The back pain program has long-lasting effects This is Hippocratic Post


Controlling back pain can yield long-lasting results through the ‘Back in Shape’ program. Writing only for Hippocratic Post, Consultant Osteopath Michael Fatica shares the innovative Back in Shape program that he developed during lockdown in order to relieve back discomfort and pain for patients.

The impact of the lockdown during the height of the pandemic was naturally felt all over the world. As osteopath, it was confronted with the dilemma of helping my patients, without having the opportunity to meet them face-to-face. Naturally, my personal frustrations were nothing compared to the real suffering they had to endure, especially those with chronic, long-term back issues.

It was in this time that I started looking for ways to help my patients remotely. the result was the Back in Shape’ program – an online interactive back rehabilitation program. It was designed to offer assistance of my patients when my only choice was digital. However, the outcomes quickly exceeded my expectations, and have transformed my thinking about effective back pain management.

The Back in Shape program is based around the notion that patients take explicit responsibility for and is in control of their back discomfort. I was pleasantly surprised by the speed with which patients who were considered to be ‘challenging cases at the clinic could improve their lives at home, provided the proper help.

A program that is based at home, and decreases the need for a physician and can help patients take more time to adhere to regular fitness and lifestyle changes which can lead to improved overall mental and physical health.

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Michael Fatica is a Consultant Osteopath with the Back in Shape Program, an online rehabilitation program that treats back discomfort. He completed his studies at the University College of Osteopathy and has been providing treatment and advice to patients for the last 10 years and specializes in spine as well as spinal mechanics. Before that, in The Mayfair Clinic in London, Michael developed BIS during the pandemic as a way to assist patients incapable of seeking face-to face professional assistance to treat back discomfort.

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