Art, exercise, music and more Lifelong Learning program set to start in Marshfield The Patriot Ledger


Marshfield, MI Marshfield – The Lifelong Learning program will come back to life in Marshfield Senior Center. Marshfield Senior Center after closing down for two years because of the pandemic.

For registration of more than 12 spring classes as well as individual courses will be held between 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. Monday on April 25. The classes will include at least three or six classes per. Additionally, there will be the chance to attend a single class to stay engaged and active through creative exercises.

The classes consist of: “Spring Comes to Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary” with Doug Lowry of Mass Audubon; “Music from the British Invasion” with Larry King; “Great Decisions” with Rich Hansen; “Arthritis Class” with exercise expert Neil Sullivan; and “Getting the Most Value from Your iPhone” with Robin Billing.

Additionally, there will be “Barre exercise course” taught by Rena Thorbahn “Beginner Ukulele” with the South Shore Conservatory; “Edison Wizard or Pretender?” by John Sullivan; “Kung Fu for Active Seniors” with Sifu Mike Showstack; as well as “Hot topics at Beacon Hill” with state Senator. Patrick O’Connor and state Reps. Josh Cutler and Patrick Kearney.

An Age of Good Health: Marshfield older adults box on their way to health one cross, hook and jab at the same time

The Winslow House Lecture will look at “Downstairs-Upstairs: 18th Century Home Life” with Regina Porter.

There are also excursions in The Cape Cod Museum of Art in Dennis as well as The Fuller Craft Museum in Brockton and the deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum in Lincoln.

The registration process will be held at the senior center following the kickoff event on Monday.

For more information, visit or pick up a Lifelong Learning brochure at the Marshfield Senior Center, 230 Webster St. You can also call activities coordinator Merilee Comerford at 781-834-5581.

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Health and Health: Neck pain not disappearing? Three reasons to consider it is


More than 30% of people have neck pain. And of the majority, 50% will be suffering with no real solutions or solutions. The past two years of the outbreak saw people become more active, slipping off their routines, and even working at home from conditions that were not optimal “work places.”

It’s not a surprise that many suffer greater neck discomfort than they normally do.

Being a mechanical spine specialist for pain for the past 10 years, as well as being a physical therapist for just over 20 years – I am able to tell that the process of resolving neck pain is more difficult than solving back pain. There are positive reasons to that. The neck is by far the most mobile part of your spine. This makes it more difficult to manage . Additionally, the neck muscles are less supple than the larger muscles that are in your back. The method you use to strengthen muscles in your neck shouldn’t be done in the same way you would approach your lower back muscles – for instance.

There are many causes for your neck pain not getting better, the most significant reason I’ve discovered is an inaccurate diagnosis. Without a clear diagnosis, the treatment for neck pain fails and you’ll be given injections or pills to ease neck pain, and be stuck with this regimen for the duration of.

Three reasons that the cause to your neck pain may be missed, and why the pain in your neck simply won’t go away.

The neck issue is often concealed as shoulder pain

Shoulder pain is often associated with neck pain more frequently than you believe. If this happens , you could spend days (or weeks or) trying to get rid of shoulder pain that’s actually a neck issue.

The shoulder pain not completely resolve the neck pain will also – and it could get more severe. As your neck’s flexible, it’s very easy to allow nerves in your neck to become inflamed and send pain towards between your shoulder blades, on top of your shoulder or down the side or back of the arm.

If you take this into consideration then it is easy to understand why neck issues are often misdiagnosed as shoulder issues. It’s a fairly frequent scenario that not only causes neck pain that isn’t getting better, but chronic shoulder issues as well. A general guideline is when you’ve worked on a particular issue consistently and consistently for a period of 2 weeks or more with no noticeable improvement, you’re missing something.

You’re or treating the wrong issue or you’re using the wrong method. It’s a frequent occurrence when dealing when you suffer from neck pain, so make aware of this mistake – particularly in the case of shoulder discomfort.

Your base is weak

A lack of core strength is usually linked to back issues However, you might be surprised to learn that it may have a lot to have to do with neck pain, too. The majority of people know how joints and muscles are interconnected, but did you know that your organs and muscles are connected to each other? They are connected through the web of tissue known as fascia. This connection is sometimes called myofascial.

“Myofascially speaking” The deep neck muscles are linked with your core. If your core isn’t working well, your neck will attempt to compensate, and this will cause neck discomfort. Do you experience constant tightness or pain in your neck when you perform exercises that involve your core?

It could be an indication the neck may be compensating your spine and there’s a chance that the proper strengthening of your core is not being done. This could be the reason the neck pain doesn’t go disappear, no matter how vigorously you tackle it.

You are not working with an expert

The neck’s anatomy as well as the rest of your spine is quite intricate and mobile. This is not just because it requires particular care and precision when it comes to looking at your neck, it can make it very easy for someone who’s not trained to miss something.

For instance, one of the most frequently occurring things I observe is believing that the all motion range has been restored in their neck, but it isn’t. If you begin strengthening your neck while it isn’t fully mobile there is a chance that you will encounter issues later on, which can cause chronic discomfort. Also strengthening the muscles around your neck, particularly for a neck that is hurting should be done in a controlled manner.

The muscles of your neck were developed to ensure stability. This is different from, for instance, the muscles of your legs, which were built for strength. They aren’t able to be strengthened with the same method. Many times, I’ve seen neck exercises that are not appropriate for the muscles that are small in your neck. This can cause excessive neck tension and the delayed relief of neck discomfort.

In general, if you’ve suffered from neck pain for some time but despite trying many different methods, and still have issues, there’s a good chance you’re using the wrong treatment plan since you’ve been incorrectly diagnosed. Do not rely on injections or pills for the duration the time.

Don’t go through any type of procedure or surgery until you’ve thoroughly eliminated all causes of neck discomfort. The best option is to locate an expert in neck pain and collaborate with them, especially one who focuses on the natural and movement-based remedies over medications and surgical procedures. If you are diagnosed correctly it’s not just possible to relieve your neck pain , however, you can also learn to keep it away on your own.

Dr. Carrie Jose, Physical Therapist and Pilates expert, runs CJ Physical Therapy & Pilates in Portsmouth and also writes on behalf of Seacoast Media Group. To get in touch, or get a free copy of her guide to taking care of neck and shoulder pain, visit or call 603-605-0402.

Pope has cleared his schedule for medical examinations for knee pain – WOWT


ROME (AP) ROME (AP) Pope Francis has cleared his schedule to undergo medical examinations for his left knee. The ligaments that are strained have caused standing, walking or getting off a chair more difficult and painful.

Francis’s movement has significantly diminished in recent times as he has a noticeable limp caused by sciatica proving to be more severe.

He had to take a bow during the Easter Vigil this weekend. He and struggled to get through Easter Sunday Mass and is now walking in a shuffle with the aid of an assistant.

The Vatican spokesperson on Friday said that Francis was being examined for medical issues in the city state, not at an outside hospital. Francis has been receiving regular physiotherapy sessions to aid in relieving sciatica nerve pain.

Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

One woman’s fight against the pain of’suicide headaches” — Yahoo News

If the headaches start for Diane Wattrelos, as they occur for a half-hour 10 times a day, she claims it’s like someone “stuck the screwdriver inside my eye and then turned it”.

These aren’t normal headaches. They are cluster headaches that create intense pain, typically behind one eye, doctors liken it to having a limb removed without anaesthetic.

Also known as “suicide headaches” because the pain can trigger suicidal thoughts. This severe neurological disorder is experienced by 1 out of 1,000 people across the globe, as per the Migraine Trust.

Some people only experience it often however Wattrelos has been for almost a decade afflicted by almost constant attacks.

In an interview with AFP in the backyard of her house located in her home in the French neighborhood of Eure located to the west of Paris she revealed that she was recovering from another night shattered by discomfort.

Her hair fell short after shaving it off in part an illness in the hospital.

At 31 years old she’s had 12 surgeries and has tried a variety of therapies in a desperate attempt to reduce the pain.

All of it began when she was just 14 years old.

Before that, she was a “very content” teenage girl, she recalls experiencing “electric electric shocks within the neck” for the first time.

She ignored these warning signsin hopes for a quick escape from her parents her brother suffered from a different form of illness.

It would take several years before she was properly diagnosedan unfortunate occurrence for people who suffer from cluster headaches.

The attempt to escape hell”

Despite the hurt she carried on living her life by traveling as well as studying and partying before getting married to the guy who was going to later become her husband at 19.

One day in 2013 the cluster headache “floored” her.

“That day, I noticed the pain of my husband’s eyes. I knew that I couldn’t continue to cover up the illness,” she said.

She couldn’t be able to go for a single dayor even at night — without having an attack.

She lost 15 kilograms (33 pounds) and began to feel depressed due to her pain.

One morning, her legs swelled up underneath her which led to her being taken into the hospital emergency room. There, she was administered various tests.

In the end, she was diagnosed that she suffered from cluster headaches for which there isn’t a identified cause or cure.

“At the time, I felt justified in my suffering, and I reassured myself that I would eventually receive treatment,” she added.

However, after trying 20 treatments, she discovered that none did anything for her.

In desperate need to “try every trick to escape this abyss” she decided to undergo surgery.

She was “mutilated” following 12 separate procedures, she claimed.

All through her life she was worried that the procedures could make her sterile. Her unstoppable desire to have children kept her motivated.

“My husband has told him that this disease had removed a lot of us, but it’s not going to be able to take it away,” she said.

Strengthening through pain –

Utilizing fertility treatments and fertility treatments, the couple welcomed the birth of a son.

However, even with all that joy was a hit.

Her diagnosis was that of endometriosis. It is another chronically painful condition that is not curable and hard to manage.

“It was very difficult and I wasn’t feeling sufficient to fight another illness,” she said.

The couple later had a child in what she described as”a “miracle”.

She found a different salve after sharing the story via Instagram.

“I discovered that I was helping lots of people by sharing my illness. That was my most effective method of therapy” the woman said.

She has now published an ebook, titled “Mes mis in couleurs” (My suffering in color).

“I am turning my handicap into a strength” she told me.

If cluster headaches are present and the wattrelos breathes oxygen, a commonly used treatment to ease and reduce the duration of the attack.

She also has what she refers to as”the “miracle injectable” made of sumatriptan, a drug.

“I’m only allowed to inject two times every day, which means I’m forced to decide which ones” to apply it to she explained.

However, she’s usually getting greater than 2 injections even though there are risks.

Her battle against pain has also led to an increase in opioid addiction.

She admitted to using the opioid tramadol over the past 10 years. She only realized that she was hooked after watching a television show about the subject last year.

Her family keeps her going, she added.

“Some days I am unable to stand up but I do have wonderful moments that give life meaning.”


Be Fitter and Healthier for Less up to 46% off Fitness Equipment of the Finer Form – CNET


Finer Form

Active living is an important element of a healthy lifestyle. Start moving to meet those fitness objectives without overspending your money. Woot is offering amazing discounts on high-quality fitness apparatus from Finer Form and Finer Form, with discounts of up to 46 percent off. Set up your home gym with a bike for cycling or a exercise bench to ensure that you can workout at any time. This offer is available until the 27th of April.

Finer Form’s personal fitness equipment is strong, durable and simple to transport and store, therefore a commitment to your health doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your space. If you’re interested in cardio or resistance exercise, you can find offers that you can avail to help you along the path to fitness. If you’re in search of ways to improve the perfect fitness, take a look at the below deals.

Finer Form

Finer Form Finer Form exercise bike features the flywheel of 35 pounds. It works with a magnetic drive system that has the ability to resist 10 different levels. It also has an ergonomic, professional-grade seat that is comfortable and comfortable. The seat height as well as the positions of the handlebars are adjustable. The pedals for the bike are SPD compatible. Time, speed of rotation, RPM, distance calories and heart rate will be shown on the LCD screen. The device also includes an accessory for tablets so that you can watch music, movies, shows and more while you work out.

Finer Form

The bench for weights is versatile and has 8 positions for adjustment which allow you to do flat slope, decline, or upright exercises without difficulty. If you’re using dumbbell sets, bench presses or free weights the bench is sturdy enough to withstand the toughest workouts. It has a 1000-pound weight limit and has an 2.55-inch back support pad that will keep you in a comfortable position.

Finer Form

This durable, multi-purpose flat bench is made to facilitate all-body workouts. Ideal for weight training as well as abdominal exercises, this bench made by Finer Form can handle upwards of 1,000lbs. It has a 3 inch cushion pad that will give you a solid foundation and ease while exercising. The bench also features a 4-way frame that means you won’t need to be concerned about the bench slipping under your feet.

The information provided in this article are for informational and educational purposes only. It isn’t intended to provide medical or health advice. Always consult with a doctor or another qualified health professional with any questions you have regarding a medical condition or health-related goals.

Cervical Radiofrequency ablation chronic neck pain and headaches Healthline


Cervical radiofrequency ablation can be alternative surgery if you experience pain or headaches due to changes in the cervical spine.

The procedure is a way to damage nerves that transmit signals of pain to your brain. A doctor should assist you evaluate the risks and advantages associated with this process.

Read on to discover whether cervical radiofrequency ablations can aid in finding relief from pain.

Cervical radiofrequency ablations help treat neck pain, chronic neck pain, and headaches resulting from neck spine changes according to

2021 research

. Cervical spines are the highest segment of the spine. It includes the seven vertebrae that comprise the. The vertebrae are responsible for supporting your neck and head.

Modifications to the normal structure of the bones in and around the vertebrae could result in a particular type of headache called a cervicogenic migraine. It is estimated that 4.1 percent of people suffers from this kind of headache with an typical age of onset being around 43.

Cervicogenic headaches can be challenging for doctors to recognize. According to research conducted in 2018 that focuses on the following symptoms:

  • The pain is usually located on the other or the other side
  • the neck. There is a lack of range of motion the neck
  • Head pain that is worsened by neck movements
  • Head pain that gets worse when a doctor presses on the affected neck side.
  • discomfort that radiates down the shoulder, neck, or arm
  • headache that isn’t responding to the traditional medications for headaches such as ergotamines, triptans or indomethacin

A doctor may also do an specialized nerve block known as cervical block. If the headache gets better by this block, then it is possible that a cervicogenic headache has been occurring.

The cervical radiofrequency ablation procedure isn’t the primary method of treatment for a headache that is cervicogenic. Doctors often suggest using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs). If they are not effective doctors may prescribe medication, such as baclofen, tizanidine, or tricyclic antidepressants.

Anesthetic nerve blocks could also be beneficial as per the study from earlier in the year. If these methods aren’t working doctors may suggest radiofrequency ablation.

Cervical radiofrequency ablation is the process of using heat to destroy nerve tissue to ensure that nerves can’t transmit pain signals to the brain. The essential steps of this procedure are:

  1. A physician injects an anesthetic local to make the skin numb.
  2. A doctor may put a needle in the vicinity of the facet joint. This is a bone connecting vertebrae. It is typically done under the guidance of an X-ray that is live, however certain doctors may employ CT (CT) and ultrasound to guide.
  3. An acupuncturist will stimulate your nerve after passing a small amount of electricity via the needle. This is likely to cause the muscle to move and could cause discomfort.
  4. A doctor can deliver radiofrequency energy through the needle in order to stop nerve impulses from sending out.
  5. The doctor can perform the same procedure again at a different location or at a different cervical spine.

The cervical radiofrequency ablation procedure is a non-invasive medical procedure. The procedure will be completed on the same day as you had the procedure.

You should discuss your medical history and the medications that you have taken with your physician prior to you undergo cervical ablation. If you’re taking blood thinners and your doctor will discuss the blood thinners you are prescribed to determine if you are able to discontinue them prior to the procedure.

It is not necessary to do anything extra in preparation for a cervical ablation. Your doctor should give you instructions on the day of your procedure , and for follow-up care.

The cost of cervical radiofrequency ablation varies according to your location as well as the doctor who performs the procedure, as well as how many levels the doctor will be injecting. One pain clinic has reported costs at $3,195 for one level cervical radiofrequency ablation, and one additional $1,457 to be injected.

Does nerve ablation cover under insurance?

Medicare provides cervical radiofrequency ablation if the patient meets their requirements. If Medicare covers a procedure other insurance companies usually will too.

You should consult your insurance provider first, as they’ll typically have their own rules prior to deciding whether they will cover your procedure.

Cervical radiofrequency ablation is not without potential dangers, but they are considered to be moderate to mild according to

2021 research


Because there are numerous blood vessels that line the neck area there is a chance that a doctor may accidentally strike the blood vessel with a needle , and result in bleeding. Image guidance reduces the chance of this occurring.

The most common side effects that can be a result of cervical radiofrequency ablation are:

  • dizziness
  • Pain or discomfort
  • poor coordination
  • Numbness in the skin

These symptoms rarely last for more than a couple of days or even weeks.

Certain people should not undergo radiofrequency ablation because of higher risks. This is especially true for those who are on anticoagulation therapy because of the possibility of bleeding.

Implantable cardiac devices shouldn’t also undergo ablations without a doctor’s consultation because radiofrequency can trigger an electric shock or disrupt the cardiac pacing.

Doctors look at some of the side potential effects that can be caused by cervical radiofrequency ablation, even though they’ve not been documented in more extensive studies. Possible effects include:

  • epidural hemorrhage
  • Infection
  • nerve damage
  • spinal cord injury to the spinal cord

A physician should utilize imaging to limit the risks. Without imaging, certain insurance companies might not be able to pay for the procedure because the risk is higher.

A different, but possible condition is called dropped head syndrome. This condition is characterized by extreme muscle weakness, which makes it more difficult to raise the head. This condition is only a problem for those with

Two cases reports

Have explained the potential impact.

Cervical radiofrequency ablation may not be permanent. As time passes the nerves can regenerate and discomfort can recur. The timeframe and probability that it will happen varies from person to person.


2021 research

The earlier study studies found that the mean duration of the effectiveness of radiofrequency ablation was previously reported at 42 months. Other reports show shorter time frames for the recurrence of pain, ranging between 6 and 14 months.

Cervical radiofrequency ablation may result in nerve irritation that starts the first time for

several days

after your procedure. Sometimes, doctors will prescribe steroids to reduce the irritation.

It is recommended that you expect your pain to improve within 3 to six weeks. If your pain does not improve then the treatment may not be successful in relieving your neck pain.

See your physician if are experiencing numbness or weakness in your shoulders or neck that lasts more than several days.

Doctors may suggest several radiofrequency ablation sessions to begin experiencing relief. More visits are recommended when the need radiofrequency ablation on greater than 2 levels in the cervical spine.

Doctors usually perform the ablation of two regions that are part of your spine one time. This ensures that they don’t damage too many nerves, which can affect the motor and sensation.

If you’ve undergone cervical radiofrequency ablation that provided relief from pain,

Chances are greater

A repeat procedure can ease the discomfort.

There isn’t any research that identifies a minimum number of times you can repeat the procedure. Certain studies have identified patients who’ve been through at minimum seven radiofrequency ablations.

It is recommended that the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine and the American Academy of Pain Medicine don’t recommend performing the same procedure more than once every year.

What’s next in the event that radiofrequency ablation fails to work?

If the cervical radiofrequency ablation does not perform, a physician may suggest these treatments:

  • medicine
  • Physical therapy
  • surgery

The doctor must carefully discuss all options’ risks and advantages together.

Cervical radiofrequency ablation is a procedure that can assist people suffering from specific types of neck pain get at the very least temporary relief from their pain. Insurance usually covers the procedure but may also allow for repeated treatments in the event that you first experienced relief from pain.

Your physician can help determine if this procedure might be the right option for you neck or headache discomfort.

Lower back pain The causes of lower right back pain: 8 and treatment options – Insider

  • Lower back pain may result from an injury, sprain and cancer, pregnancy and more.
  • For proper treatment, you must have the correct diagnosis. So, keep track of any other symptoms you’re experiencing.
  • In many instances, stretching, rest and exercise can assist to find relief.
  • Check out insider’s Health Reference library for more information.

Lower back pain is incredibly common, affecting as much as 70 percent of the population at some point or other. If the pain is centered on the opposite part of the body it’s referred to as unilateral pain states Nitin N. Bhatia, MD, chief of pediatric and adult spine surgery in the University of California Irvine School of Medicine.

The pain of the back can be unilateral on the left or on the right side.

“It is usually due to arthritis which is prevalent on the other side, or a muscle strain on the particular area,” Bhatia says. “However there are limited instances, injuries like an issue in the pelvis or abdomen can cause back pain on one side.”

The nature of pain could be anything from a slight painful ache to sharp pains claims Larry Nolan, DO, the primary care sports medicine doctor at The Wexner Medical Centre at Ohio State University.

The symptoms you’re experiencing and the kind that you’re feeling may aid in determining the root of the problem and help you find relief from lower back discomfort. This is what could be causing the pain.

1. A strain or strain in the back muscles

Sprains and muscle strains are among the most frequent causes of lower back pain, claims Rahul Shah MD who is a spinal surgeon at the premier Orthapaedic Spine Associates.

Sprains happen when you strain the ligaments in your back, whereas strains occur when you strain a tendon. If this occurs on the back side, then you’ll feel discomfort there.

“Folks are more prone to injuries in the absence of exercising or warm-up properly prior exercise, twisting and moving the body too much, or lifting large items,” Shah says.

If you pull or strain your back, you’ll likely feel the sensation of aching and dull as well as some bruises or swelling, as well as the loss of the mobility. The pain is usually worse when you exercise the injured muscle.

What can you do?In the majority of cases, you can treat an injured or injured muscle at home, by resting and stretching gently, applying ice and managing pain with the use of over-the-counter medicines such as acetaminophen or naproxen, suggests Shah.

Sprains and muscle strains may last for a few weeks. If home remedies don’t work and the pain is hindering you from your normal activities then it’s time to consult the doctor. When you’re back to normal exercise, build your core strength and stretch often to prevent any future injuries.

2. Problems with spinal alignment

Injury to the spine or the ligaments and muscles which support it are a frequent cause of lower back pain, according to Bhatia. The conditions that cause arthritis, degenerative or herniated disk or an injury resulting from an impact like caused by a car crash could cause damage to the ligaments or muscles on the other side.

The type of pain that this is referred to as is intense and uncomfortable to skin, according to Nolan. If you notice an numbness or tingling sensation, consult your doctor right away as it could signal nerve damage that must be examined by a doctor, Nolan says.

What can you do regarding It:If you’re dealing with an illness that is chronic like arthritis or recovering after an accident, she suggests working with an physiotherapist. They’ll instruct you on exercises, stretching, and other techniques to improve the strength of your core, which can assist in controlling the lower back discomfort...

3. Sciatica

Sciatica is a type of nerve pain called radiculopathy. It is due to compression of the sciatic nerve.

There are two sciatic nerves located on both sides of lower back however, sciatica is usually seen only on one side, according to Bhatia. This is because an injury such as a herniated disk , bone spurs put stress upon the nerve.

Sciatica is defined by the sensation of a sharp pain that ranges from mild to extreme. It typically begins at the back of your lower, and moves down the leg. It could be associated with the feeling of weakness, numbness or tenderness in the leg or back.

What can you do:During the first week of sciatic pain, consider resting, gently stretching and treating your pain with prescription medications available at the pharmacy, suggests Bhatia. If you feel numbness or weakness within your leg or foot, seek medical attention immediately.

Additionally, if the pain continues or occurs frequently consult your physician. Sciatica is treated using medication such as physical therapy, injecting steroids, and -in extreme cases surgery.

4. UTI, kidney infection or UTI

Back pain isn’t the only typical indication of an infection of the urinary tract however, when the UTI is able to reach your kidneys, it could cause lower back discomfort. It’s often followed by other signs, such as the sensation of burning when you pee.

Kidney stones may also trigger lower back pain that manifests in intense waves , as rather than a constant ache. Back pain caused by kidney issues typically manifests higher in the back, near the area where kidneys are situated.

What can you do: See your doctor. If you are experiencing symptoms that indicate a UTI or kidney stone physician is likely to order blood or urine tests, according to Bhatia. After they determine the source, they’ll recommend the correct treatment, such as antibiotics for UTI or painkillers for kidney stones.

5. Appendicitis

Appendicitis refers to inflammation of the appendix, which is an organ that is located in the large intestinal tract. Appendixes are located on to the left side, which means appendicitis may cause lower back pain in the right side according to Shah.

The pain is felt suddenly generally starting at the belly button area and then moving to the lower part of the abdomen, radiating into in the lower back region, Shah says. There are other signs like nausea, fever and vomiting.

What can you do? Visit the ER or consult your physician immediately if you believe you might have appendicitis. If it is not treated appendicitis could result in your appendix breaking in an emergency medical condition.

Appendicitis can be treated with surgically removing appendixes in an operation known as an appendectomy.

6. Pregnancy

Back pain that occurs during pregnancy is normal and is not usually an issue, according to Nolan. Around 50% of women during pregnancy will be suffering from lower back pain that may be centered to one area.

“Women might notice this at an early stage which can be irregular, dull, and achy” Says Nolan. “As pregnant, and hormones alter the symptoms may become more frequent and accompanied by sharp, intense sensations.”

What can you do? The most effective treatment for back pain related to pregnancy is to deliver. In the meantime, remaining active, stretching and ensuring good posture will assist. Some people get relief from support belts, acupuncture or massage. Physical therapy can be helpful in cases of severe pain.

It is considered safe during pregnancy and is used to treat pain however, avoid NSAID painkillers such as Advil that are suitable during pregnancy.

7. Cancer

In rare instances the lower back pain may be a sign of cancer. Pancreatic cancer can cause lower back pain or belly pain to the right side, which is where the pancreas is situated. This kind of lower back pain can be slow and can be felt deep in the back, according to Nolan.

If you’re diagnosed with the pancreatic cancer you could experience other signs such as the appearance of dark urine, jaundice weight loss weight loss and nausea.

What can you do: Call your doctor. Although cancer isn’t usually the reason for lower back pain those with the family experience of pancreatic cancer ought to seek out a doctor in the event of an unidentified right-sided back pain.

Pancreatic cancer can be treated using chemotherapy, surgery targeted therapy, as well as other therapies.

8. Ovarian cysts or endometriosis

Endometriosis refers to a condition in which the endometrium, which usually lines the uterus expands in other parts within the human body. In some cases, it may affect the spine, causing lower back pain, particularly in the left side when the right portion abdominal region is affected. The condition is only affecting women who have uteruses.

“Generally this may manifest as low back pain that’s intermittent and is related to menstrual cycles,” meaning you’re likely to feel the pain around the time of your menstrual cycle According to Nolan.

A cystic ovarian mass on the right ovary may cause lower back pain Shah says. Shah.

What can you do? Anti-inflammatory medicines such as Advil can assist in reducing the lower back pain that is caused by endometriosis. In the end, it is best to consult your doctor if you suspect that your back pain is due to endometriosis or the formation of a cyst.

The use of hormone therapy and surgery may be utilized to manage and treat symptoms caused by cysts and endometriosis. If you suffer from endometriosis consult a gynecologist, or reproductive endocrinologist in order to determine which best treatment is appropriate for you.

Insider’s tips for a successful trip

Lower back pain is extremely frequent and is often aggravated due to both heavy lifting and living a sedentary life.

“While it is true that most of the time, pain will improve in some days or couple of weeks, pain that’s more severe could require medical attention.” Bhatia says. Bhatia.

If you are frequently experiencing lower back pain strengthening your core may assist, suggests Nolan. Discuss with your physician the possibility of getting a physical therapy session who will give you exercises that will help you avoid future incidents that cause lower back discomfort.

“Don’t delay too long to have your health assessed and get the information you need to enhance your living quality,” Nolan says.

Veterans, doctors and other providers are in favor of the integration of integrative medicine to treat chronic headaches. Healio

April 21 2022

1 minute read

[email protected].

Patients with disabilities and health healthcare professionals felt that the use of integrative and complementary medicine was an acceptable alternative to conventional treatments for managing headaches as reported by researchers in BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies.

Teresa Damush

“We discovered that patients suffering from chronic headaches were keen on combining alternative therapies for treatment, like acupuncture yoga, massage, or tai chi with conventional medical treatment and were enthused by the fact that alternative therapies exist other than taking medications for pain,” the study’s senior writer Teresa Damush, PhD, a career research scientist at Regenstrief Institute. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and researcher at the Regenstrief Institute, said in the press release issued by Regenstrief.

Source: Adobe Stock.

According to the report migraines are a problem for one-in-seven Americans and about 12% of veterans. Additionally, veterans who were in combat or suffer from brain injuries that are traumatic may experience severe headaches that impact their life quality and their ability to perform.

To better understand the different preferences for headache treatment among veterans and health care professionals, Damush and colleagues interviewed 20 veterans as well as 43 health care professionals at twelve Veterans Health Administration Headache Centers of Excellence from January 2019 until March 2020.

After conducting case and thematic studies, researchers concluded that both providers and patients considered it beneficial to incorporate integrative and complementary therapies in headache treatment.

“What we’ve gained from our study that relied on semi-structured interviews to gain insight from the various stakeholders, can be applied to different health care institutions and settings, helping to improve understanding of ways to improve our provide care to patients suffering from chronic headaches,” Damush said. “While health professionals acknowledged they needed to know the evidence-based evidence behind alternative treatments for headaches that are chronic and empowering patients, they also supported the empowerment of patients and often advised patients to express an desire to explore alternative treatments.”


Damush TM, et al. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2021;doi:10.1186/s12906-022-03511-6.

Exercise can help you manage anxiety, stress, and depression Medical News Today


Physical exercise can ease anxiety and also reduce depression and anxiety symptoms. Experts believe it accomplishes this by promoting the person’s resilience as well as giving them the chance to relax from stressand improving their mood.

Although research has proven that exercise improves anxiety, stress as well as depression-related symptoms, they don’t completely understand the reasons. It’s unclear how exercise improves mood and improves mental wellbeing however, they do have theories regarding its effects.

A few

The evidence

It is believed that exercising increases the resilience of a person which makes one more capable of handling difficult situations. Research suggests that exercise increases resilience, making a person better equipped to deal with difficult.

The guidelines for exercise to reduce stress are identical to the ones for general health promotion 150 minutes of aerobic exercise each week. Jogging, walking and bicycling are examples of this kind of exercise.

Find out more about the ways exercise can boost your mood, what exercises to attempt as well as the dangers involved and more.

Researchers are researching the mechanisms linking stress and exercise. There are two major theories:

Enhances resilience to the stress

One theory is that exercising can increase your the resilience of your mind to stress.

In a

2014 study

Researchers examined more than 111 people and compared results of a stressful task and a non-stressful task. They also examined the variations between those who exercise regularly and those who were not active.

The results showed that stress was the cause of a lesser decrease in the positive mood of regular exercisers. For those who are sedentary, there was more of a decline in mood. This suggests that exercise could boost resilience, helping individuals cope with stressful situations.

It is also important to remember that the study didn’t demonstrate a direct causal connection between exercise and stress levels. Other factors could be involved — for instance, a person suffering from a chronic illness which makes them physically active could have higher stress levels.

However low levels of stress may result in a person being less likely to be affected by specific health issues. The older research from 2013 indicates that 75-90percent percent of appointments to the primary care physician are due to stress-related illnesses like:

Gives people some relief from stress

Another theory is the “time-out” theory. It is believed that exercise can reduce stress and provides an opportunity to take a break. For instance, one might reduce their tension levels in the workplace by taking an active walk during the lunch break.

Researchers in a 1998 study examined the theory of time-outs within a smaller group of women suffering from anxiety. They discovered that exercising reduced anxiety levels.

A 2021 study on high school students produced similar results. Researchers discovered that taking the 10-minute break for exercise during the stressful week of exams led to lower stress levels and improved cognitive functioning.

A lot of studies on exercises for stress relief concentrate on aerobic exercise. It doesn’t mean other types of exercises like exercise that involves weights are not efficient – they’re however less well-studied.

According to

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The goal for people is to do an hour of moderate exercise or at least 75 minutes of intense aerobic activity per week.

Individuals who are stressed by their job might want to break up their exercise routine into smaller sessions. These can be done prior to working, during lunch break or after work.

A variety of physical activities fall under that category, which is aerobic exercises however, it is not the only one.

American Heart Association (AHA)

It is suggested to walk briskly. One can also choose an sport they like and enjoy, for instance:

  • swimming
  • dancing
  • gardening
  • cycling

Researchers have looked into the ways exercise can help reduce depression and anxiety symptoms.


The creators of

2020 review

studied research on exercises’ effects on anxiety. They discovered that physical exercise is able to significantly reduce anxiety symptoms. Additionally, they observed that it could also decrease symptoms associated with other mental health issues.

The authors noted that exercising can assist in the treatment of anxiety disorders by providing various advantages.


In a

Review of 2018

Researchers looked into studies that examined exercises’ effects on mood.

They discovered that for certain individuals, physical exercise may be as efficient as other primary treatment options for depression. Furthermore those who exercise for their physical well-being from exercise could improve overall wellbeing.

While it isn’t an adequate substitute for treatments like medication or therapy for many but it could be an excellent as an addition to a treatment program.

According to

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Evidence strongly suggests that exercising is safe for the majority of individuals. Although it’s not known to cause harm, it can carry the following dangers:

For safe exercise for exercise, the HHS advises:

  • The selection of physical activities that are appropriate to the fitness level of a person. Activities such as gardening, walking, or cycling on a stationary bike have lower rates of injury however contact sports and running are more prone to injury.
  • Start slowly and gradually increasing amount of time and intensity. A person is more likely to be injured when they begin doing excessively strenuous exercises in a short time. It is recommended to increase the duration and intensity slowly, and may find it useful to consult the doctor or personal trainer to get advice.
  • Utilizing the right gear and sports equipment. For certain activities wearing equipment like a helmet or goggles could help avoid injuries. The wearer must ensure their equipment is properly fitted.
  • Selecting safe areas. If a person lives in a warmer climate and is in a warm climate, they might want to exercise in the morning or late evening to stay away from the highest temperatures of the day. Also, people can stay safe by staying clear of areas with high traffic.

Individuals who are not used to exercise might want consult with a doctor prior to beginning a routine of exercise. This is particularly important when they suffer from any health problems that are pre-existing.

A physician can offer guidance on the amount and kind of exercise is appropriate. In addition, if someone suffers from persistent pain or injury and is experiencing pain or injury, they should consult the doctor.

Researchers have proposed that exercise may decrease stress levels and reduce anxiety and depression symptoms by increasing resilience and providing people with the chance to relax from stress.

It is possible to do short bursts of exercise in between work hours or to study. The


The recommendation is to aim for 150 minutes of aerobic exercise each week.



Notes that while physical exercise is safe for the majority of individuals, however, there are small risk. If someone is new to exercising or has preexisting health issues it is recommended to consult the doctor prior to beginning an exercise program.

The most important reasons for neck pain Reader’s Digest


A neck pain could be very painful as it impedes the daily routine and results in a decrease in productivity since you’ll be forced to sleep due to fatigue.

In truth it is quite frequent in older adults due to the fact that it is true that our bodies are not built to be working for many hours a day, especially sitting in a chair with very little or no support. One of the major challenges with neck pain is determining the root of the problem, there are several reasons you may experience neck pain.

The position you sleep in is not ideal:

One of the most common reasons for the young adults between 21-30 may be experiencing jolting pains is that they’re not sleeping properly. It’s true that the method of sleeping can affect your sleep greatly since your insufficient neck alignment can cause problems in the cervical spine. When you sleep on your stomach, it is the main cause of this because in order to breathe, your face to be lying sideways, which can cause discomfort if it is done repeatedly. The ideal method of sleeping is lying down on your back or on your side!

You’re stressed out too much:

One of the most frequent problems in our lives is stressing to much which is normal in the present day but stress can very possibly be the reason for this neck pain that causes you to feel worse. It could indicate that you’re stressed out, which is definitely not a positive thing but regardless, it’s recommended to relax. The reason for this is this is how our body functions, considering that muscles contracting that tightens your neck can occur when you’re stressed. The most important thing is to decrease the amount of work you do and to practice meditation, which can help deal with anxiety. You may also consider painkillers to reduce the discomfort.

You’ll need to correct your posture

One of the major causes of tension in your neck could be poor posture. It is common for pain to recur over a time period after injuries are caused to your cervical spine due to many years of neglect. This is a wake up call for many because you must to manage the pain and be proactive about it as it could develop into chronic and negative for you as you get older. Improve your posture by making sure your neck stays straight and don’t place your neck on surfaces that are uneven.

There is a chance that you have injuries to your neck:

It is the worst form of neck injury since whiplash is a serious issue and occurs in collisions with cars. If you suspect whiplash, consider an CT scan or MRI whenever you can. The healing process for whiplash injuries is difficult but a chiropractor could be essential and can help reduce the pain tremendously. There is an expert chiropractor for whiplash in Snellville who can help reduce pain by utilizing various phases of treatment and therapy.

Don’t be anxious as the discomfort will disappear:

Neck pain isn’t something to be worried about since you can get back to being the most ideal person you can be by eliminating the bad habits that lead to posture issues. Whiplashes are an exception , but physical therapy provided by chiropractors can aid in removing all the pain you experience around your neck.

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