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Pope attends , but doesn’t preside over the Easter vigil (Euronews,



VATICAN CITY VATICAN CITY Pope Francis attended but did not preside over the Easter Vigil in St. Peter’s Basilica on Saturday night, likely due to recurring leg pains that have caused him to stop certain activities.

Italian Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re replaced the pope as the principal celebrant for the event that was accompanied by a procession with complete darkness along the central aisle of the world’s largest church.

The pope was sitting in front of the basilica , in an enormous white chair to the side , and seemed to be in a state of alert. The Vatican announced that he would give the homily in the following part of the Mass.

The pope of 85 is suffering from sciatica, which results in pain in one leg and can cause a severe limp. Recently, Francis also had an increase in discomfort on his left knee.

The problem appears to change over time.

He had to restrict certain movements during an excursion to Malta at the beginning of April, but the following Friday, he felt well enough to stroll the entire aisle at both the beginning and at the conclusion of a Good Friday service at the basilica.

Campaigner claims that Led lighting may cause nausea and headaches – The Irish Times

As the State prepares to invest hundreds of millions to convert public structures, street lamps or traffic signals to Led (light-emitting diodes) lighting, a tiny but increasing number of people are raising concerns about the environmental and health effects of this move.

Led is more efficient in terms of energy use source than incandescent equivalent bulbs as well as most fluorescent lamps. Because of this, State or EU authorities have for over 10 years all but removed incandescent lamps through stricter lighting regulations efficiency.

Dublin City Council, one of the councils that have made the transition in Led lighting, announced that it will invest EUR55 million on the project.

While medical experts haven’t found any connection with Led lighting and illnesses however, a growing percentage of people believe they’re suffering from the severe health issues that are caused by Leds.

Elaine Dennehy, from Tuam, Co Galway, said she experiences severe migraine-like headaches as well as nausea that can last for a few days following being exposed to Led lighting.

The lighting that can affect her is “blue light” from screens on computers phones, computers or other electronics along with flicker and directional intensity of lamps, she claimed.

Bright lights from nearby buildings could trigger an episode that causes her to be unable to work for days. She is unable to operate in areas in which Led lights are present. explained.

In the year 2014 the lady Dennehy was forced to move from the center of Tuam to an area that was more rural because of the growing use of Led lighting. After some time, she noted that the increasing usage of Leds in traffic light systems and security lighting around structures has severely restricted her options for living.

“How can we ethically regulate the safety of a product when we cannot be sure it’s safe for all people?” she asked. “Because that’s exactly what we’re doing by phasing out other sources of light. How can those who are who are sensitive to Led supposed to live their lives.”


Ms Dennehy added she believes that “in in the absence of research about the long-term effects, should our councils not be conducting assessments on the impact of disability and impairment before making any changes to our highways?”

She also said that claims made by manufacturers of huge benefits by the use of Led were skewed.

“Something is deemed to be economically efficient based on a single measurement of watts for each lumen of light fitting, but the process is extremely complex. To evaluate this more precisely, we must look at the whole picture which includes manufacturing processes, materials transport of goods, disposal , and the environmental effect of the products.”

At the urging at the direction of Sean Canney, her local TD and long-time patron Ms Dennehy recently spoke to her Oireachtas Committee on Disability Matters.

“I wanted to inform them that it wasn’t just about me or Tuam There hundreds of thousands who have approached LightAware [a UK-based group for campaigningas well as it is true that the European Parliament has recognized that certain people are at risk,” she said.

The EU Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (Scheer) released its report on possible risks to the health of humans due to light emitting diodes, in June 2018. The report concluded that further research was needed , especially for those who are vulnerable, such as those who are young and elderly.

The report concluded that the report did not find any evidence to suggest negative health consequences directly resulting caused by Leds when used in their normal usage however, the report also stated that the report would be interested in continual evaluation of their effect.


Ophthalmic surgeon consultant Louis Collum, professor of Ophthalmology in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and Ireland, has said that the Led light damaging eyes is “not an indication of a disorder” . But , he added, damage is recognized as being a consequence of exposure to intense lighting.

“Exposure to the light of a large amount isn’t very effective generally and Leds are much more powerful or robust than the bulb that is in the ceiling” He said.

He also said that “there is never been any situation in which we’ve declared that Led lights should not be employed” however he said there was no doubt that some people were more sensitive to them.

“People must be extremely cautious when it comes to exposure to light since the cells in the back of the eye could be, without an appropriate word, “burn.”

How to convince your spouse to exercise, eat and be healthier This article is from The Wall Street Journal


There is no one who can tell you more than you about how to motivate your partner.

Illustrations: Errata Carmona

A Letter To the Editor Letter to the Editor: Traffic Headaches in Newport Heights – Newport Beach News — Newport Beach Independent Newspaper

I am so regret for the people who reside along Riverside Avenue.

We’ve been informed of Newport Heights of a traffic circulation improvement being discussed in the last few months. It is believed that the City Council has even gone to the extent of closing off the upper Tustin on basis on a trial basis. The results were announced during the Study Session Meeting this last Tuesday.

The term “study session” is a misnomer since conversations with the Council when information is given, doesn’t follow the same pattern of back and forth. Residents are permitted to present, a technical talk was delivered by the city’s Traffic Expert and the Council was asked questions regarding the information presented by the expert, however nobody in the audience was permitted to ask questions following their presentation. This was in relation to technical details.

In addition, there is nothing in the state law that states that those who are in the audience can’t have a an exchange of ideas with the Council however that implies surrendering control, and our Council will not give up control. It would certainly be an excellent way for citizens to get involved in local governance and there would be less confusion regarding the Council’s decisions.

The closure of the upper Tustin led to their traffic dropping from 834 cars to 276 every day, which was a significant shift. But, as a result of this change, the other streets within the Heights witnessed significant increase in traffic.

The sole other thoroughfare in the Heights that runs from Pacific Coast Highway to 17th Street is Riverside the street that is famous for the constant flow of congestion, speed problems and visibility issues because, just as Upper Tustin, Riverside has an uphill slope.

Like Tustin The street is narrow due to the fact that cars are parked along both the sides, and traffic flows across two different directions. As a walker who is avid I’ll never go through the streets of Tustin or in the lower Tustin area because I believe they pose risk to pedestrians because of the high volume of vehicles and the insufficient spaces on the streets.

Let’s examine some additional data-related statistics and changes in traffic patterns as a result of the closing of Tustin. The traffic to Riverside has increased by 1,862 trips per day to 2,053! Avon Traffic increased a tiny section that is Cliff Drive increased and lower Tustin increased from 2,513 daily to 2,517! The thing that is truly remarkable for me is the enormous amount of trips taken across these roads and should they make the changes on the upper Tustin permanent, then every other road used by vehicles to travel through the Heights will experience increases.

Around 200 additional cars every day on Riverside which is 1400 more cars each week for Riverside! Although the Traffic expert claims that 2,000 or even three hundred automobiles per hour is adequate however, I find the numbers shocking to think about.

The thing does the Council is saying, if they approve the closure for a long time is that 2,000 vehicles in Riverside and 3,000 vehicles at lower Tustin are okay, but 834 vehicles on Tustin aren’t. When you reach many thousands of vehicles the Council must think that an extra 100 cars shouldn’t matter.

The reasons upper Tustin residents had given the reason for their request to close was not entirely evident. There was talk of the street being a “narrow” street and of people who would use Tustin in lieu of Riverside to avoid interactions with police officers and repeated assertions by council members that the area had a character that was “unique.”

The final decision has not been taken on the issue. Therefore, residents living in nearby streets, who are concerned, ought to get in touch with city council City Council as soon as possible.

Lynn Lorenz / Newport Beach

NATO troops took part in an exercise of war routine during the Arctic. The year that was this different


In March in March, an U.S. Marine Corps general aboard an Italian aircraft carrier that was floating in an Arctic Fjord commanded French soldiers to start an amphibious attack from an Dutch ship to thwart the invasion of Norway.

It was simply a game that was one of NATO’s “Cold Response” exercise that occurs each year. This year, however with all eyes focused on Norway’s borders with Russia the exercise felt more real.

* Nora Lorek for NPR


Nora Lorek for NPR

Top photo: Helicopter from Bjerkvik, Norway, flies towards landing at the bottom of an airplane carrier on the sea. Middle left: Captain of the ship, Marcello Grivelli, and STV Caterina Massaro on their bridge on the ship. Lower: Grivelli takes a selfie on the flight deck U.S. Marine Corps 1st Lt. Stephanie Baer, in an unexpected snowstorm.

“Having one of the major powers in Europe fighting a wide air-to-land war, threatening your neighbors, has an impact on all things,” said Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store, who was at these war exercises. “Norway needs alliances with allies, training, and a proper defense in order to ensure its safety. This is what we do here.”

The troops from 27 nations participated during one of the biggest NATO war exercises in the past decade. While it was planned two years ago by Russia, its invasion of Ukraine caused this NATO exercise an eerie Cold-War appearance and an opportunity to stop Russia from believing that any NATO country could be a target for soft targets.

* Nora Lorek for NPR


Nora Lorek for NPR

U.S. Marine Corps 1st Lt. Stephanie Baer, aboard the Italian aircraft carrier Giuseppe Garibaldi.

“We need everyone in the world, everyone who is willing to join an offensive Alliance such as NATO to be aware that it will defend all its members. Absolutely,” said USMC Brigadier General Anthony Henderson, who led the exercise from the Italian aircraft carrier Giuseppe Garibaldi,where hundreds of Italian sailors were hosted by US Marines.

In the past, Russian ships have closely watched the operation and even tested missiles near. Russia’s northern fleet, which includes nuclear submarines, are stationed close to the border with Norway. This year , the fleet is in battle, and is bombarding Ukraine via in the Black sea. However, in this region”high north “High Northern” Russia is still seen as a step ahead of its competitors.

* Nora Lorek for NPR


Nora Lorek for NPR

US General Anthony Henderson, top, on the aircraft carrier, where thousands of Italian sailors were hosted by US Marines.

“The US let some of its capabilities deteriorate following the conclusion in the Cold War. We have, over the past few years, focused more on the necessity of restoring our fleet of icebreakers, as well as being able to equip our troops to be able to work in harsher weather and in more dangerous environments,” said Sherri Goodman Former Deputy Undersecretary for Defense.

Goodman states that Russia is still enjoying a massive advantages in Arctic but it has a significant advantage in the Arctic – 50 vessels breaking ice, as against America’s two coast guard vessels. The melting sea ice the development of new shipping routes, as well as an ongoing race for new drilling and mining in the Arctic could create opportunities for conflict with Russia. Particularly given that Vladimir Putin is now a disgrace.

* Nora Lorek for NPR


Nora Lorek for NPR

Crew members aboard the Italian aircraft carrier Giuseppe Garibaldi,prepared the helicopter to take off in the midst of a blizzard.

“We have entered a new period of the Arctic of peace and cold at best, in which Russia is not as tied by institutions of the Arctic organizations that brought stability over the past quarter century. Although this doesn’t mean that we’re heading towards an unarmed conflict but we are moving into an environment where deterrence and defense will play an increasingly important function,” said Goodman.

In the same period that NATO was training during the exercise in Arctic Norway, the US conducted a similar exercise using 8000 troops in Alaska in the Bering Sea, in which Russia has increased its the military’s presence in recent times.

• Nora Lorek for NPR


Nora Lorek for NPR

“After many years of being in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Iraq, it’s time to return to the Arctic climate… It’s something you need to learn every calendar year.” explained Norwegian Defense Chief General Eirik Kristoffersen, while he looked over exercises from NATO’s Cold Response 2022.

Being in the Arctic is not easy and the conditions could have been the cause of the death of 4 US Marines in Norway when their Osprey tiltrotor went down during the exercise on March 18 the 18th. Search and rescue was hindered by a sudden snowstorm, something that was commonplace over the course of three weeks of exercises in war.

The same is the directing of close air support for 27 different national forces with a wide range of languages and culture.

* Nora Lorek for NPR


Nora Lorek for NPR

The top picture: Dutch troops practice an amphibious landing in NATO combat games held in Norway. Right: Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store examines troops and missile systems.

“It’s an extremely complex task that’s why what we wanted to figure out was “how did we get ourselves to work well together how did we develop a good working relationship? You shouldn’t fire into someone else’s space as you may injure someone nearby. It is imperative that you’re in sync with the right people,” said US Marine Major Caleb Brown, who was in charge of simulated artillery from the Giuseppe Garibaldi.

• Nora Lorek for NPR


Nora Lorek for NPR

Italian airship transporter Giuseppe Garibaldi, with its flight deck elevator that is lowered and sailing through an Norwegian fjord , which is above the Artic Circle. Obbedisco Obbedisco ” I obey” was the motto of Italian hero of the military Giuseppe Garibaldi.

In the NATO force The only real combat experience is from a completely different kind of war in Iraq as well as Afghanistan or perhaps Syria. Therefore “Cold Respond” was primarily about learning how to stay warm, keep air craft from freezing and to deal in extreme weather.

In a moment of sudden white-out storm that caused the ground to be closed to all aircraft in the cockpit of an Italian Air Craft carrier, many crews were left waiting for a clear. The purpose of the exercise is building camaraderie between NATO troops, and so they Italians as well as the Americans began a snowball battle in the air line.

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* Nora Lorek for NPR


Nora Lorek for NPR

After flights were suspended due to a sudden snowstorm, Italian and American troops engaged in a snowball fight on the Giuseppe Garibaldi.

Healthy Living: Nurse Practitioner Provides Relief for Back, Neck Pain – KFSM 5Newsonline


FORT SMITH, Ark. -Fort Smith, Ark. – Billie Nelson, APRN, recently joined Baptist Health’s Neuroscience Center Fort Smith. Nelson collaborates with Dr. Arthur Johnson, a neurosurgeon, who sees patients who suffer from neck or back discomfort. Check out this video to find out the more details about Nelson and the services she offers.

Pope Francis washes the feet of 12 Italian prisoners to mark Holy Thursday – America Magazine


VATICAN CITY (AP) -VATICAN CITY (AP) – Pope Francis traveled to a prison in the vicinity of Rome to clean the feet of twelve prisoners as part of a Holy Thursday practice that is a symbol of humility and demonstrates his pontificate’s focus on those living at the marginalized.

He arrived in a procession which included Italian police vehicles, which passed through the gate of the jail in Civitavecchia the port city located 80 km (50 miles) northwest of Rome. The ceremony was not open to the public due to reasons of security and to ensure the privacy of inmates.

Prior to that, during an earlier Holy Thursday Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, Francis instructed the priests who were present not to be focused on the worldly aspects of standing or position, but instead urged the priests to “serve having a good conscience the faithful and holy God’s people.” God.”

Francis did not mention years of scandals involving Catholic priests that sexually abusing children, and were frequently transferred across parishes and bishops trying to avoid embarrassing themselves rather than safeguard children.

A few hours earlier, at an earlier Holy Thursday Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, Francis told the priests who were who were present to not focus on the world and concerns like the power or status.

It is a year of celebrations. Holy Week celebrations come as the pope has been struggling to overcome mobility problems. Francis has pain from knee ligament issues and is suffering from sciatica, nerve inflammation that can affect the back and legs.

At Holy Thursday Mass Holy Thursday Mass, large oil urns are blessed to be used in ceremonies at churches in the Rome region. When Francis decided to pray for the blessing of oil, breathing in it and then a aide assisted him to take his seat and proceed towards the silver container. After the ritual, Francis was able to walk towards the altar while by securing himself to the arm of an assistant as he in his walk from the basilica.

It is unclear what the Vatican did not specify what arrangements were made to allow the pope to conduct the foot-washing ceremony.

Holy Week, which draws thousands of worshippers to the Vatican It began in the form of Palm Sunday Mass on April 10 in St. Peter’s Square and concludes in Easter Sunday, on which Christians celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. Jesus.

The Holy Week celebrations come as Pope Francis is suffering from mobility issues. Francis has pain from knee ligament issues and has for a long time had sciatica-related issues.

This year it is this year, the Good Friday torch-lit Way of the Cross procession in Rome is returning to its original site at the historic Colosseum following a two-year hiatus caused by the outbreak of coronavirus.

The Vatican has invited two people, a Russian woman and one Ukrainian woman who are both employed in the same Rome hospital and carry a cross in the procession. The decision has angered a few Ukrainians as well as Ukraine’s ambassador to Holy See as well as Kyiv’s archbishop. Kyiv. The main issue they have is the issue of whether a gesture that appears to be suggesting reconciliation, is appropriate considering Russia’s aggression against its neighbour Ukraine and the ongoing war against Ukraine’s inhabitants.

The Vatican continues with the procession’s roster of participants who alternate carrying a cross that is lightweight in the procession. The procession is led by the pontiff. The procession is a reminder of Jesus crucified death.

It’s not a huge amount of exercise to combat depression, a study suggests that. CNN

Sign up to the CNN’s Fitness, But Betternewsletter. Join our monthly newsletter to help you get into a healthier routine, with the help of experts.

“Most advantages are realized when transitioning from zero activity to at the very least certain levels,” the study authors have written.
The recommended levels of exercise for the United States, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention includes moderate amounts of aerobic exercise (such as a walking) during 2.5 hours per week in addition to a vigorous workout of every major muscle group at least twice per week.
Alternately, one can select a vigorous aerobic activity like running for 1.25 hours per week as well as the similar amount of strength-training.
Exercise that is moderate or vigorous is beneficial for us, as per the CDC. It helps improve sleep, lowers blood pressure, guards against heart disease as well as cancer, diabetes and improves mood; reduces stress and reduces depression and anxiety.
In today’s hectic world, many are finding it difficult to squeeze into a run or even a trip at the fitness center. Add depression and motivation to exercising decreases even more Experts say.

Every bit of help is appreciated

The meta-analysis, which was published on Tuesday in JAMA Psychiatry, looked at 15 studies that involved over 900,00 people to find out how much exercise was required in order to decrease depression.
Adults who engaged in activities that equated or 1.25 hours of vigorous walking each week experienced an 18 percent lower risk of developing depression when compared to those who didn’t exercise, according to the study.
The increase to an “activity quantity comparable up to 2.5 hours of vigorous walking each week was linked with a 25% lower risk of depression” the study’s authors stated.

The most beneficial effects were seen in the case of a person who had shifted from couch-to-table to adding more movement to their daytime, the study found. However, exercise beyond the recommended amount didn’t provide any benefits in addition.
“Our results therefore have significant potential implications for health professionals who offer lifestyle advice, particularly to those who aren’t active, and who might consider the current suggested goal (of exercising) as unattainable,” the authors wrote.

Previous research

A study that was published in 2018 reported similar results: people who exercised had 43% less days of low mental health.
“Even walking for just three times per week is likely to provide people with better mental health than doing any exercise at all,” study’s author study authorAdam Chekroud who is an assistant adjunct professor ofprofessor ofof psychology of Yale University, told CNN at the time.
The practice of exercising for 45 minutes 3 to 5 times per week is the best in improving well-being, the study concluded. In addition, doing household chores decreased bad mental health-related days by approximately 10 percent, according to the study.

The study, published in the year 2020 revealed that even the smallest amount of exercise can to protect children from developing depression. The study in 2020 revealed the fact that exercising for 60 minutes routine daily exercise at the age of 12 was associated with an average reduction of 10% in depression when they reached age 18.
The kinds of movements included walking, biking and running and other activities such as playingdoing chores painting, or performing an art.
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