More than 72 million Americans are suffering from chronic low back Pain Pain News Network


This is written by Pat Anson, PNN Editor

About 3 out of 10 U.S. adults – 72.3 million people are suffering from persistent low back pain, far exceeding that number Americans who suffer from diabetes, arthritis or cardiovascular disease as per an extensive new Harris Poll. More than a third of those who were surveyed (36 percent) consider the severity of their back hurt to be “severe” or as the “worst pain they could ever experience” and almost half (44 percent) have had back pain for at the least five years.

More than 5,000 people participated in the survey online and was supported by Vertos Medical, a company which makes medical devices for treating the condition of lumbar spinal degeneration (LSS).

One of the most significant conclusions of the study is that more than three-quarters (37 percent) of people suffering from persistent back pain (CLBP) have never been told what causes it. back tension (CLBP) have not been informed by a medical professional the reason for the discomfort. A majority (84 percent) think they would prefer they had better options for treatment for CLBP.

“These results of the survey indicate that people suffering from chronic low back discomfort are suffering tremendously for long durations and many have accepted to living in a state of debilitation,” Kathy Steinberg, Vice President of Media and Communications Research at The Harris Poll, said in an announcement. “The reality that over one-third of people aren’t given the reason for the pain, like LSS or an overly stretched ligament which makes it harder to manage the pain.”

Low back problems are the most common reason for disability, which affects around 540 million people across the world. With the number of people who suffer from this condition, it would be expected that there would be a consensus regarding the best approach to combat CLBP. A review published in 2018 of The Lancet revealed that lower back pain is typically treated using poor recommendations, unsuitable tests, unsafe surgeries, and painkillers -often in violation of the treatment guidelines.

It was found that the Harris Poll found that many Americans who suffer from CLBP are receiving treatment by ineffective treatments, which result in multiple visits to different doctors. In the average, the back patient is seeking relief from at least three health care practitioners, and has had an average of four visits to the doctor in the past year.

More than one-in-five (21 percent) have received epidural steroids injections (ESIs) which includes 37% receiving 5 plus injections. The ESI’s aren’t FDA-approved and the FDA has cautioned that injections into the epidural area can cause severe but rare neurological issues which include the loss of sight, stroke or paralysis. They were also rated as among the most ineffective treatment options to treat CLBP according to The Harris Poll.

About a third of the people surveyed (30 percent) stated that they’ve received prescriptions for opioids, while 15% of respondents said they’re currently taking them, despite when medical guidelines advise that opioids should not be used for CLBP.

Opioids are not advised, but almost the majority of patients (79 percent) claimed that the medication was extremely or partially effective, making them the top-rated treatment for CLBP and slightly over “conservative or oriental medicine” treatments like the physical therapy method, chiropractic care or acupuncture.

Source Harris Poll Harris Poll

A majority of respondents think that CLBP has a significant or minimal impact on their life quality (53 percent) and physical health (50 percent) in addition to mental well-being (39 percent). The majority of respondents strongly or partially are in agreement (78 percent) that they accept CLBP as aspect of their lives.

For more details on treatments for CLBP Visit the website Know Your Back Story, a website operated by Vertos Medical, a medical company that offers treatments for spinal stenosis. spinal narrowing.