14 Headaches Of Different Kinds And The Reasons For It The Daily Infographic

14 Headaches Of Different Kinds And The Reasons For It The Daily Infographic

The word “headache” is commonly used to describe any type of pain that occurs within the skull. There are numerous types of headaches and their causes differ from person to. Here’s a list of 14 different types of headaches you might experience, and the possible cause of your headache:

Tension headache

Tension headaches are the most frequent kind of headache. They account for about 9/10 headaches. They’re usually caused by depression, stress or anxiety and can be caused due to poor posture or tension in the muscles. Tension headaches generally affect one side of your head and can cause discomfort in your neck, head, or shoulders.

Migraine headache

Migraines are by far the most prevalent type of headache, and affect almost one-in-four people at one time throughout their lives. Researchers aren’t quite sure what triggers migraines however, they think that changes in sleeping patterns, stress, or specific foods could cause migraines. They can cause nausea, vomiting and sensitivities to sound and light.

Cluster headache

Cluster headaches are the most painful form of headache. They’re often referred to by the name of “suicide headaches” because they can be so severe patients have even been reported to commit suicide to ease their suffering. They affect around 1 out of every 1000 people in the world and are more prevalent in males as opposed to women.

Cluster headaches are experienced in brief intervals of pain, lasting typically around 15 minutes. Sometimes they’ll be back in different intervals during the night or day and sometimes for weeks for days. It is believed that there are various types of cluster headaches. Certain people have certain patterns of symptoms, while others might experience a different type entirely, but to a large extent cluster headaches are exactly the same way, with abrupt attacks of pain, that are followed by different levels of recovery before another attack is able to strike the person who suffers:

Sinus headache

Sinus headaches result from nasal infections or allergies, or tension from the muscles surrounding. If you suffer from an allergy to sinuses, consider taking pain relievers or antihistamines to ease the discomfort. Beware of allergens that cause your sinuses and sinuses to puff up or get inflammation.

Caffeine headache

The headache can be due to withdrawal from caffeine, which could be the result of excessive use or an overdose of the drug. It could also occur when you stop taking the drug , and your body gets used to it (caffeine in tea, soda and coffee, and tea). The discomfort is typically experienced behind or above the eye, and can cause nausea.

Hormone headache

Hormone headaches are the most prevalent kind of headache experienced by women. They can occur due to hormonal changes, and can be caused by menstrual cycles, ovulation and menopausal. If you suffer from hormone-induced headaches or migraines, your physician may suggest the use of a contraceptive pill, or any other medications that help regulate the levels of estrogen to reduce the discomfort.

Hemicrania continua

Hemicrania continuous is an uncommon kind of migraine that’s constant and never ceases. It’s also known as “suicide headache” due to the fact that it is very debilitating. However, it is known to improve when treated. Hemicrania continues to be caused by other signs that include nausea and vomiting as well as photophobia (an extreme sensitive to light) and the phonophobia (sensitivity to sound) and, occasionally, other neurological issues like seizures or loss of memory. Hemicrania is caused by a variety of causes, including brain tumours, head trauma infections; or even changes in the immune system function that are triggered by depression.

Hypertension headache

The headache resulted from hypertension in the blood (hypertension) can be very severe however it isn’t the most severe kind of headache. The pain may be unilateral or bi-directional, and can be related to nausea as well as vomiting. It is also possible to experience blurred vision, or double


Rebound headache

Rebound headaches are caused by excessive use of painkillers. These drugs can cause rebound headaches because they numb the pain receptors in your body which makes them less effective in relaying signalling to your brain. If the painkiller is stopped the intensity of these receptors rises which could result in headaches getting more common and serious. The most commonly encountered types of headaches that result from rebound include headaches caused by medication overuse (MOH) — MOH is a form of persistent daily headache that is caused by using too many analgesics over long durations. It is usually caused by the use of prescription drugs in high doses or when combined with illegal drugs/substances like codeine and other opiates; but, it can also be caused by the over consumption of medications available over-the-counter like aspirin or ibuprofen when the recommended dosage levels have already been exceeded.

Post-traumatic headache

A post-traumatic headache can be resulted from head injuries. It can result from car accidents or falls, sports injuries, or even migraines or cluster headaches. Post-traumatic headaches typically last for just a few days up to several weeks, however they aren’t usually thought to be dangerous or life-threatening.

Exertion headache

Exertion headaches can be confused with muscle cramps because of their similar symptoms, including pain that is localized to the face on one side and redness in the eye and sensitivity to light nausea, vomiting, vertigo or dizziness (feeling like it’s spinning). However , unlike muscle cramps that are acute spasm of shorter duration (seconds) that do not cause permanent or long-term damage, nor changes in the strength/control of the affected body parts, exercise headaches generally do not correlate with an inability or lack of control over movements even though they can be extremely uncomfortable at times. This means they are more closely related to physiological speaking, rather than physically speaking!

Spinal headache

It is believed that spinal headaches tend to be the most frequent type of headache . They can be result of a problem with your spine or pinched nerve. The pain could feel in the neck shoulder, neck, or back. It is possible to feel pain in the back, shoulders or neck. spinal headache can result from an injury, or an illness like herniated disks, which place stress on the nerves. Consult a doctor when you suffer from this kind of headache since it could be treated through treatment and physical therapy.

Thunderclap headache

The thunderclap headache can be described as a severe, sudden headache that can occur without warning. It can result from a range of different ailments. It’s usually caused by a serious accident to the head or of a stroke. Both of these are health emergencies that demand prompt medical attention. If you suffer from this kind of headache, contact 911 right away. Other causes are the possibility of aneurysms (bulges inside blood vessels that may burst) or brain tumors. The thunderclap headache can be associated with nausea, vomiting and dizziness. It can also cause blindness or double vision on the body or face.

Ice can be used to treat headaches.

Contraction headaches which are also referred to by the name of icepick headaches and ice pick headaches, are extreme throbbing pains lasting for approximately an hour. They’re typically described as a sharp , sudden bleeding pain that feels like an icicle piercing your head.

Ice pick headaches may occur in the event that there’s a tiny amount of blood in the area between the brain and two layers of tissues in your head, most often from dentistry or sinus irritation. They may also be caused by tension in the eyes and stress in the neck muscles (called knots in your muscles).

Knowing the cause of your headaches is essential to manage the discomfort. It is possible to identify triggers, control the symptoms, as well as manage anxiety and stress. It is possible to reduce the risk of headaches by abstaining from certain drinks or foods that can trigger headaches for you. If you are suffering from persistent migraines as well as cluster headaches consult your doctor about preventive medicines that can reduce the frequency of headaches. We hope that having read this piece, you’re more aware of the symptoms and triggers. It will allow you to receive treatment sooner and reduce unnecessary visits to the doctor. If you experience severe headaches or persists, you should seek advice from a physician to discuss further treatments.

Lyle Opolentisima