremely slow. The chat feature on the airline’s website on Friday reported an average response time of 1 hour, and the hold time for the customer service phone line was from 5 to 7 hours.

For the Abarbanels After about two hours of calling in Florida, “mostly on hold,” Alaska booked them for a return flight on Sunday.

“They gave me one coupon that was worth $100 that is valid for one calendar year” Mary Beth Abarbanel told me via email. “Reservations claimed they couldn’t provide us with information on what was refunded and what wasn’t.”

In response the reason, she was advised that she needed to call customer service.

Travis conducts readiness exercise – Vacaville Reporter


You are hearing more alarms and voice messages on Travis Air Force Base and having longer wait times to enter the gates?

Relax, it’s trainingtime, the base’s officials said.

From Friday to Saturday on Friday, the base will conduct an exercise to prepare for the future that requires all the hubbub.

“Exercises improve and enhance the readiness of airmen and their ability to sustain and execute fast global mobility throughout the globe,” officials said in an official statement to the media.

Sirens and alarms can be used to provide a realistic simulation that allows personnel at the base to effectively train and respond to an actual incident Officials advised that all notifications received through Giant Voice will be made via Giant Voice system will be preceded by “Exercise Exercise Training Exercise.”

Driver suffers neck and headache pain following a collision involving two cars – Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly


The case was an accident involving a motor vehicle that occurred on January. 28th, 2020 when the two parties were driving their respective vehicles when they came at one another from different directions. The defendant made a veer into the plaintiff’s lanes and struck the driver’s side the vehicle of plaintiff. The plaintiff was transported via ambulance Newton Wellesley Hospital with complaints …

Are Headache, or migraine Flu Sign? Healthline

Although headache is often identified symptoms of the flu but migraine isn’t. A viral infection , such as that of the flu may create or increase the severity of a headache or migraine disorder.

Primary headaches occur when the headache is a health issue. This can include tension, migraine as well as cluster headaches. Secondary headaches are signs of a different health issue like an injury or infection.

Nasal congestion, stress, and dehydration are all factors that can contribute to headaches when you’re sick with the flu.

We’ll explore:

  • the distinction between migraine and headaches
  • the reasons why migraine attacks can happen in the case of the flu
  • What treatment options are available

Being afflicted with a viral illness such as influenza or COVID-19 places an enormous amount of strain for your body. The following causes can contribute to a headache secondary to the flu season or act as an cause for a headache that is primary which could include migraine.

Sinus cavities that are blocked

The common cold and flu are both common causes for sinus congestion and sinus infections (sinusitis).

If you’re suffering from congestion due to allergy or illness Pressure builds up in your sinuses. They are the hollow cavities that surround your eyes and nose. If the membranes in your sinuses become enlarged because of inflammation or infection and this causes irritation in your face or the head.

It’s common to experience headaches due to some sinus congestion but not an infection.

“Sinus headache” is an

Common misdiagnosis

of migraine. The majority of the time sinus headaches do not occur caused by a sinus infection however, they are tension or migraine headaches. This is due to the fact that migraine episodes may trigger tension headaches.

nasal symptoms

Also, it can cause a congested nose, runny nose and pressure on the face.


The body requires water for its functioning It’s especially the case during illness. While your immune system is working to fight off an infection and eliminate the infection, you’re losing more fluid than you normally do. If you don’t replenish this water, you’ll end up becoming dehydrated.

Diarrhea and fever are common symptoms of flu — are two of them.

frequent contributors

to dehydration.

There’s not a lot of research regarding the link between headache and dehydration, however, it’s a well-known phenomenon. A

2021 study

It was noted that headaches caused by dehydration often disappear shortly after having consumed fluids. The authors noted that dehydration can to worsen or trigger chronic headaches.

Drinking water that is plain and regular will reduce the risk of headaches due to dehydration that are flu-related or otherwise. The guidelines for the amount of water to consume each day are based on a variety of individual variables.

Find out how important it is to drinking water.

The increase of the cytokines

Cytokines are a group of molecules that are released by our immune system to assist to treat infections and injuries. Cytokines trigger your body’s inflammatory response which tells it to fight the flu or fix the muscle tear.

The release by the body from too many cytokines can be often referred to as a cytokine flood or may indicate cytokine released syndrome (CRS). A high concentration of cytokines within your body can result in excessive inflammation and pain.

The research into the relationship between cytokines and migraine continues. However, experts believe that a majority of migraines result from an abnormal inflammation response that is triggered by the immune system of your body. They are “mediators for the inflammation pathway” the cytokines are likely to are involved in migraine-related episodes.


When you’re sick your body is subject to many physical strains because your immune system is trying to eliminate an disease. Sickness can cause emotional stress too, like worrying about not being able to catch up at school, or if you’ve lost friends.


The most popular

The most common type of headache is the kind of headache that is a tension type (TTH) also known as “stress migraine.” Stress can be a major factor in TTH and TTH, which

typically, the issue is solved

after the stressor has been removed.

The stress response is often referred to as the

Most common

The trigger of migraine attacks. It’s also regarded as an underlying cause of migraine attacks.

significant factor

In the frequency of migraines and in the frequency of tension headaches and migraines.

Influenza (flu) is an infection caused by viruses that typically results in epidemics of infection each season. (flu period) throughout the United States. The

contagious virus (influenza)

It is spread when someone who is infected talks or sneezes. This releases viral droplets that are released into the air.

As well as headaches,

Common symptoms

The symptoms of the flu are:

The majority of people who contract the flu

Recover in two weeks

or less. But, complications such as pneumonia or sinus and ear infections could be present.

Doctors frequently suggest that patients who suffer from migraines keep a diary or a log of their activities in order to determine the triggers. Note down the foods you’ve eaten and what conditions were like prior to experiencing the pain, can help identify triggers to prevent them from happening again.

Alongside stress, dehydration, or illnesses, there are other causes.

the top triggers for migraine attacks


Find out more about the most the most common migraine triggers.

Both headaches and migraines can cause headaches that can disrupt your life However, how can you differentiate between them?

Migraine is thought to be a neurological disorder. The presence of a severe primary headache is not the only symptom of it.

Migraine attacks are usually one-sided and can cause severe painful throbbing. This can cause enough pain to limit your ability to function . It is often regarded to be more severe than headaches that are cluster or tension-related.

The migraine attacks can occur often, usually following certain triggers such as anxiety or eating a specific food. One of the most distinctive features of migraine is that migraine attacks are triggered by stress or food.

Other signs and signs and symptoms

Usually, head pain is accompanied by headaches.

This includes:

Migraine attacks may also cause symptoms in the nasal area, such as congested nasal discharge, and clear congestion.

Find out more about the episodic and chronic migraine attacks.

If you’re suffering from a secondary headache that’s a sign of flu, treatment the virus should ease or be able to resolve it. When your headache may be the source of a migraine attack and it doesn’t go away, regardless of whether your flu symptoms improve.

In this situation it is important to identify and treat the migraine attack in addition to managing the flu.

Treatment for flu

Treatment for influenza

The majority of the time, it involves:

If the flu results in complications such as a sinus infection or pneumonia, additional treatment (including antibiotics, oxygen supplemental) might be needed.

Treatment for migraine

The treatment for migraine is based on identifying the triggers that cause migraine and staying clear of them whenever you can.

Anti-CGRP injections and tablets are the most up-to-date and effective treatment for migraines that are severe. They are also known as CGRP inhibitors or antagonists. These drugs

Work to decrease the amount of protein

that can cause inflammation in the brain, that causes inflammation in your brain, calcitonin gene-related protein (CGRP).

Certain anti-CGRPs target this protein, whereas others are geared towards it’s receptor (blocking the pain signal).

The 6 anti-CGRPs currently exist



  • Aimovig (erenumab)
  • Vyepti (eptinezumab)
  • Emgality (galcanezumab)
  • Ajovy (fremanezumab)
  • Nurtec (rimegepant)
  • Ubrelvy (ubrogepant)

Other options for treating migraine pain



Anti-CGRP tablets have been proven to be efficient in reducing the pain of migraines, with or without aura. They also are less prone to side effects than triptans or the ergot alkaloid medication.

Triptans and ergot alkaloid have been well-known to trigger headaches from overuse. People suffering from heart diseases or elevated blood pressure generally cannot take them due the potential side negative effects.

Neuromodulation devices can also be considered an

Safe and non-invasive

migraine treatment method for treating migraine. These may appeal for patients who haven’t had a positive response to migraine medication or had negative reactions.

The devices are placed or worn on various parts of the body. They emit electromagnetic currents that stimulate nerves. The intention is to block the nerve pathways that trigger pain.

The FDA has granted approval to certain neuromodulation devices for the treatment of migraine:

  • Cefaly (device that is placed on the forehead)
  • Nerivio (device wrapped around the upper arm)
  • Relivion MG (device put around the head)
  • GammaCore (device placed on neck)

Botox injections and hormone treatments are also utilized in the treatment of migraines.

Certain medicines have also proven effective in preventing migraine attacks. This includes:

  • beta-blockers
  • Antiepileptics
  • calcium channel blockers
  • antidepressants

Many people suffering from migraines are seeking natural remedies or holistic therapy methods, such as acupuncture and supplements. Many people also benefit from utilizing techniques for managing stress and speaking with the therapy.

Contact your doctor If:

  • You experience frequent headaches that can disrupt your everyday life
  • Your headaches are caused by sensory or vision changes, or even nausea
  • If you suffer from migraine, think that the flu triggers the migraine
  • The flu symptoms are gone, however, you suffer from migraine or headache instances

It is important to rule out any other infection or health issues when you are taking a look at a migraine or headache attack.

Secondary headaches are typical flu symptoms, however they shouldn’t be severe. Typically, headaches is a flu-related symptom that goes away when nasal congestion is reduced.

The majority of people who contract the influenza virus (influenza) must go to a physician’s office. Be sure to quarantine yourself to avoid transmitting the virus. Get enough rest and drink plenty of fluids. Visit your doctor to ask about any symptoms. They could prescribe medication for you to take at home, or may examine you.

Whatever the case, whether you’re suffering from migraine, flu or both, some symptoms could indicate an emergency medical situation. Call emergency services if you have:

  • Trouble breathing
  • loss of consciousness
  • seizure
  • chest pain
  • confusion

An illness such as the flu can cause an enormous amount of strain on your body. If you already suffer from an issue with migraine, getting the virus that causes the flu could create or worsen an existing migraine attack.

Secondary headaches may also be experienced as a typical flu symptoms, however they usually disappear through treatment and aren’t as severe as migraine-related episodes. Treatment of flu-related symptoms, such as nasal congestion and fever may decrease the likelihood of experiencing headaches.

If you suffer from both a migraine disorder and flu treatments for both are likely to be required to alleviate any headache you experience.

Consult your physician in the event of headaches that affect your performance regardless of whether you’re suffering from the flu.

Dispatches from the field in the exercise Cold Response 2022 wraps up in Norway – NATO Headquarters


What was the experience like for soldiers in the field in one of the biggest Allied military exercises in 2022?

While many regions of Europe were getting the first glimpses of the spring season, the fjords in northern Norway were covered in frigid, wet , rain that was driven by the relentless winds.

It struck at the US Marines of Lima Company, 3rd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment while they set up an observation post for command near Bogen, Norway. Their camouflage-themed woodland uniforms clung to their backs while they sunk into defensive positions. They’d been living in their Vikings troop transports specifically designed to be used in high-altitude areas like the High North – since they’d been on the beach just two days earlier, and were transported to shore with Dutch boats that landed. It was a bit cramped in the Vikings were cramped, but they were dry.

A little further The Finnish and Swedish soldiers who were acting as opponents for the exercise looked through the rain-slick hatches of their armored vehicles and were dug between berms of icy slush.

The exercise Cold Response 2022 was certainly meeting its title.

Cold Response, also known as Cold bi-annual exercise that has been conducted and conducted by the Norwegian Armed Forces since 2006 except for 2020, when the drill was postponed due to the COVID-19 virus the year’s version all the more significant. This exercise provides NATO Allies and their partners the chance to experience some of the toughest conditions Europe can offer. The Norwegian Fjords are an exceptional lesson in hardship and force any soldiers that train in the area to be able to learn the lessons of Arctic conflict, or face the consequence.

The obstacles presented are formidable The challenges are daunting, said the Lieutenant Colonel Ryan Gordinier, commander of 3rd Battalion, 6th Marines. The fjords are steeply rising out of the Norwegian Sea, presenting an immediate obstacle for amphibious troops trying to create an area for a beachhead.

“As when you get on the water in of the mountain,” he said. “This is an unusual scenario for amphibious actions. The amphibious vehicle literally lands on the ground and then look towards a cliff.”

The Marines of 3/6 battled narrow coastal roads while they travelled into the interior, making slow movements as they waited for ambushes. They were screened ahead, Norwegian mechanized infantry troops carried Carl Gustaf anti-tank missile launchers through deep snow, allowing them to block the armoured forces of the opposition.

This is a well-known pairing. For many years it has been the case that it has been the case that the US Marines have deployed forces to Norway to learn the tough lessons of fighting and training in frigid temperatures. They have been working with the Norwegian Army and their counterparts from the British Royal Marines, whose training collaboration with Norway is also decades old The American soldiers have refined the strategies for combating cold weather in their Mountain Warfare Training Center in Bridgeport, California. Lima Company came clothed in the lessons learned from previous rounds literally. Shoes made of rubber ensured their feet were dry, and water-resistant shells worked hard to keep rain out. The waterproof bags in their rucksacks made sure socks and uniforms dry, even when their rucksacks were getting wet.

As it was the US Marines were developing their abilities to deal with the elements while the NATO Allies learned to function in harmony with their arsenal of firepower. When Italian Marines of The San Marco Marine Brigade launched an amphibious air attack using their carrier aircraft known as the ITS Giuseppe Garibaldi, their advance was tracked with two US Marine Corps attack helicopters. In the event that they realized that the Italian troops were attacked by the opposing forces shortly after their landing, they signalled to request close-air support employing English to guide the attacks. In the event, the US Marine Corps AH-1Z Viper attack helicopter cut through trees at the top of the air and allowed the Italians the chance to put on their snowshoes , and then push toward their goal.

It was a harrowing experience. San Marco Marines couldn’t get this kind of experience in the garrison they have at Brindisi located in the southern part of Italy where they were experiencing a bright, 15 degree Celsius (59deg Fahrenheit) day while the Italians struck through the snow. When another helicopter filled with Marines came in the direction of Commander Daniele Lucidi, he turned his back to the rotors as they dropped a snow-covered wall over the landing area.

“What we’re experiencing here in Norway is vital, since weather is a major enemy,” he said. “And we need to be prepared for this type of situation like ever before.”

After having learned to live in extreme conditions and honed their capacity to work in a team The 30,000 soldiers who took part at Cold Response 2022 – whether they came of Italy, Norway, the United States or any of the 27 NATO Allies and partner nations who took part and are now more prepared for any crisis or threat.

Back pain doesn’t need to keep you from enjoying life – Providence



The following article:

  • back pain can be among of the main reasons people visit their physician.

  • Sometimes all you require to ease the pain is a few minutes of relaxation and rest. Sometimes, you’ll require a visit to a physician. Know when the right time is to make an appointment.

  • Treatments that are conservative can assist you in staying out of the operating table and address the cause of the symptoms, pain and specific diagnose.

  • If you require surgery If you do, you can be sure that your surgeon has your best interests in mind. Learn what to be looking for in the spine specialist you choose.

This statistic will make you shiver in your spine: almost 65 million Americans have reported a recent episode with back discomfort.

But the story doesn’t end there. Researchers have also discovered that 16 million have chronic back pain. This is the pain is so persistent as to hinder their everyday activities, such as exercising or meeting with friends or doing their chores. The back pain isn’t just an nuisance. It’s preventing people from working back pain can result in the loss of 83 million workdays each year.

Fortunately, there’s aid and hope.

There are numerous methods and treatments to ease your discomfort. Most importantly, many that are most efficient treatments are non-surgical.

“Dealing suffering from back discomfort can be extremely discourageing,” says Stephen Campbell, MD, neurosurgeon at Providence Montana Neurosurgical Specialists. “Luckily there’s no reason for it to be this way. Your doctor can assist you to discover the method that can address the root cause of your discomfort and eases the symptoms. Most people who suffer from neck or back pain don’t require surgery. Instead your doctor will consult together with a group of specialists to determine what’s needed to help you feel at most at ease.”

“At Providence Neuroscience Institute” Providence Neuroscience Institute, we’ve been the primary source of patient-reported outcomes across the entire system for the last few years. We’re now on track to begin piloting the first Spine Intake questionnaire in the system. Our staff members take the time to fully describe the importance of completeness of the questionnaire to ensure the best possible outcome to the patient. It also helps us understand the how other patients suffering from identical symptoms.” states Amy Lybbert, Neuroscience Service Line Operations Manager.

When should you see a doctor?

The majority of the time, back pain can begin to improve by itself after having a rest for a couple of days. The use of heat, ice and anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen or Aleve may also ease the symptoms. However, if you experience pain for a few weeks and you don’t see any improvement, it is recommended to make an appointment with your physician.

“Your primary physician is a great resource for diagnosing and managing back discomfort,” shares Dr. Campbell. “They’ll be able take an exhaustive medical history, including when symptoms started , and will discuss any issues which could have caused any injury or damage to your spinal. They may refer you to physical therapy or suggest a prescription-strength anti-inflammatory to see if that improves your pain.”

However the doctor. Campbell cautions people experiencing any of these symptoms. If you are experiencing some of these signs with back or neck pain, don’t hesitate to see if your symptoms improve in their own time:

  • Numbness or pain in the legs or arms
  • It is difficult to walk
  • Balance problems
  • Incontinence

“Pain or numbness of the extremities, or problems with walking or balance may suggest that your spinal cord is being stretched, and needs to be examined and addressed promptly,” states Dr. Campbell.

What can you expect when visiting an orthopedic neurosurgeon to treat spine pain

Each provider follows a different approach, but when it comes to visiting any of the neurosurgeons at Dr. Campbell’s office Patients can expect an extensive and thorough examination. It is important to understand that visiting a neurosurgeon does not necessarily mean that you’ll need surgery.

“Our patients are typically able to expect to spend an hour in our office. This includes check-in time, a conversation between the assistant to medical, around 25 to 40 minute consultation with the doctor and then a post-appointment schedule prior to departure,” Dr. Campbell describes. “During an appointment I’ll go over any imaging studies, such as MRIs and X-rays or CT scans together and with patients. Together, we’ll go over the symptoms they experience as well as when the pain began and how it is felt to them. We’ll also go over medical history in the family and personal to pinpoint the reason for their pain.

“Once we are able to determine the root of their issues We can then talk about a treatment plan that is appropriate to them” the doctor says.

Sometimes, this plan could involve surgery, but usually it’s about controlling symptoms and pain. Dr. Campbell works closely with the members of his team that includes pain management doctors and physical therapy.

“What really matters to me is to comprehend not just the cause of pain but also to gain clear on my patients’ objectives. Not every patient wants or requires surgery. Sometimes, it’s obvious that surgery is necessary, and at times, taking a more conservative approach can be the best way to start,” he shares.

“I will always be available for each patient I see to call me back with any concerns or questions particularly if the discomfort continues to increase,” Dr. Campbell says.

Conservative treatments for back and neck in pain

There are many methods to help ease the symptoms and pain that are caused by back or neck problem. Most commonly, they are:

  • Physical therapy. A physical therapist will work closely with you to guide you through exercises and stretches to strengthen the muscles supporting your back (including the stomach and leg muscles). They can also teach you how to adjust your workspace and other areas of your home to ease back pain that occurs during daily routine activities.
  • Anti-inflammatories. In many cases, neck and back discomfort can be caused by inflammation of your spine. Your doctor can suggest an approach to decrease inflammation, increase mobility and ease discomfort. This could include prescription anti-inflammatory drugs and steroid injections, as well as non-opioid pain medications, such as muscles relaxers.
  • Alternative treatments. The most annoying things about back pain that it’s not always a obvious cause or definitive solution. If this is an issue, you physician might recommend alternative therapies to treat pain or supplement the care you’re receiving. This could be the use of yoga, acupuncture, or chiropractic treatments.
  • Treatment for pain. A pain management doctor can do more than just treat your pain or pinpoint the cause of your symptoms. These physicians work in conjunction with a group of specialists that could include physical therapists, psychologists and dieticians among other specialists. Together, they’ll adopt the whole person approach to treating you and help you identify exercises, stretching and ways to control the pain and improve your overall quality of living.


If the non-surgical or conservative options aren’t working, your doctor will take a close look at your medical history and suggest the possibility of a surgical procedure if that’s the best option to treat your ailments. If you’re a potential surgical candidate, then your physician will go over the details of what you can expect from the procedure and why it’s worthwhile to consider.

“At our clinic and in Providence Neuroscience Institute” Providence Neuroscience Institute, we are leading towards a more precise decision-making platform that allows doctors and patients to collaborate to determine whether a patient is suitable for surgery. This can be done by collecting the outcomes of patients’ reports.”

“I recognize that neck and back surgery may sound frightening. But, modern advances have made spinal surgery secure and efficient. Your doctor will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure as well as the reason you’re a good candidate,” Dr. Campbell shares.

“This is the reason it’s so important for patients to receive a an extensive and thorough initial consultation. We can review the scan results and, in many instances, will help us determine if surgery is required or not. Most important is to feel at ease and confident in your surgeon’s advice and expertise,” he finishes.

Find a spine surgeon

The Providence spinal care specialists can assist you in determining the root of your back and neck discomfort. If you’re looking for an expert in your region then you can search our directory of providers.

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The information provided isn’t intended to be an alternative to professional medical treatment. Always follow your doctor’s instructions.

You can quickly relieve your headaches and migraines with this wearable (and Drip-Free) Ice Compress – YourTango

It’s all too familiaran extended week ahead and we’re unable to remove that severe headache or migraine. Headaches aren’t a joke and can strike from nowhere and cause so much pain it’s difficult to perform even the simplest routine activities.

Fortunately that Headache Halo is a great option. Headache Halo is a revolutionary accessory that can help us move just one step further towards relieving tension and pain by applying a cool , numbing compress on the parts of your neck and head which are in need of it the most.

Purchase your Headache Halo from $29.99


Headache disorders are among the most frequent neurological conditions which include headaches and migraines being the most common complaint in households with 1 out of 4. Headaches are not just painful, but it could be extremely debilitating, hindering you from doing the things you should do during the day, or hindering you from getting up in the first place.

was created and developed by Sherri Pulie, a migraine sufferer who often used plastic bags that were wet and filled with Iceto help her with headaches , Headache Halo was created out of the need to alleviate at the very least one of our outbursts.

Headache Halo Headache Halo is an extended version of the first device to relieve pain called it’s the Headache Hat — with the only difference being that it has two rows of frozen cubes (aka cooling delight) instead of three. This will make it simpler working and carry out your usual activities, while also offering relief from pain at the same at the same time.

Related: What are the Different Types Of Headaches ? And How Do You Know the What’s the difference?

The ice packs that you wear are packed with water that is purified and are stitched in the style. They’re specifically designed to ease tension headaches and migraines while enjoying hand-free comfort.

The minimalist design lets the ice be placed comfortably on the discomfort points, without melting everywhere and creating an mess (or more importantly, spilling onto your phone or laptop while you’re working). With an adjustable stretch wrap that allows you to choose the quantity of pressure can be applied to your neck or head to provide ample cooling.

Check out this video to learn more about how the Headache Halo works:

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Accelerate Belly Fat Loss In Your 60s By Performing These Floor Exercises, Trainer Says Take This Not That Eat This and Not That


A very popular fitness goals is to lose belly fat. To accomplish this it is essential to concentrate on the fundamentals: eating in a deficit of calories as well as regularly exercising for strength and incorporating aerobic exercises. It’s becoming harder and harder to shed excess weight as you get older, due to metabolic and hormonal changes that take place in your body. As you age, you begin losing the mass of your muscles in your 30s and this slows your metabolism in the event that you don’t take action to increase it. We did the effort to help you out and came up with the most effective floor exercises to boost weight loss from your belly during your 60s, which we’ll go over below.

A healthy and balanced lifestyle and starting strength training as early as possible is vital since the later you begin your training, the more it will feel as though you’re playing catch up for those years that you’ve been active. If you’ve been focused on the basics regularly it’s time to add some floor exercises into your workout routine to build muscles and increase the amount of calories burned to reduce weight.

Here are a few moves you can incorporate in your workout session to accelerate the process of losing belly fat. Also, make sure to take a look at The 6 Top Exercises to build strong and toned Arms by 2022. Trainer Says.

Tim Liu, C.S.C.S.

Perform a pushup, making sure your shoulders are aligned with your wrists, and keeping the back in a straight position. Maintain your core in place and the glutes tense, then bring yourself down until your entire body is sitting on the floor. When you’ve reached the bottom you can take your hands off the floor, and then put them again to lift your body upwards. Move your chest and triceps towards the top of the hill to complete after performing a second repetition. Do 10-sets of fifteen reps.

Related To: The Most Effective Workouts to Keep the Weight Off The Trainer Says

Tim Liu, C.S.C.S.

Make sure you are lying on your back flat, and bend your knees 90 degrees. Keep your core in place then curl your body and then reach out to the side while stretching your legs while simultaneously. Then, with a hefty crunch, lift your legs to the top, then return to the starting position, and continue to crunch on the other. Do 10 reps for each side.

Related to: The 3 Best Abs Exercises to Burn Belly Fat Fast Trainer Says

Tim Liu, C.S.C.S.

Put yourself on the wall, with your butt, heels and shoulders pressed against the wall. Make sure your shoulder is aligned with your feet and wrists placed on top of each and the other. Keep your core strong and the glutes tight while you flex and tilt your hips straight upwards and downwards and maintain the tension in your Obliques. Do 3 set of 10 repetitions for each leg.

Tim Liu, C.S.C.S.

In a plank, sit with your feet resting on the gliders, plates or socks placed on wood surfaces. Keep your core tight and your glutes tight, you can slide forward and back using your torso and then lead with your forearms. While you move between forward and reverse, you must maintain your spine in a neutral position and maintain the tension of your abdominal muscles for the duration of the exercise. Complete 10 to 15 reps.

Physical Therapists Share 5 Neck Stretches to Help Reduce pain – Men’s Health


Do you suffer from neck discomfort? It’s almost a standard feature of our modern-day world of smartphones and computers. However, it doesn’t have to be this way.

In the latest installment of “The Fix” with physical therapist Daniel Giordano, DPT, Physical Therapist, CSCS and Samuel Chan, DPT, ATC, CSCS of Bespoke Treatments, it’s time to go for a deep, rejuvenating plunge into stretching our necks. These exercises are quick simple, easy to do, and can be done almost anyplace. If you’re eager to improve bad posture, ease tension and relieve discomfort, this is the sequence for you.

Yes, this short series of stretches is well worth your time. “These are my five most-loved techniques to relieve neck pain or tension,” says Giordano. “If you practice these exercises and do them consistently you will not only enhance our posture but also reduce tension in the neck or cervical spine,” says Giordano.

Watch the video to see an illustration of the five exercises. You can also find complete descriptions in English of the exercises 2 through 4.

5 Neck Stretches to Help Relieve Pain

  • Neck C.A.R.

It is Controlled Articular Rotations. Place your chin in a downward position and begin to rotate your head upwards and down in circles. This will help increase the flexibility that your neck spine can perform. Try five to eight times on each side. Then switch to this opposite direction. If you experience discomfort at any time you should stop there and move on to the pain-free range of motion. As you progress in your fitness, you’ll be able expand the range of movement.

  • Assisted Trapezius Stretch

This is a great way to strengthen two key muscles in your neck, the trap and the levator scapulae. It is a stretch that you can perform whether sitting or standing. Make sure you keep your head in neutral posture and repeat the pose in each direction.

  • Assisted Levator Scapulae Stretch

The move has a similar structure to first stretch, but with slight adjustments that focus on the movement range and more blood flowing to the region. Maintain your shoulder blades in a back position as you move and repeat the same movement on the other side.

  • Kneeling T-Spine Stretch

This exercise is performed using your knees. It concentrates on neck mobility, particularly the rotation of the thoracic vertebrae. Repeat the exercise on each side. If you keep doing this consistently it will help to lessen tension in your neck region.

  • Prone Shoulder Extension Paused

It’s time to take on bad posture, dear friends. This stretch can help increase the range of motion of the thoracic part of the back. You can do this stretch by lying on your back and use a towel to hold your forehead up. Press your shoulders as you raise your hands off the ground. Keep your hands in the air for five seconds before repeating. This helps maintain your posture and lessen the tension in your cervical spine.

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