Understanding headaches with particular emphasis upon tension headaches – Rising Kashmir

Understanding headaches with particular emphasis upon tension headaches - Rising Kashmir

Headache is a pain in any part of the head. It can occur on each side of your head. It may being confined to a particular place, or extend across the head , starting from one location. It can manifest as painful, pain that throbs or as a mild ache. occur suddenly or gradually and last for less than one hour up to several weeks. Headaches can be more complex than people think. Different kinds of headaches may have distinct symptoms, and are caused by unique reasons, and require different remedies.



The sensation of pain that one experiences during headaches is due to an interplay of signals from the cerebral cortex, blood vessels and the nearby nerves. Certain nerves within blood vessels and the muscles of the head activate and transmit pain signals to the brain. But, it’s not entirely certain how these signals are activated in the beginning. The most common reasons for headaches are:


It can be caused by colds, infections, or fevers. Headaches are also common in illnesses such as sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses) as well as an infection in the throat and ear infections. In certain instances, headaches can result from an injury to the head or, in rare cases it is a sign of an underlying medical condition.


Depression and emotional stress and alcohol consumption and eating infrequently or sleeping patterns and the use of too much medication. Other causes are the neck and back strain caused by bad posture.


Second-hand smoke from tobacco Strong smells emanating of household chemicals or perfumes as well as allergens and food items. Noise, stress, pollution lighting, and temperature variations are also possible triggers.


The migraine and headache are more likely to be a part of families. A majority of teenagers and children (90 percent) sufferers of migraines have a positive family background. If both parents suffer from migraines then there’s 70% chance that your child may also suffer from migraines. If one parent is the only one with the history of headaches and migraines, the chance of getting them decreases to 25-50 percent.


There are more than 150 kinds of headaches however, the most common are

Most common

Examples of these include:


Tension headaches are the most prevalent kind of headache for adults and teenagers. They can cause mild to moderate pain , and are often recurrent over time. A special focus on tension headaches is discussed in the last section in this piece.


Migraine headaches are typically described as throbbing and beating pain. They can last anywhere from 4 hours to 3 days , and generally occur one to four times per month. In addition to the pain, some sufferers experience other symptoms like sensitization to noise, light or smell, nausea or vomiting or loss of appetite and stomach or stomach pain. If a child suffers from migraines, they may experience nausea or vomiting.


They may appear pale, experience dizziness, and may experience blurred vision, they may experience fever, as well as digestive issues like stomach upset, or vomiting, which can occur around every month.


The cluster headaches can be the most serious. There is the possibility of severe burning or piercing pain within or around the eye. It could be painful or continuous. The pain may be so intense that sufferers with cluster headaches are unable to sit still, and often pace when they are experiencing an attack. On the other side of the pain, the eyelid will droop as well as the eye’s redness and the pupil becomes smaller or the eye tears. The nostril on this side is either stuffed up or runs.

They are referred to as cluster headaches because they typically be seen in groups. They can occur up to three times a day in a cluster that can last from between 2 and 3 months. Each headache lasts from between 15 and 3 hours. They can wake someone awake from sleep. The headaches can be gone for months even years and then return back after a while. Men are 3 to 4 occasions more likely suffer headaches than women.


When suffering from sinus headaches you may experience constant and intense irritation in cheekbones, the forehead, or the bridge of the nose. The cause is when the cavities of the head, also known as sinuses, become inflamed. The pain is usually associated with other symptoms of sinus like an irritated nose, feeling full in the ears, a fever and a swelling of the face. The true cause of sinus headaches is due to a sinus infection. Therefore, the discharge that is released out of the nose could be green or yellow, as opposed to the clear discharge seen in migraine or cluster headaches.

The aim of treating sinus headaches is to reduce the signs and symptoms, as well as treat an illness, or any allergies that may be associated with it. There are times when one may require antibiotics, and decongestants or antihistamines for a brief period of duration. It is also possible to use inhaled nasal decongestants but only for a maximum of 3 days. The longer the use, the more likely it is to make symptoms more severe. It is possible to require painkillers or corticosteroids to reduce inflammation in the sinuses. You can also experience better health by using simple home remedies, like drinking more fluids or using a humidifier or a saltwater nasal spray. There is also a way to ease tension and pain in the sinuses by through a device that produces micro-current waves. In rare instances, one might be suggested for sinus surgery to eliminate the polyps, or to open sinuses that are small or constantly swelling.


The person can experience this kind of headache for up to 15 days or more for a period of more than 3 months. Some headaches are brief. Others last for more than four hours. It’s typically one among the four types of headaches that are primary.



Post-traumatic stress headaches typically begin within a few days after a head trauma. There may be a dull pain that becomes worse every now and then






difficulty in difficulty in concentrating


Memory problems


tiring quickly


irritability. This type of headaches can be present for a couple of months. However, if it doesn’t become better in several weeks, it’s time to seek medical care.


When an individual is physically active when they are active, the muscles in the neck, head and scalp require more blood. To do this, the blood vessels increase in size to supply them with blood. The result is a rapid-pulsating discomfort on both sides of the head. It may last between 5 and 48 hours. It typically occurs while the person is in a position of activity or following a workout.


the either sex or exercise.


Hemicrania continues is a persistent continuous headache that almost always occurs on the identical side of your head and face. The signs are the following: pain that differs in severity, tears or red eyes; nasal stuffiness or runny nose an eyelid that is droopy, contracted more severe pain when doing physical activity; more severe pain when drinking alcohol. Many sufferers also experience migraine-related symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, and sensitization to sound and light.


Women may experience headaches because of fluctuating hormone levels during menstrual cycles as well as during pregnancy and menopausal cycles. The hormonal changes that result in birth control pills as well as hormone replacement therapy can cause headaches.


It is also known as overuse of medications headaches. If one takes prescription or non-prescription pain reliever more than 2 or three times per week or more than 10 times per month, one could be creating the conditions for further discomfort. Once the medication wears off, pain will come back and you have to take more in order to end it. It can result in an unrelenting, dull headache, which is usually more severe during the daytime.


The short, sharp and intense headaches typically last only for a couple of seconds. They may occur a couple of times throughout the day, at the most. Ice pick headaches may be a symptom on its own or an indication of another issue.


It is possible to experience headaches when one has the spinal tap, spinal block or epidural. This is known as puncture headache since the above procedures involve cutting through the membrane surrounding the spinal cord. In the event that spinal fluid leaks out of the puncture area and causes headaches.


It pops up out of the blue and increases rapidly. The reasons for thunderclap headaches include


bleeding vessel, rupture or blockage bleeding from hemorrhagic stroke caused by ruptured blood vessels in the brain. Ischemic stroke caused by a blockage in a blood vessel within the brain and narrowed blood vessels around the brain; inflammation of blood vessels; changes in blood pressure during the latter stages of pregnancy.


Tension headaches are a dull pain tension, tightness or pressure around the forehead or back of the neck and head. Some say it feels like a clamp is pressing down on their skull. These are also referred to as stress headaches and they’re the most commonly experienced type for adults. There are two kinds of stress headaches.

chronic tension headaches are less than 15 days in a month. However, chronic tension headaches are more than 15 days in a month. The headaches may last from for 30 minutes or even several days. The kind that occurs in episodic form usually starts slow, and usually occurs during the middle or late in the afternoon. Chronic cases come and go for a longer time. The pain can get more intense or decrease throughout it, however it’s virtually always there.

But tension headaches do not affect vision or balance, nor do they affect strength. They usually begin from the back of the head. They then move forward to form an area of pressure or a squeezing sensation throughout the entire head. and affect both sides of the head equally; or cause the neck muscles the shoulders, jaw, and neck feel sore and tight. The symptoms of tension headaches include


moderate to mild pressure or pain in the top, front, or sides of the head; headaches that begins late in the morning; difficulty sleeping; feeling extremely exhausted; fatigue; irritability; difficulty getting focused; mild sensitivity to the light or sound; or discomfort.