Mum kept her tears away from the daughter when she noticed her “severe issue – Liverpool Echo


A girl complaining of shoulder pain, urgently requires surgical correction after scans showed her spine was curled at an angle of 80 degrees.

Sophie Burgess had complained about back pain and shoulder, but visits with a chiropractor or physiotherapist hadn’t discovered anything abnormal. However, after a recent struggle with her posture, it was apparent that the 12-year-old suffered from an inclination in her spine when she struggled to stand straight.

Mom Heidi Burgess Cederholm told the ECHO that Sophie was injured in her knee and hand during an incident at school , so initially she attributed her daughter’s posture to this. However, after helping her daughter tie the rear of her swimming costume Heidi was aware of how her back was bent.

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Heidi explained that “this seems to have come out of thin air overnight ” because there’s not been any changes in the way Sophie has been acting in recent months. She also said that her daughter suffers from dyspraxia, hypermobility in her knees, as well as chronic fatigue, so they weren’t able to think too much about the fatigue, aches and the pains Sophie felt.

Heidi admitted that even looking back on photographs from the last quarter of the year, there were no obvious changes, so she believes the issue must be a result of the colder months. The mother stated: “When you think about all the things she’s all covered up in Hoodies over the past few months. I’ve never noticed the changes.”

Because of the lengthy waiting time to see an orthopaedic surgeon in the NHS Heidi decided to inquire about Sophie getting private treatment to speed up surgery. Sophie was examined by a paediatric specialist for scoliosis in Spire Manchester on April 22 when an X-ray was taken and showed an 80-degree curve. Heidi claimed that the consultant informed her that the 12-year-old was suffering from rapid-onset progression scoliosis.

The woman, 42, from Pensby said to ECHO : “The consultant said she’d gained seven centimetres the past year. The doctor said that it is extremely common in girls who have reached puberty. However, it can happen quickly, and in a matter of minutes as it happened here.

“He declared that it’s extremely serious however it’s a huge problem particularly due to her age and how fast she’s expanding. We were thinking we’d be able of getting braces but on her X-rays, it’s clear that her back has an angle of around 80 degrees, which , he claimed, is far over the limit of wearing braces.

“He advised that the only choice was surgery since it is time of most crucial importance. If the bend continues to grow to the extreme, it could be inflicting pain on her lungs and the heart. Should it continue to expand and there’s no intervention , that’s what could happen.”

Sophie is currently experiencing quite a bit of pain and is breathless often. Heidi stated that it’s all been a huge shock for Sophie and it has been a difficult thing to take in.

Sophie’s spine is at an 80 degree bend

Sophie is a passionate horse rider. She recently began playing netball in her high school. This creates a fresh psychological and physical challenge to Sophie. Heidi told me: “When she was told the news , she was able to keep her head together before the consultant but then she started to break down a bit and became very upset that she realized that it was myself and her.

“I was crying too and put on my sunglasses to block out the light. She was very anxious and scared, but she’s been conducting research to find out more about the whole thing.

“She’s very mature and she’s very sensible and a well-behaved child. Although she’s anxious, her attitude is positive and she’s working hard to put all her energy to fundraising.”

The initial diagnosis was confirmed at the time Sophie was examined by a private specialist, and now Sophie’s family must raise funds to raise the funds needed to have her surgery by the close of June. Sophie’s family would like her surgery to take place as soon as they can because of the possibility of her spine becoming more bent and putting her on an NHS waiting list of almost two years, if it isn’t.

Sophie has put her energy to come up with fundraising ideas . She is assisted by her family, including the 15 year old brother Harry who Heidi declared to be “amazing” following his sister’s diagnosis.

Heidi shared: “You just don’t expect things like this to appear out of the blue and impact your child. However, Sophie is optimistic and we’ve crossed everything for the future.”

You can make a donation to Sophie’s surgery fundraising here.