Help Yourself Treat Your Low Back Pain iRunFar


The low back pain is one of the most prevalent and chronic pains that plague humanity. Running athletes aren’t immune to lower back pain, which is defined as any pain that occurs in the lumbar spine area, right over the pelvis and the hips. Running is a major cause of irritation for the back’s lumbar spine which makes it more prone to discomfort with even the simplest daily activities , such as standing, sitting or walking, bending and reaching.

The main cause for running-induced lower back discomfort is compression. When you run, the lumbar-sacrum and pelvis area is able to absorb and process an enormous amount of energy every landing and push-off.

If the stride isn’t efficient either in terms of propulsion or posturethe lower back region could absorb the energy by compressing. This is caused by a decrease of the area and extensibility of connective tissue, bones and muscles. This decrease in movement is the primary cause of back pain and stiffness.

It may seem obvious that stretching the low back is enough to alleviate pain, it usually will require more energy and care to the entire system that surrounds it such as the thoracic spine and sacrum, pelvis, as well as hips.

Therefore, treating just the area that is painful will not result in lasting or complete pain relief. A physical therapist or chiropractor could manipulate your back and create a dramatic pop and provide pain relief and restored motion — however, if the improvement is not sustained for days or hours later, it’s usually due to stiffness that is not treated between the lower and upper back.

The movement of these areas will allow the lumbar bones and tissues with the space to relax and move in a normal manner, usually without aggressive strategies for treatment.

I’d like to demonstrate how you can do it you can do it yourself.

Additionally, a lot of these strategies rely on the idea of Traction. Traction is a method of lengthening and gapping which increases the distance between the structures. It’s the reverse of compression. Stretches based on Traction provide the largest mobility with the least amount strain pressure, pain, and pressure.

The Decompression Progression

I’ll outline these self-treatment strategies by order of the least to the most aggressive. If you are currently experiencing severe low back pain in which any move is extremely painful:

  • Consult a physician in-person to confirm that your back is safe to move. after that
  • Take care, with gentleness and patience through the next steps.

Step 1. Thorax Foam Rolling

The thoracic spine is a hidden cause for lower back discomfort and dysfunction. Incredibly, the thoracic spine and ribs can be extremely stiff, but not asymptomatic for numerous. But the more stiff the thorax, the greater strain is transferred to the lower back.

To help mobilize the thorax I recommend these strategies. All of these should be done using a 36-inch foam roller

Side-to-Side Rolling

This is the gentlest first step. It involves rolling across the back of your rib cage. If you can, flatten your back spine using your foam roller.

Side to side for anywhere from one to five minutes.

The author shows side-to-side foam rolling. All images: iRunFar/JoeUhan

Down-and-Up Rolling

Place the foam roller in your mid-thorax, beneath the shoulder blades. Always keep your head in your hands. Place your body in a parallel position to your floor. Prior to rolling to the floor, flatten your lower back and activate your abdominal muscles. This will protect your lumbar region from excessive arching. You should roll from the top of your neck towards the lower part of your rib cage. Do not roll directly on your lower back!

Then, roll between up to 2 minutes.

Rolling up-and-down on foam.

Ar-Over Rolling

Choose a spot that is stiff in the ribs and then place the foam roller on the place. Letting your pelvis slide towards the floor and then lower your head to the hands.

Take 2 to 3 breaths Then, take a step up and roll over. Find a new spot to repeat the process, as necessary.

Arch-over foam rolling.

Diagonal Roller

It might feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable, but it is a great way to increase the thoracic rotation. The foam roller should be laid on similar to the Up-and-Down Rolling however, with the roll tilted around 30 degrees.

Without arching the top and bottom, you can roll between about one to two minutes and then switch to the next diagonal.

Check out this article on thoracic mobility to know more.

Step 2: Pelvis Boogie Board Stretch

It is the next thing to do decompressing the sacrum and pelvis away from the spine. spine. One of the best strategies involves stretching the pelvis lateral with the help of a boogie board.

To do this, sit on your feet, and place a an armchair, couch or a wall in front to secure yourself to for stability and control. Take care to move your body to one side. For instance, you can stretch your left side, with the right buttocks on the left heel as well as the buttocks of your left attempting to reach the floor. In most cases, if you’re stiff, you’ll be unable to achieve this. Use something to control the intensity of your stretch. Repeat on the opposite side.

The front of the stretch for the boogie boards.

To extend the stretch you can add the ipsilateral turn. For instance, if you’re you are sitting on the left you can turn your ribs and then turn further to the to the left.

Do intervals of 15-30 seconds, multiple times per session to get closer to sitting with your face on the floor.

Alternately, if your hips and knees aren’t able to allow for kneeling in a deep way, do a side bend standing. The stretch leg is crossed behind the other leg, and then turn away from the side pelvis that is stretched. Adjust the stretch by making small bends (forward bent) as well as extension (back bent) motions. Repeat on the opposite side.

We will discuss this idea in more detail in this article that focuses on how important pelvic flexibility for running performance.

The view from the rear of the stretch.

Step 3. Child’s Pose

It may appear basic However, a properly-executed yoga stretch for children utilizes the traction of not only the spine as well as the pelvis and sacrum.

To start, you must begin by kneeling. After that, take a seat back and bend inwards. Place your knees in a posture that feels most comfortable for hip and knee flexion.

To create the effect of traction for the traction effect, your hands should be extended to the front grasping the floor using the entire hand. Secure your hands and lean back further. This will create a powerful and decompressive traction force the lower back region.

Maintain this position in this position for 3 to 5 seconds. Try 3 to 10 repetitions. Be aware that hips and knees usually require rest more frequently more so than your back.

Yoga Stretch for kids.

Step 4 Step 4: Sit Toe Touch

A lot of lower back patients are scared of the flexion of their back because it hurts. While it could be painful for many people it’s not the main source of the discomfort. If the pain you are experiencing is no any longer severe or acuteand the child’s posture in the third step was a comfortable one The second step will be to test the toes that are seated.

In addition to a different stretch that is based on traction that is seated toe contact can also help with segmental mobility, which is the capability for each spinal bone one at each time.

To do this, sit in a chair, keeping your knees and feet open. Slowly stretch segmentally such as chin tuck and the neck flex, followed by the rib cage and finally, the lower back while your hands are slowly lifted to the floor.

Maintain this position for up to three minutes. For more stretch take a grip on the floor beneath your feet and pull the hands. This creates traction force for the spine.

For return, stretch the segments from the bottom upwards by pushing the sacrum as well as the lower lumbar bone, backwards, and then gradually moving back into a sitting place. Repeat the process three to ten times.

Seated toe Touch Part 1.

Seated Toe Touch Part 2.

Seated Toe Touch part 3.

Step 5 Step 5: Runner’s Lunge

Beyond the pelvis and sacrum, increasing hip mobility is essential in reducing stress upon the lumbar spine. One of the main causes of the compression of the lumbar spine is tight hip flexors, specifically the psoas. These originate from the back of the spine before joining the femur. Additionally tight hip flexors may push the lumbar vertebrae in the direction of the anterior, which can hinder their efficient motion, and also pulling the pelvis down to a stiff and an anterior tilt that is compressive.

Since the psoas may easily pull the low back and lower back, the most effective way of stretching it without further causing irritation and compression to the lower lumbar spine -the key is to keep the leg that is not stretched in full extension. This keeps your lumbar spine in neutral and increasing the stretch effect when running.

To do this, put the leg that is flexed forward on a sturdy, elevated object such as a chair or a stool, or two steps on the staircase. Place the rear stretch leg behind it, wide and internal rotated. The entire body should slide towards the floor, while retaining an upright knee in the back leg.

Keep this position for 15-30 seconds and repeat it four to six times on each side.

An angle view from the side of the stretch.

The rear of the athlete’s stretch.

Step 6: Trunk Rotation

A spinal rotation could cause a tense stretch to an already painful lower back. If it’s preceded by stretching exercises above the trunk, a stretch to rotate can help free the low back and the regions between (thoracic spine) and below (pelvis and hips).

In addition, many runners suffer from some form of false lower back as well as hip discomfort which originates in the lower part of the thoracic spine. The superior cluneal cluneal nerves are two sensory nerves that are derived from the thoracolumbar joint which is that is between the ribcage and the lumbar spine — and then travel downwards and towards each buttock. If this junction becomes stiff, the nerves may become sensitive and lead to pelvis, lumbar or hip pain.

The most effective way to avoid the development of cluneal nerve discomfort is by stretching out into rotation. For this stretch, Begin on the ground sitting flat across your back. The stretch knee is flexed to your waist and then fold it over your body. With the other hand to push the knee towards the floor.

Maintain this position or rotate using the on-off pressure. Keep this position for 15-30 seconds, then repeat the process up to six times on each side.

Be aware that if the stretching causes sharp, or sharp pain, don’t perform. Repeat the stretch and then take a break for a couple of days before trying it again.

7. Step Upward Dog

A downward dog yoga stretch (also known as prone press-ups — could be provocative to runners’ lower backs, even though they’re not experiencing discomfort. When performed without traction, a press-up is likely to intensify the pressure on the lumbar region. The force won’t be pleasant and usually causes or worsens lumbar discomfort.

If the traction technique is applied correctlyfollowed by efficient mobility techniques for the thoracic spine above, as well as the hips and pelvis below, the exact upward dog movement is an excellent stretch to increase mobility and reduce the pain.

For the exercise, you must lie down on the floor. For proper traction your hands should be in close proximity to your torso and also a little lower, towards the chest level rather than the shoulders.

When you press upwards to lift your body, you should also press behind. The objective is to drag your feet one up to 2 inches. The dragging of your legs generates the tension that is decompressive. Continue pushing forward and upward until the elbows become locked, or until pain or discomfort is minimal. Take a couple of breaths.

For a return, you may either go straight back to prone or change gently into a child’s the yoga pose, as is explained in step 3.

Five to 10 up-down yoga stretching exercises.

Upward dog yoga stretch.


Low back pain can be difficult to treat since there are many different structures that trigger discomfort, but also because other issues , such as stiffness below and above the lower back can also create compressive stress on the lower back. The use of decompressive techniques is crucial.

This sequence is not just address the lower back discomfort in the most disruptive method, but also aid in preventing its return by keeping all related components and the back,

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  • Are you suffering from lower back discomfort?
  • Did you find the information above useful?
  • Are there any other ideas that is effective for you?