The identification and treatment of chronic lower-back discomfort in horses – Farmer’s Weekly SA


It is crucial to know the cause of back pain in horses so that you can treat and effectively manage it, according to Dr. Mac.

If your horse is suffering from back discomfort, the first step is to check that the saddle is fitted properly.

Photograph: Wikimedia Commons

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A chronic back pain can develop slowly, and it could take for a long time before being diagnosed. In some instances it’s discovered after the horse has performed an incorrect move.

For instance an instructor might instruct a horse to “canter 20m around the circle, and then switch legs using the trot in the middle in the arena”. The rider will canter a clean 20m circular to left. He then and then shifts to trot prior to the center, and then asks the horse to trot toward the right.

The horse then gets down on its back is disintegrated, then turns its head. The rider might also notice that the horse’s balance is off when walking or even when trotting.

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This behavior could result from chronic discomfort in the lower spine and lower back, making it difficult for horses to properly bend its body when riding in a circle.

Chronic back pain may also be the cause of the sudden bucking or shying of the horse before peaceful and easy to handle.

Another indication could be that the animal might be able to hold its head too high, and then stick its head out during the move.

This is often more evident during lunges, as it can be seen that it will fall down the air, throw its head around and hollow its back or change its gait suddenly.

Lower-back issues that are chronic are typically experienced by horses older than 10 years and are used for dressage, eventing, or jumping. The issues usually develop over a period of time or even years, and aren’t immediately obvious.

The majority of these issues are caused by inflamation or degeneration to the discs of the intervertebral. They can be observed by X-rays and appear as abnormalities particularly in the area of the spine where the thoracic as well as the lumbar vertebrae join.

Finding the cause Sometimes, a horse’s owner can identify the cause of pain by massage (palpating) on the horses spine both sides, between the pelvis and the withers.

This kind of massage is typically used when a vet inspects a horse for insurance reasons.

In the event that it is determined that lower back is the cause of the pain, the horse is likely to hesitate or even flinch whenever the painful area is felt. If the horse is trotting out the’shifting lameness’ might be visible. This means that it could be lame on the different legs, at different moments. It could also be a ‘bunny hop in response to being urged to move forward with a trot or a walk.

There have been remarkable improvements in the types of exam that specialist veterinarians employ to identify spinal injuries that result in back pain. Local spinal analgesia is likely to be the first step followed by bone scans, or an ultrasound.

The causes of pain

Lower back pain could cause supraspinous ligament demitis osteoarthritis of the intervertebral surfaces, or something that is as easy as bruising, caused by a saddle that is not properly fitted.

Once a diagnosis has been established after the diagnosis has been made, there are fundamental steps to recover. The doctor might prescribe oral or injectable painkillers for the duration of a few days. The doctor might also prescribe extracorporeal shockwave therapy or targeted massage which are usually successful.

However, in the longer time, specific exercises and riding routines, a properly-fitting saddle, and a stable riding instructor are essential. This may be that a jumper eventer or dressage horse needs to be reduced and gradually returned to training after an extended rehabilitation program.

The Dr Mac is an academic who’s a practicing veterinarian for horses and Stud owner.