What should you know about exercising during pregnancy UCHealth Today

Exercise during pregnancy is recommended and offers many health advantages. Photo: UCHealth.

As you’re about to have to have a baby, you might be wondering the frequency of exercise you should do or if you should keep exercising when carrying your baby.

Good news that Regular exercising is generally safe during pregnancy. It’s even suggested.

To help you understand the relationship between pregnancy as well as exercise had a discussion on the subject with Dr. Lauren Harrington, an OB/GYN who’s passionate about helping women live healthy, educated and empowered lives.

Harrington is a former college tennis varsity player who can speak English as well as Spanish as well as being an adjunct professor of the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

Dr. Harrington answers questions that you may have about exercise during pregnancy:

What is the best way to exercise safely during the course of pregnancy?

Dr. Lauren Harrington

“Exercise during pregnancy is secure and recommended. Women who do not have high-risk pregnancy can safely exercise at moderate intensity without risking premature birth or miscarriage” Harrington declared.

  • Because pregnancy brings more demands on metabolism It is crucial to ensure that you are hydrated and maintain temperatures under control when exercising.

Why is it so important to be active during the pregnancy?

“Exercise during pregnancy can have significant advantages for general physical health such as strength as well as flexibility, balance endurance, and cardiovascular health Harrington said. Harrington explained. “Exercise can also be beneficial for mental well-being. Additionally is that there are many advantages that are specific to the postpartum period.

“Exercise during pregnancy can help prevent excessive weight gain. If you have an average BMI at the beginning of the pregnancy, we suggest adding between 25 and 35 pounds.”

Women who are active throughout the pregnancy are more likely:

  • Birth a baby who weighs normal.
  • Experience a spontaneous vaginal birth without the aid with forceps, vacuum or.
  • Get the recommended weight gain during the course of pregnancy.
  • Have a term delivery.
  • Maintain normal blood pressure during pregnancy.
    • In addition some of the discomforts and aches of pregnancy (e.g. back discomfort or pelvic pain) can be cured by keeping active.
    • Exercise is also a great method to avoid or control the effects of diabetes during pregnancy.
    • The postpartum time of exercise can also be a key instrument to manage postpartum depression and anxiety.

“I advise paying attention to the body. It’s normal for endurance levels to decline as you advance during pregnancy. If you experience cramps or abdominal pain that persists and a decreased fetal movements, abdominal trauma or reduction in amniotic liquid bleeding vaginally, dizziness, or chest pain after exercising take immediate action to stop exercising and contact your doctor” Harrington said. Harrington stated.

What types of exercises are suitable for pregnant women?

  • Pregnancy-safe exercises include walking, stationary bikes dance, aerobics as well as aquatic exercise, stretching (i.e. the prenatal yoga) and strength exercises (with weights of less that 10 pounds).
  • Professional and elite athletes are able to collaborate with their obstetrics professional to develop a custom workout program that is suitable for pregnant women.

Which are well-known exercise routines and safe ways to stay active during the course of pregnancy?

“Aquatic training in the swimming pool is loved by my patients and is especially suitable for pregnant women since being submerged in water aids in keeping the body’s temperature in check, reduces stress on ligaments and joints as well as reduces leg swelling and ankles,” Harrington stated. “While swimming in a pool is safe and beneficial but scuba diving in pregnancy is not recommended.”

What month should I begin exercise during my the course of my pregnancy?

  • You are able to exercise at any stage of the pregnancy.
  • For women who are at risk of the growth restriction of fetal tissue (a tiny infant) or preterm birth It is recommended to reduce the intensity of exercise in the second and third trimesters.

What exercises should you stay clear of during the pregnancy?

“There are some modifications and precautions that I would recommend to my patients who are pregnant”, Harrington said. Harrington explained.

  • Do not lie flat upon your back for prolonged intervals after your first trimester. The reason for this is that the larger abdomen can cause compression of major blood vessels.
  • Be aware that the hormones associated with pregnancy can cause joints and ligaments to become more elastic and loose, which means you’re at a higher risk of injury (e.g. during activities that require rapid changes of direction or leaping).
  • Avoid high-impact sports that may result in direct injuries to abdomen, or cause the risk to fall (contact sports like hockey on ice, as well as riding horses on horseback and outdoor cycling). A trauma to the abdomen could result in a placental abruption which can pose a life-threatening risk for both the mother and baby.
  • Do not exercise in extremely hot conditions (outdoor temperatures that exceed 90°F and high humidity or even hot yoga). The research suggests that maintaining your temperature under 100 F is essential for pregnant and fetal health (especially during the initial 4-6 months of gestation). It is essential to keep your hydration levels and also take measures to manage the temperature (wear loose-fitting clothes, work out in the cool of an indoor area with air conditioning).
  • For weight training, choose lightweight, low-intensity free weights or machine weights that are less that 10lbs. Avoid excessive straining exercises, valsalva maneuvers and isometric exercises, as well as heavy weights with high resistance.

If you suffer from certain medical conditions, do you need to refrain from the excising process during your pregnancy?

According to the Up up to date, women with the following health conditions are not able to be exercising during their pregnancy:

  • Heart disease
  • Restrictive lung disease
  • Cervical shortening , with or without the presence of a cerclage
  • Twin pregnancy (or higher order multifetal gestations)
  • Vaginal bleeding that persists
  • Placenta previa (after 26 weeks’ gestation)
  • Premature labor
  • Membranes that have ruptured
  • The blood pressure in pregnancy is elevated (pre-eclampsia or gestational high pressure)
  • Anemia severe

What should I consult my doctor about prior to engaging in exercise?

  • Diabetes that is not properly controlled and high blood pressure seizures or hyperthyroidism
  • Fetus with a restricted growth
  • Tobacco use
  • Obesity (BMI of 40 or more)

How much exercise is considered safe during the pregnancy?

“We don’t have much information on what constitutes excessive exercise during pregnancy”, Harrington explained. “Pregnant people who do moderate intensity exercise for longer than 45 minutes must be particularly attentive to their the control of temperature and hydration.

“For the majority cases of patients I advise moderate to light intensity exercise. When you exercise at moderate intensity you should be able to carry on the conversation. If you’re getting so agitated that you can’t speak in two to three-word sentences, it is classified as high-intensity training” Harrington said. Harrington stated.

She also said that it’s appropriate for people to begin exercising again after they have become pregnant if they have a valid medical authorization from the obstetrics doctor and they begin slowly (low-intensity exercises for 10-20 minutes three times a week) then gradually build increasing the intensity of the exercise.

  • Anyone who is engaged in intense exercise must consult their healthcare provider to come up with a secure exercise plan.

How much exercise should you do while you’re pregnant?

I generally recommend moderate to light-intensity exercises lasting 30 to 60 minutes 5 to 7 times per week, and an additional 5-10 minutes prior to and after to stretch out, Dr. Harrington said.

Do I need to do any exercises during the first trimester of gestation?

“Light-to-moderate-intensity exercise is safe in early pregnancy. I would recommend against intensive strength training and heavy lifting in all stages of pregnancy, not just very early in the pregnancy”, she added.

How long can I participate in games while pregnant?

“Because of the potential for injuries and abdominal trauma I suggest avoiding any contact-based sports while pregnant. Professional athletes should consult with their physician to create an appropriate plan for them during their pregnancy.” Harrington stated.

Do you think jogging is beneficial for women who are pregnant?

  • Jogging is an intense exercise. If a woman is in pregnant without medical issues and has been jogging regularly prior to pregnancy and was not pregnant, it is appropriate to continue to jog during pregnancy. Be sure to pay attention to the control of temperature and proper hydration.

When my baby’s birth What concerns should I make about exercising?

When you are able to have your child Your body usually is back to its pre-pregnancy physiological function within six to eight weeks following the birth.

“If you are experiencing an unplanned birth, the time for returning to exercise postpartum must be discussed with your physician and affected by a number of factors such as the possibility that you suffer from an injury to your perineal ligament, high blood pressure and/or anemia in the first place, Harrington said. Harrington explained. “After an emergency cesarean birth it is recommended to rest for at least four or six weeks and get approval from your doctor prior to returning to exercise gradually. Moderate to light exercise shouldn’t negatively impact your ability to breastfeeding your infant.

How does exercise affect me if I breastfeed?

“For lactating women exercising at high intensity could cause a decline in milk production, and/or an increase in the amount of lactic acid present in the milk of the mother, which can cause a less pleasant experience for the baby and/or infant,”” Harrington stated. “Nursing and pumping prior the exercise can be a good method. It is important to keep hydrated to maintain milk supply.”