My wedding took place 14 weeks away in July and it was set get hot. I knew that I wanted appear and feel at my most beautiful, and feel at ease in my skin for the wedding day. However, my the constant back discomfort was keeping me back from being the most joyful version of myself.
I’d trained for a long time in some way, but I kept being slowed due to injuries. I played rugby as a kid and then injured the knee (and eventually, I had an operation to repair my knee). I turned to rowing, however, over time wear and tear and truthfully, poor form during exercise resulted in back discomfort. I’d tried training through it, but had focused too heavily upon lifting too much weight which only made the issue worse. This became a regular pattern that I would train, then hurt my back and then stop my training and gain weight.
I was aware that I had to make a change, but I did not know where to go about it. When I was suggested by a friend to test Ultimate Performance, I thought, “What have I got to lose?”
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Changing my meals
I spoke to an UP trainer and realized I wasn’t getting enough protein in my previous workouts. I was focusing on energy-rich carbs, but not enough protein that my body required to grow and repair itself. My diet also didn’t have any plan: meals were what I wanted to eat at any time that was comfortable. It was fast food chicken wraps for lunch, and fries for lunch, as well as plenty of takeout food or out with my friends for dinner. I tried counting calories, but was not really being truthful about it or even thinking about the amount of sugar, fat, or carbs I ate. I gained weight steadily for about two or three years after I quit rowing.
Redesigning my diet meant removing processed sugary items such as chocolate and sweets. I began eating more vegetables and fruits, and reduced back to starchy carbs, excluding those that I use during my workouts to boost energy. I mainly cut out alcoholas well.
I set up a routine for breakfast: I’d begin with large-powder protein pancakes, or scrambled eggs. Lunch was an Huel hot and delicious instant food substitute. In the afternoon, I’d eat a take a bite of chicken breasts or the biltong. For dinner I’d probably include mixed vegetables and steak or spicy pork mince served with corn and cob or the pork fillet with roast vegetables. Following my exercise, I’ll drink shakes.
Change my appearance
I would do three weight-training sessions per week, beginning at 5 am. It was a fantastic method to begin my day and keep me in the right direction. Whatever time I got back after work I’d been working out, and because I knew that I’d have to get up by 4 am I had a reason to enjoy a healthy sleepy evening. Sometimes I’d have an extra workout at home during the weekend.
In most weeks, I’d perform three or four sessions of cardio using my treadmill in my house, or running with my dog. In addition, I’d do at least 10,000 steps per day.
I completely changed my training approach. Instead of attempting to put massive weights my trainer instructed me to concentrate on form, technique, and tension. At one point, I experienced an injury in my chest which would flare up and so for my bench press, I cut down the motion by dropping the weight slowly for three seconds, holding itfor three seconds, then pressing it back up. The ability to focus with care was extremely important for me as it prevented injuries and allowed me to continue training.
My trainer also adapted my workouts to ensure that I wasn’t always over-loading my back. This is an excellent example of how useful experts can prove to be. I give lots of praise to him for my improvement in everything from teaching me about healthy eating to focusing on my posture.
Over the course of 12 weeks I shed 22 pounds (10 kilograms) in body fat, and shed 10 % of the body fat. I gained around 4 and a quarter pounds (2 Kilograms) in muscle.
I felt me again, as excellent, if perhaps betterthan at the time I entered my teens. I realized that I was too young to be resigned to the bad-back and dad-bod situation. My old clothes are back in shape and I’m free to do what I want, without being concerned about my back getting in the way. I’m even registering in running the London Marathon.
It’s been a great journey of learning for me from developing a my diet to really focusing on correct exercise form and technique. When I first began I was unsure of what I needed. I believed I’d tried every option. This has been a huge learning for me. don’t think too much about things and don’t think that you’re not able to do anything. Find experts to assist, get started and start.

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