Challenge your body as you age to build muscle, but if the exercises that you perform on your arms are painful If you’re not able to do the exercises, there are alternatives that you can do to prevent injuries and increase your gains, according to personal trainers.
Cat Kom, CEO and the founder of Studio SWEAT onDemand Cat Kom, CEO and Founder of Studio SWEAT onDemand, told Insider that she frequently encounters people who want to build muscle strength in their arms using exercises that are overhead, but end up suffering from shoulder or back discomfort instead.
“Avoid all things that cause pain in a negative manner and don’t confuse it with the things that are difficult or challenging,” she said. “You always hear “No pain is no gain’, which is true when you’re dealing with the correct sort of hurt. If you’re dealing with the wrong type or level of hurt, you’re going to get your self back.”
She advised that if you feel the sensation of a pinch, sharpness, or something else that doesn’t feel right, substituting exercises that alter the angle of your exercise can help protect joints and work the right muscles, but without creating pain or injury.
“The most important thing is to test the exercises that work for your body,” Kom said. “It’s about being aware of your body and knowing that you can exercise the same muscles, without performing exercises which cause discomfort.”
Shoulder presses hurt Try front raises, as well as Arnold presses
A well-known exercise for the arm is doing shoulder presses however it can cause injuries for those who have to are forced to spend long periods of timea much of their time sitting or leaning over computers, as per Kom.
If you experience a pinching sensation in your arms when they are in the air, Kom recommends switching to the front raise of dumbbells, that is when you bring the weights straight towards you. This exercise can be less straining on the rotator cuff which is the tendons that surround the shoulder joint which are the most likely to become irritated from lifting your arms overhead.
You could also test your hand at the Arnold press, which is an overhead version that starts with your palms facing your body in the same way as you would you are at the peak of the Bicep Curl, and then rotates upwards to create presses that can aid in allowing your shoulders to move more easily.
They both have the same advantages as the overhead press strengthening your shoulders, a few muscle groups on your chest, and activating the core.
Modified “superman” exercise will strengthen on your shoulder, back, and core all simultaneously
Another excellent exercise for stability and ease of movement is the superman. It involves lying lying on your back, stretching your arms above your head, and then lifting your legs and arms off the floor.
This exercise targets importantmuscles that are often overlooked located in the back while you strengthen your core, increase your glutes, and strengthen your shoulder stability.
Kom suggests a different approach that has your palms facing each opposite, but your arms are separated in a Y-shape. This will allow you to enjoy similar benefits without placing too much tension orstress onto the shoulder joint.
“If you have any sort of shoulder impingement, it relieves the pressure,” Kom said.
Get your triceps working using”walrus,” a “walrus” press-up
The overhead extension of the triceps can be an extremely popular exercise for building the muscles at the back of the arms however, it can cause the same issues like the shoulder press according Kom. Kom.
An excellent alternative is a variation of a push-up called the walrus push-up. This is about keeping your elbows tightly against your ribs as you push upwards by extending your arms while the rest ofyour hips remain firmly to the ground.on the flooring.
“It’s fantastic because you don’t have to purchase any equipment, and you can perform the task anywhere,” Kom said.
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