How to break your neck Benefits, risks and alternative ways of easing The insider number is

  • It’s crucial to snap your neck correctly since a wrong approach could cause new forms of pain.
  • If you are tripping your neck, move it slowly in a circular motion, gradually stretching your muscles.
  • If done correctly If done correctly, tearing your neck may help relieve headaches and discomfort in your lower back.

A stiff neck could be caused by injuries like caused by a car crash or repetitive motions and poor posture at a desk, illnesses like arthritis, or muscle tension due to tension.

With so many triggers, it’s not surprising that more than 30 percent of Americans suffer from neck pain every year. Half of them have chronic neck pain.

This is where rubbing your neck may prove useful however it might not be the most effective method of relief.

“Cracking your neck gently is a great way to ease tension and pain within your neck.” claims John Grandominico, DC, a chiropractor at Ohio State University’s The Wexner Medical Centre.

As well as helping to ease neck pain, rubbing your neck can help you deal with headaches, lower back pain lower back pain and joint pain. If you go about incorrectly, you may cause muscle strain, pinch nerves, or cause inflammation, according to Mahmud Kara MD the founder and CEO of KaraMD.

Here’s how you can break your neck, the reasons it is important to consult with your doctor prior to trying another method, and what alternative methods could be more effective to provide pain relief.

How do you crack your neck?

If you are considering cracking your neck, be sure to speak with a doctor. They can assist in identifying the root cause and ensure it’s safe to break the neck in your home. suggests Grandominico.

After you’ve spoken to an expert, it’s recommended to concentrate on gentle moves that are slow, according to Granominico. Your neck’s cracks will feel as a soft stretch without pulling turning, twisting, or jerking. Some people attempt to break their necks with excessive force.

While it’s essential to get instructions from your physician expert, here’s a quick guideline on how to break your neck, according Granominico.

1. Take a standing or seated posture, keeping the back straight.

2. Place one hand on your lower back with your palm facing towards the inside. The other hand should be on the top of your head, keeping your palm down and your fingers extended towards the other side of your ear.

3. Use the hand on your head to gently pull your ear towards your shoulder. If you’re starting on the left side your left arm is pulling the right side of your ear towards your left shoulder.

4. Hold for 30 seconds.

5. Then, switch your hand to your head, and repeat steps 1-4 from the opposite side.

There’s no reason to carry straps, towels, or other accessories, says Granominico.


When you break your fingers, neck or back What you’re really doing is stretching your joint, according to Kara.

The space between your joints has synovial fluid an ingredient that helps reduce friction and lets you move freely. If the space inside the joint grows in the course of stretching, the bubbles in the fluid are not as pressured thus they expand. it is thought that this causes the popsound. This is followed by cracking sounds.

“This could aid in reducing the pain and tension and increase mobility,” says Granominico.

The stretching of joint and neck muscles could be beneficial even if you don’t hear any pop or crack. A small study has found that people interpret the cracking sound is a sign that they are experiencing relaxation. Even although a pop or crack isn’t required to relieve physical pain It could have an effect of placebo.


If you break your neck accidentally by using the gentle technique that was described earlier, the risk of injury is low. However, many people make drastic movements to fracture their necks. This can create more pain or create new forms of discomfort.

“If not done correctly neck cracking could cause pinched nerves and muscle strain, joint or muscular and a rise in injuries or inflammation,” says Kara. It could cause greater frequency of neck pain or migraines He says.

For some neck cracking could be a routine. As time passes, this could damage blood vessels, and in some instances increase the risk of stroke.

Consult a doctor when you suffer from one of these after the neck has been smashed:

  • Pain that gets worse
  • Movement restrictions
  • Are you racking your neck more often – perhaps several times a week

Other ways to relax the tension in your neck or muscles

There are other ways to deal with stiff necks than breaking it, according to Kara.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Apply the heat and ice Alternate between cold and hot and at least two hours of non-use between. This is because the heat relaxes muscles and ice may reduce inflammation.
  • Utilize over-the-counter pain medications: Ibuprofen or naproxen can ease pain and decrease inflammation. Make sure you follow the dosage instructions on the label.
  • Relax and massage the affected area.

If you’re unsure of the reason for you neck strain, lifestyle changes like utilizing mindfulness techniques to decrease stress as well as working at an ergonomic desk can also aid in preventing and ease neck stiffness.

Insider’s tips for a successful trip

The reason you crack your neck is all about stretching the joints. The cracking sound occurs when air bubbles within the joints’ fluid are released due to the additional space that comes from the stretching. It can lessen the pressure and make you feel more comfortable.

If you break your neck too vigorously you could be at risk of sustaining further injuries. This is why Kara advises that the majority of people use gentle stretching . They should also see an chiropractor or a doctor of osteopathic medicine when they require more intense relief.

“Even although neck cracks are commonplace but it is best done by a specialist,” he says.

The Most Effective Strength Training for reversing aging after 60 – Eat This, Not That Eat This not That


Anti-aging regimens and products are in vogue at present in the wellness, health and fitness worlds. You’ve probably been exposed to everything from anti-aging skincare regimens and serums to fitness supplements and workouts popping on social media sites which claim to keep you youthful. With all the products available and advice available, you’re wondering about what actually gets the task accomplished. Making sure you take care of your skin and taking the right nutrients and vitamins will help to turn back your clock however you must also remain physically active. Therefore, we’ve come up with the most effective exercises for strength to slow the aging process after the age of 60.

The kind of exercise you perform is important. For those who are 60 years old and over should put the training for strength above all else. It is not just that you lose bone density as you get older and lose the muscle mass. Lean muscle is your fountain of youth, since it helps keep you fit and healthy for the rest of your life. Making sure you do a lot of compound exercises will allow you to build greater lean muscle mass.

Without further delay this is the most effective exercises for strength to slow the aging process after 60. You should aim for 3 to 4 sets of these exercises. Next, go through the Top 6 Exercises to Build Strong and Toned Arms for 2022. Trainer Says.


To perform this workout, you’ll have to sit before the kettlebell, with your feet a distance from the weight. Your hips should be pushed back and squat so that you can grab the kettlebell. Be sure that your shoulders are aligned with the handle, and that your body is straight. Make sure your core is tight and your shoulders back, then lift the kettlebell by pushing it through your hips and heels. Standing tall, extend your glutes at an upper point in the move. In reverse, you can put the weight on the ground before doing another set. Perform 3 to 4 sets of 10 repetitions.

Related: Foolproof Methods to Lose Weight without “Exercising,” Trainer Says


Take the lat pulldown bar by putting your hands outwards from you to the outside of your shoulders. Lean back slightly and pull the bar towards your sternum by using your elbows, pressing your lats near the low end of the exercise. Be sure to resist the climb by ensuring you keep the tension on your lats. Stretch your muscles at the top by letting your shoulder blades rise up prior to doing another repetition. Complete 3 to 4 sets of 10 to 12 reps.

Similar: “Unhealthy” Exercise Habits Which can actually shorten your Life, Says a Medical Professional

Tim Liu, C.S.C.S.

Begin the exercise by lying on an inclined bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Straighten them over your head with your arms extended. Your shoulder blades should be pulled back towards the bench while it lowers the weights to your chest. Perform a chest stretch at the bottom, and then push the weights back towards the starting position, pressing your upper triceps and pecs on the top. Do 3 to 4 sets of between 10 and 12 repetitions.


Attach the attachment to the seated rower and then place your feet upon the feetpad. Take the handle off and then fully move your legs to straighten them. Keep your chest up and push your elbows back toward your hips pressing you back and lats to complete. Make sure your arms are straight and make sure you get a great stretch between your shoulder blades prior to making another set. Perform 3 to 4 sets of between 10 and 12 repetitions.


Take the split stance by putting one foot in front and one foot back. You can lower yourself to the point that your back knee is in contact with the ground. Push yourself upwards using the front of your foot. Do all the reps on one side before switching to the next. Perform 3 to 4 sets with 10 reps on each leg.

Tim Liu, C.S.C.S.

Tim Liu, CSCS, is an online nutrition and fitness coach based within Los Angeles Read more

The benefits of just 20 minutes of walking and pilates every day Stylist Magazine


The NHS suggests that adults engage in at minimum 150 mins of moderate exercise that is, 75 minutes intense exercise each week, spread equally over a minimum of four days.

Although I’d like to think of my exercise routine to be fairly vigorous – having at least a half hours of YouTube yoga every day and running every other day , as a freelance writer it’s true that I’m spending the majority of my day at my desk. I’ve never felt more fit than when I would cycle 10 miles to work However, when I work at the comfort of my home, my daily commute is just a few steps from my bed to my desk.

After several bouts of sciatica and a time of feeling sluggish and tired I began to realize that I wasn’t moving enough. So I resolved to walk for an additional 20 minutes every day (on the top of running and yoga) for a whole month to see how I would feel. I picked 20 minutes since it’s easier to achieve and is more manageable than 30 minutes.

Incorporating additional activity into my daily routine encouraged me to experiment with new techniques, like glute activation exercises , and exercise routines that reduce stress that are all accessible on YouTube. A diary that I kept to record my additional activities was an excellent way to review and look back on and help me remain motivated.

Does 20 minutes of exercising can really change your life?

After just two days of breaking out of my life, I noticed that I had become more fit and stronger in my body. I also felt more relaxed in my mind, and I noticed that I was more energetic and had better focus.

A study that lasted for a long time of more than 330,000 people in the year 2015 revealed that even from being completely inactive to walking for 20 minutes per day, you can lower the risk of dying prematurely by as much as 30 percent. Little changes can have significant impact.

Walking 20 minutes for 20 minutes is awe-inspiring health benefits

Going for a quick stroll was one of my new flexes and I was amazed by the positive effects on my physical and mental well-being. A walk during lunchtime got me outside in the fresh air and helped ease my anxiety, and made me concentrate more on getting back to work. It was also extremely helpful in relieving my sciatica Research has shown that walking is beneficial to sciatica prevention.

Research has also proven that regular walking improves the cardiorespiratory fitness of muscles, strength as well as body shape. One study in 2015 showed that more physical movement and walking were connected to better health-related life quality in women who suffer from depression.

Are 20 minutes of pilates enough?

I’ve tried pilates twice in the studio and was miserable every minute of it because I was unable to do it. A 20-minute YouTube class was easier to manage, which means I didn’t quit and kept coming back to try more. In a studio class that can last at least an hour I was unsure whether 20 minutes would be enough to get the most benefit.

“Even 20 minutes per day is beneficial because pilates energizes muscles and gets the body up.” adds Helen O’Leary director and physiotherapist of Complete Pilates.

“It can also help you develop awareness of your body, and the most effective method to build this is by doing it gradually and regularly. The results will show up because you’re consistent and trying things that are different. The key to success in all things is to be consistent and enjoy it. This will assist you grow.”

Variety is the essence of life (and the secret to exercising benefits)

A study conducted by an academic at University of Florida showed that those with a variety of exercise routine were able to enjoy their workouts by 20 percent more than people who did the same exercise routine each time and 45 percent higher than those with no schedule. They also were more likely to stick to their regimen in comparison to those who did not have a plan.

“Mixing it up every now and then can keep your mind engaged to make sure you’re not bored, which is a fact not to be overlooked,” says Rebecca Myers the personal trainer and co-founder of Live Happy.

“It is also a challenge for your body. For example One of my customers is an athlete who’s accustomed to consistent, high-intensity aerobic exercise. She attempted surfing, but really felt it the next day , with her DOMS because her muscles were able to respond differently. This can lead to faster improvements in your fitness levels however, to benefit from these benefits, it must not be an exercise routine that’s constantly performed.”

I thoroughly enjoyed trying many various activities throughout the month that covered the areas of endurance strength, balance, strength and flexibility. My aim was to simply move more. It could be advantageous to do the same type of exercises when you’re working towards more specific objectives.

“The degree of variety that you’ll need during your workout is determined by the goals you have set,” explains personal trainer Joe Mitton.

Functional fitness, a broad range of exercises will help to maximize your capabilities through all movements patterns.”

If you’re planning to make larger modifications on your physical body Myers suggests creating a regimen that includes the less strenuous activity (like walking) on one day, and an activity that is more intense (like running or HIIT, or weight lifts) the nextday “It’s not recommended to perform intense workouts throughout the day and rest is just as important as exercising.”

If you’re considering attempting one month of more exercise, Myers also recommends staying inspired by planning it in to your routine: “Our bodies crave routine and routine, so schedule it in so that your mind and body accept it as a part of your daily routine. You’re likely to see gradual improvements using this approach Slow and steady is the best way to win.”

My body is used to moving that I’ve stayed with it beyond the initial trial month. Let’s get moving.

The way Bond Eye Associates treats headaches neck pain, headaches –


<br /> The way Bond Eye Associates treats headaches neck pain, headaches |<br />

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3 Methods Mindy Kaling Went From Hating Training to genuinely enjoying her Workouts Self


For Mindy Kaling, it took significant mental shifts to finally enjoy her exercises. At 42, she’s reformed her thinking about exercising.

“I’m the most healthy I’ve ever experienced,” she tells SELF. “I enjoy it.”

As an actor as well as producer, writer, director comedian, mom, and actor, Kaling knows all too well the challenges in arranging the time to herself. But putting aside time to move–and making it enjoyable and exciting makes her better at what she does, she says.

“I am more enjoyable and more focused more focused when I incorporate movement into my daily routine,” says Kaling, who recently joined forces in Propel Fitness Water’s #ShowYourJOWO campaign in order to encourage more people to experience joy through exercise.

Her experience with exercise wasn’t always this positive. At the age of 20, Kaling considered working out as way to get rid of stress. “[I was] getting up before dawn, prior to when I had to go to work on the Office and then going to the fitness center, and sitting on a treadmill for about 45 minutes running as quickly as I could, being miserable,” she says. “Hating it was extremely crucial.”

Over the last couple of years in the last few years, however, Kaling has pivoted. Since she started to incorporate more informal forms of exercise like hikes or walks with her friends, as well as exploring L.A. fitness classes, exercising became something new. It was fun, interesting and even joyous. She now is looking forward to every day.

Do you want to know how to make the transition from fearing your workouts, to truly enjoying your workouts? Here’s the best way to do it. Kaling.

Redefining workout “success”

In In the Office period, Kaling believed exercise had adhere to very specific guidelines to be counted as exercising.

“In the 20s of my life, I believed that exercising was only beneficial when it was extremely punishing You hated it and was isolated. Also, you had to dress at it in a certain way after having done something,” Kaling explains. She says now, “It doesn’t have to be something like this where I was in a sedentary state for the entire day, and then had one hour in activity.”

She’s now able to see the value in short workouts that don’t make her exhausted and sweaty. And it’s been a game change. She regards any workout that allows her to exercise her body is a victory, regardless of length or sweat factor. (Bonus when it’s outdoors in the sun or with a companion.)

After having a broader view of what a productive session is, Kaling realizes every little amount of effort is crucial to improving her mental state–and it is all cumulative. For instance, after an interview for SELF the break for movement the next day was planned to be a fifteen-minute walk.

In actual fact, Kaling says she often is able to see the cumulative impact of these “little secret’ exercises,” as she calls these on her fitness tracker after the conclusion of each day. When she walks and taking in some fresh air, or making a phone call she typically logs 3-4 miles each day.

It’s time to change it

A workout routine that includes elliptical workouts and running, walking and hiking, weight training, yoga and fitness classes for groups, Kaling makes a point of changing her routines.

One Big Headache Newsroom OSF HealthCare

Man suffering from headache

If you’re suffering from headaches You can find some relief in knowing that you’re not alone.

In a recent study published in The Journal of Headache and Pain More than half of the people worldwide suffer from some form of headache disorder, whether it’s tension, migraine cluster, migraine or any other kind of headache.

“People are prone to headaches for a variety different reasons” claims the Dr. Brandon Strawn, a neurologist working at OSF HealthCare. “There are musculoskeletal issues that cause tension and stress in their necks and shoulders and back Sometimes, people are affected by external factors, changes in weather or exposure to fragrances. Caffeine is one of them. One could consider the rising levels of headaches by looking at the triggers that are increasing. Stress depression, anxiety, and stress are increasing The use of caffeine has grown every decade for the last 50 years. These are the main reasons headaches have been increasing as well. .”

The study was carried out by researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Norway who studied more than 350 articles between 1961 and 2020 to discover how widespread headaches were throughout the world. The majority of the research papers examined people aged between 20 and 65.

In their research, women are found to experience more headaches than males. A total of 17percent of females participating in the study had migraines as an example in contrast to 8.6 percent of males.

“In the general sense, headaches and particularly migraines are more frequent for the female population,” says Dr. Strawn. “There are some theories about hormone-related causes for that. There is evidence that women suffer from migraines more frequently during a specific time of the month or hormone changes later in their lives. Other studies are underway that study the factors that are specific to females versus males, and could contribute to the rise in headaches .”

The study found that around fifteen percent population suffers from headaches every day, and around 7% are migraines. When it comes to treatment it all depends on the kind of headache and the person.

“The most effective method for treating headaches is to look at the root cause,” says Dr. Strawn. “If an primary care physician is able to identify a stressor, or helps manage anxiety, tension or depression-related headaches or tension type headaches, they can organize physical therapy for someone suffering from Cervicogenic headaches (headaches originate out of your neck) or they may recommend the first line treatment for migraine. In many instances, they can treat the issue in a short .”

If you suffer from headaches that aren’t a migraine, whether it’s a sporadic sinus headache or an all-out migraine, your hope is not gone. The doctor Dr. Strawn says treatment modalities have improved a lot over the last 40 years.

“I think the key message is that everyone has headaches however there are lots of alternatives to treat headaches as well. If we are able to discover the cause of the headache, treat those triggers and deal with it through the help of a primary physician, that’s the first objective we can achieve,” he says. “Beyond that, there are plenty of alternatives to manage the symptoms and pain , but by following a structured approach, the majority of patients will be able to find alleviation .”

For more details about headaches check outOSF HealthCare .

The Case Study “Red Flags” in an MVA claim involving soft tissue – JD Supra

(author Kari Williamson]


The nurse reviewer of the following case study noticed a pair of patterns that were found in the medical records from an Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) that served to the mitigation points to the adjuster of insurance. This article will go over the main aspects of the case as well as the patterns that were observed by the nurse reviewer. It will examine the pre-DOL history for the individual, numerous significant discrepancies in records of the doctor, inconsistencies in complaints about pain, as well as objective clinical evidence derived from the pattern. The conclusions from the case might be useful to defense adjusters as well as casualty attorneys.

The facts of the case

  • The plaintiff was a 32 year old female driver who was restrained in an sideswipe MVA where the vehicle was able to spin.
  • She was taken by emergency medical services (EMS) in the emergency department ED and was diagnosed by the ED with injuries to soft tissues. She was neurologically healthy and had no sign of head trauma. She also displayed an normal gait.

Mechanism of Injury (MOI)

The MOI of the report of police was identical to that claimed in the report of claimant. Moreover:

  • The subjective claims that the victim of injury matched to the MOI,
  • The regions of impact upon the car (see Diagram 1) and on the body of the claimant corresponded with subjective complaints and
  • The initial MOI was correlated with the medical records/EMS.

After the incident, and a three-week lapse in time The patient was referred to the chiropractor with complaints of loss of consciousness and the inability to walk.

Initial evaluation by the chiropractor identified subjective complaints of back discomfort and left shoulder pain along with bilateral knee discomfort that was secondary to MVA. The patient was ambulatory on the scene, was not immobilized and then transported to an ER. The initial examination at the ED was positive for mild shoulder tenderness and bilateral paraspinal tenderness along with a left knee contusion with no swelling or bruises.

There were several times that the treatment timeframe. Inconsistent care can hinder the healing process and progress, and also suggest an unintentionally less severe group of symptoms. The Lumbar spine MRI was done and the plaintiff received bilateral sacroiliac facet joints injections for pain relief. She continued to receive treatment for the management of pain and filed an application for $250,000.

1. Damage to vehicle of the claimant.

Comparison of the Pre- and Post-Date of Loss (DOL)

The medical records were not provided to be reviewed. This is a major “red red flag” in many ways, due to:

  • Medical records of the pre-DOL must be reviewed in order to establish a baseline of claimsant’s medical condition(s).
  • It was also noted that the claimant had reported the loss of an MVA 7 months before the loss. The review of documents related to the nature of the effect and treatment are suggested to aid in the evaluation of the current claim.
  • The patient was recommended to a neurosurgeon 5 months prior to seeing. The time frame between follow-up by referrals and chiropractic gaps in treatment is not consistent with claims of claimants reporting severe pain. Keep in mind that extreme pain can be uncontrollable and typically requires medical intervention using opioids in order to function.
  • Facet joint pain can be described as an arthritic disease of the spine which is usually caused by degenerative changes to the facet joints causing discomfort. The cartilage in the joints breaks down, which causes discomfort and inflammation. In this instance there is no indication that of Sacroiliac (SI) joint was damaged during the incident. Furthermore SI complaints were reported to the DOL. SI complaints were reported at the end of six months following the DOL. Sacroiliac (SI) joint pain is often caused by abnormal gait patterns , which can be caused by scoliosis.

As per standard procedure, facet injections are carried out for diagnostic and therapeutic reasons not exceeding two levels of injections at a time. If a patient experiences at least a 50% reduction in pain, then the facet joint can be identified as the reason for discomfort. However it is advised to seek out conservative treatment prior to having facet injections. In this situation the completeness of conservative treatment is not recommended because of the treatment failures.

The medical records for this instance did not show improvements in symptoms that would warrant injections. The lawyer for the plaintiff informed the insurance adjuster she was treating. Injections and pain management were not suggested as being related due to the prolonged intervals in treatment that were incompatible with healing of soft tissues.


The plaintiff began treatment after an interval of three weeks, allowing for the occurrence of events that occurred during this time. Although chiropractic treatment without spinal manipulation is recommended to treat soft-tissue injuries in order to alleviate inflammation and pain, according to MDGuidelines the recommended frequency is as high as 12 visits over the course of six weeks of treatment.

The patient did not show any improvement in her condition during treatment. The claimant reported that the discomfort caused severe symptoms which hindered her activities of daily living. Recent reports of loss consciousness (LOC) at the time of loss as well as inability to walk at the time of loss were not in line with the prior evidence regarding the death.

Additional questions:

  • The referral to MRI of the lumbar spine is a questionable matter in relation to the time of loss since no acute pain associated with a neurologic deficits progressing was noted. The claimant experienced more pain during the drive to towards Florida. In addition, the claimant was unable to have any radicular symptoms. Sitting for long periods of time can cause the lumbar spine discomfort.
  • The procedure of securing the knee with strapping is not connected to the loss. Strapping (application of Kinesiology tape) is advised for knee arthritis However, x-rays taken in the ER don’t reveal any evidence of arthritis.
  • The physical examination was mostly negative, with only one exception: subjectively-influenced reduced mobility (ROM). The results of ortho and neuro testing was found.
  • The headache complaints were not specific and could be due to various illnesses. Although headaches are often a to cervical strain The claimant must be able to improve within three weeks of the incident as she was diagnosed as having soft tissue injuries but no objective radicular signs. The post-accident referral to neurosurgery is not certain due to the absence of objective evidence.

The client was referred for consultation with a neurosurgeon about five months prior to having a visit and observed several lengthy gap in chiropractic treatment which are not in line with reports of pain that is severe. In the majority of cases, severe pain is painful and requires medical intervention and the use of narcotics. The lack of treatment options were not evidence of failed treatment.

The reports of chronic discomfort with no treatment were incongruous. The difference between acute and regular radiological examinations were crucial for the defense. The MRI found did not contain any findings that could be indicative of the pathology of trauma. For acute pathologies, the MRI signal is intense and non-acute manifestations show an equivocal signal.

Conclusions and takeaways

Based on the initial evaluation and the impact within the ER The claimant sustained soft tissues cervical, thoracic and lumbar injury , as well as an injury to the left knee. Although the claimant was able to attend 29 chiropractic appointments over seven months but there were several significant gapin treatment that did not align with the normal healing process such as the claimant experienced delayed treatment for five months after referral to the pain management.


  • The plaintiff complained of severe pain after seven months post-loss. This does not correspond with the capacity to do the daily activities required for living.
  • The gaps in treatment can allow injury to develop in the intervening time.
  • The claimant was a victim of previously filed an MVA six months earlier than the date of this incident without submitting any prior documents.
  • Nurse reviewer suggests that an independent medical exam (IME ) could be beneficial since the plaintiff’s attorney stated that the plaintiff was still being treated.
  • The EMS system, ER, and six chiropractic visits were all related in the absence. The absence of treatment was not in line with the symptoms that were reported.

Two main concerns emerged, namely:

  • The presence of large gaps in treatment across all providers could suggest some degree of relief from the condition(s) or the fluctuation in chronic diseases.
  • The records consistently recorded subjective complaints without the presence of consistent and clear objective medical evidence, such as the absence of neurological markers and acute symptoms.

Consultants and nurses are able to help attorneys and adjusters in bodily injury cases by providing a thorough analysis of the chronology and case as shown in this short case report.


The authors would like to express our gratitude to Kari Williamson for her insight and experience that greatly aided this study.

Pressure Points and Yoga for Neck Pain The classes will soon be online and will be offered through the Integrative Healing Society EIN News


Neck Pains from Computer Utilization

Yoga Crocodile Pose

NEW YORK, UNITED STATES 12 May 2022 /”Neck and shoulder injuries are a frequent issue that many are afflicted with at different moments throughout their lives. There are a variety of self-care options that can be found to lessen the pain and discomfort in these areas by through the practice of yoga and postural awareness along with pressure points.

A lot of people suffer from neck pain and shoulders because of using computers or due to the excessive use of smartphones. Other causes for neck pain are injuries neck pain, whiplash arthritis, herniated discs and inflammation. Although pain medication can be beneficial for people suffering from chronic pain, they do not solve many of the reasons that cause the discomfort. Surgery should be considered as the last option. Techniques such as yoga, acupuncture massage, self-administered pressure points could prove beneficial for people who suffer with this condition.

One of the reasons yoga is extremely effective in relieving neck pain is the fact that it teaches us the basic principles of proper posture and alignment through easy movements and stretches. A lot of our day-to- working habits force us to lean towards the front. This could cause forward shifts in the head, as well as rounding or hunching of shoulders. In this posture, the most strain is put on the shoulders and neck because they bear the head’s weight.

In yoga classes for neck pain, we study the natural neck movements such as flexion, extension, twists, and lateral bends. These easy movements, performed with a sense of awareness and focus will help alleviate the postures that are not natural to work that can lead to the pain. If you are working at a desk for long periods or using your mobile phone frequently it’s a good idea to look up. When we are looking at phones, we tend to look down. We need to reverse the gaze by looking upwards and putting the neck in an extension.

Similar to this, if we move our head to the side to look at computers it is important to balance this motion by drawing the neck straight back. This will activate the neck muscles and assist to build them up. This workout, commonly referred to as the chin tuck can be performed while working at a desk or in a standing position. It’s one of the easiest exercises that you can perform, since you are simply pulling your neck and head straight back. If you are doing it against walls, you should place your back part of the head towards the wall. If done correctly, you should be able to feel you’re experiencing a double chin performing this exercise.

Another excellent exercise is to lie flat on your stomach on the floor and then raise your head until your chin is in contact with the floor and you’re focused on the future. It is also possible to interlace your fingers and put them beneath your chin for support. This posture, called crocodile pose assists in restoring the natural curvature of the neck and puts the neck into a relaxed extension. It is suggested to practice this posture frequently for at most 2 to 5 minutes every day, twice. While doing the exercise, you may also turn your head to either side while laying your head down on the floor. Yoga is an excellent move to perform prior to cobra, sphinx, or bow.

The yoga posture cat cow is frequently recommended to treat shoulder, neck, and back discomfort. This is a great exercise for people who are just beginning their journey and aren’t very flexible. In this pose , the neck, head and spine can be moved up and down by extensions and flexion. For those who suffer from neck and back discomfort have excessive neck and spine The cat cow pose is a great way to stabilize the movement of both flexion and extension. It’s also beneficial to keep cow pose in place because it helps to increase the strength of muscles in the neck as well as back muscles.

For more information on yoga for neck pain , go to this website: Integrative Healing Society.

James Spears

Integrative Healing Society

+1 415-367-3610

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