New evidence shows how exercise can protect against damage from diabetes Pharmacy Times


Researchers find that a 45 minutes of moderate intensity training allows more exosomes to transport the protein, ATP7A directly to endothelial cell lines, which may help in facilitating angiogenesis.

Exercise can aid in repairing damages caused by diabetes, by allowing the activation of a system that creates new blood vessels whenever existing ones are damaged due to the disease, researchers from the Vascular Biology Center of the Medical College of Georgia said in an announcement.

Diabetes damages existing blood cells and blocks the growth of new ones especially endothelial cells which line blood vessels and aid in helping new blood cells to grow according to the researchers.

The researchers found that a 45 minutes of moderate intensity training can enable the production of more exosomes. These are small packages that are filled with bioactive cargo to transport this protein ATP7A and directly into these cells, which could assist in the process of enabling angiogenesis.

Exosomes are now a reliable delivery system, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic and the kind of disease they carry is dependent on the place they originate from and where they’re heading Tohru Fukai, MD PhD, FAHA, is a vascular biologist as well as cardiologist at MCG told in an official statement.

The origins of exosomes remain a mystery, however they are delivered to endothelial cells Fukai explained.

Both in an animal model model of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) as well as healthy people who are in their 50s and older, 2 weeks of riding a bicycle for mice, and a single training session for humans increased the amount of ATP7A in the exosomes connected to endothelial cells.

The study did not alter the weight of mice, however it did increase an indicator of the function of the endothelial and other factors, including the vascular endothelial cell growth factor, which is essential to promote angiogenesis, the researchers said.

Exercise also increases the quantity of the antioxidant that is naturally present in Superoxide dismutase (SOD3), which is an extracellular enzyme (SOD3) however it also is heavier in “payload” in ATP7A that is believed to supply the copper into cells researchers have said.

SOD3 is created by smooth muscle cells of vascular origin in blood vessel walls as well as the skeletal muscle cells. It assists keep healthy levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which is a byproduct of the utilization of oxygen. It is an essential signal to cells , and is able to perform various functions.

In diabetes high blood sugar levels lead to elevated levels of ROS that hinder normal functioning.

Researchers have discovered that ATP7A levels also decrease in patients with diabetes, but the evidence suggests that exosomes circulating inside the plasmas of models for sedentary animals of T2D hinder angiogenesis in a dish that contains humans’ endothelial cell. The same is true for the model for wound healing.

Exosomes that are synthetically produced may be able to serve as “exercise mimetic” to increase the capacity of an individual to develop new blood vessels in cases where the disease has weakened their natural capacity.

Furthermore, the researchers have created exosomes in which SOD3 is expressed in excess and have observed an increase in angiogenesis as well as healing in the mouse model of diabetes.

Exosomes are being investigated as biomarkers that can be used to diagnose a wide spectrum of diseases including diabetes and cancer as well as for precise tools to deliver treatment. Exosomes, for instance, created by cancer cells can be honed back to cancer cells.


A new study has shown that exercise can help prevent damage from diabetes. EurekAlert. News release. 26 April 2022. Accessed April 26, 2022.

The effects of phone use on Neck and Joints It’s the New York Times The New York Times

Health professionals say they’re having greater numbers of patients before with joint and muscle pain in their necks, hands shoulders, upper backs and shoulders and that mobile phones could be playing a role in.

A couple of years back my friend from college texted me to tell me that she was concerned about her texts. Her fingers and hands were aching throughout the day and the pain grew worse when she used her phone. Perhaps our constant texting on politics and parenting could be to blame?

There’s still not much research regarding the impact that the use of smartphones has on our bodies. “We aren’t sure,” said Jessica B. Schwartz who is an acupuncturist based in New York and a spokeswoman for the American Physical Therapy Association. But the doctors I spoke to said that they saw many more people than they have ever before with discomfort in joints and soft tissue issues like tendinitis on their thumbs, fingers and wrists as well as elbows, wrists shoulders, necks and backs. They also said mobile phones were likely to be a factor in.

When we text our friends or browse the web on our phones, we typically make use of our joints and muscles in ways that stress them as the doctor. Schwartz said. The way we look on our smartphones, and carrying them around while our wrists are flexed when we scroll or type requires our joints and muscles perform tasks they did not develop to do: remain in the same spot all day long put on too much weight , and perform a variety of movements over a narrow range of movement.

These movements and positions can cause “undue stress” on muscles, joints and ligaments, as well as tendons “that don’t have the capacity to being in this position for that length of time,” said Dr. Renee Enriquez, a physical rehabilitation and medicine expert within UT Southwestern Medical Center. In time, these movements could cause inflammation, which can lead to pain, and possibly other issues according to her.

Doctors aren’t all aware of the risks. When my friend visited her doctor regarding discomfort in her hand, she had scans, X-rays, and blood tests and was told she did not have arthritis. If she asked if your smartphone might be the cause of the discomfort, the doctor told her it wasn’t likely. Then she saw a different doctor, who was able to rule out carpal tunnel syndrome, and finally , an orthopedic hand specialist who laughed and denied the claim when she asked – again to know if her phone could be contributing to her pain.

But it is true that Dr. Schwartz said that my friend’s symptoms were consistent with tendinitisinflammation of the thick cords known as tendons that join muscles to bones or tenosynovitis, an inflammation of the sheath’s lining which surrounds the tendon. There is a link between tenosynovitis of the thumb, also known as De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis to frequent use of smartphones. The use of smartphones can also aggravate symptoms for those who have arthritis. She informed me that even though the so-called smartphone pinkie isn’t a medical condition however, using your pinkie to help hold the load of your smartphone can cause issues over time.

Additionally, aches can be caused by the inflammation of joints, ligaments muscles, tendons, muscles and their sheaths, users are prone to acute smartphone injuries. Doctor. Jennifer Moriatis Wolf, an orthopedic hand surgeon at the University of Chicago Medicine, has said she’s witnessed patients strain their thumbs when they held their phones with such force.

The constant use of phones can influence our nerves. If we keep phones in front of us while our elbows are bent, they compress the nerve called the ulnar nerve that is a nerve that runs from the neck down towards the palm. The constriction could cause weakness and numbness in the fingers of the pinky and ring, the doctor. Schwartz said.

In general, when ligaments, muscles or tendons get inflamed by phone usage, they may expand, which can irritate the nerves running through them and causes the sensation of numbness or pain in the hands, Dr. Enriquez said. Smartphone use can cause an increase in existing nerve issues, like carpal tunnel syndrome, Dr. Wolf added. Also, there’s the strain phones can place on our eyes, and the disruption blue light could create for our sleep cycles.

“Text neck” is a different term that you’ve encountered. Take a look at what happens when sit down to check your phone. Compared to standing up straight in a bent-over posture, this position can increase the strain upon your neck muscle as well as cervical spine by the number of times between four and five according to the Dr. Jason M. Cuellar who is one of the orthopaedic spine expert who works at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and JFK North Hospital in West Palm Beach, Fla. The force that is exerted could, he added, cause ligaments to weaken within the spinal column and lead to discomfort. A 2017 study revealed an association between texting and the long-term occurrence of shoulder, neck and upper back discomfort, but other studies haven’t found any connection.

In the cervical vertebrae of certain youngsters the doctor. Cuellar sees are also bent in unusual ways. This may be due to the use of smartphones frequently as well, he added that it may also increase the chance of back issues. “What we’re thinking that this can do is cause an acceleration of disc degeneration,” he said, in reference to the degeneration of spinal discs, the small shock absorbers that are placed between the vertebrae, helping us move in a comfortable manner. “We’re seeing more people younger who are in their 20s and typically in their 30s, with cervical spine issues.”

What do you do if your smartphone is making you feel painor you’re concerned that it might cause you pain in the future? My friend’s doctor snubbed the notion that her phone was a factor in her hands hurting She eventually tossed out her big phone and got smaller ones to see if it would aid. She also started using a voice-to-text feature to ease the pressure on her hands. Her pain quickly dissipated.

The Dr. Schwartz agreed that downsizing to a lighter, smaller phone is a great option if you have hand-sized fingers and believes the voice-to-text feature can reduce pain by lessening stress on your hands. Dr. Enriquez recommended phone grips and stands such as those offered from PopSocket and Moft as well, which could alleviate a lot of the pressure of holding a phone off your fingers and thumbs. The Dr. Cuellar said it could be beneficial to have an accessory that keeps your phone up to your eye which means you don’t have to strain your neck to look at it.

If you’re feeling lots of pain, it’s a wise idea to visit an occupational therapist or physician, like an orthopedist or medical specialist, since they’ll be able to prescribe treatments and stretches according to said Dr. Schwartz said. “If you recognize these problems early, they are less likely to get worse,” she said.

However when something is causing pain to you, the most effective answer is simply to not do it too often. Also, Doctor. Wolf said, “the most effective advice is to Take your phone off the table.”

Do you have a particularly severe allergy this year? The pollen season is getting in duration and intensity with changes in the climate So you’re not alone when you suffer from constant sniffles. Changes in your lifestyle, medication and at-home remedies such as nasal irrigation may aid.

Read more:

Allergy Season is about to get More Intolerable. Here’s How You Can Prepare.

There are a lot of an abundance of buzzy “brain foods” claims scattered throughout online health news articles as well as feeds on social media. What are the odds that certain foods or diets actually prevent or stop the progression of dementia? Experts believe that, while nutrition research is often difficult to conduct but there is a convincing and growing body of research suggesting that certain food groups and diets could provide beneficial benefits to the aging brain.

Read more:

Do Certain Foods Really Stave Off Dementia?

The headlines are screaming at us The teen anxiety epidemic is increasing. In-patient visits for the E.R. are soaring. It is possible that Instagram is affecting the body image of girls. Teen girls are experiencing behavior issues on TikTok. But what’s it being like as a teenager with a mobile phone and a life that self-esteem is lowest, in the midst of an ever-present pandemic?

Do you have a child who is 13 or know someone who will turn 13 soon? They might be interested in sharing their experiences -the highs and lows as well as awkward moments, and the things that older people do not understand?

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Tell Us What It Like Being 13?

Here are a few stories you should not be missing:

  • In a poignant essay, Jennifer Spitzer writes that texting isn’t a way to be able to say goodbye to her mother who is dying.

  • Catherine Pearson details what hepatitis symptoms appear like in children following the C.D.C. unidentified liver clusters that were flagged as suspicious. inflammation.

  • in Ask Well, Alice Callahan responds to a question from a reader What causes sugar and carbs give me headaches? The author also delved into a different issue this week: How long is menopausal cycle?

  • Rachel E. Gross asks whether probiotics help improve the vaginal health.

  • Erik Vance offers a beginner’s guide to climbing.

  • Of course, we’ve taken our Weekly Health Quiz.

Let’s continue the conversation. Follow me on Twitter for daily check-ins, or write to me at [email protected].

Keep healthy!

6 lower back stretch exercises to get immediate pain relief – Women’s Health UK


Lower back stretch, if performed correctly, could bring relief to lower back discomfort which millions of us suffer from (70-85 percent of the people, to be exact). The most effective stretching exercises for lower back pain also help to prevent injuries (providing that you combine them with exercises for strength) However, the area is extremely sensitive, and, similar to sciatica exercises, it is essential to be aware of exactly what you’re doing in order to keep from making the present situation worse.

From the root reasons behind low back lower back pain (looking at you pandemic) to stretching your lower back This is all about lower back pain from the experts: Women’s Health Collective trainer Rosie Stockley and osteopath Anisha Joshi.

What can cause lower back discomfort?

Like most things in your body it’s nearly impossible to pinpoint a specific reason for lower back discomfort. The spread of the disease and excessively sitting will surely play a significant role (searches to find lower back stretching nearly increased by a third between December 2019 to December 2020) however, there are many other aspects to consider. The two Stockley and Joshi have the following to say:

  • Muscle imbalances
  • An abrupt increase in tension in the gym.
  • Pain in the nerves
  • Muscles injured
  • Muscles that are tight
  • Poor posture

Most often, it’s due to muscle or nerve discomfort that is caused through a particular action or due to prolonged time in an unnatural position as described by Stockley. It could be due to lifting too much weight in the gym and then moving abruptly from one workout to the next as well as sitting or standing in a posture which puts your psoas muscles in a position that is crushing (your lower back muscles).

The posture of your spine is essential to avoid tension build-up that can lead to lower back painand is a result from sitting for long periods of time. Make sure you maintain your spine straight and your pelvis straight and refrain from hunching the upper back or shoulders.’

As a post and prenatal expert, Stockley adds that lower back discomfort is often a result of pregnancy. This is due to the weight added by the expanding bump, which means that the spine and pelvis isn’t properly aligned while the abdominal muscles are weaker and isn’t fully activated. Then we’ll get to the lower back stretch that could help in the near future but be aware that strengthening training, specifically core exercises, can be beneficial and can also help with instructions for posture such as making sure you tuck your tailbone.

The lower back discomfort could be due to a problem with your skeleton. In this instance, Stockley advises that you get medical advice, where a doctor could refer you to a physiotherapist or a specialist to gain greater insight into your situation.

Do stretches help lower back discomfort?

Sadly, it’s unlikely. Although lower back stretching can definitely help relieve tension and pain Rest and strength training contribute to. It’s a fantastic method of mobility for joints and muscles according to Joshi. If you regularly practice it, you can benefit your lower back however, it’s vital to incorporate strength-training exercises as well. This will help to eliminate any muscle imbalances which indicate that some areas are subject to excessive pressure that could be the reason for your discomfort.’

Stockley says that even though it might feel as if the pain is only affecting the lower back but this is not the case and therefore it is essential to focus on different areas of the body as well. The strengthening of the glutes, abdominals and higher back and chest is vital, since the muscles of your body are so interconnected, it’s very rare to find pain originates from only one region that she mentions. Concentrating on only the lower back and then too much of it – could cause the pain itself therefore, always go slow and slowly, stretching until you feel a little discomfort, but not discomfort.

Best lower back stretches

In this video, Stockley is going to demonstrate lower back stretch that can aid in easing lower back stiffness and pain However, before getting into them, make note of her advice:

  • Relax your breathing to trigger the stretch, and allow your body the time to relax into each stretch.
  • Do not try to achieve flexibility simply focus on opening the body and create spaces in the region of discomfort.
  • Be aware of the area of tension within the stretch. Does it appear to be resistance? Does it relax? Feels better? Perhaps that lower back stretch resulted in it feeling more in pain?
  • Avoid stretching with a ball (bounding to the stretching repeatedly) since these quick moves can place greater stress on muscles.
  • Each stretch should be held for as long as you feel comfortable . Try to do 30 seconds each time if you’re just starting out, and then increase the duration to 2 minutes. If it’s an active stretch (i.e. there’s no static position) you should aim for 10 reps

1.Child’s pose

  1. Kneel, seated back with knees bent and a towel (or towels) in the front.
  2. Inhale, and lower your body between (or over) your knees. Stretch your arms forward and placing your forehead placed on the floor

2. Four-point kneeling thoracic rotation with four points and threading the needle

  1. Begin on all fours, make sure your knees are below your hips. Also, ensure your hands are placed under your shoulders. back straight, and your elbows bent with a gentle bend
  2. Use your right hand to put it beneath the left arm, allowing your left shoulder fall towards the floor.
  3. The right arm should be stretched to the extent that it is comfortable, as you can, mimicking a thread-the-needle type motion, and then extend the left arm upwards
  4. Then, bring your arm back through, and repeat your movement, lifting the right arm upwards and over the body to move until it reaches the ceiling.
  5. Repeat on the other side.

3. Supine twist

  1. Bring both knees to your chest, then extend your arms on either side to the shoulder level, and then lower your knees down to one side with hip height.
  2. Your legs should be lifted when you inhale, then return them to your centre, and move your legs to the other side when you exhale.

4. Single-leg kneeling with thoracic rotation

  1. Begin in a lunge however, keep your pelvis straight and do not lean forward. Place your hands towards the front with your elbows bent. Place placing one hand on top the other.
  2. Your arms and torso should be twisted toward the side of your front leg and allow your eyes to follow
  3. If you are at full twist, let go of the back arm until it is fully extended and then reverse the position so that both hands are placed on top and then rotate you entire body back to neutral
  4. Repeat on the other side.

5. Side stretch and kneeling, using circles

  1. You can kneel down on the floor with your legs in a straight line, back straight, and your core tight. Then, extend your left leg towards the side. Make sure it is parallel with your body (not behind or in front of you)
  2. Place your right arm on the floor, next to your right leg. slowly bend your torso, and left arm upwards to the right . Keep your hips in a forward direction and slowly circle forwards and back over your head.
  3. Repeat on the other side.

6. Standing back stretch

  1. Place your feet hip-width apart and extend your arms towards the side at an eye-level
  2. Join your fingers, then turn your back forward while you gently lower your knees.
  3. Twist your body to either side while you extend forward and wrap your upper back
  4. Repeat on the other side.

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Fuel shortages cause long lines and further headaches to Ukrainian civilians Reuters

  • Ukrainian civilians wait in line for fuel due to a lack of fuel
  • The fuel shortage is due to Russian attacks and bottlenecks in transport
  • The government promises to replenish supplies regularly

KYIV/BUCHA Ukraine three days ago (Reuters) KYIV/BUCHA, Ukraine May 3 (Reuters) Olha Boholey had at most 1 hour longer than two hours since she walked into the queue of vehicles that gathered at the sole service station that sells gas in the destroyed Kyiv neighborhood of Bucha.

If she could reach an outlet before it was dry, she would only be able to buy 10 litres fuel.

“The fuel shortage will limit the options we have,” said the 37-year-old lawyer, whose parents were sitting at her back of her car while she waited for her turn for them on Monday. “I do not know what else I could do.”

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Boholey as well as millions of Ukrainian civilians are likely to face some weeks, possibly even longer in fuel interruptions because of Moscow’s attack on the energy infrastructure, transportation bottlenecks , and supply cuts from Russia in addition to Belarus.

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy is pledging to begin taking steps by the middle of May to stop the fuel shortages that have shut down about half of the country’s 77,000 fuel stations, and caused long lines at stations that have the smallest supply.

The fuel shortage in Kyiv is an rise in demand due to the massive number of civilians who have returned to the region following their escape from the unsuccessful Russian assault on the capital, as reported by Dmytro Mysko who oversees three BRSM Oil service stations.

“Because of the number of people who are returning back the demand has increased multiple times over the past few weeks,” Mysko said. Mysko. One station was serving more than twice its usual daily capacity of about 400 vehicles before being unable to fill up with gasoline over the weekend, he explained.

Serhiy Kuyun from A95 Consulting Group, a research company that specializes in the energy industry, claimed that solving the issue was a matter of the time.

“I think we’ll need to wait until May for this and I’m hoping in June we’ll have an increased or decreased steady supply.”

“I’m not at all concerned with the Army. We have a large reserve of reserves to support them” the official said adding that there are also reserve funds for services in the municipal sector. “The most of the burden will fall on the consumer.”

Zelenskiy declared on Friday “the occupiers deliberately destroy the infrastructure to produce and storage, as well as supply for fuel.”

The Russian navy and sea mines have blocked the ports of the country’s Black Sea ports, preventing tankers from replenishing their stocks Industry and government officials told reporters.

Economic Minister Yulia Svyrydenko announced in a statement that shortages will be gone at the close of this week since Ukraine’s retailers have secured agreements for the coming week with European suppliers.

However, the distribution of those supplies may be delayed because a number of roadways, bridges and roads have either been damaged or damaged. Also, traffic can be slowed due to numerous security checkpoints.

Russian forces, involved in the Moscow describes as the “special action” to Ukraine to disarm Ukraine and shield the country from fascists last week struck the Kremenchuk refinery for oil, taking out of operation the final of Ukraine’s two major refineries for oil, and destroyed more than 20 massive depots.

Ukraine consumed about 2.4 millions tonnes of gas, and 8 million tonnes diesel by 2021, as per Kuyun and a source from the government who spoke under the terms of anonymity.

The country was importing more than 80 percent of the oil and other products prior to the war, including the fuel used for 62 percent of its consumption and 44 % of diesel provided from Russia and Belarus as per Kuyun.

The loss of these sources can be controlled by exports of European sources, using the nation’s extensive railway system, said military sources under the an anonymity basis.

“Thanks of agreements reached, often at the top level the situation regarding energy for our army has become secure. We’re transporting nearly everywhere and the overall picture is looking positive,” said one military source who was not able to go into detail.

Ukrainian wartime laws criminalized the disclosure of information that was considered strategic.

A source in the government speaking under the condition of anonymity, stated that Russian attacks on petroleum depots had prompted the government to re-distribute fuel stocks “to be prepared for any new attacks.”

According to Kuyun Fuel traders have also stayed clear of stockpiling fuel by dispersing fuel across stations to fill up and have expanded their import sources and have even a plan to import fuel out of into the United States.

“This is an extraordinary programme,” he said.

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Extra reporting from Oleksandr Kozhukhar Stefaniia Bern and Sergiy Karazy Editing of Tom Balmforth, Alexandra Hudson

Our Standards include: Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters The Trust Principles.

New Report Reveals Surprising Insights into the way that exercise goals and habits change with age The report is available on PR Newswire


The survey is a bold one that outlines the changing motivations of older adults, and highlights the importance of regular exercise to better mental and physical health

LA, May 3 2022 PRNewswire/– Age Bold, Inc. (Bold), an online health provider that offers scientifically-based fitness programs to aid in balance and joints pain relief, as well as healthy aging, has announced the findings of its recent survey that reveals the current situation of health, exercise and aging in older adults across the nation.

Recent research has demonstrated that physical activity reduces feelings of anxiety and depression as well as providing many other health benefits older people. However, since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the year 2020 older Americans are becoming less physically active. Because May is Mental Health Awareness Month and Older Americans Month, Bold set out to study responses from more than 1,000 survey participants to determine the current trends that are occurring at the intersection of exercise, aging and health and fitness.

The online survey of 15 questions that was conducted between April 18 to 19 2022 the panel of adults 50+ to provide their general health, attitude, behavior and their experiences with of aging. The main findings of the survey are:

  • Motivations for Exercise and Habits Shift after 65
    • For respondents between 50 and 64 “weight losing” is the top frequent reason for exercising, but for those who were 65 or older, “Mobility and Balance” and “Heart Health” were more prevalent.
    • The 76-85+ age group of respondents report exercising daily more often than those between 50 and 75 years old.

  • Exercise is linked to Improved overall health
    • The people who exercise 5 or more days per each week are more likely declare their mental health and their physical condition as good.
    • The people who exercise three or more times per week say that mental health is an important reason to exercise, whereas those who exercised less were less likely to mention mental health as the reason.

  • Experience of Aging is Associated with Mental Health Issues
    • The people who described their mental health to be poor as fair or average were likelyer to mention being older, particularly when talking to family members, friends as well as with a doctor.
    • People who reported having very good mental health often mentioned not having experienced any the effects of age.

  • Possibility to Online Services to Engage Less Active People
    • People who exercised less than once per week felt the most uncomfortable being in a gym that is open to the public.
    • People who exercised less than five times per week were more inclined to take the possibility of online or virtual fitness.

  • The Bridge between Health Education and Action
    • The majority of respondents know that exercise can assist them in aging However, this isn’t often implemented in practice.
    • Regular exercisers are more likely to do things to improve their health over those who exercise less.

  • Notable Gender Differences
    • Males are much less inclined to seek guidance on healthy aging than women are.
    • Men feel more at ease in public gyms than women.

Bold’s expert team is available upon request to further explain how important these findings.

The company BoldBold is an online health and wellness business that focuses on prevention of disease and healthy aging with BoldBold’s Bold Fall Prevention Program. Through individualized and scientifically-based fitness programs, we assist our clients become stronger and healthier so they can live the life they’ve always wanted regardless of age. In a period where healthcare costs specifically for older adults is rising, Bold serves to reduce costs while increasing the quality and value of healthcare for older people as well as health insurance plans and healthcare providers too. Today, more than 10 million people have acces to Bold via their healthcare insurance. Bold is a venture-backed firm, with investors including Andreessen Horowitz, Khosla Ventures, Primetime Partners, and GingerBread Capital.

Media Contact
Madeline Wilson
[email protected[email protected]


What Does Sciatica Pain Feel Like?


Sciatica is a condition that results in pain, tingling, or numbness in the lower back and legs. The pain can be sharp or dull, and it may vary in intensity. It is often worse when sitting, standing, or walking. Sciatica is caused by compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve.

Read More About What Does Sciatica Pain Feel Like

how can the occurrence of sciatica symptoms be lessened

More Things To Know About What Does Sciatica Pain Feel Like

What Is Sciatica and What Causes It

what does sciatica pain feel like

Sciatica is a condition that results from compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and runs from the lower back down the back of each leg. The most common cause of sciatica is a herniated disk in the lower back. Other causes can include Piriformis syndrome, spinal stenosis, and spinal tumors.

What Are the Symptoms of Sciatica?

The most common symptoms of sciatica are pain, tingling, or numbness in the lower back and legs. The intensity of the pain can vary, and it is often worse when sitting, standing, or walking. The pain may also radiate to the hips, buttocks, and feet.

In some cases, sciatica can also cause weakness in the legs or difficulty moving them. In severe cases, sciatica can make it difficult to urinate or have a bowel movement.

It is often worse when sitting, standing, or walking. Other symptoms may include:

  • weakness or difficulty moving one or both legs
  • a tingling or burning sensation in the legs
  • numbness in the legs or feet
  • a pain that gets worse at night or when you are lying down

How Is Sciatica Diagnosed?

A physical exam and medical history are usually all that are needed to diagnose sciatica. Your doctor may also order imaging tests, such as an MRI to further evaluate the cause of your pain.

How to Relieve Sciatica Pain

There are several ways to relieve the pain of sciatica. Some simple steps you can take include:

  • Taking over-the-counter pain medication, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen
  • Applying ice or heat to the affected area
  • Performing stretches and exercises that target the lower back and legs
  • Wearing supportive shoes
  • Avoiding high heels or shoes with narrow toe boxes
  • Maintaining good posture
  • Sleeping on a firm mattress

If these conservative measures do not provide relief, your doctor may recommend other treatments, such as physical therapy, epidural injections, or surgery.

What Does Sciatica Pain Feel Like?

Sciatica pain is a symptom of a medical condition that causes pressure on the sciatic nerve. Sciatica pain is often felt in the lower back, buttocks, and down the leg. It starts off with a tingling sensation and then becomes sharp and shooting. It can be caused by many different things, such as a herniated disc or spinal stenosis.

What Are the Symptoms of Sciatica?

Sciatica is a condition that causes pain in the lower back and/or leg. It is often caused by herniated discs or spinal stenosis.

The symptoms of sciatica can vary from person to person, but they usually include:

  • Pain in the lower back and/or leg.
  • Numbness, tingling, or pins and needles sensations in the leg.
  • Weakness in the leg muscles.
  • Pain with certain movements such as walking up the stairs, sitting down, standing up after sitting for a long time, or turning over in bed.

Is There a Way to Prevent Sciatica Pain?

Sciatica is a medical term for pain that radiates from the lower back to the buttocks, hips, and down one or both legs. It is caused by compression of the sciatic nerve. The most common causes of sciatica are a herniated disc and spinal stenosis.

There are many ways to prevent sciatica pain, such as:

  • Regular exercise can help to strengthen your core muscles and improve posture
  • Maintain correct posture when sitting or standing
  • Try not to slouch when sitting

What Are Some Muscle Stretches for Sciatica?

Some of the most effective stretches for sciatica are:

  • The piriformis stretch
  • The hamstring stretch
  • The hip flexor stretch
  • The spinal twist
  • The seated hamstring stretch

Does Sciatica Cause Tingling in the Leg and Foot?

Yes. Sciatica can cause tingling in the leg and foot.


Sciatica pain can vary in intensity and may be sharp or dull. It is often worse when sitting, standing, or walking, so make sure to take breaks often if you are experiencing this type of pain. If the sciatica pain is severe, consult a doctor for advice on best managing the condition.

Headache in children Headache in children: Symptoms and the best time to visit the doctor Medical News Today

Headache is a common complaint in children, however it’s usually moderate and rarely serious. However, frequent headaches may affect children’s behavior and make them unable to perform everyday activities.

One-in-five American students is prone to suffer from headaches. Prior to it is puberty headaches tend to be more frequent for boys. After puberty, they become more frequent among girls.

Headaches can cause anxiety for children and create anxiety for family members or parents. However, the majority of headaches aren’t severe and usually are gone in a couple of hours. A mere 5% or less of headaches are caused by extreme ailments.

This article focuses on headaches for children. It also explains the signs and the best time to speak with a physician.

Children and adults typically suffer the same types of headaches however, they might have different experiences.

The International Headache Society (IHS) defines headaches in two categories: both primary and second. Primary headaches are not known to reason, while secondary headaches are caused by a different condition.

Primary headaches are responsible for 21.8-66.3 percent of headaches among children who are treated in the emergency department. Below, we review the most common primary headaches among children.

Tension headache

The most prevalent kind of headache that children suffer from. It’s usually mild and is caused by the muscles of the scalp and neck are strained due to stress or anxiety. The symptoms include:

  • A dull, pressure-like ache
  • discomfort that can get worse on the temples, scalp shoulder and back of the neck.
  • the head. Pain that is felt throughout the head
  • discomfort that can get worse with stress, glareor noise and fatigue



1 out of 10 children

suffer from recurring headaches caused by migraine. This is not as common as tension headache , but it is more intense. It is more likely to occur again it, last, and even run in families.

The symptoms of migraine are:

  • Pulsating or throbbing pain on the one face, or both sides, but on one side that is more painful
  • discomfort that increases with exercise
  • nausea and vomiting
  • visual disturbances
  • irritability
  • crying
  • insanity
  • The agitation
  • Abdominal discomfort

Cluster headache

Cluster headaches are


in children less than 10, and in males are

3 times more likely

more susceptible to being affected more than females are more likely to be affected than. The headaches are characterized by frequent attacks of pain which affect either side of your head. and behind the eye. They can last for several days.

15 to 180 minutes

and could occur as often as eight times a day.

Other symptoms are:

The precise cause of migraine and tension headaches in children is not known however, health professionals believe that it is due to changes in brain chemical and the alteration of nerves and blood vessels. These changes can trigger symptoms of pain that can lead to headaches.

Utilizing digital devices for extended durations can make headaches worse perhaps due to the brightness of the screen or posture issues. A

2021 study

The study found that limiting screen time could be crucial in reducing headaches.

The IHS provides a long list of ailments that can trigger headaches. The head and neck injuries, infections and mouth problems or ear, eye and nose may cause headaches.

Other causes that could cause headaches may include:

  • dehydration
  • skip meals
  • too much or not enough sleep
  • Changes in sleeping patterns of sleep
  • Certain medications
  • hormonal changes, for example, menstrual cycles
  • smoking
  • strong odors
  • Sound and light disturbances
  • certain beverages and foods such as chocolates, alcohol and coffee

In rare instances children may suffer headaches due to an medical condition, for example:

It is imperative to immediately transport children to the emergency department if they experience headaches. is the result of a head injury, or if the following signs are appear:

  • loss of muscle coordination sometimes referred to as ataxia
  • seizures
  • stiff neck
  • visual irregularities
  • confusion
  • being less alert, or very tired or sleepy
  • persistent vomiting
  • high fever
  • Atypical blood pressure, breathing or heart rate
  • Speech slurred
  • Tingling or numbness

Furthermore, a person must

consult a doctor

If you experience headaches:

  • It happens more than once in a week
  • It returns or worsens
  • It is more severe when you wake up
  • interferes with a child’s ability to perform routine activities at school, home as well as in other settings.

A child’s physician will want their

Medical background

They will probably and will likely to ask to know more regarding the headaches to find out what might be causing the headaches. They might ask questions about:

  • the degree and frequency of headaches
  • at the time the headaches first started
  • Any observable pattern or triggers
  • A child’s diet, routines and sleeping habits
  • medication, allergies, and any other medical issues
  • Any family background of headaches
  • Any recent injuries or falls

They could also be looking for triggers that could be triggering the problem and request that a person keep a headache journal in which they or their child can keep track of events, frequency, and degree of headaches.

Healthcare professionals or doctors will perform a physical exam as well as an examination of the neurological system to look whether there are any issues in a child’s senses or movement as well as coordination. They may also recommend testing for blood or imaging like a CAT and MRI scan. If a child has seizures, the physician may be able to request an EEG.

If other signs are being reported, the child’s doctor could also recommend a consult with other specialists like pediatric neurologists, eye doctors, psychologists, or ear throat, and nose specialists.

The treatment for headaches is dependent on the root of the problem. Modifying elements, like exercise, diet, sleeping patterns, as well as trying to avoid triggers could assist.

If headaches occur with no other signs then it’s a simply


can include:

  • sitting down in a cool, peaceful room
  • Relaxation and breathing exercises
  • Applying a cold or warm compress on the forehead

Treatment of tension headaches in children

For tension headaches relaxing at home, taking napping, eating healthy meals, as well as over-the counter (OTC) pain relief may aid a child in overcoming their symptoms.

Parents and caregivers should restrict the use of OTC medicine to no more than

Three times

each week to avoid each week to prevent overuse headaches and or rebound headaches.

Doctors can also suggest non-medicated treatment options to treat headaches that cause tension headaches or migraine. They include:

The treatment of migraine in children

Doctors could

prescribe medication

to children suffering from children who experience frequent migraine attacks. These medicines are divided into two groups:

The majority of headaches that children suffer from are self-limiting , and they disappear when they get enough rest or take homemade solutions. Certain children are able to overcome headaches however, they could be recur later in life, and some may persist into adulthood.

A proper education, lifestyle adjustments as well as avoiding triggers and constant communication with a doctor or healthcare professional can assist children who suffer from chronic headaches to go on with their normal activities.

How Does Cervical Displacement Function? Healthline

Cervical disc replacement (CDR) is the procedure used to replace damaged discs between vertebrae of your neck with artificial disc. They are cushions made of gel that help reduce the friction in between the vertebrae.

The aim for CDR is to increase the mobility of your neck and decrease the pain. CDR is also known as an anterior cervical disc replacement (ACDR) or the total disc replacement (TDR).

CDR is a viable alternative to more rigid spinal procedure where two vertebrae remain permanently linked.

The discs that line our spine can be damaged by injuries, age or due to specific health issues. If a disc that is damaged in your neck presses the nerve roots nearby and causes discomfort, numbness, or weakness in your arm.

Learn more about CDR and its benefits, such as who is eligible, what you can expect as well as how CDR compares to other procedures.

The most suitable candidate for CDR has a herniated disk that’s creating neurologic (nervous system) symptoms or difficulties with movement.

A herniated disk, also known as a slipped disc can occur when the jelly-like inner layer of a disc is pushed through the outer layer of rubber. It could result as a result of a sudden injury, or disc degeneration that has occurred over long-term use.

Patients who suffer from neurological signs such as the numbness or weakness in their arms as a result of cervical discs may be suitable for CDR in the following situations:

  • may have one or two discs that are damaged between vertebrae C3 and C7
  • Are you an adult that has fully-developed skeleton
  • Didn’t feel relief after six weeks of treatment

Certain people may not be qualified to receive CDR. Some conditions that can render you unfit include:

Your physician will review your medical condition and risk factors in order to determine whether CDR is a good match for you.

The most frequent manifestations of cervical disc degeneration is neck stiffness and pain.

A vast bundle of nerves known as the brachial plexus branches from your cervical spine as well as control the sensation and motion in your arms. A herniated disc inside your neck could cause neuromuscular symptoms in your arms, if it presses on the roots of the nerves.

You may experience:

  • Pain
  • tingling
  • Numbness
  • weaknesses

In addition, spinal stenosis may cause problems in your lower extremities. This can lead to balance issues and walking problems.

CDR is typically carried out under general anesthesia, so you won’t feel any discomfort. The surgeon may place the tube in your throat to allow you to take a breath during the procedure. You’ll be fitted with monitors that will connect to your body for monitoring you’re blood pressure and oxygen levels along with your heart’s rate.

Your doctor will be able to give you the best insight into what’s going to take place during your procedure. The exact procedure could differ however, here’s what typically will happen:

  1. When you undergo the surgery, be lying on the operating table , with your head facing upwards. Your shoulders and head will be held in place. The skin will be scrubbed to eliminate any microorganisms found that reside on the skin.
  2. Your surgeon will create a 2to 3 inch cut at the neck’s front or on the other side.
  3. They will push the bones within your neck away in order to reach your vertebrae.
  4. Your surgeon will eliminate your disc and bone spurs that press on your nerves.
  5. They insert a disc made of artificial in your neck.
  6. The surgeon will close the wound using stitches and place an adhesive. The neck collar to ensure that your neck stays still and also to prevent your head from moving.

The whole process typically will take less than 3 hours.

An the anterior cervical discectomy (ACDF) and Fusion (ACDF) has been used to treat cervical discs.

Gold standard

over the years to alleviate discomforts associated with cervical disc diseases.

In ACDF surgery, the surgeon removes the disc that is damaged and substitutes by a bone graft taken from another part of your body, such as a bone graft taken from donors or artificial disc. The surgeon will then join the vertebrae that are adjacent with screws and plates made of metal.

ACDF can be beneficial in alleviating the symptoms of an injured disc, however it is also a problem when the vertebral fusion limits motion in the neck. It may cause issues with the other vertebrae, too.

According to a review in 2018 of literature on research,

as much as half

Many people suffer from degeneration of the discs in the vicinity within 5 years after the procedure.

A distinct

Review of 2018

The researchers reviewed a variety of high-quality studies of these procedures over the past 10 years. Researchers discovered that single-disc CDR could produce the same outcome to ACDF and has a lower possibility of requiring an additional procedure.

There’s not much research into the efficacy in the use of CDR in replacing 2 discs, however 2-disc CDR is becoming a widespread method. There’s some


It could be as efficient as a single CD CDR.

It is important to remember that there’s a shortage of long-term research on implants and medical devices. Certain patients may require further surgical procedures to fix them. It is important to conduct more research.

In the majority of cases generally, it takes between four to six weeks to be back to normal life after CDR.

A small percentage of patients who undergo surgery around 1.8 up to 5.4 percent, may require another operation within five years, according to an 2021 review of research.

CDR is generally beneficial in the reduction of symptoms of a herniated disk. Researchers from one

2017 clinical trial

The general success rate of CDR found to be 60.8 percent for replacements of two discs and 55.2 percent for single-disc replacements.

For ACDF researchers, they found that the rate of success overall was 34.2 percent for replacements of two discs and 50 percent for single-disc replacements.


2020 review

Of the 139 CDR procedures showed that, among those who had replacements of more than three discs the satisfaction of patients was 88 percent seven months after surgery. A typical improvement on the Neck Disability Index was 45.9 percent.

CDR is thought to be a secure procedure, however all surgeries have the potential for complications.

The general risks associated with having surgery are:

  • bleeding
  • Infection
  • A negative reaction to anesthesia

Short-term potential complications of CDR could include:

The long-term consequences may be:

  • Degeneration of discs in the vicinity (occurs around

    15 percent

    of the cases)
  • disc implant failure
  • abnormal bone calcification in the vicinity of the disc replacement

CDR is procedure which can replace the disc that lies between vertebrae in your neck using implants made of artificial material. It’s commonly used to address a disc herniation that’s producing pain, or motor or neurological problems.

Studies have found the CDR is a secure and effective treatment to relieve symptoms in the majority patients who undergo surgery.

Your doctor can assist determine whether you are a suitable candidate for CDR and also prepare you for what you can expect before and following your surgery.

Service dog offers Minnesota woman new confidence Duluth News Tribune — News, sports, and weather coming from Duluth, Minnesota – Detroit Lakes Tribune


ALEXANDRIA, Minn. -In the winter of 2006 during 2006 Tammy Hiltner made her daily commute on Interstate 94 as she saw signs of a storm brewing. It took her about one hour drive from Freeport, Minnesota, to her work located in St. Michael in Wright County.

Shortly after getting to work her supervisor informed her that she should head home before the weather became worse.

A few minutes after leaving, near the lower end of the I-94 ramp, a piece of ice was able to send Hiltner sliding through two lanes before crashing into the median’s shoulder. The back portion of the 1994 Explorer was facing the fence, while she was in the direction of traffic coming towards her.

Hiltner remembers a semi-truck on the lane of passing that was coming towards her. He started slowing down and his trailer to veer towards Hiltner.

“I remember saying, “Lord I, if it’s my turn, then I’ll take it. …’ I’m at peace.” Hiltner, now 60 was able to recall.


The trailer struck her and pushed the Explorer towards the median fence, and then snapped Hiltner forward and causing her face to strike the wheel. The airbags didn’t deploy.

Since the incident, Hiltner has had multiple operations, mainly in her back. One of the surgeries she underwent left Hiltner with neuropathy sciatica along with spinal stenosis. Damage to the nerves in her hips down cause discomfort when sitting or standing for long hours, and sleeping for her can be difficult.

She was fitted with an spinal stimulator placed in her back to stop pain signals being transmitted out of her back to her brain and she battled a staph-related infection caused by the device. She may have passed away according to doctors.

“My back will never be the identical,” said Hiltner, who lives at Alexandra, Minnesota.

In February 2021, the 4-year-old Black British laboratory named Magnum became hers.

Tammy Hiltner holds her service dog, Magnum, by the Paws. Magnum assists her in daily chores around the house, and can help ease anxiety.

Thalen Zimmerman / Alexandria Echo Press

Magnum is a certified Mobility certified service dog who has been trained by Can Do Canines in New Hope, Minnesota.

He aids Hiltner in everyday tasks like switching off lights as well as opening her door and retrieving items at request if she should fall. He also offers assistance with mobility which could enable her to stand. He can even help her take off her jacket by pulling at the sleeves.

“He’s my stress relief. He takes away my stress and keeps me occupied,” Hiltner said. “I find myself feeling more confident to complete tasks. I wouldn’t feel so sure if he were gone.”


Her husband is truck driver, and her son residing over one hour, Magnum is the perfect business to lend assistance.

Hiltner as well as her partner started exploring service dogs after the every day tasks became too painful. They discovered that a lot of places were beyond their budget.

Then they learned of Can Do Canines which provides service dogs at no cost along with a $50 application cost.

Can Do Canines is “a service dog organization that is dedicated to improving your quality of life of children and adults with disabilities by forming mutually beneficial partnerships that include specially-trained dogs” stated Caren Hansen. Hansen is Can Do Canines’ communications and marketing manager.

Hiltner as well as her spouse felt they sounded trustworthy and were impressed by the history of the business which is why they applied.

The client service team determines the particular skills can be performed by a dog to aid a client in understanding the extent of the need.

On June. 26 2021, Tammy Hiltner and Magnum earned their certificates as a certified Mobility Assist Team. Team.

Thalen Zimmerman / Alexandria Echo Press

“Several aspects, such as interviews, recommendations and more. are a part of the process of deciding whether customers are accepted by the company,” Hansen said.


“They begin training them around five weeks old, and continue to train them up to two and a half years old,” Hiltner said. “They offer you an animal kennel, food and the cape. They are there to help you.”

Hansen states that selecting the right dog for each client is a meticulous, and thoughtful procedure.

“We conduct certain tests for every dog in order to discover what their passion is. A dog that is hearing for instance is usually one who is highly attentive and eager as they are working continuously,” Hansen said. “We are proud of not just giving our dogs their own voice in how they will become as well as in tailoring each dog to meet its specific client’s requirements.”

Can Do Canines trains their dogs in five areas of disability such as hearing, mobility seizures, diabetes, and autism.

Since Magnum came into the world of Hiltner, Magnum was a miraculous worker for Hiltner. At night, Hiltner was experiencing the sensation of shaking her feet and legs when Magnum was able to get into bed and laid the head of his leg.

“To today, ever since he committed that crime I’ve not experienced any foot tremors. None. I’m not sure what the man did,” Hiltner said. “There’s an innate quality about him that makes people want to know more about him. He has a aura around the man that draws people attracted to him.”

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