Lower back pain can be a frustrating issue that 4 out of 5 people have to deal with at an era in their lives.
It is the most frequent reason that doctors visit as well as other health professionals. Over the last three decades the number of disabilities due to LBP has grown by 54%..
According to a report published in February 2022 in “JAMA Internal Medicine”,” “More than 10 percent of the population suffers from chronic low back discomfort, and it is the sixth-highest cost disease throughout the United States, with an annual expense over $90 billion.” It has now become an epidemic health issue.
The back is the lower back is a complex collection of interconnected anatomical structures.
A large portion all the mass of an individual’s upper body is supported by the spinal column’s lower vertebral bodies in the lumbar region. In the spaces between them, there’s a rubber discs like ones that function as cushions. The vertebrae are held together by joints, as well as tendons and ligaments which connect to the back muscles and boney columns. The spinal cord connects the vertebrae, extending pairs of nerves that extend outward towards various areas of the body. They transmit brain signals to control movement as well as other functions.
There are two kinds of LBP.
The acute or short-term kind can last for only a few weeks. The most common treatment for these episodes is typical pain relievers as well as physical therapy. In some cases it could take a few months to get rid of the discomfort and the associated disability.
Up to 20% of people with acute symptoms it is not possible for the symptoms to disappear in a short amount of time. If the symptoms persist for more than three months and persists even after treatment, the problem is termed chronic.
LBP may occur quickly or gradually The pain can be dull or intense and radiate beyond the area of lower back to the buttocks. If it reaches your lower extremities it’s often referred to as sciatica. For some, the discomfort could get worse or better depending on the posture of their body. Some people experience stiffness and problems standing straight, balance issues muscles spasms, sleep issues and difficulties with daily routines.
Although anyone can be affected with LBP There are some factors that can make it more likely being a possibility. They include:
- Age: The first sign of trouble typically occurs between the ages of 30-50; however, the condition is more prevalent when you are older.
- Weight: Weight that is too heavy increase the stress on the lower lumbar spine which often triggers symptoms.
- Work and life: Being in an occupation or participating in activities that require the use of a lot of force or twisting could result in injury that triggers LBP.
- Health overall: LBP occurs more often when there is a family history of certain tumors , arthritis, and also in people that smoke or drink a lot and live a sedentary existence.
- Psychological: Anxiety, depression and stress are all associated with increased likelihood of developing the disorder.
There are four types that could be the cause for LBP:
- Injuries: Strains, sprains, and strains of ligaments, tendons and muscles are typical triggers. Traumas from contact sports, automobile accidents or falls may result in a herniated disc or a fracture.
- The degenerative disorder: Different kinds of arthritis and degeneration of the intervertebral disc can trigger symptoms.
- Nerves and spinal cord injury: Lumbar stenosis arises when there is a gradual narrowing in the bone-filled spinal canal. The resultant impingement of nerves and spinal nerves and cord causes discomfort. Cauda the equina condition is an uncommon medical emergency. It occurs when a ruptured disc presses nerves in the lower part of the spinal cord, causing discomfort, weakness, and incontinence.
- Other: Tumors and infections of the spine may cause LBP. Conditions that aren’t related to the spine like kidney stones could mimic lower spine excruciation.
The focus of the diagnosis is finding the cause of discomfort and excluding other conditions which could cause the symptoms. The examination includes a thorough medical background, physical exam as well as blood tests, and diagnostic imaging tests when necessary. In some cases, the precise cause of LBP remains unanswered regardless of a thorough examination.
While lower back discomfort has been a problem for humanity throughout recorded time but it is now more common in post-industrial societies.
A study on anthropology in March 2022 from New York University compared the bones of the Neanderthals of the past with those of modern human spines. Modern humans possess “wedging” within their vertebral bodies , which did not exist in the spines of Neanderthals. The study suggests that the anatomical changes “brought through a decrease in physical activity, poor posture, and the use of furniture used in industrialization” and may be a reason for the increasing prevalence in LBP in the contemporary era.
The first recorded mention of the condition is found on an Egyptian papyrus that was written 3500 years ago. Later in the past, the ancient Greeks saw “simple backaches as a sign of the underlying disease.”
The Middle Ages, it was known as the “witch’s shot,”” in reference to the belief the pain was caused by external forces. One writer wrote that for those suffering from sciatica the treatment in the time “consisted of having their lower extremities burned in a blaze filled with ferns.”
Modern therapies are specifically designed to determine if the LBP is chronic or acute and the cause.
Most episodes that are sudden and occur without sciatica are temporary and self-limiting. The best way to treat sciatica is through a routine consisting of non-narcotic medication and muscle relaxants, as well as local pain relief, physical therapy and staying active. Surgery is not usually suggested for acute pain.
Treatment of persistent LBP is more difficult. It’s highly contingent on the duration and severity of the symptoms as well as the root of the problem. There are numerous efficient surgical and medical alternatives, including minimally-invasive procedures currently available. To ensure the greatest long-term results for patients suffering from chronic illnesses co-ordination of care among medical professionals, other doctors and patients is essential.
If left untreated, lower back pain could have negative effects on health and well-being emotionally and physicallybut thankfully, healthcare provides solutions for the pain in most instances.
Stolz was a former physician and the author of the book “Medicine From cave Dwellers up to Millennials.”

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