3 yoga stretches to relieve sciatica 3. WCNC.com


CHARLOTTE, N.C. — It’s time for another yoga workout with Kara McConaghy from Yogate4EliteAthletes. These are excellent stretching exercises to perform if you work in an office and you sit all day. These exercises can help you avoid sciatica problems and the lower back pain. Sciatica is a term used to describe discomfort that is radiated along the route of sciatic nerve that runs through the lower part of your body back through your buttocks and hips as well as down your legs. In general, sciatica affects only one side of your body. Certain exercises may offer relief for those suffering from sciatica-related discomfort. A few people who suffer from sciatica are able to tell that stretching can ease the pain. But, anyone who has the symptom needs to consult the doctor prior to doing any stretching exercises in order to prevent injuries that could cause. Let’s get started. The first thing you’ll need is an armless office chair , or similar.

Here’s what we have:

1. The seated pose of the pigeon Make sure you do what is comfortable. If you feel pain, stop.

Exercise 2 A seated spine twist assists with rotation and an excellent stretch for the lower back as well as the whole leg

4. Hamstring stretching standing (hand on the chair to balance)

For more great exercises and stretches follow Kara on social media at Yoga4EliteAthletes or visit her website Yoga4EliteAthletes.com.

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