BENGALURU: The backache that was from a recently purchased mattress has prompted an academic of 73 to take the mattress’s well-known manufacturer to a court for consumer rights in the city and has recently ordered the company to pay him back the mattress’s cost of Rs 27,455 as well as offer a compensation of about Rs 7000.
On the 6th of December the 6th of December, 2019, a retired economics professor
RS Deshpande
From Nagarabhavi from Nagarabhavi
Kurl-on store
located on Dickenson Road and purchased a Desire Top series mattress by paying at least Rs 27,455. After a few days of sleeping on the mattress the professor noticed there was a bulge in the middle and that sleeping on it caused him extreme back discomfort.
In the face of complaints and phone calls in no response, the Bengalurean senior visited the shop located on Dickenson Road only to find it closed. In March 2020, Covid-19 epidemic struck and the entire country was put in the lockdown. The Kurl-on authorities were not accessible.
Deshpande later wrote numerous emails to mattress company , explaining his situation after purchasing the mattress , which the company said was warranted over six-months. However, there was no reply from Kurl-on. Furious, the elderly man contacted an official at the First Additional District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission in Shantinagar with complaints against the manufacturer of a low-quality product, and then not answering his concerns.
The professor made his argument through his attorney, while Kurl-on was not able to show up even though he was served with a notice. The consumer court reviewed the documents submitted, including the bills for the product and the emails to the company. It concluded that Kurl-on was in fact the one to blame. The court found a serious flaw in the company, who did not bother to appear in court , and had ignored the complaints of customers.
In its ruling on the 19th of January in the consumer court, the court decided that Kurl-on had to refund 27,455 in interest. The mattress firm was required to pay Rs. 5,000 in compensation to the old man who was not receiving the proper service, causing his pain, as well as another Rs 2,000 for court costs. The total amount has to be due within 45 days of the date of the order. The judges also requested the professor to return the mattress that was defective to Kurl-on upon receipt of the funds.

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