Bend forward to alleviate lower back pain Kitsap Daily News


In my presentations to various groups about the subject regarding the low back pain prevention my message remains the same. Take care to balance the pressures you place on your spine and you’ll probably reduce the chance of acquiring low back pain.

Although a variety of factors can trigger lower back discomfort however, if I were to pinpoint the single factor that can make the most difference to the most people is the way they place the spine and how they move it on an everyday basis.

For the majority of people, they spend the vast majority of their daytime time is spent in activities that involve spinal flexion, like sitting and bent. For instance, they get up in the morning, eat breakfast while sitting, or sit in the car or on public transportation to get to work, do an office job, sit while driving home, eat dinner sitting down, and then take a break by watching television or reading on a recliner or couch before going to bed. Additionally, tasks like washing dishes, laundry cleaning, gardening, sweeping vacuuming, and taking care of young children all require spinal flexion.

In contrast, less time is devoted to the opposite direction, referred to as spinal extension.

In time, this mismatch of mechanical stress can lead lots of people in problems. The majority of their period of time spent spinal flexion, but not enough time is spent in extension. As a result, to reduce the risk of developing lower back discomfort, it is essential to reduce the force exerted on your spine.

The importance of in balancing spinal forces was proven in a study which randomized army recruits to two distinct groups. One group of them was taught to do 15 times of spinal extension at least twice a day, and to maintain an upright posture when sitting. Extension took an upright push-up like the cobra pose in yoga.

The other group was utilized as a control group, and recruits were instructed to perform their normal routines.

The results between both groups were significant.

In the course of a year over the course of one year, over the course of a year, back pain was reported by only 33% of extension group, in contrast to 51% in those in the control group. Furthermore, just 9 percent of those in the group seeking medical attention for low back pain, as compared to 25 percent from the controls.

My suggestion: Bend backwards at least a few times during the day (which can be done sitting as well as lying) and sit with a better posture. A perfect sitting posture is described as having a 10% degree of relaxation from sitting in a straight line and can be achieved with using a pillow known as the back roll.

These tips can help to counteract the excessive spinal flexion forces, and offer those with back pain the best chance to avoid lower back discomfort.

This advice is basing on looking at the issue that is low back pain in a 30,000-foot angle.

This means that it isn’t applicable to everyone. The solution to spinal extension may not be for everyone. And if it causes pain in your lower back It might not be the best option for you. However the medical standard advise for those seeking to avoid spinal extension hasn’t reduced the frequency of lower back discomfort one bit.

Integrating it into everyday life However, it is likely to.

Dr. Jordan Duncan is from Kitsap County and is the author of a monthly health column for the Kitsap News Group. He is the proprietor of Silverdale Sport & Spine.