I’m a Neuroscientist Try These Tricks to get your brain to Enjoy Exercise mindbodygreen.com mindbodygreen.com


While the suggestions above are general workout hacks This technique is particularly beneficial for people who struggle with anxiety-related feelings. Many people suffering from this have also experienced the feeling of sensitivity that comes with panic or worry as she describes “like an accelerated heart rate and difficulties breathing.” The sensations you experience are similar to the ones you feel during intense training, which means that your brain could subconsciously fear the intense exercises.

In this instance Heisz suggests a strategy known as the “fear-buster workout” that involves a slow to moderate walk followed by an extremely short sprint towards the end. What’s the reason? The answer is that moderate to light exercise can increase the brain-resilience factor known as neuropeptide Y. “It’s an effective protection against the harmful consequences of stress” claims Heisz.

When you’ve built up that neuropeptide Y, the idea is that the brain is more resilient and can withstand the sprint’s short conclusion. The intense, intense exercise “essentially is the process of exposure,” Heisz explains. “They’re becoming accustomed to feeling their heart rate increase and difficult breathing, but they’re in a safe place where their brains are infused with resiliency and they’re able to accept it. Being exposed to the intense emotions while watching them change and disappear and recognizing that they’re in a safe place is really relaxing.”

I’m a Neuroscientist