From back discomfort to allergies, the average adult has to deal with at least four health issues Study reveals


LONDON -LONDON – A typical person in the UK is suffering from four health problems and ailments that include back tension, headaches, and seasonal allergies According to studies. In reality, the survey of 22,000 British adults shows that 82 percent suffer from an unimportant health issue as well as the majority of them experiencing “significant” pain or discomfort.

Over a quarter sufferers have been suffering from specific ailments for a period of time or longer and nearly one-in-ten (8 percent) being forced to endure the pain for more than 10 years! The effects are diverse. For those who suffer from health issues it is reported that 46 percent have difficulty getting to sleep as well as 28 percent have mental health issues and 18 percent have difficulty getting to work.

The study, which was conducted by OnePoll and funded by Perrigo, indicates that 7 out of 10 patients are attempting to adopt the “keep at bay and continue to carry on” mentality as a relief method to deal with their illness.

Unfortunately the other 28 percent are doing this due to the fact that they feel the doctor they see isn’t “seem at all interested.” Similar numbers 27 percentare unable to schedule the appointment they want with their physician, and 22 percent do not like going to the doctor. Nearly half (52 percent) confess that it’s never been on their minds to visit the pharmacy to seek guidance.

“Even minor ailments and issues affect our lives and how we choose to live, but they don’t need to.” advises Farah Ali the superintendent pharmacist of London’s Warman-Freed in a statement. “Don’t avoid your body’s needs by living with discomfort and being silent about it. There are ways to deal with issues early with self-care to ensure that the problem doesn’t become chronic and cause disruption to daily activities.”

The study also revealed that an inclination to be silent is a widespread issue – 57 % of those surveyed declare that they prefer to not speak when they experience health issues. However, 54 percent of respondents say that they’re “better” in looking at the health of others as compared to their own.

This strategy appears to be extending to self-care since 56 percent of respondents agree that it’s not one of their top strengths. Even more troubling is that 43 percent do not consider it a priority. But, the same proportion feels they’ve made progress in attending to their self-care in the past 2 or 3 years. Around 7 out of 10 people say they are “good” in being aware of their bodies and recognizing the needs of their body.

When it comes to calling in sick, research shows that an average adult has had seven days off from work in the last year. However, this number should be higher, as three out of five people say they’ve been working when they felt too sick to work. Why do they endure such pain? The most frequent reason is that they aren’t comfortable having breaks (37 percentage). Some blame the fact that they have “too many things to accomplish” (31 percentage) and also not being willing to admit they have a problem start at all (20 20 percent).

“You should always seek guidance of a qualified healthcare expert for any condition that is chronic. The pharmacist in your community is easily accessible source of information when you’re having trouble getting appointments with your physician,” says Ali. “Pharmacists are specialists in minor health issues, they can provide self-care options. They can provide advice from a clinical perspective as well as over-the-counter medications for a variety of minor ailments. They’ll also guide you in case you have to visit a doctor or healthcare specialist to treat your illness.”

Writer Rob Knight contributed to this report.