Women suffer from headaches twice more often than men. This is why: Today,

Headaches are an actual pain and headache related disorders are extremely widespread. In fact, a recent study that was published this morning in The Journal of Headache and Pain shows that headaches are a widespread issue that affects millions of people around the world.

In analyzing research from 357 prior studies that examined the frequency of disorders causing headaches The researchers discovered that over half of the population of the world (52 percent) suffers from one of the conditions mentioned above, which includes tension-type headaches and migraine. Additionally, they estimate that 16% of the population around the globe suffer from a headache at any time.

“Headaches are according to me, an under-reported epidemic,” the Dr. Gayatri Devi who is a professor of neurology and neurology, at Hofstra Northwell’s Zucker School of Medicine in Hofstra Northwell, told TODAY.

This is a major problem that is disproportionately affecting women. In particular, the latest study revealed that nearly two-thirds of women suffer from frequent headaches and migraines (15 or more days of headache each month) than men. However, as gruelling and debilitating as the symptoms of headache may be, there’s solutions to treat the signs.

What are the most common headache conditions?

Headaches are certainly uncomfortable and can disrupt your daily life. However, when it comes to headaches the pain is only beginning.

“A chronic headache is a condition that alters your function due to the recurring headaches that are recurring,” Devi said. Different conditions may come with their own unique set of symptoms.

“A migraine is the typical one-sided , pounding, painful throbbing sensation that’s painful,” Dr. Lauren Natbony director at Integrative Headache Medicine of New York and TODAY. This pain typically gets more severe when you attempt to move. It may also be accompanied by additional symptoms, such as vomiting or nausea, along with intermittent changes in your vision and difficulties speaking in The Mayo Clinic says. These symptoms can last several days or even weeks and can impact the lives of patients.

A headache of the type that is tension is what the majority of us refer to when we talk about having headaches is not as severe as migraine attacks, Natbony explained. “You can feel this knot of tightness all over the head of yours,” she said. “It’s moderate or mild and isn’t a major issue in functioning. It is possible to be sensitive to sound or light, however, there shouldn’t be any vomiting or nausea.”

12 April 2022 02:04

Why are so many women suffer from headaches?

There are several reasons why headaches are more prevalent for women than men, Devi stated. The first is that hormonal changes play an important part in migraine attacks. Certain people suffer from migraines frequently during their menstrual cycle.

“Boys prior to puberty have more migraines that girls do,” Natbony explained. However, after puberty it is known that the risk of having migraines in girls is higher. “After menopausal menopausal levels fall, you’re left with stable hormones and the incidence actually drops,” she said.

Women may also have different posture problems which can cause shoulder and neck tension, Devi stated. “Your hip bone connects with the knee bone (and) the ankle bone. In essence, everything is transfered to the head of your neck,” she explained. “It results in discomfort in your neck and can trigger tension headaches. It could also trigger migraines.”

Stress and lack of sleep could cause the frequency of headaches Devi said. The likelihood of women being more likely suffer from either condition than men.

How can you deal with headaches?

If you are experiencing headaches that hinder your capacity to work or lead the life you want There are treatments that are available. If you’re feeling like doctors aren’t taking your concerns seriously, don’t hesitate to seek another opinion or consult a specialist to get their perspective.

  • Track your headaches and identify possible triggers. The triggers you face could be things like insomnia hormone changes, weather or atmospheric pressure fluctuations and dehydration. You could also skip meals or a shoulder and neck tension coffee, alcohol, or stress.
  • Make sure you are at ease when you’re suffering from headaches. It usually is helpful to keep loud noises and bright lighting to a minimum when trying to manage a migraine.
  • Discuss with your doctor medicines that could helpbest prior tothings become severe the doctor advised Natbony. Certain treatments, such as Botox treatments or wearable technology, could be used to stop migraine headaches. The doctor may also recommend taking abortive medication to use when you first notice of a migraine to stop it from occurring.
  • Certain lifestyle changes, such as engaging in regular physical exercise and incorporating more plant-based food in your diet, can help to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks.

12 April 2022 04:29

If you notice sudden “thunderclap” headaches, you should seek urgent medical assistance. The headaches that cause this type of pain, which typically occur quickly and are accompanied by serious symptoms, could be a sign of an injury or health emergency. Devi said.

What Is the Fastest Way to Get Rid of a Migraine

There are many different things you can do to get rid of a migraine, but one way that has been shown to be quite effective is using natural remedies.

There are many different ways you can use natural remedies, including ginger or peppermint. You could also try drinking lots of water and taking deep breaths. Some people find relief by lying down in a dark room with a cold compress on their forehead. If your migraines are severe, you may need to see a doctor for stronger medication. But there are a few things you can do at home to try and get rid of a migraine quickly.

Read More About What Is the Fastest Way to Get Rid of a Migraine

More Things To Know About What Is the Fastest Way to Get Rid of a Migraine

What Is a Migraine and What Are the Symptoms?

Migraines are a type of headache that can be extremely painful and debilitating. They can cause a variety of symptoms, including:

  • Intense pain on one side of the head
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Blurred vision
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Fatigue

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to see a doctor to rule out any other potential causes. But if you’re diagnosed with migraines, there are a few things you can do to try and get rid of them quickly.

How Can You Prevent Migraines From Happening in the First Place?

There are a few things you can do to help prevent migraines from happening in the first place. You can try:

  • Drinking lots of water
  • Eating healthy, balanced meals
  • Exercising regularly
  • Avoiding triggers like loud noises or bright lights
  • Taking deep breaths
  • Relaxing and meditating
  • Quick Fixes for a Migraine

Using Over-the-Counter Medications

There are a few different over-the-counter medications you can take to try and get rid of a migraine. These include:

  • Ibuprofen
  • Aspirin
  • Acetaminophen

If you’re not sure which one is right for you, it’s always best to consult with a doctor or pharmacist. They can help you choose the best medication based on your individual needs.

Natural Remedies

There are a few different natural remedies you can try to get rid of a migraine. These include:

  • Drinking lots of water
  • Eating ginger or peppermint
  • Using a cold compress or Cooling Pillow
  • Taking deep breaths
  • Relaxing and meditating

If you’re not sure which one is right for you, it’s always best to consult with a doctor or pharmacist. They can help you choose the best medication based on your individual needs.

What Should You Do if Your Migraines Are Severe and You Need to See a Doctor?

If your migraines are severe and you’re not getting relief from over-the-counter medications or natural remedies, it’s important to see a doctor to determine why you may keep getting headaches and migraines. They may prescribe stronger medication to help get rid of the migraine pain.

Does Taking Ginger Help With Migraines?

Ginger is a natural remedy that has been used to help with a variety of health issues. Some people believe that ginger can help with migraines, but there is not much scientific evidence to support this claim. However, ginger is a safe and natural remedy, so it may be worth trying if you are looking for a way to get rid of a migraine quickly. There are a few different ways you can take ginger, such as drinking it in tea or taking it in capsules. You can also find ginger in many over-the-counter medications. If you decide to try ginger, make sure to speak with your doctor first to make sure it is safe for you to take.

Is It Better to Use Ice or a Heating Pad for Migraines?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as some people find relief from using a cold compress while others find relief from using a heating pad. It is important to experiment with different methods to see what works best for you. You may want to try using a cold compress for the first few hours of your migraine, and then switch to a heating pad later on. Some people find that alternating between the two provides the best relief. You should also avoid using either method for too long, as this can actually make your migraine worse. Speak with your doctor if you are unsure about which method is best for you.


For those looking for the fastest way to get rid of a migraine, there are many different options. You can try over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen or aspirin, natural remedies such as ginger or peppermint (which also have other health benefits), and even cold compresses and Cooling Pillows. The best option depends on your individual situation, but there are ways to get rid of a migraine quickly. If your migraines are severe, you should consult with a doctor to find the best course of treatment. However, if you are looking for ways to ease the pain at home, these tips should help.

Is There A Perfect Temperature for Exercise? — PezCycling News


We all have the ideal temperature for cycling however, is there a recommended temperature physically for exercising? Perhaps there is an advantage for men over women?

Rain, snow cold winds and grey skies …. It’s not happening!

Everyone has their weather kryptonite when it comes to cycling. It’s that kind of weather that makes your riding experience utterly miserable. My Kryptonite is the days with 4 to 5 degrees, grey skies, no sunshine to warm meup, and howling cold wind that cut through me regardless of what I wear. I prefer riding on the sun but with sub-freezing temperatures.

Much of this choice or dislike is based on personal experiences and cultural backgrounds. There is a physical factor as well? Do you experience a change in your physical capacity in response to temperature?

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Sandsund M et al. Effects of temperature of the ambient on endurance performance in cross-country ski clothing. Eur J Appl Physiol. 112(12):3939-3947, 2012.

Renberg J et al. The effect of temperature in the environment on endurance performance of females. J Thermal Biol. 45:9-14, 2014.


As the baby bear from the fairytale “The Three Bears” We generally prefer things that are in a middle This is also true for most of us with preference for the temperature we exercise in. However, do our bodies and performance actually work better in a specific temperature?

Today’s episode will examine two studies that examined both genders exercising in different temperatures. Was there a recommended temperature to exercise at? Was the temperature comparable for both women and men?

Our bodies are designed to function within a small range of internal temperature which is why our thermoregulatory behavioural and physiological systems evolved to help us stay within this very narrow temperature range when we’re at rest or working out, no matter if it’s in the summer or in the Arctic. Naturally, shivering when cold or sweating when hot will consume more energy, and so the natural concern is whether there’s an ideal ambient temperature to exercising. Research conducted beginning in the mid-1990s indicate that 10degC is the ideal temperature as being warmer or colder can affect performance. The majority of these studies have been conducted in males however the most interesting issue is whether there’s an sex-related difference, since women react differently to heat stress.

Two Norwegian studies from 2012 and 2014 addressed both of these issues, using nine well-trained endurance cross-country males skiers or orienteering athletes, as well as 9 endurance females who had been trained well of the same sports employing the same method. The testing was conducted in six temperatures ranging from 20degC to 14degC. The treadmill was run at a slow warm-up speed and 4 different speeds to determine lactate threshold and running economy as well as a final difficult increase in pace until exhaustion, to test the maximal endurance and exercise tolerance. Standard ski racing attire was used, as well as extra gloves and neckwarmers in the coldest temperatures to avoid dropping out due discomfort. Women were examined during the luteal stage of menstrual cycles.

Let’s take a look at the male study from 2012 first. The graph displays the tolerance duration measured in second for all six temperature ranges. The graph shows a generally upside-down U pattern that is the most efficient between -1 and -4degC but with decreasing performance when we get towards warmer or colder temperatures. Similar peak in the speed of running at the lactate threshold of 4 was also observed and running efficiency generally was worse the higher the temperature. However, no difference in VO2max were observed. The pattern that shows an upside-down U in performance as temperature increases is consistent with similar studies done in males, however the optimal temperature for this study is lower than in other studies. The most interesting thing is the lack of differences in any of the measurements in the study of females from 2014 using the same methodology and similar fitness levels of athletes in the same sports.

The study was original in that it tested a previously observed observation among men and testing whether it is the same in women. The authors were puzzled about the reason why the male’s performance could be affected by the ambient temperature , while females seemed unaffected. When temperatures were hot it could be because women, despite having less sweating they were more efficient in evaporation, and therefore not as affected by dehydration like men. In cold weather women have lower skin temperatures and greater body fat to provide insulation, which means they lost less heat than males. Whatever the reason, this study shows that women aren’t smaller than men and there is the urgent need to research their unique physiology, both in research on health and environmental physiology. research.

Cold weather weather-related training, please

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How to lessen neck pain from the experts The Times


It is a common occurrence for neck pain to affect that almost everyone suffers from at some point, but in the majority of cases it’s not a serious issue and will improve in time, without treatment. The most common causes are bad posture (such as slouching in front of a computer for prolonged periods) as well as sleeping in a position that is uncomfortable or straining neck muscles. Stress and anxiety may result in tension in the neck muscles, causing neck discomfort.

The signs are typically stiffness or pain in the neck. Sometimes, it is associated with a reduced neck motion and related discomfort or pain in the arm, shoulder or the head. Staying active and moving your neck can assist in healing, and it’s normal to experience some discomfort at times. In contrast, using an appropriate neck strap or a neck brace can help.

Headaches: are you one of the one in six people suffering today? – The Guardian

Headaches: are you one of the one in six people suffering today?

Study finds 7% of global population experience migraine and 9% a tension-type headache on any given day

woman with a headache

Almost one in six people around the world have a headache on any given day, with about half of those experiencing a migraine, researchers have found.

Headache disorders can be painful and debilitating and have myriad causes, from stress to over-use of medications such as painkillers. Now a large scale review has highlighted just how common such conditions are.

How to move: with migrainesRead more

“Headaches are really, really frequent disorders, [and] very prevalent in all countries – although there may be differences,” said Prof Lars Jacob Stovner, first author of the research from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Stovner and colleagues identified 357 papers published between 1961 and the end of 2020. While these covered different countries, different time periods and often used different approaches, the team were able to analyse the data to explore the prevalence of headache disorders around the world.

The results, published in the Journal of Headache and Pain, suggest more than half of the world’s population – 52% – have an active headache disorder, typically described as experiencing some type of headache during the past year.

Further analysis revealed that just under 16% of people around the world had a headache on any given day. While many of the studies did not report the type of headache involved, those that did suggested about 7% of the global population experience migraine on any given day, and almost 9% experience a tension-type headache.

The review also highlighted that the prevalence of headache disorders differed by sex, with 17% of women affected by migraine in a given year, compared with 8.6% of men. Headaches for 15 or more days a month were also much more common in women.

Stovner said the overall findings chime with previous estimates of headache prevalence, including the Global Burden of Disease study.

However, the study suggests migraines may have become more common since the team’s last review in 2007 – a finding the authors note is not conclusive, as it may be down to factors such as, for example, more sensitive diagnostic questionnaires.

They add that apparent differences between countries are also speculative as the findings may depend upon how the studies are carried out.

Stovner’s team previously revealed that migraine was the leading cause of disability for under-50s,.

“Many other pains in the body, they are increasing when we approach retirement. But migraines and headaches are most prevalent in the most active years,” said Stovner, who works with the Global Campaign against Headache.

Stovner added that headache disorders can be down to multiple factors, from an individual’s genetics to stress, sleep problems and overuse of medication, adding that options are available to both prevent headache disorders or treat them when they occur.

“This is something the health services have to take seriously. We must inform the public, the decision makers, the health services … about this very big public health problem,” he said.

Peter Goadsby, professor of neurology at King’s College London and an expert in migraine, who was not involved in the research, said conditions such as migraine were disabling and horrible for those who experience them, adding that there needed to be not only more recognition of headache but also action.

“We need more treatments and, frankly, Europe just needs the treatments now available in the US for a starter,” he said, adding there also needs to be investment in research. “Research council investment is pitiful and embarrassing when you think it is the migraineurs who [are] a good chunk of current taxpayers.”


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Ointments, pillows, and Collars The Neck Pain Can be relieved at home – Nilsen Report


A feeling of pain that is constant, “clogged” muscles and other pain in the neck areas are common results of working on the computer. Ointments and massagers from manufacturers promise to improve the health of neck muscles. Here are the most popular techniques to treat the problem.

Heating or cooling ointments

The ointments that warm neck pain aren’t a must. They work by the temporary blocking of pain receptors, thereby blocking the effects of cytokines. The effects of such Ointments is not long-lasting and weak since they block painful receptors they produce no influence on the inflammation which is why it persists. In addition, they contribute to an increase in blood flow, irritants may cause an increase in the severity in the severity of pain. Effective treatment for external conditions is ointments that contain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ingredients – because they are able to block the inflammatory enzyme, thereby breaking the chain of pain that causes it. However, before you use such ointments, you should consult with a physician.

Fixing Collars

Shantz collars are utilized to secure the neck, but not to treat osteochondrosis. Necks are the most mobile part of the body and is not tolerant of immobility. In contrast, absconding from neck exercises and fixation can contribute to transforming the pain syndrome into a long-lasting one. It is essential to know that fixing the head and neck is suggested for injuries and also following surgical treatment for the cervical spine. In these situations it’s necessary to release the injured region and let it heal more quickly.

Since collars that fix are comfortable, you can choose to wear them while gambling in a live casino or at your home. In this way, you’ll be healthy and fit, even while living an unhealthy life.

Orthopedic Sleeping Pillows

The use of orthopedic pillows is to alleviate neck pain after sleep. We spend a significant amount of our time asleep, so it is essential to ensure that the position of the neck during long periods of inactivity is as natural as it is. Most comfortable pillows have two bolsters. However, for those who lie on their stomachs or back, a model with a notch in its middle could be more ideal. It is best if the pillow is made from memory foam, as it can adapt better to the unique body shape of neck. Pillows are picked in accordance with the dimensions of the shoulder and should only be purchased at salons that are specialized.

Easy Hand Massagers

Massage is not advised in the initial phase of discomfort. As with manual therapy, it is a method of complementary treatment. The treatment should be carried out by a licensed professional. Self-massage or the use of devices that are not certified could be harmful.

On the other side, engineers who create hand massagers attempt to reduce the negative consequences of their creations. The massager has to be certified. However, due to its low effectiveness of the technique and the ignorance of the impact of this technique to the body and the mind, I do not suggest this method of treatment.

Electric Massagers with Shiatsu modes, heating and other functions

Electric massagers differ from manual ones because they provide a stronger impact. It is recommended to utilize an electric massager not to relieve spinal pain or neck, but rather to ease tension in the muscles after a long working day. The primary rule to keep in mind is to avoid working on the muscles more than 15 minutes each day. Additionally, the duration should be restricted up to 10-12 times. If you are not careful, long-term exposure could cause injuries to tissues.

Pope confirms that he hasn’t talked directly with Putin regarding Ukraine conflict – Crux Now at


ABOARD THE PAPAL FIGHT FROM MALTA This time, Pope Francis avoided speaking directly about Russian President Vladimir Putin and instead focused on condemning war as a brutal and cruel action that “goes against human nature.”

A conversation with journalists took place on April 3 on the plane that took him of Malta in the direction of the Vatican The pope was asked whether he’d met with Russian president Vladimir Putin.

“The things I’ve said to the authorities from every side are all public,” the pope said. “I have not hidden anything I’ve said.”

He also said that his most recent time when he met with Putin was when Putin called. Russian president called to offer his best wishes for the new year.

In spite of numerous reports of alleged violations of the law by Russia and the Russian government, Pope Francis maintained the long-standing Vatican custom of never praising one side of a conflict.

Recently, a collection of images released online showcased the aftermath of the atrocities committed in Ukraine and included numerous Ukrainians who were apparently executed.

In the absence of any information about the photos prior to the press gathering, Pope Francis said the evidence was yet another proof of the fact that “war is a form of cruelty.”

“It represents the religious spirit that is Cain,” the pope declared. “I will complete everything that has to be done. And the Holy See, the diplomatic side is doing all that is possible. We can’t make public everything we do, however the Holy See is” doing everything that is possible.

In announcing that a possible visit towards Ukraine could be “on the table” the pope stated that it was still uncertain.

“I affirm with absolute sincerity that I’d like to travel. The desire is always there and there’s never a ‘no”,” he declared. “If it’s feasible and I can do it, I will accomplish it. It’s all still in the in the air.”

In contrast, Pope Francis told journalists that a visit to Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill is underway.

“We are contemplating doing this with the Middle East,” the pope told reporters.

Pope Francis also addressed concerns regarding his health. While in Malta the pope was observed moving slowly because of leg pain, and often sat in a reclining position when traveling in the popemobile.

“My health is somewhat unpredictable,” the pope said. “I suffer from this issue in my knee which can cause problems of walking. However, it’s getting better.”

The pope has suffered for a number of years with sciatica that as per the Mayo Clinic, can cause intense pain radiating across the sciatic nerve. The nerve is a branch of the lower back, through the hips and into each leg.

In December of 2020, Pope Francis did not attend the traditional prayer service at the end of the year and the New Year’s Mass within St. Peter’s Basilica due to sciatica.

“We’ll check to see if the (knee) returns” back to its normal state, the doctor added. “But we don’t know when the game will conclude.”

The app for exercise has many advantages – Herald-Mail Media


There’s plenty to do in state parks.

Further LisaSpruce to your living space by using these tips and tricks that come from At Home Places

The first two achievements were not difficult — a streak of one week of completing three playlists per week (achieved by 33 percent of members) 100 reps for the completion of 100 exercise repetitions (achieved by 39 percent of members) Weekend health (be active on Saturdays and Sunday) (achieved by 13 percent in members).

Then, they got a bit more challenging and more difficult — like a 20 week active streak of being engaged on the app for for 20 weeks in one go (achieved by 6percent of users) or a 10-week 3-x playlist streak where you have completed three playlists every week for 10 weeks in one row (achieved by 44% of users) or the unattainable 52-week streak of being active on our app for 52 consecutive weeks (achieved by the smallest percentage of users).

The closer I got closer to my goals The closer I got to my goals, the more determined I was to achieve them.

There’s an application on my phone that lets me select my daily playlist, then follow the instructions and illustrations and complete the suggested exercises. The playlist has 40 different levels. When one level is completed and the program is completed, it moves the fitness instructor to the next. There are many articles to go through and health assessments to be completed.

The program is equipped with sensors which can be worn on the joint that is in trouble to measure your range of motion in exercises. It is possible to exercise without sensors, too.

The exercise bands can be used as an option and are used for certain exercises.

The program has opened my eyes for a variety of reasons. The ability of an app to keep track of my busy days has revealed a lot and helped me stay on course. If I tried to keep up with my workouts without the app, I’m not sure if would have persevered for this length of time.

A significant benefit is reduced discomfort and improved mobility. The way to achieve this is by staying consistent and adhering to a plan.

In addition, the gold stars and the confetti give me a boost of energy which makes me laugh.

It seems like there are many others that are also doing this and that is what keeps me motivated. I’m hoping it will keep the others going, too.

Lisa Tedrick Prejean writes a weekly column for The Herald-Mail. Send an email to her at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @Lisa_Prejean.

A Hoperay Memory Foam Cushion is 48% off at Amazon The Hoperay Memory Foam Pillow is 48% Off at Amazon. PEOPLE


Each item we feature was independently selected and vetted by the editorial staff. If you purchase by using the links provided we could earn a commission.

If you’ve been sleeping with an unflattering pillow over the past couple of months, it’s time to make a change. Since pillows should be comfy and supportive all night long — and not leave you with discomfort and pain the moment you awake.

If you’re not certain where to begin take a look at an option like the Hoperay Shredded Memory Foam Pillow, which comes with the backing of hundreds of Amazon buyers. It’s a great pillow for back, side, as well as stomach-sleepers (and particularly pregnant women According to the manufacturer) since it molds to your neck and head regardless of place of rest. Additionally, with the help of an Amazon sale and a coupon that you can click that offers double discounts currently available.

The pillow can be customized with 100% shredded memory foam. It’s completed with a protective cover made of an amalgamation of bamboo and polyester and the user can either choose to add or remove the filling shredded to their preference. Making use of the right quantity of filling can help relieve neck and back pain, getting your spine in alignment to ensure that you don’t awake in pain the next day.

In addition it is the Hoperay pillow can be machine washed The brand suggests washing the pillows at least every 2 to 4 months. It’s also made available in three different sizes: queen, standard and King.

Buy It! Hoperay’s Shredded Memory Foam Pillow, $32.30 with coupon (orig. $62.77); amazon.com

More than a thousand Amazon customers have given the pillows five stars as well as many calling it the “best mattress in the world. Earth” and pointing out its “bounces back” after each use. One user put it this way: “My shoulders and back are no longer sore every morning when I get up.”

Another person who bought the pillow said that they purchased the pillow because they were always waking up feeling uncomfortable with their existing pillows. “These pillows conform to my neck, so that my neck is aligned in relation to me,” they wrote, saying, “Since using these pillows I can wake up without neck discomfort.”

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