Helping to ease pain and restore the quality of life.
Lonseth Interventional Pain Centers is pioneering in the field of offering pain relief without pain pills.
Dr. Eric Lonseth is a doctor who is renowned throughout the world for his excellence in the field of interventional pain management. He helps patients conquer their lower back discomfort neck pain, headaches in order to recover their strength and increase their mobility and function.
Dr. Eric Lonseth has fellowship training and double board certification in anesthesiology as well as pain management. He is a specialist in customized complete treatments, and employs minimally-invasive techniques to treat neck and back pain, nerve pain, whiplash and migraines.
Certain treatments include spinal cord stimulation for chronic neck or back pain radiofrequency ablation that disables nerves and offer lasting relief; spinal disc therapy to treat degenerative discs and the more traditional epidural injections of steroid.
Dr. Lonseth and his team of caring professionals provide easily accessible places within areas such as New Orleans and Metairie areas.
4213 Teuton St, Metairie 70006

We understand how important it is to choose a chiropractor that is right for you. It is our belief that educating our patients is a very important part of the success we see in our offices.