Wellness Hack: How Can Using the Mobile Phone can cause Cervical Spinal Injury , and How can we fix it? It’s the Epoch Times

Wellness Hack: How Can Using the Mobile Phone can cause Cervical Spinal Injury , and How can we fix it? It's the Epoch Times

In 2019, as part of the “Top Ten Most Persistent diseases in the World” published by the World Health Organization (WHO) cervical spondylosis was ranked second to cerebrovascular and cardiovascular disorders. Cervical spondylosis has been identified as one of the leading causes of pain in today’s people.

The life of the average person is faster than ever before. Because of long hours of work and hunching our shoulders while we write, or scrolling through our phones We are always straining your neck muscles. Have you ever thought about the wrong kind of pillow can cause neck injuries too?

If our body has become habitually conditioned to poor posture, and improper position of muscles, like placing our head down on the phone or doing poor exercise at work and at home, we can be susceptible to stiffness, and can suffer from cervical spinal injury vertigo, headache, and many more.

Poor exercise, as well as poor range of motion and blood flow may cause neck and shoulder pain.

The Dr. Wu Kuo-Bin who is the director of Xinyitang Chinese Medicine Clinic, described the effects the cervical spinal injury and the ways the injury can be managed at home.

What is a Cervical Dislocation?

USC Spine Center Los Angeles declared that a cervical displacement or misalignment is a type of ligament injury to the neck and that two or more of the adjacent spine bones have become separated from one another and cause instability.

Are Cervical Spinal Injury a serious injury?

The upper cervical spine fractures and spinal cord injuries may affect the control of breathing by neurologic nerves and patients might experience difficulty breathing or unable to take deep breaths.

In western medicine, physicians identify cervical vertebral dislocations using imaging and X-ray studies. Many patients are unaware of the extent of neck injuries or problems and tend to minimize the severity of their problems.

MD Mark J. Sponamore, an expert in the field of medicine at the USC Spine Center stated in an article that imaging tests like X-rays and Computer Tomography Scans (CT Scans) are typically used to determine cervical dislocations, or fractures, that may be present. Sometimes, a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) test could be used to rule out nerve pressure as well as spinal damage to the cord.

As of now, western medicine treatments for cervical spine neck pain or dislocation are not available at the moment. The spinal injury specialist said on his blog “While certain patients may require surgery however, others may be able to lessen the pain using non-operative techniques.”

Traditional Chinese Medicine physician Dr. Wu Kuo-pin has pointed out that cervical vertebral dislocations are quite frequent.

The Dr. Wu recommended, “Instead of suffering with perpetual pain or taking painkillers to relieve the discomfort patients can perform cervical spine self-treatment for relief from discomfort.”

The doctor stressed that regular stretching and conditioning neck muscles can greatly enhance cervical spine alignment and the diseases that result from it.

Doctor. Wu pointed out, “Most often when neck pain is involved it begins from the shoulders. The soreness or tenderness will then spread into the neck region. As the condition gets worse the patient may suffer from headache inflammation and headache. Tension and pain can traverse the wrists and arms.”

It is believed that the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) expert stated that at the point that the patient feels pain on the wrist and arm it could be that they suffer from spinal cord injury.

The doctor Dr. Wu illustrated, “Our cervical spine connects the skull with the body. It is comprised of 7 bones. The cervical spine includes it’s spinal cord and nerves as well as blood vessels. The importance of it is unimaginable. It is, however, structurally, is one of the most fragile parts of our body.”

The doctor advised that improper sitting posture and standing for long periods of time result in negative consequences. The forward bend of our necks to stare at phones may result in the cervical vertebrae being misaligned. The spinal misalignment is a cause of neck and shoulder pain nausea, headache and tinnitus. In the incident of accident, when neck spine is injured, it may result in quadriplegia or even death in extreme cases.

Research has revealed an 85-percent rate of individuals who are over 60 suffer from cervical spondylosis. Due to the changes in lifestyles, people suffering from cervical spondylosis are getting older.

TCM doctor Dr. Wu pointed out that even though cervical misalignment is generally recognized however, it is usually ignored. “For instance, the neurologic symptoms of cervical spondylosis can include concussion sequelae, children’s cerebral palsy neuropathy headache as well as transient ischemic attack epilepsy and pro-aging dementia. Hypertension-related disorders of the cardiovascular system, and coronary heart disease are not an exception.”

What is the traditional way that Chinese medical treatment approach cervical alignment issues?

Because of the insufficient treatment options for cervical spondylosis that are available in the western world patients frequently seek alternative therapies to relieve discomfort or pain.

In Chinese medical practice neck or spinal dislocations can result in a lack of flow of blood to the head. This results in nerve conduction. After an extended time these diseases would begin to manifest.


Dr. Wu said there are many ways to recognize spinal misalignment or dislocation. Assessing patients’ habits and patterns of sleeping are crucial. The doctor stated, “No matter how many pillows the patient is changing they toss and turn and can’t sleep soundly. Their cervical spine is aching the moment they awake.”

The other thing to watch for is any pain in the upper part of the body or difficulties breathing. The doctor. Wu said the head frequently feels as if it was swollen and pain like migraines, and the neck may feel stiff. “When these symptoms manifest and the pain is felt by the patient’s head. The pain will then spread to the shoulders , and then the lower back.” The doctor. Wu explained.

The third step is to manually press and with a firm force the lateral protrusion the cervical vertebrae. You could cause a soreness.

How can you avoid the risk of sustaining a neck injury or spinal injury?

Dr. Wu gave us a few tips on what we can do to avoid causing necks.

Pay Attention to Your Posture

Our necks support our head and is a significant area of the body. If you’re always playing with your mobile phone while your head is down, you’re at risk for neck strain.

Increase the Circulation of Blood

Stretching and exercise regularly increase metabolism and blood circulation. The metabolism helps repair damaged areas of our bodies. Training for strength is advised as it reduces the risk of injuries. Neck exercises are the most simple and feasible exercise that doesn’t require any equipment.

What is a Neck Workout?

Neck exercises are an easy office or home exercise. It involves gentle movements of the neck, head shoulders and arms. In this way, we can align the neck spine and body.

Workout 1: Get up

If you are in a standing or sitting posture, look upwards and slowly lift your head. Make sure your shoulders are pulling downwards towards your neck when you lift your head. Repeat the exercise five times.

Workout 2 Workout 2: See-saw

1. Sitting down in a sitting position, place your left hand to the side on the back of the chair.

2. Move your upper body towards the left. With your left hand and upper back and head should be slowly moving in the reverse direction.If you follow this procedure correctly, you will be able to feel the muscles stretching to the left side of your neck . This is also true for your cervical spine.

3. Keep your place for 10 seconds.

4. which side.

5. Repeat five times.

Workout 3 Relax and massage the Vestibulocochlear Nerve

Massage the thumb through the groove underneath the skull. These are the acupuncture points in Chinese medicine. Chinese medical practices: Tianzhu, Fengchi, Anmian, Yifeng, etc.

You can also press the Fengchi Acupoint with your fingers, loosen your neck muscles and move your head gently in a circular motion so that the first cervical vertebra, which is dislocated, can be moved gently.

Exercise 4: Massage the back of The Neck Neck

The index finger, middle finger, as well as the ring finger of the right hand towards on the left side of your cervical spine and massage your muscles in the cervical neck, from top to the bottom. Switch to the opposite side and massage the cervical vertebra on the left side.

The Dr. Wu said that if you feel pain as a lump during this process of massaging, this is the dislocation point caused by the reverse rotation of the transverse process cervical vertebra.

Workout 5 Workout 5: Transverse Process Pressing

In taking the lateral part that runs through the left cervical vertebrae for an example put the thumb of your right hand onto the cervical vertebra that is dislocated, pressing the transverse portion of the cervical vertebra with a firm press from the back towards the front (if the force is not enough to support the pressure, make use of the other hand to help raise the pressure) Continue to press for 30 seconds or 1 minute. Once the soreness is gone, this indicates that the cervical vertebra is back to its normal place.

Exercise 6 Neck Rotation

Sitting down in a sitting position, lean your back until the cervical spine is at a level with the floor, nodding while turning the head slowly and slowly. While you are turning, if you feel that there is a sore area, stay in the spot for 10 seconds. Then increase the angle of rotation for 10 seconds and eventually increase the angles for 10 second. This way the spot where the cervical vertebra is located will gradually loosen!

7. Neck Rotation Workout 8 Compass Directions

Your head should be pointed towards eight compass directions. They moves all the vertebral bodies in the cervical spine.

Dr. Wu pointed out that the first seven exercises for neck loosen the neck muscles. You’ll feel more alert because your blood circulation is improved. This can also boost your the quality of sleep.

Workout 8 Workout 8: Butterfly Strokes

The next exercise mimics the butterfly strokes used in swimming.

1. Place the hands in a horizontal position parallel to your shoulders.

2. While both hands are facing downwards and your fingers open, extend them as far as you are able.

3. Now raise your arms. then roll your shoulders backwards.

Lift your arms gently and draw a circle using your arms moving in the direction of forward. Return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

4. Change directions. Draw a circle using your arms beginning with the back. Repeat 10 times.

Dr. Wu emphasized that the primary purpose of this exercise is to turn the scapula back towards the front. This movement can instantly relax the neck muscles shoulders, neck, and the upper back. It can be very painful while doing it, however the result is amazing.

Workout 9 Workout 9: Butterfly Strokes

“This along with the butterfly strokes, results in opening of the body and alignment,” said Dr. Wu.

1. After you have completed your butterfly strokes, turn your head inwards.

2. Eyes gaze forward.

3. Your head should be shaken slowly left and right 10 times.

Dr. Wu said that doing exercises 8 and 9 in succession can help alleviate the hand numbness symptoms caused by compression of cervical vertebrae 5 7, 6, and 5 and improve the symptoms associated with cervical vertebrae.

Dr. Wu reminded, “Always keep in mind that you rotate your neck frequently and do not hunch forward with your head lowered.”

Which neck exercise is most effective for you?


Wu Kuopin, the chief of staff for Taiwan Xinyitang Heart Clinic. He joined the clinic in 2008 and decided to learn about traditional Chinese medical practices and earned an associate’s doctorate in traditional Chinese medicine from China Medical University in Taiwan.
